95. Lesson
Me neither. It was not often I was able to study such a specimen up close and willingly.
Whether he wanted to or not, Kon was pretty unique. First of all, he was now a crystal remnant. I was convinced that sooner or later he was going to turn fully into a crystal, just like me. I wanted to be with him to observe that first hand - after all, I missed the opportunity to study that when I was the one undergoing changes. Besides, there are some things you just do not notice when they happen to you, but for the outside observer they are painfully obvious.
If that was not enough reason, there was also the fact that the crystal that was part of him now was after all a piece of my own body.
How was that going to influence him? Would it even matter? Was my mana mixed with his? If so, what would that mean for both of us?
Those were the questions that were pestering me, and I was not going to just let them slip out, or worse.
-Hah, comparing me to Noli, eh? I see… but you’re right. We are strangely similar - I pointed out. - In any case, let’s stay a couple minutes more.
-I am not letting you go without you knowing at least one way to defend yourself.
-I can manage fine! - he started protesting.
-We both know that is not true. But let’s leave that for now. I just want you to learn one singular spell, it should be easy.
-Hm… okay…
-What I want you to try is something that is not that far off from the spell you’ve been using as the “checker” so to speak.
-”Checker”? I mean how I checked the affinity?
-Yes, the one where you drain mana from the person.
-Uh… I don’t really want to try and drain people - he hesitated.
-Oh, I didn’t mean it like that - I shook my head. - Besides, whenever you want it or not, you already have this ability. Nothing is going to change that. And the fact that you will need to learn to control it. Something like that, uncontrolled, can do a lot of damage, even accidentally.
-I really don’t…
-But that is not what I meant by that - I cut him off. - No, what I am interested in is a second part of it. The orb.
-Orb? The mana I drain…?
-Yeah. As you might have noticed, I keep using mostly a certain type of spells: orbs.
-Right… I somewhat realized that, but never really thought much of it… I guess since you are mentioning it there is a good reason for that? - he asked, intrigued.
-Oh, there are a couple - I agreed. - But the main one is rather mundane.
I extended my hand and quickly gathered a bit of mana from the environment right at my palm.
-Have you ever wondered why a sphere is a shape that is sometimes referred to as a perfect one?
-Ah… not really… - he said, and a moment later muttered a lot quieter - I didn’t even know about that before now…
-It’s because it is most efficient - I explained. - Even in nature, things tend to try and stay in a shape that resembles a ball. Liquids, for example.
-I see…
-And why wouldn’t it be the same with mana? - I pointed out. - While, sure, mana most of the time behaves more like air than water, it still has the ability to behave like either of them. That’s why I like to use orbs: be it air or water, the shape is easy to keep either way. Hell, sometimes mana will do it on its own, without your involvement. Just like you demonstrated.
-Oh… so wait, if that’s the case, why are your spells multiple words then? - he asked. - Since you don't have to worry about shape, you just have to change the color of the mana, right?
-Oooh, you are smart. And perceptive. But remember, I said, it’s “sometimes”, not always. Even if it was always, I’d rather be safe than sorry.
-Okay… so the second part of the spell is to keep its shape?
-Which one?
-That is what I wanted to teach you today - I explained. - I mean, I really want to teach you a lot more, but in due time. For now let’s just focus on that - I pointed out towards the orb of mana hanging next to me.
-Yeah, I noticed you summoned that… What's that for?
I want to teach you this. Gymnu.
The orb instantly shrunk and changed, from being an intangible blob, only visible thanks to my magically enhanced sight, to a ball of lightning, hovering right above my hand.
-Yeah, pretty cool - I nodded. - But that’s not the point. As I just demonstrated, you can just speak one singular word and the mana will transform according to your will, meaning you’d technically need to learn that one and be good for a while. Care to try?
-I… but where do I get mana from - he asked meekly - I don’t really know if I have enough…
I looked at him curiously.
-And why do you think that?
-It’s just… I never had casted that much magic… - he admitted.
-What, two spells? Come on, you are not that weak.
-It really was not just two… I did try and observe you a couple of times, so I used some mana… more than some, just to be honest.
I chuckled.
-Hah, no, I don’t think you will be weary for a long time yet. Did you forget that you now have a crystal embedded in your chest?
-Sure, but I didn’t drain anyone… I think? Maybe besides you when you asked, but…
-Come on, Kon. Do you really think that Origin Crystal has just this one application for magical use?
