Unchanged Samurai In Another World

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Knight, Speak to the Mercenary

The gate was crowded with a cluster of people waiting for inspection, when the border lord’s carriage moved through the sea of people with great ease, as if it were slicing through the crowd.

“O-oi… Something ominous is coming.”

“Mommy, it’s scary.”

“Come here, dear. Let’s move aside from there.”

At first, Axel thought the reason why the crowd parted so easily was due to the pride-inducing crest emblazoned on the carriage… However, listening to the murmurs of the people passing by, he began to realize that there was more to it than just the influence of the crest.


Axel directed his gaze towards one of the mercenaries stationed at the back of the carriage, where the man vigilantly scanned the surrounding area with an unwavering gaze. As though a scientist encountering a new species of monster, Axel meticulously observed the warrior.

Indeed, a normal person wouldn’t dare approach that figure…

The mercenary named Cross appeared to be keeping the crowd at bay with his piercing and intimidating stares. Especially when someone armed happened to approach, Cross radiated an aura of menace so strong that even Axel, who stood a distance away, felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

The task of maintaining a clear path for the carriage usually fell to Axel and his fellow guards on either side of the carriage. Thanks to Cross, their burden had been significantly lightened. As someone dedicated to serving as a personal bodyguard, Axel couldn’t help but respect the man’s exceptional skill.

Though Cross looked to be about the same age as Axel, who was in his teens, the captain had informed him that this young man was a renowned mercenary. The captain had also mentioned, with equal parts concern and respect, that Cross was known for his violent tendencies, warranting a warning directly from the Guildmaster.

Nevertheless, for the next few days, they were to cooperate and work together to protect their lord. Axel had been taught that when collaborating with external allies, it was important to establish friendly relations early on during training.

Struggling with indecision over how to proceed, Axel eventually turned his horse towards the other side of the carriage.

“Hey, Aureik. Should we try talking to Lord Cross?”

“Y-Yeah, that’s a good idea. But let’s wait until there are fewer people around. If by any chance someone attacks, we need to protect Lord Renald.”

The usually serious and dutiful friend responded with a hint of nervousness, clearly tense about their inaugural guard duty.

“That’s true…”

Heeding the caution, Axel returned his horse to its original position without hesitation.

Owing to his natural stutter, Aureik was sometimes mistaken for being timid. In reality, he was one of the most cautious and meticulous individuals Axel knew. They had grown up like brothers, thanks to their close age and parents with good relations, enduring harsh training together. Aureik had always guided and corrected Axel when the latter acted rashly, and once again, Axel summoned newfound determination as his friend spoke.


“Excuse us, Lord Cross, would it be alright if we spoke with you for a moment?”

“As the crowd is starting to thin out somewhat, we thought now might be a good time to start building rapport… ”

Once they exited the South Gate and judged their surroundings sufficiently quiet, the apprentices approached the mercenary. In contrast to the bustling gate where they had initially met, only the clopping of horse hooves could be heard as they rode down the sunlit road.

“Ah, I was just getting bored myself.”

“Umm… We overheard you speaking with the captain earlier. Are you also working as an adventurer?”

In an effort to appear calm, Axel was careful in his word choice. He had been sternly reminded not to treat this man arrogantly, which made his hands tremble with sweat as he clutched the reins tightly.

“I primarily work as an adventurer, and this is my first time taking on mercenary work. Lords Axel and Aureik.”

“Lord Cross, we are still inexperienced apprentices, so there’s no need for formalities. Please feel free to address us without honorifics.”

“I see. In that case, feel free to call me Cross. I’ve grown quite accustomed to the casual approach as of late.”

“N-No, that would be inappropriate. Given the position we’re in, receiving your assistance…. Please forgive us.”

“Hmm, I won’t force you.”

Axel had braced himself for Cross to be as rough around the edges as he’d been warned, but instead, the mercenary’s rather amicable response caught him a little off guard.

He had mentally prepared himself to be looked down upon…

Both Aureik and Axel were admitted members of a house without noble title, but holding a higher status than common soldiers as retainers to their lord. The reactions they often received from commoners when they interacted could vary widely: either they were looked down upon or treated with exaggerated respect. However, Cross’s demeanor did not fall into either extreme, seeming instead like that of a seasoned elder, almost grandfatherly, adjusting his interactions to their level as young warriors. Despite the evident age gap, akin to father and son, they felt Cross was more like Captain Raoul in this exchange, which subtly made them both sit a little taller in their saddles.

“Lord Cross, you’re a C-ranked mercenary, correct? Why are you not currently on any missions?”

“Long story short…”

The tale Cross shared was so far removed from what Axel had originally heard that it completely reshaped his prior impressions, leaving him shocked.

“I see… It all began with an insult to one of your companions?”

“Aspiration for companions, and the courage not to yield against overwhelming odds! Truly, this is the spirit we look up to as knights-to-be, isn’t it?”

Aureik, an avid reader of heroic tales, was beaming with admiration in his eyes.

However, something didn’t add up. If anything, Cross seemed less like a brute and more like a paragon of knighthood.

“Why do you both wish to become knights?”

“Our families have served the Angila Border Lord generation after generation. Since childhood, we’ve been raised with the teachings of our knightly fathers who strove to raise us to be men worthy of the Angila house.”

“We receive daily guidance from Captain Raoul, but the path to knighthood is still far for us… In fact, we have no practical combat experience. We feel ashamed of our lack of competence, but there might come a time when we rely on your support, Lord Cross.”

“Relax. You’re still young. As long as your spirit remains strong, physical strength will come in time.”

“Spirit… is that really the key?”

“In my homeland, we have a saying: ‘Heart, Technique, Body.’ We are deemed immature if any one element is lacking. And out of the three, ‘Heart’ holds the most value. The heart is difficult to temper and quick to break, yet to accomplish anything, a robust spirit is essential. Simply relying on skill and physique isn’t enough—one may lose hope easily when faced with a big wall. That’s why, with resolve, there’s nothing that can’t be achieved. At least, that’s how I’ve lived my life.”


The pair felt a profound resonance with his words. Indeed, every knight they admired had a strong heart.

But what about themselves?

Was their lack of proficiency truly only due to their young age?

Were they simply complying with their parents’ wishes, training every day without a deep personal aspiration driving them?

These questions lingered in their minds and troubled them as they continued onward in silence.

Unbeknownst to the young apprentices, Raoul in the lead gave them a warm glance. Returning his gaze forward, Raoul thought deeply about their conversation.

Without a strong spirit, one would inevitably give up when facing obstacles. Yes, it was undeniably true. If only I had honed my spirit further, I wouldn’t have come to this dishonorable state in my later years.

Regret, sorrow, longing, solitude—these emotions, impossible to suppress, clung tenaciously to Raoul’s face.

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