Chapter 21: Devine shadow
" Everyone has it, but no one can lose it,"
Odd it was, hearing that voice again, it took stiles a lot of time and efforts to chase it out of his nightmares after all.
He never really managed to forget it, how could he? The creature that kept uttering those words took a huge chunk of his and his friends' souls, it took a very dear friend from them, the wound it inflicted upon them was forever lasting.
" Everyone has it, but no one can lose it," it said again.
And this time, Stiles had to fight harder to open his eyes, he had to see where it was coming from, had to see if it was real. A suffocating blue hue assaulted his eyes, a sensation of daze invaded his mind, he didn't feel like the master of his own movements and getting off that hospital bed was a hassle.
Then came time for him to wonder where he was... It sure looked like a hospital room except... No part of it felt right, not even the smell, though the biggest hint was the fact that he was completely alone, nobody with him in that space, nobody in the hallways, neither family nor friends, same went for staff. No sign or sound of life besides his, if that disturbing silence could have a voice, it would be what Stiles was experiencing right there.
" Everyone has it, but no one can lose it, what is it?"
Was it a dream? It certainly fit the criteria of one, but something told him he shouldn't count much on that to stay safe. Was he stuck inside one? happened before, but what was the purpose of this one?
" Everyone has it, but no one can lose it, what is it?"
The high volume hurt his ears this time around, he couldn't just ignore the incoming query, the walk through that long and empty corridor felt more painful after the whispers chimed in.
" Think that you can run away from me Stiles?" There were a few seconds break before the voice spoke again, " Did you miss me, Stiles? "
Stiles had forgotten whether he was walking or running, his legs no longer withstanding the weight of the pure panic that coursed through his vains.
" We... will destroy all of them Stiles," it growled.
" No, no, no... this...this can't be happening..." Stiles whispered to himself.
" Poor you...Still as hopeless as you used to be, look at you, trying to run away from me... like a little rat,"
One single door offered itself to the young man at the end of that narrow route he took. He pushed through it with not much caution of what could be lurking behind it.
First came relief when he saw a very familiar silhouette, the man that raised him was standing right there in the middle of the room, in his sheriff's uniform. That feeling very quickly washed away however, in front of the lack of response his father was demonstrating.
What was he so focused on that he couldn't even pick up on his own son's voice? what put him in such a trance? Stiles really needed to see it with his own eyes, so instead of walking straight towards him, he decided that he would just very slowly step in a circle around him.
He had to hold that thought for a while, to deal with whatever was coming in behind him. The sound of that door disturbed the ambient silence. Stiles just froze in place, awaiting...and awaiting...Until...
" I came back just for you Stiles..."
This time there was no doubt to have about it... It was there, this time he felt it's breath on his neck.
" So... Everyone has it but no one can lose it, what is it, Stiles?"
This time, it wasn't growling its words at him, it wasn't painful to listen to, it was just loud enough for him to hear. The shivering was too strong for him to control, with much effort he managed to slowly turn around, and when he came face to face with it, he finally uttered, " A shadow,"
" Exactly Stiles, you couldn't get rid of your shadow even if you tried...Right?" The creature stopped for a moment then carried on, " So why are you trying to get rid of me...?"
" You're...Really back...This isn't a dream...?"
" I am a bit disappointed in you Stiles... When has anything been nothing more than a dream for the likes of you?"
" H... How?"
"You pulled your devine move, remember? Now I am simply pulling mine and...Would you believe it? I came back right on time for mischief night!"