Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 22: Arrivals

It had been a while since somebody stood at the lookout point to gaze upon Beacon Hills. That spot offered a magnificent and global view of the town to whomever seized the chance to... Well, view it.

The perfect place to impress a date by all means, a curious balance between light and darkness had established itself there, the fresh air captured the essence of all the forest dwellers indiscriminately, after all, the stars and the moon allowed their shine to fall upon the lot of them regardless.

Scott knew well to take advantage of that little arcadia, his first love, Allison Argent loved it as well. After her passing, he still did go there, sometimes on his own, sometimes with his friends, either to recollect or rest his nerves.

But standing at that emotion filled spot right then, was a couple that nobody could have anticipated. The line between life and death had been blurred a time ago, the equilibrium of nature upset, these two individuals were tragically ripped out of existence, but by a mysterious mean were put right in the middle of it, for them to pick back up right where they left it at.

"Did you miss the town?" said the man to his partner.

"Not a bit, not the place, not the people... or creatures..." was her reply.

"We made so many mistakes, I am not sure if we..." he started.

"We did, and we paid the price, we died, remember?" she quickly cut him off.

"Yeah, we're finally getting a second chance at life, I just... don't wanna walk in the same path,"

"I am not saying I disagree with you; I am saying I am not sure we have a choice," she said.

"Kali... Remember when each of us had their own pack?"

"I definitely remember killing them to join ...How did he call it again? The perfect pack...But I also remember that I did it to be with you Anas,"

"You're still not sure we deserve a second chance?" he asked.

"I would definitely think so if we could bring all of them back, so that they could share this chance... You know... Our original packs,"

"I know, though I am not sure the first thing they'll do would be to thank us, when they see us..."

"Can you really blame them, Anas? We didn't even burry them...Our own people!"

"Well, whatever it be, we're here now... We'll see what the future holds,"


"Scott? What are you doing?"

Braden walked up to Scott who, was just standing in the middle of what seemed to be a spacious dining room, an old, dusty and unkept one. He was facing a large beautifully designed fireplace.

"I'm just looking around... This place just... has a strange vibe,"

"I know, this entire house reeks of it..." she replied.

"I've never been here before, Theo was the one that came to rescue Liam and Hayden when they were taken by the dread doctors,"


"You know what I mean..."

Braden's rhetorical question about 'the rescuing' Scott had mentioned was in its right place, since at the time, Theo Raeken wasn't really what one could call a friend, and he definitely wasn't there to rescue anybody.

"So, where did it all happen?"

"The basement, and apparently that's where Lydia and Maylee want us to go," he said.

"What do you think about her by the way?" asked Braden as they started moving towards the basement.

"Maylee?" he carried on once he concluded that her body language was enough of an answer, "I don't know what to think just yet, everything sorta fell on our heads in one night,"

"Please... When have you ever had time to prepare for a tragedy?"

"Fair enough," he chuckled lightly before that reply, "I guess we'll just have to keep going, hoping she...wait...!" he suddenly paused, stopping Braden in her tracks right behind him. At that point they were in front of a closed door.

"What is it?"

His lack of words irked her a bit, but she opted not to insist when she discerned the confusion pinned on his demeanor. He appeared to contemplate for the answer within himself, though he also seemed to come short of one.

"Monroe...it's Monroe..."

"She's here?" the woman raised her weapon and put her garde up, not that it was down to begin with. By then, they were both on high alerte, their bodies kept getting more and more tense, their throats drier during the moments leading up to him grabbing then twisting the knob.

"Something about it is off though..."

"What do you mean? Is it Monroe or not?"

"Definitely her scent but..." he confirmed.

"What? We already know this place reeks of death so no pressure,"

"Well, I'd like to think that a true Alpha werewolf can catche more than a scent, we've been here for a while now, and I haven't heard anything... no shuffling, no breathe and no heartbeat..."

"You're saying she's dead?"

"I am saying she's definitely not breathing..."

The conversation they started at the top of the stairs, after they opened the door, was then coming to an end. They descended to what looked to be the basement, still very wary of every step they took, mechanically turning from left to right each at their own turn, to have the other's back just in case.

Braden decided to head towards the shelves, a smell then tickling her nostrils, she began to understand what Scott meant a few minutes earlier. The alpha made his way towards the gigantic gap in the wall that seemed to be calling for him.


The exploration was short, it seemed they'd found what they came for pretty quickly. Braden sped her pace towards Scott, she did not like how troubled the sound of his voice was when he called her. She was ready to fight, to face the enemy. What she wasn't ready for, however, was whatever she was facing right then. It sure was the enemy, only... Not quite. Monroe, the instigator of a huge wave of violence against any and all supernatural creatures had met her fate. So many years spent running after her tail for eventually...That. Just an empty husk...No breathe, no color and no sign of life.

Monroe was... dead and done for.

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