The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 296 Chapter 294 The Unchangeable Past

Chapter 296 Chapter 294 The Unchangeable Past

Finny took out the time-turner from his pocket, and was ecstatic in his heart. His goal had been achieved, and the time-turner was finally in his hands.
The commotion he caused in the Department of Mysteries is a bit too big, so I can't stay here any longer.
Finny looked around, trying to use Apparition to leave here directly,

However, it is obviously not possible, this place is affected by time, every time he is about to leave, he will return here,

So he could only honestly walk back to the room just now with his own feet, go back to the hall, find the door leading to the corridor from when he came, open it, go out, and leave here after apparating.

This series of actions is very simple to say, but it is very troublesome to actually do it. Finny needs to open each door, determine what it looks like inside, and then mark it, and then open the next door until he finds the one he is looking for. One door, you must know that there are a total of twelve doors here, apart from the four doors identified before, there are still eight doors to be identified.

After some operations, Feeney left the Ministry of Magic and returned to NO.12, Grimmauld Place.
This trip to the Ministry of Magic, although the process is more complicated, but nothing else happened, everything went smoothly,

Back to Feeney at NO.12 Grimmauld Place, and went straight to his room to rest.

He was indeed a little tired that night, especially because the spirit about him at that door was a little too tense.

Early the next morning, after Finny got up, he immediately picked up the Time Converter and started turning it to go back in time to save Lisa again.
But this time the Time-Turner did not respond.
"how so!"

Fini was astonished and couldn't help but let out an unwilling roar.

He can clearly feel the traces of magic on this time converter, that is to say, there is no possibility that he took it wrong, or took a broken time brick,
However, this time converter is not working well at this time,
Is it because I'm in a past state where I used a time-turner?
Feeney suddenly realized that he was not in the twenty rooms that belonged to him at this time, but in the past that he used another time converter to return to.
It seems that the time converter cannot be used for matryoshka. There is no way to use one to go back to the past and use the other to go back to the earlier past.
Feeney sighed, very disappointed, but it was just disappointment,

Even if he can't go back now, it doesn't matter. When the time reaches the node where he used the time converter, he will be back to his own time node. At that time, he can use the time converter if he wants to.

After thinking about it, Finny concocted a bottle of powerful life-death water in the specially planned potion room, which is actually a timed dormancy potion, invented by Hufflepuff when she was bored, allowing her to use sleep through that long time,
Finny was going to use it right now, but he didn't need to sleep for so long, half a month was enough.

"Egg Rolls,"

Finny sighed, and called the name of another house elf. He knew very well that Puff was dealing with a series of matters related to the revenge war for himself at this time, and he had no time to deal with matters on this side.

So finding another house elf is the best option.

"Master, the egg roll is at your service."

A house elf who looked like Puff but had obvious masculine features appeared beside Finny, bowed and said respectfully to him,

Feeney nodded and said,
"Puff should have told you all the places I frequent, right?"

Finny asked, according to Puff's habits and the communication between house elves,
Puff should have told the house-elves of Black's house about the range of his usual activities, so that Finny can call any one if necessary,

Sure enough, Eggroll nodded and admitted,

"Yes, Puff told the egg roll all the places that the young master frequents. Does the young master want the egg roll to send the young master? The egg roll is very happy to serve the young master,"

Feeney nodded when he heard the words, took out his wand and pointed at the desk in the room, and a note with Snake Accent appeared in his hand, saying,
"Send me to the door of the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts,"

Eggroll nodded, took Finny's arm and snapped his fingers to the eighth floor of the Hogwarts castle.
Feeney didn't delay either. He walked back and forth in front of the carpet three times and entered his own bedroom in the Room of Requirement.
After coming to the bookshelf and finding the "Encyclopedia of Toadstools", he put the note in it, and at the same time deliberately placed some traces in the bedroom that only he could detect.

"Okay, take the egg roll to Slytherin's chamber of secrets, it's just under the castle, you should know where it is?"

Egg roll nods,

"The egg roll knows, the egg roll will send the young master there."

Speaking of the same action as before, he brought Finny back to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets,

Finney came to Slytherin's office, put the time converter in his arms on the table, and he himself entered the room where the books were once placed,
Frowning, Finny said to the egg roll,

"Get a bed here,"

Egg roll nods,

"Egg Roll understands, Egg Roll will do it now."

Its speed is very fast, and all of Finny's orders are completed in less than 2 minutes.

"Well, you can go back to the house in Grimmauld Place,"

After seeing that everything was settled, Finny said to the egg roll,

The egg roll disappeared here,

After casting a spell on the door of this room, Finny drank the enhanced life and death water in his hand, or more suitable dormancy potion.

When he woke up again, Finny was very keenly aware of the sound of someone walking by in Slytherin's office outside the door. It seemed that he saw the note and came here to find the Time-Turner.

After a while, Feeney felt that he had returned to the past, opened the door, walked out,

Only to find that the time converter on the table has also disappeared,

"That's not right!"

Feeney was shocked.

"I didn't have a time converter when I went back to the past, and I don't have one here, but I did get a time converter from the Ministry of Magic."

Suddenly, Finny realized another thing, how did he go back in time?

Although his behavior is now forming a closed loop, but where is the beginning of this closed loop?

