Chapter 90: Chapter 90 – Moving out
Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)
From time to time he would help Ken dispatch of the remaining small numbers of werewolves and ogres, either by killing them head on or with his abilities, but he’s surprised as he watched Ken cleanse and fight at the same time.
His friends and the rest of the adults had also joined in on the clean up, they helped remodeled the land and the dispatching of the remaining monsters.
“There, I’m done.” Ken observed again at his surroundings and nodded to himself. “Alpha Cloud, I’m sorry to cut this interaction between us short but there’s somewhere I have to be, please tell the others that I’ll be away for a moment.”
Cloud nodded, and without a second to spare Ken waved and jumped to a portal he created leaving Cloud dumbfounded yet again. He shook his head and casually walked to Ken’s group of friends to tell them where he was heading, since that was what Ken asked him to.
After telling them what Ken told him, everyone was confused of the vague message he left, but seconds after Ken was back appearing in front of the group . This kid never fails to amaze me, thought Cloud.
“Where did you go?” asked Allen.
“I went back to the first gate I closed and checked if there were demon magic remnants, I saw some and cleansed them, then came back here.” replied Ken.
“O-kay…?” said Glen. Ken just chuckled it off.
“HUH?” thought everyone, wind suddenly blew at the group once and beside Ken now was Lyn, Lorna, Alfred, and Erick who appeared out of nowhere clad in their battle outfit.
“Mama, papa, what are you guys doing here? Together with aunt Lorna and uncle Erick.” said Ken. His parents look were unreadable to Ken, as he was most accustomed to their cheerful and nonchalant side, and now, they almost look tense and alert.
Ken looked at his aunt and uncle for a second and found the same unreadable expression on them, only, they look sad.
“Our village has been destroyed.” Everyone stared at Alfred in shock, the others who were not that close to the humans just sprouted confused expressions. Ken took a deep breath.
“Why papa? What happened.” he asked.
“Monsters suddenly flooded the village without warning, slaughtering everyone in an instant, save for us who escaped, it all happened moments ago.” Gasps rang around everyone including Ken.
“All of your friends?” Ken asked. The four adults nodded. Ken felt even more heavy at the news that even those people and friends he’d made at their village were killed, wait he hasn’t asked about his friends.
“What about the children, our friends.” said Ken, desperation laced in his voice. Alfred shook his head. Ken felt tears forming on the corner of his eyes, even though he didn’t really get to bond with them that much but they were their playmates when they were but a child.
Ken sucked in a breath, exhaled, and two tears streamed down his face. The couple felt even worse for their child, they know how much their child values bonds formed with other people.
Right now they feel remorse for themselves of how bad of a parent they are for not easing the pain of their child.
“Ma, Pa, what where the monsters that killed them.” asked Ken his calm tone greatly contrasting the emotion raging in his eyes, the sound even carried out a certain chill to the surrounding beasts and people, but not to those Ken is close with.
They already know that this was one of the phases Ken delves into when he’s seething with anger and has no conduit to take it out on. Alfred complied and said…
“They look to be wolves but were standing on two feet, a monster we like to call werewolves in our country, along with ogres.” The information confirmed Ken’s speculation, making his anger flare as the air around him sparked with a purple-blueish color for a moment, leaving a wisp of raw mana.
Ken was about to walk out and assault the location but looking into the eyes of his mother and father, he knew then and there that they were grieving too, and he saw pain in their eyes seeing him act this way.
“I’m sorry mama, papa, for scaring you two.”Ken hugged his parents, barely reaching the chest height of his father as his father was tall, while he reached neck height of his mother.
Despite Ken being just a child, Alfred and Lyn never thought that they would be consoled by their own child, and having gotten used to in the past, their reaction had been natural to hug their son back.
“I knew how much those people meant to you both, I’m sorry.” silent tears flowed from the statement, reminding them of the years that flew by with those people of the village they had shared with.
But this would be a story for another day.
They are more than grateful to have an understanding and sympathetic son, who they not only treat as their own child, but someone of equal terms, it’s weird but they felt like they could be like so since the three of them share similar traits in responsibility and mind processing.
Ken’s parents genuinely felt like they didn’t have to be that much of an overbearing parent since they know that their child is more than capable enough to take care of himself, this may be a side-effect of the prophecy and its regulations or something else.
Nonetheless, they would not abandon their responsibility as parents to Ken.
Ken broke from the hug and wiped the tears falling down the cheeks of his parents, Alfred, a manly man breaking into tears had always been a sight to behold, everyone would feel awkward at being in his position, but he is not.
Lyn thought otherwise, as she loves this side of her husband, the soft vulnerable side that he mostly shows to his family. Others who doesn’t know of their family background felt at a loss of the scene, but they respect them nonetheless.
