Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 93: Familiarities

Deaton had entered a phase of repetitive motions, where he'd walk around the clinic, open cabinet doors, rummage through their contents and then close them very shortly after that. Jackson stood in one place, his eyes following the vet's every movement; although, from time to time, his gaze would escape him to steel quick glances at Ethan, who took a corner for himself and remained quiet, deep within his own thoughts. He hadn't said a word since they'd left the meeting a few hours prior to that moment, not to Jackson, not to Deaton... Not to anyone.

The silence was growing too heavy for Jackson's shoulders to bear, the only sounds reaching his ears being the vibrations of objects that traveled the air around him, Deaton was causing quite the raucous. But even then, he felt the need to hear a voice, words from somebody's mouth, anybody, didn't matter who. And so, he thought he could be that somebody. Jackson inhaled some and then asked, "Hey Doc! What are you doing over there?"

Deaton did not stop to reply, instead he gave him an answer as he continued on, "I just need to pick a few things. I will be with you in a moment,"

Jackson's plan to spark up a conversation sank as deep as the feeling in the pit of his stomach. He wondered if he should just address the elephant in the room and try to talk to his partner but... Somehow that option felt heavier than the pending silence in that room.

Fortunately, or... Unfortunately? The bell above the entrance door to the clinic rang and announced the arrival of new souls into that space. From the corner of his eye, Jackson could see Ethan perk up in his seat. He still wasn't able to see who it was that came in but through his hearing alone, he knew there were two people. Two heartbeats, one a tad calmer than the other, as well as two sets of footsteps sounds and their scent... Utterly foreign.

The first face that came into his vision, belonged to a man seemingly in his fifties; Jackson assumed that one to be the Deucalion, the famous or infamous one, depending on who he asked. Right behind him came the second face and... When Jackson had first caught sight of it, of him, he refused to believe his eyes for a while. He knew that Aidan was Ethan's identical twin, he'd heard the information from his own fiancé. However, it seemed that hearing about it and living to see it were two completely different things.

He did his best to regain composure as quickly as he could accomplish that; he knew he had to be there for Ethan, he thought he deserved to have that moment with his brother without anything to interfere between them. Neither Ethan nor Aidan said anything; they both just stared into each other's eyes. Ethan's features were visibly twitching from the weight of that scene alone. He seemed lost, petrified in his spot, his lips parting then closing again before the ghost of any whisper could escape them.

Aidan seemed to handle things better on his side, not by much but still better. His legs were moving, allowing him to advance towards his brother. The closer to him he walked, the more apparent his smile became, and not long after that, their tears shone as they trickled along their skin under the lights of the clinic.

After all the stories about Aidan Jackson had listened to from Ethan, all the tears he'd watched him shed over the years, all the nightmares he had to comfort him for... Witnessing the two brothers jump in each other's embrace felt like quenching a long lasting thirst, like extinguishing hell fire? Like appeasing a dull ache, perhaps? The words to describe the feeling Jackson had had at that moment simply failed him.

"Deaton," Deucalion greeted.

"Deucalion," Deaton greeted him back.

The realization that nobody had said a thing since both men had entered, immediately hit everyone like a train.

"Long time no see," Deucalion spoke again, although the second time he wasn't only addressing Deaton.

"I'd say not long enough for me," said Ethan.

"Easy with the sarcasm, I haven't had my morning coffee yet," retorted Deucalion calmly.

"Somethings never really change, I see," it was Aidan's turn to pledge his words. He moved away from his brother in order to give a hug to Jackson, "I hear you've been taking good care of my brother," he said.

"I am glad to finally meet you," said Jackson.

Deaton neared the examination table that stood in the middle of the room and placed the items he'd collected from the drawers and the cabinets on its surface. Jackson and the others stared at the empty clear glass flasks that the vet had just laid in front of them.

"Well, Doc, you said you had an idea and that you needed me for it," stated Jackson, unsure.

"My plan relies heavily on your kanima abilities which... I assume or more so hope you still have," Deaton admitted.

"So, I am guessing you want me to fill these with kanima venom," Jackson pointed at the flasks on the table.


"What about the rest of us?" asked Aidan.

"Scott did say that each group should designate a leader to communicate our plans," said Deaton.

"If we're voting, I am voting for Deaton. Last time we had Deucalion as a leader, it didn't end well for any of us," said Ethan putting his hand up.

"It kinda ended well for him, though," commented Aidan.

"Yeah, weirdly enough," said Ethan again.

"Will I ever get a break with you two?" Deucalion exhaled.

"Guys, we have to move fast so, we need to get these basic decisions out of our way," Deaton interjected in his usual calm tone.

"Whatever works for you. Besides, we are already going with your idea about the kanima venom. I think it's only fair you should take the lead," said Deucalion just as calm.

"Well, alright then,"

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