Chapter 89: Chapter 89 - Okay, I’m so Annoyed
Third Person’s POV (12 yrs. and 8 months old)
‘Other than that, what happened to my telepathic connection? Hmmmm, gotta scour my memories.’ Ken remembered having sent a vague image of the place he had fought before going to sleep, and now that he thinks of it he found out that, that message had only been the one he was able to send with telepathic connection and his connection with the group severed.
‘What’s with the sudden thought?’ asked White, his form in front of Ken, directly in front of the group’s circle.
“Excuse me everyone, I’m just going to check the area first.” said Ken, about to step out of the group.
“This early?” complained Glen.
“Oh you guys don’t need to come with me to scout, you guys can just follow right after, take your time.” said Ken obviously knowing that his companions were exhausted from the fight, he’s exhausted too, but he’s a workaholic so….
Hope one of these days he’d just take a rest, White thought. The group contemplated for a moment.
“That’s okay for me, what about you guys?” said Saber, curious as to what happened to the area before the attack happened, so he’d like to scout the area too.
“I’ll take a rest first.” said Lila. The siblings looked at one another and nodded, both having similar thoughts in mind, but for Lila she knows she has to gather information here first.
“Me too!” -
“Me too!” said simultaneously by Icarus and Glen, the two looked at each other and laughed their eagerness off, the group chuckled at the two.
“I’ll follow you right after a minute or so.” said Allen, uncertain why he feels bad for a moment when Ken suddenly mentioned going out to scout, but he did not show it on his voice or face. Ken nodded okay.
“I’ll stay for awhile too, then follow you later.” said Celine as she doesn’t trust why Ken would say what he said earlier, he looked worried in Celine’s eyes, but she knows when her friend needs time to sort out his thoughts, and these are one of those times.
“I’ll do so too.” said Princess Lang, seeing as she doesn’t really have much to do, but more of the fact that she would be surrounded by other beasts, she’s okay with the group, but she’s more comfortable with Celine at the moment.
“I’ll stay here for the time being, the dark energies of the demon from earlier nauseates me.” said Flin, and judging from his expression, it is ‘offering’ him discomfort, pale looking and seems to be sweating profusely, but standing.
“I’ll stay too and assist Flin.” said Riyah, thinking that maybe she can help him. Ken for a moment activated Glow and peered into Flin’s light, right there on Flin’s glow, looks to be a remnant of dark red energies that clung to him.
Ken immediately but calmly walked to Flin, touched Flin’s shoulders with both hands and chanted…
“Healing Magic: Cure, Rejuvenation.” Flin instantly felt relief as if a heavy burden was lifted off of him, the dark red energies had flew out of his body dissipating in thin air, Ken checked with glow again and found no more of the dark red energies.
He looked at the others but found that they didn’t have any of the dark red energies stuck to their bodies, so why was it present on Flin’s, this shall be a question he’ll have to find out later, Ken concluded to himself.
While this happened in seconds, the group wondered why Ken had such a serious face on, when he cured Flin, they kind of understood the situation, but are still wondering what that was for.
“Flin got poisoned by the dark red energies of the demon realm, probably through those creatures from earlier, do you guys know the term demon?” he asked, the group gasped, but nodded at his question, except for Wilbert and Celine, for they are still not informed of demons for that matter.
“It was probably due to that demon we fought earlier, but as to how he was poisoned I do not know.” He said, checked on Flin one last time and turned off glow, all the while everyone questioned how he was able to determine that Flin was poisoned, the person was even more shocked as well.
“Alright, I’m gonna go scout ahead now, there might be dark red energies left anywhere.” said Ken.
“You can call them demon magic.” said Coralia appearing behind Ken.
“Okay auntie.” replied Ken while nodding.
“Where you off to?” asked Coralia, Trunk, Raze, Rain, and Cloud walking to her side, apparently hearing of the topic demons, they wonder where Ken had heard of such a word when they themselves barely talk about it, a sensitive one if they may say.
“I’m just gonna check out the area and scout whether there are any more demon magic left in the area.” replied Ken, Coralia was reluctant, but she nodded nonetheless, for she doesn’t need to worry about Ken being poisoned by the magic seeing as he cured Flin.
“Alright, but we’ll have a discussion later after your scout, understand.” said Coralia sternly.
“Yes auntie.” and there Ken was, off to scout the area in a hurry, why is he in such a hurry? asked Coralia to herself.
‘Okay, to answer your question White, the thought just popped into my mind when I remembered I used that spell before.’ said Ken, landing on the other side of the crater, right where the demon gate stood.
He activated glow and observed the area.
‘Then what about our previous topic?’ asked White. Ken found residue demon magic and got to work cleansing the area.
‘About the demon gates? I worry about those too, but I don’t remember King Raze saying where it spawned.’ Ken paused for a moment. ‘Wait, did he tell us when it would open? Of course he hadn’t.’ Ken was getting confused.
‘Oh great, what do we do?’ he said to no one in particular while he went from areas littered by dark energies into the air to another, clearing everything out.