-Eh… And here I thought you’re a bit quicker on the uptake… Listen. Your crystal doesn’t just help you absorb mana. It can store it as well. How do you think you even got trapped in it in the first place?
-Let me finish. It also functions as a regular gem, similar to the ones you’re used to using. But, unlike those, it is not tinted in any way, meaning you can use it to cast any kind of spell you desire. I already mentioned that. If I am to guess, it probably boosts them as well, since I am pretty sure that the gems you’ve been using were pretty poor quality.
-They weren’t that bad - he muttered. - Jack told me he bought the best ones he could…
-Yeah, but the best one here still is beaten by a landslide by the Origin Crystal.
-Origin Crystal… you keep calling it that… What does that even mean? Origin of what?
-Why does it matter?
-It doesn’t - he shrugged. - I am just curious…
-Well, if you want to know, it's the origin of magic.
-Excuse me?! - he seemed stunned by this explanation. - Don’t say it like it doesn’t matter!
-It really doesn’t - I replied unenthusiastically. - And before you start having some strange ideas, no, I didn’t mean that it’s the source of all magic. It’s more like a piece of the source.
-What? I don’t understand…
-And you don’t have to. Not like it matters to you.
-I feel like it matters a lot! - he protested. - I now have a piece of it permanently embedded within me, I think I need to know what it exactly is.
-I suppose that might be right - I replied after a second of thought.
-Origin Crystals are very peculiar pieces of rock… because, in the end, that’s what they are: just stones, but ones that have been under an influence of an enormous magical energy for long enough time. Preferably multiple ones.
-I feel like that doesn’t explain much… - he said, a bit disappointed.
-Of course it doesn’t, because I didn’t even start explaining yet.
He opened his mouth, but closed it almost immediately and did not interrupt.
-What do you know about leylines, Kon?
-I… Not much. I know that they are mana channels, used to connect certain things. I know we have a set under our home, connecting the pieces of the barrier.
-That’s it? Man, you really are not very educated.
-I didn’t really have an opportunity to - he said, visibly hurt. - Being enslaved does that to a person.
-I suppose so… Well, let me educate you a bit. While you are not exactly wrong, what you are describing is just scratching the surface. The “leyline” you have in mind is just a man-made imitation. A poor one at that. What a real leyline is, is a massive stream of mana that snakes its way around the whole world, branching and crossing like a very tangled mess. Similarly to a system of blood vessels in the human body, or a nervous system, although a lot more messy. And same as the ones in body, it also is a lifeline of our world. It distributes power, or mana rather, all around us, giving our magic shape. Usually hidden deep underground, it is this intriguing system that makes magic possible.
-The Origin Crystals on the other hand - I continued, seeing like he was listening intently with widely open eyes - are formed within that system. They are created on the crossings of the major arteries, in spots that are absolutely abundant with mana.
-So wait… like here? - he pointed out. - There is an Origin Crystal here?!
-Good observation, but no, it is not here. Not any more. Or at least not in the form that it is supposed to be in.
-Supposed to be in?
-Yes. The Origin Crystals come in various shapes, but they have one thing in common: they are large, bright and very hard to miss. If there was one here, I would’ve known instantly. Or I guess we would - I said pointing at his chest.
-So wait… you are telling me that that enormous mana that was here… the same one that was overwhelming me and you… that was NOT the leyline? Leyline crossing? Then what was that?!
-Oh, it was a crossing, or at least a leyline, that’s true. Nah, it was definitely a crossing. But the crystal that was supposed to be here is gone. See, I told you that it can absorb mana, right? So if it was here, I’d not be blinded and you’d not be drunk on mana before. It would’ve been just one large powerful spot, like a small sun somewhere. Instead, we had a whole area covered in light, or rather mana, that spread all over the place.
-So what happened? Did it get destroyed? Stolen?! I guess I can see why people would want to put their hands on something amazing like this.
-Oh, you have no idea. But no, it was not stolen or destroyed… Well, not completely at least.
-So what happened?! You clearly have a good idea about it, you knew of this place!
-I did. And I know.
-So tell me! What’s that ominous cryptic riddles for?
-Oh, they are not riddles. I am just saying what I think it’s true.
-What happened here then!? Tell me!
