The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 295 Time Converter 293

Chapter 295 Time Converter 293

A few days passed by,

Feeney's injury has healed by more than half, and everything is the same as before. At this time, Feeney learned the news of Lisa's sacrifice and went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries to see the comatose Sirius and the scarred After killing Lisa's body, he gathered all his strength in Lisa's manor, and hunted down the Death Eaters on a large scale.

Finally, I went to the Parkinson's manor,

"It's time for me to act too,"

In the evening, Finny looked at the white smoke flying in the sky because of his actions, and the Aurors who were urgently dealing with the memories of the Muggles who saw this scene, put on their coats and walked out of Grimmauld Place House NO.12.

He walked slowly to the street where the British Ministry of Magic was located, and saw the dilapidated telephone box,

However, Feeney did not choose to enter the Ministry of Magic through this normal way, but chose to smuggle,
After all, he came here to do an illegal thing. He invaded the Department of Mysteries and stole a time brick changer. It would be unreasonable to enter the Ministry of Magic through normal channels.
Feeney glanced at the Ministry of Magic hidden behind the phone booth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and an apparition disappeared in place.
Not all places have the taboo of disapparation like Hogwarts, this taboo magic is not so easy to use,

The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have a Ministry of Magic that can only control the apparition in the area within a short time, but there is no way to stay as long as Hogwarts. Therefore, the British Ministry of Magic does not prohibit the use of phantoms Apparate into here, some of them use this magic on their commute.

The next moment, Finny appeared directly at his destination, the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. There was only one all-black door in the corridor leading to the Department of Mysteries. Push it open and you will enter the mysterious department. The Department of Affairs, known as the most mysterious department of the Ministry of Magic,

What's inside, and what Finny will face is uncertain. Except for the silent people who work here, no one will easily enter here. Even the official of the Ministry of Magic who executes the death penalty can only enter here In the hall, in the room with the veil of death.

Without hesitation, Feeney lifted his foot into the threshold and entered a large circular room.

Everything in this building is black, the ceiling is black, the floor is black, the walls are black, and there are many black doors inlaid on the surrounding walls. These doors are all exactly the same. No sign, no handle, no way to tell which door leads where,

The surrounding walls are dotted with twisted and extended candles like branches. The flames are blue, and the swaying cold light shines through the black marble floor and reflects a strange light, which makes people feel like standing still. The illusion of being on dark water.

Feeney turned around and gently closed the door. The Ministry of Magic, except for the staff on duty, was already off duty. It can be said to be very safe, especially when the Aurors and staff who were originally stationed here were all sent out. When dealing with the trouble left by Finny,
After the door was closed, there was no light in the room except for the candles on the walls on both sides. In the dark room, there were bunches of trembling blue flames on the walls, illuminating Finny's shadow. reflected on the ground, forming a very eerie shadow,

There are twelve doors around the hall, and Feeney is not sure which door is behind the room for the study of time and space. As far as he knows, the Time Converter is stored in a room dedicated to the study of time.

When he was carefully looking at the black door in the hall, suddenly there was a loud rumble, the surrounding candles began to move sideways, and the circular wall began to rotate.

In a few seconds, the wall was moving rapidly, and the blue flames blurred into one piece in Finny's vision, like a neon tube, and then, as suddenly as it started, the rumbling stopped. Down, everything is quiet again,
However, Finny was sure that the doors on the surrounding walls had all been moved, and each one was no longer in their original position.

At this moment, Feeney was not only unable to judge which door he was going to, but even the door he came in when he came in. He suddenly regretted closing that door,
Taking a deep breath, Finny knew that he couldn't wait where he was, now was not the time to look for the exit, but to look for the room where the Time Converter was stored.

So he raised his wand, came to a door, put his left hand on the cold door, ready to attack immediately if there was any danger when the door was opened,

The door was pushed open all of a sudden, and there was no danger that Finny imagined coming inside, and there was only a bright light.
In fact, this room is not very bright, but compared with the darkness in the hall, the few lamps hanging from the gold chains on the ceiling are much brighter. The whole room is empty, only a few tables, and a central one. Huge, enough for several people to swim in the glass tank, inside is a kind of dark green liquid, many pearly white things lie lazily in it, floating in the water.

These are brains?
Feeney's heart trembled. What was the Department of Mysteries doing to study them?
Shaking my head, I am still thinking about this question,

Finny turned and walked out of the room, and at the same time waved his wand at the door,
"Marker Flash"

A seldom-used little magic that leaves a mark where it is needed and stays there for a while.

Feeney continued to walk towards another door, and as before, held up his wand, pushed open the door,

This room was a little bigger than the previous one, and the light was dim. It was a huge rectangular stone pit with a depression in the middle, about twenty feet deep.

The room was surrounded by rows of stepped stone benches, and the one he was standing on was the highest row and the last row.

Those stone benches extend down at a steep angle, like a circular theater. On the stone pit in the middle is a stone arch, which looks very old, dilapidated, and decayed. There is no wall support around the door , with tattered black curtains, or curtains, hung on it. Although there was no breeze in the cold air, those curtains were still fluttering gently, as if they had been touched by someone. ,
Finny knew the door, and it was the door that led to the world of the dead, guarded by the British Ministry of Magic.

