Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 15: Visionary

" Perigee-syzygy,"

The inhuman robotic sounding voice pervaded the space once again, that same dull, white empty space surrounded Lydia as she stood still, bare feet in a hospital gown.

She was back to the vast nothing-land she saw in her first dream at the beginning of the night. <> she thought.

"Technically a dream,"

Lydia immediately swirled around her heels to finally meet the eyes of the speaker, "Maylee?"

Both banshees were facing each other, both wearing identical hospital gowns.

"I am guessing the hellhound found you? ..." Lydia asked again, though this time she got her answer.

"He did, I am safe... for now..."

" We're not wearing those god-awful dresses anymore... I suppose we both are at the hospital...?"

Maylee raised her left eyebrow and pulled a side smirk, a natural reaction to Lydia's reasoning, "You pick up quite fast, that's nice to see, when I was your age, my thoughts were all over the place..."

"My... age? What is that supposed to mean?" muttered Lydia loud enough for Maylee to hear, at that moment she found that statement about the banshee's age more suspect than any other strange happening around them.

"You'll understand that soon enough,"

"And what should I understand now?" interjected Lydia.

"Now? You need to look around yourself, what do you see?"

The strawberry blond woman did as advised, but round and round everywhere she laid eyes, nothing was there to be seen, "What am I looking for exactly? Because honestly... I can't see the point of this exercise... if there is one in the first place..."

"Patience Lydia! It will come to you, but you need to be calm, even in desperate moments, even when everyone around has fallen to their knees. YOU! Need to stand and focus..." her words were true, Lydia was getting impatient, growing restless, losing control over her breathing, she was indeed wasting her energy away on what wasn't needed Although, upon hearing Maylee's words, she didn't doubt their truth, she admitted to herself that she was faltering and there was no time for that.

" Don't think about it too much, just let your arms rest each on their respective sides, close your eyes, take a deep breath and stay calm,"

Lydia was following Maylee's guidelines as she was uttering them, by the time she finished speaking Lydia was already in a calmer state, she remained that way for what felt like a minute. Her eyes then opened wide when she felt a light breeze across her face and through her hair.

"You felt it, didn't you?" Maylee asked with a smile on her face. The young woman facing her just nodded her head ever so slightly in response. She wasn't sure what it was, nor did she understand why it was a good thing, but she didn't get any time to ask or even think about it. Her mouth ajar, her eyebrows pushed more and more together as she gradually frowned at the sight.

"What is it? What do you see?"

Lydia closed then opened her mouth and when no words came out, Maylee simply followed the woman's gaze towards...her own shoulder. A black widow seemed to have climbed on Maylee's back and decided to repose on her left shoulder. Though she saw it crawling about near her face, she remained unfazed and serene as if it was... supposed to happen.

"Wh... What is happening?"

"Nothing that shouldn't happen... " asserted Maylee as she looked back at Lydia, she then brought her stare down to the ground.

Lydia's eyes followed, " WHAT!!" she gasped in but not only surprise, she began to hyperventilate when she saw an army of black widows just crawling past her.

"Stay calm! You're safe, so focus on your breathing!"

And safe she was, at least from the spiders which were ignoring her, in fact it seemed as though they had a purpose, they were all heading towards one and only direction, they were crawling towards...

" Wait what?!"

" Relax, it's just a transition," Maylee's voice could be heard again, the transition she ment was that of space, they were no longer standing in the middle of nowhere, they were in... a basement, a notorious basement amongst the pack, Lydia recognized it almost immediately by the giant gash in one of the walls, it was... the dread doctors' one.

The number of spiders grew exponentially as their numbers covered the entirety of the floor, all appeared to converge towards one random spot in the cellar.

The young woman was attempting to determine the importance of said spot, what could be so special about it? When and out of the blue a loud cracking sound ensued from a wall nearby. Lydia's attention then shifted to the walls that kept cracking up from every side, so much so that the place began to tremble.

At some point the fissuring infected the ground as well, a part of that perplexed Lydia however, all the breakings and cracklings met in a center on a specific spot, different from that of the spiders.

Parts of the wall were blown away with a loud bang as water burst through them, soon enough water was spilling from every split and fracture, more bits of the basement exploded for more liquid to penetrate the chamber, even though the pressure was high, the water moved in an unnatural way, despite all the commotion, it was clear a third center was forming only this time it was for the aqua.

"What THE hell is all of this?"

"Glimpses of the past,"

"Well can I freak out now?"

"You're not up yet... So, I'd say it's not over yet," it certainly wasn't over, as soon as Maylee stopped talking, a third voice blasted through, it was another woman,

"You're just like me Lydia... look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it!"

The first words she spoke sounded like they were coming from a human being, the last ones of her sentence however were demonically distorted and reverberated so loud, that it got too painful for Lydia to listen to it without covering her ears and shutting her eyes tight.

All of a sudden, everything went dead quiet, all she could see when she opened her eyes again was a boring white ceiling and a boring old hospital light. She was lying down on a bed, alone, wearing a hospital gown, she'd finally woken out of that vision.

Lydia slowly got up to her feet and walked out of the room, the hallway was calm and empty, though she could still hear voices conversing softly.


She turned around to see a confused Scott standing a few feet behind her.

"We need to talk to her as soon as possible,"

"Who do you mean?" Scott didn't get the hang of who she ment immediately, until he deciphered her facial expression, the one she usually gives when she means' You know exactly what I am talking about'.

"Ow... her! This way... How did you even know she was here anyway?"

She didn't say anything, she just followed him to the door he guided her to. When he opened it, the two friends took a moment and stood perfectly still, what they saw wasn't shocking or horrifying, it was just... unexpected.

Maylee was already awake, sitting up, she seemed to be waiting for their arrival, when she saw them, she drew a short breath and spoke up, "There you are! I was worried you'd make me wait,"

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