Shards of Old

94. Affinity

-If you are really thinking of trying this water - I said when we arrived at the “river”, or rather the spot that was far enough away from Vendi and Jack. - I don’t recommend drinking it. Besides not really being fit for it, you should take it slow, first of all. You just went through some drastic changes and we are not sure how you are going to react. Come on, try touching it, what do you feel?

He lowered himself to the small stream and dipped his hand in the water.

-It’s… warm. Almost hot… - he said surprised.

-Ah. So you even drained the mana from the water… Interesting. But that’s good, before it was so infused it was hard to touch. Now try getting a few drops on your crystal.

Without hesitation he followed my instructions.

The moment the first drop fell onto his chest, I got a very familiar feeling.

With my enhanced sight I was able to tell that the crystal immediately absorbed all the mana from the water. I could see the flame of his magic shudder and glow a bit.

Another drop and the change was also visible to the naked eye: right in the middle, where the drop had fallen, the crystal pulsed with light, startling him.


-What do you feel?

-Warm… and energized! This feels great! - he said as the glow faded.

-Good. Works nice. Don’t let it get into your head though. If you get too much the effects might be unpleasant.

-Yeah, I’ll be drunk…

-Not necessarily. If it works as I am expecting it to, you won’t. That is unless you REALLY are going to overdose on mana. No, the crystal will absorb most of it preventing you from feeling the side effects. What I am warning you about is that if you absorb too much mana, when you start glowing, or your crystal rather, your spells might be… a bit wild.


-More powerful.

-Man, I am lucky…

-Of course you are. It’s not everyday that you are able to survive a ritual using life magic and get an enhanced body as a result…

-Oh, right, right, but I didn’t mean that. I just… I can’t imagine I’d be able to figure all that out by myself.


-If that’s the case… - he started pondering - Maybe then I’d be able to use something offensively…

-First of all, you can already. Second, it can be good, but only if you are careful. In my experience it’s just annoying.

-I can? - he sounded genuinely surprised.

-Of course you can. You already used water pretty offensively to me.

-I did? I did!


Without even thinking twice, he immediately cast the spell.

-Usc fi elwu!

I didn’t know what to expect, but the spell went off perfectly. A small blob of water formed right at his hand and hovered there, right in front of his grinning face.

I couldn’t help but flinch.

-And here I thought you didn’t know any spells besides life and green magic.

I didn’t know if I should be flattered, annoyed or amazed. Without even realizing, he used my spell.

The grin on his face suddenly disappeared, as he just realized what he did.

-I… I don’t… I didn’t…

-I didn’t mean to do this! - he sounded slightly panicky. - I don’t know how I knew this spell!

-I mean… I never was really hiding when casting…

-No! I’ve never heard you cast this! - he started defending himself for some reason.

-You probably did that subconsciously…

-No! - he was still denying that. - I am telling you, I don’t know this spell…

-So what, you’re going to tell me that you just managed to create and control the water with just your mind? Hell no, I already hear you cast it.

-Hear me…? I said something?

-You are telling me you didn’t realize?

-Realize what? - he asked, seemingly clueless.

-Oh greaaat. I should’ve known that you’re going to have some kind of defect. This operation going without even a hint of downside seemed too good to be true… Hell, is that even a defect?

-What are you talking about?

-Listen. Just now, when you used the water spell, you DID cast a spell. A familiar to boot, at least for me that is. Are you trying to tell me that you have not done this consciously?

-No! - he again denied it. - I don’t even know what I said!

-Greaat… Hm. Well, try again then.

-You say that, but I still don’t know what… - he said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

-This is weird.

-You tell me.

-Eh… okay then. The spell you used goes like this: Usc fi elwu.

And I summoned a similar orb, although it was definitely bigger than the one he conjured recently.

-Do you understand what it stands for?

-I… - he hesitated for a second - I think? I mean it’s just logic, it means “orb of water”, right?

-Precisely. Now you know the words, try copying me.

He nodded.

-Usc fi elwu.

He succeeded without any issue, as before. While that was not surprising in the slightest to me, he got startled himself and dropped the spell almost instantly.

-Ha. You don’t need to be scared of your own magic for now.

-I know! it’s just… I didn’t expect it to be so easy…

-It’s just a basic, first level spell. You bet that’s not difficult. Let’s see if you can handle something more complex…

-Now, hold on…

But I did not care. I wanted to at limit-test his crystal a little bit. And maybe check how similar it was to mine. And what better way was it to compare spells.

