Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 92: Trifecta from hell or heaven

Far away from Scott, Lydia and Stiles, Isaac followed on Allison's steps with one specific question in mind. As soon as she'd entered what resembled her father's bunker, she dropped whatever she was carrying on her back and began to fiddle with some weapons lying around, mostly arrows. Chris Argent did the same with his weapons of choice.

Isaac stood there, feeling out of place, his eyes darting between both of their busy figures. Allison had clearly picked up on his desire to speak, nothing else could explain why she had asked him first, "Something on your mind?"

When he'd finally hopped out of his train of thoughts, he realized she'd stopped what she'd been doing and was standing still, her full attention on him, "What? Oh, no, I was just thinking," he muttered just loud enough for her to hear him.

"Well, mind sharing?" she persisted.

He pondered for a few seconds before responding, "I was thinking about the longtails. I know that their weakness is their heart. I know that they are to be shot or stabbed with something that has mountain ash in it or on it but... I don't remember hearing anything about their leader's weakness," Isaac fidgeted a bit, uneasy at the lie he just had to tell. Although, he thought he deserved a pat on the back for coming up with something that coherent on the spot.

Allison, however, did not seem duped, he felt as though she could read through him, like she could hear his thoughts. He was sure she knew he was lying, yet still chose to say nothing about that. Instead, she responded to his statement, "His name is Matt; I don't know if you remember him. Matt was the one controlling the kanima before Gerard did,"

"I heard a few things here and there about that, yeah," he said as he slowly crossed his arms, "I just don't remember Maylee mentioning his weakness before," he added.

"There was no time to discuss all the details," by the time she's said those words, she'd already gone back to what she was doing before, but she paused for a moment, looked in his way again only to say, "Even with you,"

"I got that impression... So, what is it? His weakness, I mean," said Isaac a bit awkward.

Allison inhaled deeply, she then started to move around, seemingly looking for something specific. As she did so, she began her explanation, "The longtails are what you can consider as a failed experiment,"

At that point, even Chris had dropped his doings halfway through them and came to inquire, "Failed? They looked pretty accomplished to me... Wait! You mean to tell me that those were failures?" he simply could not believe his ears.

"They're not exactly as they were meant to be... For lack of better words," she said, "They are not supernatural, they were made and therefore, mountain ash as a barrier won't hold them back; if mountain ash penetrates their organisms however, it'll act as a deadly poison. That was why Braeden was told to lace her bullets with mountain ash,"

"Alright, but that doesn't answer the question I asked, nor the one that Chris raised a few seconds before," said Isaac.

"Matt said he was the leader of the longtails, right? He called himself something along the lines of 'king of hearts', right?" she waited a bit, but seeing as the two men just looked at each other, confused, she decided to continue, "Do you honestly think that there is no other connection between them and Matt?"

"Are you saying what I think you're trying to say?" asked Chris.

"Yeah, are you... Wait, what do you think she's trying to say?" Isaac, even more confused than before, turned towards Chris with his question.

"Yes, all the longtails you fought until now, were meant to have the same powers as Matt. Matt is the successful experiment, he also was the first one," said Allison.

"Usually with experiments, we hear a different story; try, fail, repeat until success. Not the other way around," said Chris, perplexed.

It appeared that Allison was done looking around, since she'd found what she was seeking. She walked back towards Isaac and Chris; she proceeded to lay a silver arrowhead on the table Infront of her, followed by a small jar containing mountain ash powder. The last thing she deposited near the two previous items was a piece of greenery, a small plant.

"Is that...?" Isaac had begun to form a question but trailed off.

"Yes, it's mistletoe," stated Allison blankly.

"What are these supposed to represent?" asked Chris.

"This! Is his weakness? These three?" Isaac seemed very surprised.

"Silver, mountain ash and mistletoe. It's imperative to combine the three of them," she said.

"The trifecta from his own hell. I guess now I understand why Braden's bullets didn't work," said Chris.

"The apprentice had been working on this creation or... Abomination for decades. Matt was his first lab rat after he'd taken his body. The experiments were separated into different stages, it wasn't just a one time and done. When he saw the success, he wanted to replicate the result with other bodies... But they all ended up failing after the first stage,"

"How so?" said Chris.

"They were supposed to keep their conscience and personality, like Matt did... But they all became braindead instead," she finished.

"And that's why they only have one weakness and not three," muttered Chris under his breath.

"All ended up failing but one... I wonder what Matt had, that was so unique for him to be the only success," wondered Isaac.

"Well, you know what they say... If you can't beat them, join them and if you can't join them either then... Lead them," said Allison.

"I don't think I've ever heard the last part of that sentence before," Chris chuckled at her words.

Silence took over the room again and both Argents had resumed their respective activities, leaving Isaac alone to battle his thoughts. They clearly had the upper hand since he couldn't stop his vocal cords from outing words he'd wanted kept within himself, "I don't think I've ever heard about any of this, even when I was held as a prisoner there,"

"Why don't you just ask what you've been dying to ask since the beginning?" said Allison, her eyes on him once more.

He shifted in his place a bit, uncomfortable at that thought alone, "No, I haven't been dying... I... Am not dying to ask anything, I am very happy to be alive actually; I don't know why you might think that," he stammered.

Finding the words to describe how odd it was to stand in front of her like that, to just look at her... Felt harder than climbing the highest mountains on the land of the living. There was that invisible wall between them two, that prevented him from asking her any direct questions, questions that he truly had been dying to ask her. But for some reason, that same wall didn't seem to stop her from seeing right through his words. She'd been gone for years and all of the sudden she came back with answers and solutions to problems they'd been living with the entire duration of her absence. The look in her eyes, did not help at all, not by a bit... The more he looked at her, the more he was certain it was her... And yet... And yet not...

"We're here. Sorry, we just stopped on the way for some food but then we thought we'd gotten lost," Daniel and Alec had come in right in time to save Isaac the embarrassment of a conversation he wasn't ready to have.

The five of them stood in silence for a moment before Alec's turn to speak finally came, "So, shall we discuss our plan?"

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