Feeney walked down the stairs slowly. He had a very mysterious intuition in his mind. He needed to get closer and see the door with his own eyes.

Finny followed his intuition and came to the door. The curtain above the door swayed slightly, as if someone had just passed through here.

According to Nico, Feeney can be sure that it was the god of death who just passed through the door.
He just looked at it like this, with a very strange feeling in his heart, as if someone was standing on the other side of this door, staring at him intently.

The next moment, Finny took a few steps back, with cold sweat on his forehead. Just now, Gang had an illusion that this ancient door was so beautiful that he had a very strong urge to go through it. ,

It's too weird here,

Feeney trembled slightly and turned around to leave when he heard whispers from behind the curtain,

",,,,,, does not belong to,,,,,, world,,,,,,, wanderer,,,,,, god,,,,,,,,"

Finny vaguely seemed to be able to recognize part of the whisper, but he didn't understand what it meant.

Even so, Feeney understands that he can't stay here any longer. He can maintain his sanity once or twice, but after a long time, he can't be sure that he won't be tempted to enter this door.
Nico didn't say that this door still has such a function.

Feeney retreated to the hall just now and marked the door.

Stepping in with the front foot, the wall around the back foot moved again,
After the wall stopped, Finny casually walked to another door, which was a locked door, which could not be opened no matter what, violence, brute force, or magic.

Time was running out, and Feeney didn't intend to continue spending time with it. After making a completely different mark from before, Feeney set his target on other doors,

In the next door he opened was a dancing light that shone like diamonds, and there were clocks of all kinds, big and small, grandfather clocks, travel clocks, hanging in the gaps between the bookshelves. , or on those tables the length of the room,
When he saw this scene, Feeney knew he had found the right place. This is where the Department of Mysteries researched time.

Finny walked in gently, the clock faces were shining brightly, and there was a continuous busy ticking sound all around, as if thousands of little feet were walking around, it was the sound of time passing, yes The sound of the clock beating, without coming to this room, Finny would never know the passage of time, it was so clear and definite.

He walked forward along the narrow gap between the tables, and a bell-shaped crystal case almost as tall as him stood on the table beside him,
Inside is a tumbling, shimmering air current. In the center of the cover, there are some floating, small, gem-like bright eggs. They crack open, and hummingbird-like creatures appear. Flying in the middle, and then turning back to the first little egg, hatching, turning back, and so on.

There are also many rooms in this room, or in other words, there are many rooms in each room. Feeney knows that his destination is one of these rooms, but this time, maybe it doesn’t need to be as complicated as before. searched for
Because there are some imperceptible marks on the door of the room, such as this room marked like a crystal ball, and the crystal balls that are predicted to predict the future are placed inside.

As a department that studies time, these prophecy balls are good materials for their research.

On the other side, there is a door marked with an hourglass, which is Finny's destination.

The room where the Time-Turner is kept,

Feeney pushed open the door and walked in. There are also various clocks inside, but different from the outside, the clocks here all have some golden brilliance.
In the middle of the room is a gigantic hourglass. Fini, who has used the Time Converter, knows that it looks like a Time Converter. It looks like a huge Time Converter.
However, Feeney didn't know the function of such a huge time converter. According to its size and the magic power contained in it, if nothing else happened, it could even send a person thousands of years ago.

In the corners of the room, there are cabinets with glass doors. Inside the cabinets are those tiny hourglass pendants with golden brilliance. Those are time converters.

This kind of magical prop called BUG, ​​since it was invented, many wizards will have one on hand, and when they encounter danger, they will turn it to change the past,
This leads to a long period of history in the history of the wizarding world and the timeline is very unstable and chaotic.
It was only later that the Council of Elders decided to collect all the time-turners for collection, and at the same time destroy all the classics on how to make time-turners in the entire magic world, leaving only a copy of the collection records in the Council of Elders and the Department of Mysteries. One of them is used to study the mysteries of time.

In the past hundred years, there have been hundreds of thousands of time converters in the entire UK, and they have been stored in the cabinets in this room.

Feeney went to a cabinet and tried to open it to take a time converter, but no matter how hard he tried, the cabinet couldn't be opened.

Feeney frowned. This situation was within his expectation. After all, the Department of Mysteries couldn't have taken all the protective measures for such important things, but how would he get them now?

After pondering for a moment, Finny held up his wand, facing a glass cabinet door,

As the magic power concentrated on the snake wooden staff became stronger and stronger, Finny launched the magic spell,

Concentrate on this glass door cabinet,
The cabinet shattered immediately, and when the Time Converter inside was about to fall to the ground, it was caught by the floating spell used by Finny's left hand and did not shatter.

Feeney controlled one of these time-turners and flew into his pocket,

The rest are still floating in the air,
Sure enough, as he thought, the shattered cabinet returned to its original shape the next moment, and the time converters floating in the air also flew back to their original positions, only the one in Finny's pocket Mei told Feeney that what happened just now was not an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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