-Well, remember when I told you that I lost my arm in an experiment? That experiment might have been involving an Origin Crystal. And it might have been the one that belonged here.
He gazed at me dumbfounded.
-I thought you were not from here? Was that a lie?! - he asked, somewhat scared.
-Oh no, I am not from here. Or if I am to be correct, I am from here, but this place is not from here.
-What?! Again with the cryptic nonsense!
He was starting to sound more and more like his not-father by the second.
-I suppose I should… I mean you’d probably figure it out eventually.
I took a deep breath.
-I do not belong to this world. I am from somewhere completely else.
-I came here, or rather ended up here, thanks to an experiment going wild. To this day I am not sure how or why I ended up in this hole, but I know that after what we did, there were a lot of magical explosions all over the place. I thought that those disintegrated people at first, but soon, after I got hit by a similar one, I ended up here. In a crater with the ruins of my old laboratory, on a busted leyline bleeding mana all over the place.
-Wait… so the Origin Crystal… the one that was supposed to be here… it’s now…
-A piece of me. Yes. And by extension you. And if you want to be exact, it really should not be here, it should be back where I came from. That was the original spot where the Origin Crystal was found. You can’t really move those…
It took him a good minute to process all that.
-Okay, have I satisfied your curiosity? - I finally asked. - Can we get on with you actually trying to learn something?
-Ah! Right! Sorry… I don’t know what got into me - he said, a bit distracted. - I was just curious… That was… a lot…
-And there is nothing wrong with that. I am somewhat glad that finally there is someone interested… It’s refreshing. But we have some other important things to do first.
-Right… so about that spell… what should the incantation be again? Gymnu?
But it was too late.
The loose mana that was gathered nearby suddenly flickered and changed, turning blueish white and arcing. Luckily there were no further changes, but just to be safe, I quickly swiped at the orb, absorbing it immediately.
-Look, I am happy that you are eager, but think before you act - I chastised him. - I already told that to your father once, and I am going to say that again: don’t just use spells like it’s nothing!
-I… I didn’t mean to cast it… - he said meekly.
-Of course you didn’t. That’s the whole issue. Even if you don’t mean it, if you use the magical words, mana will reply in kind. You were lucky this time.
-Sorry… And yeah, that seemed… weak. I think I failed this spell…
-You did not - I said, pointing to my now changed hand. - See how I am now of a different color? That was definitely lightning magic we were dealing with. It was just not very refined. No wonder, you were using just a singular word.
-So I didn’t fail? But that seemed less than useful…
-It only wasn’t because you were distracted. Or rather didn’t think at all while using magic. I am going to repeat myself once more: magic is not only influenced by the words you say, but also by your thoughts. What did you think about when you tried this?
-I… nothing much…
-Exactly. That’s why it was so lackluster. We were lucky, all things considering. It could’ve gone a lot worse.
-So wait, what was I supposed to do? I should be thinking of an effect or something?
-That is one way to do it - I nodded. - That’s a bit advanced and I don’t need for you to do that just yet though. However much I’d not mind making Jack and Vendi wait for us, it would’ve still taken too long for my liking for you to grasp that kind of spellcasting.
-So what I was supposed to do…?
-Use different words. But I didn’t even finish explaining those to you yet
-But, nonetheless you did what I wanted you to do first anyway - I admitted. - And you proved that you are capable of using that kind of spell.
Not like that was any achievement to begin with, those are very basic after all.
-If it’s that easy… Okay then, so what’s next?
-I want you to get a grasp on a single spell. What we are going to do is exactly as you just did a second ago, but this time, I want you to not just use one word, but the whole spell. Usc fi gymnu.
As I said the spell, an orb of lightning appeared right in front of me, and, almost just like the one Kon summoned, started arcing and flickering with lightning mana. But this time, it was not just weak and almost see-through, it was a lot more pronounced and stable.
-What that means is “orb of lightning”. Self-explanatory, isn’t it?
-Okay, don’t be so amazed - I rolled my eyes. - After all, you just did almost the same thing, albeit slightly less contained.
-Yes. Effectively, you did the same thing as I, but manually. First, you gathered mana into an orb and then instructed it to turn into lightning. It somewhat worked, but if I was to let it stay like that, it probably would start spreading, turning a lot more into lightning than we really wanted to, zapping both of us and the area around us. That's why it’s important to control your own spells.