-Let’s start with a different element. Usc fi geksu. A fire orb, easy.

He gazed at the orb that appeared above my palm and joined the water one in rotating next to me like a small planet.

-Uh… can I really do that too? - he asked, not very convinced.

-Of course. And even if you can’t, how can we check if not by trying? Come on.

-Okay… Usc fi geksu!

It worked. I mean, of course it did, he was casting using the Origin Crystal, not some weird tinted piece of garbage, no wonder it was working for him.

Even so, his one was still weaker. I sort of thought he would be able to produce a flame at least as big as mine, I even made my orbs smaller than usual.

-Good job. A bit on the smaller side, but that’s for the better, we at least don’t have to worry about setting the forest on fire.

He did not reply, mesmerized by the flames now hanging right in front of his face.

-Hello, Kon?

-Ah, sorry. I just… it’s a bit overwhelming… controlling two elements at once.

-Right, that’s supposed to be an achievement here… but we are just getting started. I wanted to at least check if you can use all the basic elements…


-Yeah. Fire, water, earth and wind, or depending on who you ask, air.

-Only four…?

-Only? A second ago you were overwhelmed and now it’s “only”?

-No, it’s not… I didn’t mean like that - he immediately corrected himself. - I mean what about nature, lightning, light…

-Ah. Yeah, those exist too, but I think the basic ones are enough for you.

-Those are harder to use or something? - he asked, clearly interested.

-I can’t really tell you - I shrugged. - Every single one is the same for me. I can’t tell if it will be the same for you. For me those are just words.

-Okay… but how are they different?

-Eh… I see you won’t let me off the hook… fine. Lesson time.

I dismissed the orbs and told him to do the same.

-There are four basic elements: fire, water, earth and wind. There is nothing much to say about them, the names speak for themselves…

-Of course.

-I noticed that here they are also sometimes referred to as colors of mana. I find it a bit misleading, but it is what it is.

-Misleading? How?

-Say, you hear that there is a “white mage” in town. What kind of magic can he use?

-I… white magic I guess?

-Sure, but what does that mean? White can mean many things. What, he uses illusion magic? Or maybe some strange water magic? Or maybe wind magic, that can also be pretty see-through?

-Ah… I see…

-I agree, some are more fitting than others, for example: Red Mages. There is only one element that comes to mind, right?

-Yeah, fire.

-Precisely. And on the other end of the spectrum, we have “Blue Mages”. What do you think they use?

-I… assume water magic?

-Nope. Ice magic.

-Isn’t that the same?

-It is similar - I agreed - but not really the same. One is a branch of another.

-A branch?

-And you said that Noli taught you… - I started, shaking my head with disappointment.

-He did! But just how to manipulate raw mana and convert it to different elements…

-Wow, so he taught you a couple of words. Astounding - I couldn’t help but be irritated.

-No, no… he never taught me the words… It was just some practice.

-Hold on. He taught you to cast spells. Without speaking. Before even teaching you the incantations.

-I mean… yes?

-Wait a damn second, that is straight up impossible.

-Em… what do you mean impossible? Is it that hard?

-No, when I say impossible, I mean it. What, you’re going to tell me that you were able to cast a spell without even thinking of incantation? And that after telling me that you were unable to even cast a basic spell other than life magic before?

-I… yes…?

I looked at him with doubt.

-Okay, demonstrate. Now.

-Er… Okay…

He closed his eyes and focused.

I was observing him closely, mostly paying attention to the mana around him.

Sure enough, I noticed a small orb gathering in front of him, not very different than in case of my spells.

But, despite his announcements, he did speak. Quietly, but still.


And sure enough, while it was not really the spell, the mana still changed to be green.

I gazed at him with irritation.

-That’s it?

-Yeah - he said, opening his eyes. - I told you that it’s just…

-Okay, I am going to stop you right there - I interrupted. - First of all, you did speak.

He looked at me with confusion.

-I see… so you are going to tell me that you didn’t notice.

-No! - he protested. - I didn’t. Besides, how is it even possible to speak without even noticing…?

-I don’t know, you tell me - I shrugged.

Seeing as he was still doubting me, I summoned an orb of mana myself.

-Let me demonstrate. That is what you did. Wisfe.