Where did the time-turner that allowed me to go back in time come from?I can't have someone who got this time converter in the Ministry of Magic before this time, so that I can go back to the past.
But how did that self go back to the past?
Another self?
The more Finny thought, the more confused he became, which was wrong.

According to the current closed loop, a time converter that should not have appeared in this process,

It's as if someone contributed to this time closed loop, and then didn't want to let himself master the time converter.

But who can do this?

Finny is very puzzled, but has no clue,
And his mood at this time is also very complicated, because without the time converter, he can't go back to the past to save Lisa again,


At this time, Finny suddenly heard a bright cry, right in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets,

He didn't care about thinking, and ran out in a hurry. He didn't forget that Spark was sleeping in the secret room at this time. If he was awakened by this cry, it would be very troublesome for Finny to make him fall asleep again. thing,
As a result, when he came out, he saw the phoenix Fawkes belonging to Dumbledore hovering in the sky above the secret room.


It seems that Dumbledore knew his behavior and wanted to call himself over.

Finny stretched out his right arm, and sure enough, Fox flew over and grabbed his arm, leading Finny to Dumbledore's office in a burst of fire.

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

Feeney sat down on the chair in front of Dumbledore unceremoniously,

Dumbledore didn't care about Finny's unceremonious behavior, anyway, every time Finny came to his office, he was used to it,
Regarding Feeney's question, Dumbledore nodded and said,
"Oh, yes, that's right, don't worry, do you drink black tea or coffee?"

Feeney frowned, because Dumbledore had some opinions on him because of his revenge on the Parkinsons before, why would he ask himself this now?

"Black tea is good."

Compared with coffee, Feeney still prefers black tea,

"Well, it's better to have some pastries. I don't feel comfortable eating black tea without dessert."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement with a smile,

"I thought so too. Would you like some roach piles? The latest cockroach piles from this sugar factory of yours are delicious."

Feeney waved his hand. He is more interested in tasting the new taste of cockroaches than others.
If Dumbledore didn't think it was good, he would not have allowed the production. However, even now, there is only one production line for the cockroach pile. After all, Dumbledore may be the only one who likes this kind of candy in the entire wizarding world. Well, including myself, I am at most one and a half people.

After taking a few sips of black tea, Finny put down the cup and looked at Dumbledore,

"Professor, now you can tell me what you are looking for."

Dumbledore nodded, took out the old wand and flicked across the air,

A puff of smoke appeared from the tip of the wand, and then formed a picture above the two,
Feeney looked at it, and was shocked immediately,
That is Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets. Although the entrance to this secret chamber is the Room of Requirement, whether there are people inside does not affect the use of the Room of Requirement. That's why Finny has never discovered that there are still many of himself in that chamber of secrets. ,

Yes, the people in this picture are Finny himself,
"This,,,,, is this a time-turner?"

Dumbledore nodded and said in a deep voice,
"That's right, it's exactly what you thought. After the incident at Parkinson's Manor, I went to the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic to check it out. The Time Converter is not missing,"

Feeney frowned. Dumbledore's actions obviously judged that Feeney wanted to go back to the past to save Lisa, but why was there no shortage?

Dumbledore continued,

"However, just now, a former colleague of mine in the Department of Mysteries sent me a message that a time-turner suddenly disappeared,"

Feeney was taken aback, so the one he used first was really the one he got from the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore continued,

"At that time, I realized what was abnormal. Through the central inspection of Hogwarts, I finally saw such a scene in the secret room left by Ms. Ravenclaw, and the number of people inside was still increasing. Increase."

Feeney was taken aback. It would be unexpected if the number of people continued to increase. In fact, I have been using the Time Converter. I went back to the past and failed to save Lisa. ,,,
"I,,,, caught in a time loop?"

Feeney hesitated, why didn't he feel it?
Dumbledore shook his head and said,

"No, according to my judgment, there should be such a situation that you have made a decision that affects time, which has an impact on reality,"

When Feeney heard this, the puzzlement on his face became a bit more,
Dumbledore continued,

"There should be some kind of magical creature's blood that can directly affect time in your blood, otherwise it won't have such an impact on reality. Of course, you can't do this if you only rely on yourself, but, unfortunately, You also know that there are Time-Turners in the Ministry of Magic, and that you actually got one there in the past."

Dumbledore looked very solemn when he said this,

"Finny, after many experiments, you should be clear that what happened in the past cannot be changed, right? No matter how many times you go back to the past, Lisa will still die, and Sirius will still be in a coma."

As he said that, he also pointed to Feeney himself, who was still increasing in the screen.

Finny frowned and said,
"Professor, how can I be sure if I don't try?"

Hearing this, Dumbledore sighed, took out a Time Converter from the table and handed it to Finny,
"Then go."

Finny took the Time-Turner and turned it, and disappeared in place,
"Bang bang bang,"

At the same time, there was a knock on the door of the office, Dumbledore waved his wand, the door of the office was pushed open, and it was still Finny who walked in.

"Are you sure this time?"

Dumbledore asked,
He knew very well that the one who came in from outside the door was Finny who had just used the time converter in front of him to go back to the past, and then fell asleep in Ravenclaw's secret room and just woke up.

Feeney nodded with an abnormal expression, and said,

"I still fail,"

(End of this chapter)

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