Chapter 39
Chapter 39: The Samurai Meets a Knight
On the morning of departure for the escort commission, Kurosu was waiting at the designated South Gate for the client.
“An aristocrat is coming any moment now. You’re bad with strangers, aren’t you? It’s fine, don’t push yourself and just head back to base.”
“It’s not fine at all! I need to speak with the knight to ensure Cross doesn’t overexert himself!”
After having breakfast and saying goodbye to everyone, Pamela left the base only to realize shortly after that she was being followed. Despite trying to escape, she was swiftly captured, but no matter how much she was persuaded, she firmly refused to return and ended up following all the way to the South Gate.
“…No matter what, you’re going to run out of things to say sooner or later.”
“That’s not true! It would be disrespectful to the noble!”
Though she was breathing heavily in her excitement, Pamela suffered from an extreme case of social anxiety, unable even to greet someone she met for the first time. She also disliked crowds, often sticking close to Barth.
As they were continuing to try to persuade her, a splendid carriage drawn by two horses approached from down the main street. It was adorned with a crest-like emblem and surrounded by cavalry escorts. That must be the client.
Just as expected, the group halted just before the South Gate and one of the cavalrymen dismounted and approached. Clad from head to toe in pure white armor, a sword dangling at his side, and a spear in hand, this knight cut an impressive figure.
Not a sound came from his heavy armor as he walked—a testament to the fabric lining inside that dampened noise. The spear he held reversed in an obvious gesture of non-hostility, another sign of seasoned expertise.
“A counterfeit samurai showing off flashy equipment”
It is a common occurrence for the less skilled to embellish their capabilities with ostentatious gear, but for this one, it seems the equipment is no mere decoration.
He radiated an unmistakable aura of experience, his tall frame a beacon of high training even in his gait. This was a formidable “knight”.
“Excuse me. Would you by chance be the mercenary who received the Guild commission?”
“Yeah, I’m Cross of the C-Rank Mercenaries.”
“Ah, just as I thought! The presence of a lady had me momentarily confused. …Oh, forgive me. My name is Raoul Velastelos, a knight in service to the Angila Margravate. Cross, I deeply thank you for accepting this dire commission.”
As Raoul took off his helmet and cradled it under one arm, he deliberately made the armor clang as he placed a hand to his chest in a bow. His white hair, almost gray in color, sleeked neatly behind his back, and his steely eyes held a kind smile. He was likely in his mid-fifties and gave the overall impression of a man of integrity.
“I have been entrusted with the responsibility of leading this expedition’s protection efforts. Let’s begin by introducing my companions and then laying out our escort plan.”
Understanding Kurosu’s bow as a formal greeting, Raoul turned to rejoin the group when Pamela, who had been hiding at his back, called out.
“Ah, uh…!”
“Dear lady, is something wrong?”
“Um, well… I’m Pamela! Ah… Cross can be a bit violent and argumentative, but he’s, he is… a good person! Please, it’s an honor to meet you!”
“Oh, well now. How courteous of you. Would you be the spouse, then? Rest assured, as knights we pledge to fight alongside him and support each other in this endeavor.”
“Huh!? S-Spouse? No, I mean——”
“Lord Raoul, this is not my wife but one of our adventuring party members who happened to follow along by accident. My apologies.”
“Ah, so that is the case. My apologies, Miss Pamela, for the misunderstanding. I had heard that Cross was also an adventurer… It’s quite a commendable gesture for you to accompany him on a send-off like this.”
“He’s… He’s a valued friend.”
After managing to somehow send the beet-red Pamela back to base, Raoul introduced two more members of his team.
“My name is Axel! I belong to the private knight corps of the Angila Margravate and am a knight apprentice!”
“And same here, I’m Aureik!”
Clad in matching dull-colored armor and carrying only swords, the two young knights wore anxious expressions.
Kurosu returned their introductions before addressing the noble they would be guarding. On Raoul’s prompting, a beast-person maid, who had been the carriage driver, opened the door to reveal the client.
“I am the third son of the Angila Margravate, Renald Angila. This is Pina, my attendant. Thank you for responding to our urgent commission. We appreciate your protection during the journey.”
Renald was a youth of about early twenties with a refined, delicate appearance and long blonde hair, unusually meek and deferential for a noble scion. Kurosu, familiar with the customs of the nobility in this land, silently acknowledged this behavior as typical and proceeded with a short introduction planned by Franz.
“Meet me, Cross of the C-Rank Mercenaries. Recognize me accordingly from this moment on.”
The mercenary’s standing introduction elicited a raised eyebrow from the maid, Pina, which Renald quickly restrained with a gesture.
Kurosu had been instructed by Franz and the others to kneel during introductions to the nobility, but he had adamantly refused. While under normal circumstances he disliked even using honorifics with nobles he did not serve, he begrudgingly accepted the demands due to the persistence of his compatriots.
“Then we shall discuss the details of our escort plan, while Master Renald waits here”.
With that, Renald and Pina returned to the carriage.
“Now, Cross, there’s something I’d like to confirm before we proceed. Are you proficient in horseback riding?”
“Yes, I have sufficient skill in riding. Combat on horseback and archery are not a problem.”
“… By “archery,” you mean firing arrows while mounted?”
“Yes, why?”
“Hum… It seems you’re more skilled than the rumors suggest. Excellent. Then please, make use of the horse we’ve prepared across the field.”
Raoul pointed towards a black-coated steed, larger than the one Kurosu was accustomed to, and with slightly different tack. However, a horse was still a horse, and this particular warhorse seemed well-trained, responding readily to his commands. Despite the slightly unfamiliarity of the equipment, it should pose no trouble.
“Regarding the formation, I’ll take the lead, the apprentice knights on each side, and I’d like you to cover the rear. We should adjust according to the terrain, so be prepared.”
“I understand. What kind of enemy are we expecting?”
“The route towards Navar is primarily barren land along the mountains. While not as dangerous as the Forest of Demons, there will likely be monster attacks. Also, I’ve heard there are bandits in that area”.
“Can we just kill the bandits?”
“It doesn’t matter. Whoever attacks this carriage will not be forgiven”.
After finalizing the discussion, they made preparations to set off. The warhorse, though it had been a while since Kurosu last rode one, proved to be exceptionally well-disciplined, responding accurately to his every command. He took the time to enjoy the high vantage point from the horseback while checking the condition of the tack.
At Raoul’s command, the group began to move. Normally, an inspection by the gatekeepers would be necessary to leave the town, but all arrangements had been made ahead of time, for the soldiers simply saluted as the carriage rode past.
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