Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 16: Previously (1)

This is a recap for the following chapters: [1-11]

A few years after the death of Gerard and the capturing of the Anuk-ite, Scott and his pack moved to LA in order to chase after Monroe and save as many supernaturals as possible. During their latest rescue mission, they figured out that for some unspecified reason Monroe was heading back towards Beacon Hills, and thus they decided to follow suite.

On their way home, Lydia got one of her banshee visions where, she entered in contact with another banshee named Maylee, she informed Lydia that upon arrival to Beacon Hills, they needed to visit the basement that the dread doctors used to store the chimeras, while they carried their experiments on them. She also let Lydia know that she was in dire need to be found, and that Parrish was supposed to be on the task.

Meanwhile, that same night in Beacon Hills, Chris Argent who had taken Mason, Corey and Nolan under his wing, discovered the bodies of five hunters, mangled beyond recognition as well as, a civilian woman.

They spilt up after that, Mason and Corey headed towards Deaton's clinic, Chris took the woman to the hospital, as Nolan stayed put, waiting for the sheriff Stilinski to arrive at the crime scene.

The three groups began to wonder and try to put the puzzle together, the clues seemed to indicate that the creature that committed the crime was alone, but the damage it caused was beyond that of any other thing they saw before, for a single foe that is.

Peter reached Deaton's clinic out of breath, dragging Theo's unconcious body, whom after examination did not seem to be healing, Peter then described what he could see of the attack, which was not much, since whatever did it was very fast, even for him.

Parrish began to have visions of his own as he was on patrole with is partner Fisher, he heard a voice calling out for him from the radio, then a figure appeared in front of his car then disappeard as soon as he stepped outside to investigate it. Later that night, he saw that figure again, in his house, he even spoke to her, it was Maylee, asking for his help.

As they entered Beacon Hills, a creature stood in the path of the bus carrying the pack, causing a horrific accident, that they all survived thankfully, however this time, unlike with Parrish, this figure didn't disappear, on the contrary it brought friends. They seemed detemined to kill the pack, especially Lydia. They almost succeeded, if it wasn't for Braden who showed up last minute on her motorcycle, she gave the impression to know exactly how to kill these mysterious creatures. She then wondered where Parrish was, leading to believe that he was supposed to be there.

Monroe on her side, had arrived to Beacon Hills, an unknown woman was waiting for her to guide her through the visit of an abandoned mansion. The two women were not off to a good start, it didn't look like they were meant to get along. Once in the basement, which turned out to be the dread doctors's basement, things escalated faster when the tour guide hinted that there was noway, for them to work together, or to be on the same side.

Parrish managed to find Maylee, thanks to his harbinger of death senses, she was injured, in the forest.


These are the events that carried out through the first eleven chapters of this book, and there is much more to come next. I really hope you're enjoying the read.

Stay safe everyone^^


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