‘Wait, what about the first gate I closed, would there be demon magic left there too?’ he paused again.
‘Probably.’ replied Ken.
‘Then I’ve got to go there, right after I finish things here.’ he said enthusiastically doing a small fist pump. White just looked at his host and can’t help but thought of how goal oriented Ken is, and now here’s another goal he wants to achieve too.
And the fast change of moods never fail to baffle me, earlier he was nervous and reluctant, now look at him, all determined, White thought.
Ken jumped in fright -while shrieking-, turned backwards to where the noise originated, and witnessed as a werewolf fell down in front of him, with its head nowhere to be seen. Ken calmed down instantly, after thinking that the head must have been blown off.
Cloud appeared before Ken emerging from the crater.
“You should be more mindful of your surroundings Ken, lucky for you I was near and apprehended the monster.” said Cloud, mentally sending his thoughts to Ken, now that Ken is not so occupied he wonders if this was how Granarados communicated with them.
Ken shook his head.
“Thank you Alpha.” said Ken and bowed. Gotta adjust my scythe, thought Ken.
“Call me Cloud, Ken, apologies for the late introduction.” said Cloud.
“Not at all Alpha, I-I mean Cloud.” Ken paused for a moment. “Wow, that’s feels so unfamiliar for me to say.” Cloud chuckled at his comment, but Ken only smiled at him, a feint blush tinting his cheek.
‘Oh wait, now I remember what happened with my telepathic connection spell, I connected with Allen but got disrupted right after a barrier appeared.’ Ken thought to himself.
‘Seriously, where did your head go to not remember that.’ remarked White.
‘Sorry.’ Ken sprouts a sheepish grin, not knowing that Cloud witnessed it.
“Ken?” asked Cloud, waking Ken up from his trance.
“Yes?” Ken asked.
“You spaced out for a moment, are you okay?” Cloud said and walked towards Ken, pretty close for comfort and started sniffing Ken all over, his alpha instincts kicking in. Ken didn’t mind though, he thought nothing of the matter and just answered…
“I’m okay Alpha Cloud.” Cloud stopped sniffing and looked him in the eye sternly, as if conveying the message of disapproval. Ken scratched the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly.
“I-I’m… embarrassed to call you by your name Alpha, I-I don’t want to be rude, so…” Ken held both of his hands and appeared small in the Alpha’s eyes despite having witnessed his prowess in combat earlier, he cannot help but succumb to the vulnerability Ken portrays.
The alpha sighed in defeat.
“Alright, I’ll let you call me that way.” Ken smiled widely and bowed.
“Thank you Alpha Cloud.” He said enthusiastically. “Um, if you don’t mind me asking, what was that spell that you used earlier, I didn’t see you use it on our first encounter.” without dropping a beat, Ken asked right away of the things that he was curious about.
This kid really is different. Cloud thought.
“That was a Psychic Spell called ‘Wave Pulse’.” said Cloud, noticing the glint of curiosity and wonder in Ken’s eyes.
“What does it do? I mean yeah I get that it can blow up someone’s head, but is there more to it?” asked Ken, Cloud chuckled in response.
“There’s nothing much, only that I can shoot out a condensed energy of psychic magic and causes that.” said Cloud pointing at the dead werewolf.
“Mm *nod* (thinks for a while) I’m really intrigued of such a spell, and I want to learn it, can you teach me?” asked Ken. Cloud looked around reluctantly.
“I guess I can, but not now.” said Cloud after much debate with himself.
“Yay! I can hardly wait.” said Ken jumping while raising his hands. “Anyway, can you please accompany me in clearing out the demon magic lingering around?” asked Ken out of the blue after he finished jumping.
“Uh, sure, but I won’t be much of help.” said Cloud.
“That’s fine, I’ll do them myself.” replied Ken smiling, Cloud nodded along and the two resumed Ken’s work of cleansing out the poisonous magic left in the area by the demon vanguard.
The demon gates leave some of the demon magic in the area it spawns, do those twisted creatures from earlier also left some demon magic? Thought Ken to himself, this time White was silent, for if he confirms Ken’s thought, then what is there left to discover.
As the duo in the distance got to work the people back at where the group was cannot help how deeply contrasting and at the same time complimenting the two are to one another, one exudes power with his stance and build, while the other looked frail if resided with the other along with his quite skinny build, or so it looks like on the outside seeing his clothes mostly covered his body.
But the group thinks otherwise. The others who didn’t know Ken, did not know how to address the situation, had mixed feelings, but the question that stuck the most was how nonchalant Ken was, even exposing himself to danger.
Luckily Cloud was there to help him due to him noticing the troubled signals Ken was sending, as an esper wolf, he was sensitive to signals of the brain, and what Ken sent was pretty strong that it alarmed him.
He quietly observed the kid casually using his magic to cleanse the area, he thought to himself how calm and composed Ken was now, in contrast to how chaotic his signals were earlier, Cloud cannot help but think how unexpected this child is.