The mana that I gathered quickly turned green, turning visible.

He looked at my orb. Then back to his.


-The same? I mean, of course? What’s more intriguing is how you never noticed that you were speaking. By the way, what you said means “green”. I mean, pretty obvious… Say, how were you teaching the kids then?

-I… I just did the same as now, but instead of using green magic I focused on the person in question, helping them find their element.

-Find their element?

-Yes. If I focus on someone I am able to feel their affinity.

-Huh… Mind trying this on me? - I asked, curious.

-I mean… sure… but weren’t you supposed to teach me or something? - he asked, surprised.

-And when did I say that? But sure, if you are asking I can teach you a couple of basic words.

-Oh! Than you!

Of course I intended to do that from the start, having him being reliant on that life magic of his was not a good idea. But hey, since he was already able to do this much, it was going to be a breeze.

-Great! Soo… why do you want me to check your affinity? I thought that’s pretty obvious for you…

-Oh? Really? What is it then in your opinion? Without checking?

-I mean… I don’t know. I meant that you have to know since you know what kinds of spells you are using…

-And I already told you that I use whatever I feel like using. So I am curious what that divination of yours will show.

-Okay… well here goes.

He stepped up to me and placed his hand just a touch above my shoulder.

-Do I need to do something or…?

-No. I just need to focus for a second…

He again started gathering mana, but instead of from the environment or from himself, I felt a slight tug and a tiny bit got drained from me, just to hover right in between the two of us.

I was about to ask if that was it, but before I opened my mouth, he again said the same thing, without even opening his eyes.


This time it was louder and clearer, but I felt like it was not really a spell… just a word that he subconsciously said.

-Done. Oh, so you are green, huh? - he finally said, opening his eyes and looking at the orb.

-Intriguing… you’re going to tell me that this time you also didn’t notice that you were speaking?

-Again!? - he yelped, surprised. - But…

-No, you didn’t cast a spell - I calmed him down. - It was more like you were making an observation. But yeah, strange. I’d never expect for me to be green…

I stopped mid sentence. I was green. And I didn’t mean it like that, I meant literally. Since the last spell I’ve used was that small green orb I summoned, I had a tiny bit of green hue going on, thanks to my crystal and the remaining mana. What if…

-Usc fi elwu.

I summoned a water orb again

-Fotoho lek dosleyy nop.

And split it into a few smaller ones that I sent circulating around me .

-What are you doing? - asked Kon, startled.

-Just an experiment - I replied, looking closer at my arm.

It was now a slightly bluish color. Just what I was aiming for.


I sent all the drops scattering in every single direction, scaring him even more.

-Wha..!? - he yelped, jumping back. A bit too late, because I managed to make him wet.

-Sorry, my bad. Say, can you do that divination again?

-Again? What for?

-Just testing a theory.

-I mean… okay…?

He repeated the process and pulled out some of the mana from me.

But this time, it was not green. As expected, the word he said changed too.


-Blue, huh? - I pointed out, leaning closer to the orb.

Same as with the green one, it was still hovering next to me. I was tempted to touch it but I knew better, even the smallest touch would be enough for me to absorb it back again.

-Blue?! - Kon opened his eyes widely. - But just a second ago…?

-I have an idea… but first, I am going to ask again: do you remember saying anything? - I asked the question already knowing the answer.

-No… did I say something…?

-Eh… yes. You said “blue”... or rather “cmya” if you want me to be exact.

He stared at me for a good while.

-What the hell does all this mean? - he muttered, annoyed. - What am I doing… What did that man teach me?

-Well, I have a guess. I don’t really know how, but he managed to teach you how to drain mana from a person. Maybe a little bit, but still.

-What? But that’s…

-Dangerous? Sure - I agreed. - Especially if used by an amateur. And on some kids. Double the risk.

He went silent for a full minute.

-The more I know about that Noli person the more I regret believing him…

-Ha. Well, if it’s any consolation, you didn’t seem to do any damage to any of them. I mean, that would’ve been pretty obvious, mana starvation is kind of hard to miss…


-Yeah, I suppose that he expected that you wouldn’t be powerful enough to do any serious damage… A bit strange, seeing your mana capacity I would’ve said otherwise… But you are, or were, pretty horrible at offensive spells, you said it yourself.