-I see…
-Speaking is the easiest way to control magic. The only problem is that you have to know the words. Right now I am not going to teach you the whole idea behind spells, translating and the spell levels, you just need to know that everything we’re going to be using now is going to be level one, the easiest one.
-Good. Try it. Just like I did, you heard the spell. But this time, also try to imagine creating what I just made.
-I thought it was enough to describe the effect aloud… That meant “orb of lightning”, right? If I say that, isn’t it enough?
-Of course it is - I agreed. - But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful and cover yourself in case of a mistake.
-Ah. I don’t think I’ll fail at repeating after you…
-Oh, I don’t think so either - I nodded. - But that does not mean that I am infallible. Nor does it mean that you can sometimes be interrupted by something. Then what? You spoke a half of the spell, or full one but changed a letter or two. Who the hell knows what you might be creating then! But, if you are also thinking of the effect, you are covered in that regard: the spell will try to bend to your will, making it less likely to be, ehm, “wild”, so to speak.
-I see…
-Then there is also a matter of pronunciation - I pointed out. - You probably noticed by now, but some words might be harder to say than just to think of. Whenever you want it or not, you will make a mistake. And if we add the issue of grammar…
-Grammar?! - he sounded surprised. - It has grammar?
-Of course. I told you, it is based on a real language, why wouldn’t it have grammar? But, luckily for us, it’s not that bad. You don’t need to be that precise, and there is no real issue in talking like a caveman.
-Like a what?
-Like a primitive. Oh come on… - I muttered annoyed, noticing as he was still not understanding. - When you talk to a person, you probably should not say things like: “me be Mor, me human male”. Kind of stupid and embarrassing, don’t you think? But with the spells, you don’t really have that problem. You’re not really talking to a real person and even then, they are going to understand you… probably. Mostly. Even if you sound like an idiot.
-That’s… a strange way to put things…
-It’s just how things are - I shrugged. - If magic was just as easy as just saying a couple words, everything would be a million times easier.
-If you say so… but this way at least it is more creative, right? You don’t really have limitations on what you can do… At least from what I understand…
-And how would a singular language be a limitation? Nah, it would be better that way. Alas, it is not meant to be.
-Right… I don’t think that’s something that is able to be changed…
-I wonder about that… Anyway, where were we? Right! Come on, try casting.
-Ah! Em… Usc fi gymnu!
Of course, it worked perfectly. I mean, that was the basics of the basics.
Nevertheless, Kon was excited.
-It worked! - he almost was jumping from happiness.
The orb he managed to summon was smaller than before, and definitely smaller than mine, but it was good enough: the essentials were there. Or even more. After a closer look, I noticed that the amount of mana that the spell was consisting of was similar to mine, although the lightning inside was condensed, thanks to which it looked smaller. If I was to guess, it was possible that it was even stronger than mine. Even considering the fact that I was holding back significantly, it was an impressive feat.
-Good job - I said, nodding in acceptance and instantly swiped at the orb with my bare hand to disperse and absorb it.
I was correct in my assumption: the amount of mana I absorbed from it was definitely not miniscule.
-Now you at least have a way to defend yourself in case of an emergency.
-Yeah! Thank you!
He turned away from me, looking towards the forest.
-Although I wish I was able to use more than just lightning.
-You don’t have to use lightning.
-Sorry? - he turned to look at me again.
-You know what I said - I shrugged. - That is another reason that I wanted you to try this spell. Say, remember what I told you that that incantation means?
-Emmm… orb of lightning, right?
-Correct. So what’s stopping you from using part of this spell only and replacing lightning with something else. For example, the colors of mana we were talking about earlier?
-Didn’t you say that using colors instead of elements is unreliable…? Can… or rather should I really do that?
-I can’t tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. But you are right, my recommendation is to not use them this way.
-So then….
-ALTHOUGH. If you are to be in some situation that would require you using a different element and your well-being would be at stake, who am I to say what’s right and wrong in that kind of situation?
-Even then, I’d recommend you to only use it as a last resort… and if you are to use it I also recommend trying a bit harder on imagining the effect. That way, even if the incantation could be lacking, you’d be a lot more safe that way.
-I… I think I understand.
-Good. Because that’s enough lessons for now - I said, gazing back at the track we made to get here. - Your Jack is definitely at the end of his patience…
With that we went back towards where we last saw the pair.