They could also feel how strong these two individuals are, along with the other two, a question popped into their minds.
“Ma, Pa, were you not able to help everyone at the village?” asked Ken, there goes their question.
“No, we weren’t able to, for when we arrived there, everyone was slaughtered, your mother and I were out collecting herbs for the village doctor along with your aunt and uncle, today was supposed to be a leisure day,
But when we came back, the village was destroyed, no one was left but their corpses lying scattered all over the ground, and we saw those monsters tearing into them. We struck down any monster we could and came flying to find you.” explained Lyn.
Ken nodded.
“Are there any more monsters left on the village?” asked Ken.
“As far as we know, there might be, for before we left, there were some that emerged from the trees.” replied Alfred. Ken nodded again. Right now it was sharing information time, a moment the three had become accustomed to.
They would share relevant information within one another and work together to solve a particular problem if any came up in their discussion.
“What about our house?” asked Ken.
“We’ve hidden it with illusion magic, but it will only be a matter of time before it will be found out.” said Lyn. Ken was about to ask more of his concerns when Lyn beat him to it. “And don’t worry about our things, I’ve stored them in a storage ring,
Other than losing our people in the village, their things were still intact, Erick and Lorna was able to pack up most their stuff too.” Ken nodded, he touched his chin and hugged his body entering into deep thought. A thought struck him.
“Are the magical beasts of the northern village warned of this?” asked Ken.
“They already are.” A voice said from out of nowhere, and from the trees came out Vin and Kel, it was Vin who talked.
“Father, Mother.” exclaimed Celine and went to hug her parents.
“Excuse me uncle, I apologize if this would be rude, but how were you able to inform them?” asked Ken, walking to Celine’s parents, Alfred and Lyn had now calmed down.
“We had one of our scouts report to us of what happened to your village, and had sent our entire tribe to the northern village to warn them of what is to come, a plan we had just in case of a certain calamity befalling this valley.” said Vin, that caught the ear of many listeners.
“Pardon me for asking, but don’t Tribes people prefer to stay on their place and defend their homeland?” asked Princess Lang, genuinely curious. Vin noticing the curiosity this young girl has didn’t take offense of her question and said…
“We do defend our homeland, anywhere here is our homeland, but faults of the past has taught us that there is strength in numbers, so we’re going with this plan to repel those demons.” Celine cannot help but be confused of the word demon -along with Wilbert-.
She looked at Ken and gave him a questioning look, Ken just smiled at her and nodded, indicating that he’ll explain those things to her later.
“Come we best be on our way to the northern village they’ll be expecting us there.” said Kel to the group and turned to the leaders of the animal beasts or those that are present thereof.
“Greetings your majesty and Alphas, we humbly request your assistance to aid us in defending the Northern Forest.” she said, bowing to the three. The three took a glance at one another and nodded.
“We’ll help, but we will need a plan.” said Raze, Kel nodded and the four went into discussion, later joined in by Coralia, Trunk, and Vin.
Allen gathered his group in a circle with the initial command to await orders. Ken noticing that Wilbert hasn’t approached his parents, was concerned, so he went to Wilbert’s side and said…
“Go to your parents, I know you want to be with them right now.” Wilbert looked at Ken in the eyes, unsure of what to say.
“Don’t worry too much Wil, just, be there for them. It’s a tough time for everyone, but by being there for each other will make things lighter for you and for them.” Wilbert nodded slowly, reluctance evident in his eyes. Ken just smiled and nodded at him.
Eventually Wilbert went to his parents, had a talk with them, and bonded as a family, even if they’ were suppressing tears, but just flat out sentimental, which was nice considering all that has been happening.
Ken observed in glee of the outcome, now he only has to worry about other people now, namely, his leader, a royal, a spirit, two twins, and a giant.
Moments right after, the adults had finished their discussion for as Alfred, Lyn, Erick, and Lorna had joined in on the discussion minutes later, made the conversation run smoothly as Alfred and Lyn had interconnected their minds with an arcane spell that had let them process and share their thoughts faster.
“Alright everyone, we shall move out, Alfred and Lyn here will share to you the plan we have come up with.” said Raze, Alfred and Lyn summoned a magic circle together in front of them and chanted…
“Arcane Magic: Information Access.” a purple light passed through everyone including the regular soldiers and warriors of the animal beasts, giving them information of the plan the adults and leaders had conjured.
Raze took the time to let the information seep into their brains.
“Let’s move out!” shouted Raze, and there, the group was in motion, in formation, and had long strong strides moving towards the northern village, everyone was determined, for they were given information they never thought would be viable even for them.