-I guess if we look at it this way, this thing actually is an offensive spell… - he nodded, still taken aback.

-Yep. But I wouldn’t recommend using that method any more. Until you familiarize yourself with your new “addition” that is. It’s a bit pointless anyway.

-Pointless? How is that pointless? Being able to tell someone their…

-Weren’t you listening? - I interrupted him. - This thing is just draining mana from your target and then expelling it in the shape of a ball. Nothing more, nothing less. Meaning, you are just showing them their last used element. Sure, with someone who doesn’t know how to control their magic, their magic will be the color they are the most used to, or as you are calling it. their “affinity”.

-I thought you said affinity is just made up? - he asked, confused.

-It is. Mostly. Everyone can use any magic they please if they know how to. But here, it seems like that knowledge, along with the gems that are not colored, has been mostly lost.

-Gems that are not colored? Those exist?!

-I mean… - I pointed to his chest. - What do you think that is? And have you ever looked at me? What do you think I use to cast spells? Some hidden piercing or something?

-I… I never thought of that…

-Yeah. But, back to affinity, it’s not exactly complete bullshit. If you are to spend enough time using one singular element for a long time, it’s obvious that you’re going to be better at it. Your body will get used to it too. It’s safe to assume that after a while even your own mana will instead be turned into that element. Since the clear crystals are mostly lost here, using one colored one creates perfect conditions to make someone's “affinity” a certain color.

-Hah… well at least now I know it can be used offensively… at least it’s useful for something…

-Think again. You already can do that even without this spell… method… whatever that is.

-I do? - he seemed surprised.

-Of course you do. I know, the change has been pretty recent, but you have to keep up. Remember, I told you: what kind of properties this crystal of ours has?

-It can absorb… - he started, finally understanding.

-Precisely. Although sure, it’s in a pretty unusual spot, you’d have to hug your opponent or something. Hell, a bit inconvenient, although I can see how it would be a great surprise attack… - the last part I muttered quietly to myself. - Maybe really using this thing is a better choice… I wonder how powerful that is…

-I don’t really see myself trying that… And didn’t you say that it’s weak…?

-I assumed it was - I nodded. - You said you used that thing on the kids and none of them is now in a coma, starved of mana. But I wonder if it’s still the case…

-What do you mean?

-You did manage to drain some from me, right? And, believe me when I say that, you didn’t get much from me, but it was still enough for me to feel it and notice. Do you really think that a kid having this much mana drain would not fall down, knocked out? Or did you try limiting yourself with them?

-I didn’t even know I was doing that! - he shook his hand. - If I knew I for sure would! But what, did I drain more from you suddenly?

-I think there are two possibilities. First one is exactly as you just said: you now are able to drain a lot more, be it thanks to the crystal, me being the most anomalous target you can pick or whatever you want to attribute this to. Or the kids are more powerful than it seems at first. I mean, it is not impossible: they are living in a pretty infused environment. Getting a boost from the environment can happen quite easily.

-The forest surrounding the place is strange… i always thought that it was something off with it. I guess it was the amount of mana it had…

-Hm. Yeah, while possible, I honestly doubt that it’s the case. First of all, I’ve already seen their mana flames and they were definitely not powerful nor developed enough to get drained that much and just shrug it off. Nah, it’s just the crystal that is enhancing you. I was in the same boat as you, so I know what I am talking about.

-You really think so? - he didn’t seem convinced. - You think that I am strong? I honestly can’t really believe it…

-Then don’t. But speaking of strength, there is a reason that I dragged you off here, away from Vendi and Jack.

-Oh. Man, I almost forgot that they were with us…

-Yeah, me too. I am surprised that neither of them came here to look for you. I guess that they are a bit spooked after seeing the ritual. Good for us.

-So what do you want to do then?

-I want to teach you how to defend yourself. You are pretty shit at offense.

-Oh. But… Why now? Aren’t we a bit short on time?

-Short? Last time I checked I had all the time in the world. Do you have something better to do?

-But what about the rest of them? We did sort of leave them hanging…

-If you want to, we can send them back home. I only really needed them to get your body here and transport me. Since you’re up and awake, that’s both things taken care of. You can use portals, right? It’s not yet another bullshit story fabricated by your favorite Jack?

-He’s not my… eh, whatever. Yeah, I think that would be for the best - he agreed. - If you are offering, I am not going to let that opportunity slip again.

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