Shards of Old

117. Bind

She shook off the initial shock and tried to look calm again.

-What about the protections of this place? You said you can give me my abilities back?

-I assume so - I nodded, remembering that we should focus on the topic of that.

-So how do we go about it?

-According to your own method… I mean the crystal and all that… From what I understand it was a simple mechanism, the same used in bio-binding.

-You keep saying that, but I still don’t know what that means.

-Yes, I am curious, too… - muttered Kon.

-Right. I keep forgetting that the magic here is… well, nevermind. Bio-binding is, just as the name suggests, binding someone’s biological material to a certain item. In this case, and in most cases, it is used to bind a magical crystal to someone, to make it only be usable by that one person.

-Ah… I get it.

-Pretty simple, isn’t it? Back in my homeland it was used similarly as in your castle, to prevent someone from breaking in by using magic, letting only the owner use magic in his home for example.

-You had that many powerful crystals just randomly laying in houses? - she sounded amazed.

-Who said it was a lot of houses? - I laughed. - Ha, no. It was mostly just used to protect your own belongings, on a very small scale, like on safes, locks and such. On a bigger scale it was used only in some public places that you’d think it’d be wise to restrict magic usage.

-I guess that sounds reasonable.

-Mhm. But despite how it sounds, it was actually quite easy to make them. You essentially had to use a crystal of desired color, or a prismatic one, and bind it with someone using some of their biological material. Blood, hair, whatever you had on hand.

-Why would someone use blood? - wondered aloud Kon. - I think hair is infinitely less annoying and painful to extract…

-Sure. But some people are bald. And besides that, blood is more powerful than that.

-Powerful? Like what, it restricts more?

-It lets the crystal cover a wider area - I nodded. - You can do the same using a crystal of a better quality, or bigger, but you can imagine which way is cheaper.

-Ah. Hm. Wait, so how does that work here? I was told to drink the blood of whoever… Does that mean…

-That you essentially were combining the crystal inside you with the biological material of your employees - I finished for her.

-Right. But that brings us a question. How in the fuck and why would that work on the whole castle… the island?! - she asked. - Don’t tell me I was the one who…

-No, no, I don’t think so - I shut her down. - If you were the source of the magic blocking, I am sure that… hm. Well, now thinking about it, it is possible. But no, the crystal disappeared and so the binds, then it can’t be this. I think it’s that you were somehow just a conduit. Connecting the crystal that was just here in this hole - I pointed towards the middle of the room - with yourself.

-Why would they be connected?

-Simple. It was the same. As for why and how that happened, I am as clueless as you are.

-Okay… but that still doesn’t help us! It’s gone now.

-Sure. The Origin Crystal is. But the one, red and a much bigger one, is still here. And untouched.

-And how does that help us? It’s not like I can eat this one too!

I had to stifle a laugh.

-You really think that it’s a required step? Come on, didn’t you hear what I just explained?

-What, you’re going to tell me that I can just slap some blood on the rocks and be done with it? - she puffed.

-That is precisely what I am saying, yes - I nodded.

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

-And you’re telling me that’s security!? If binding is that easy, how in the hell is that helpful in any shape or form?

-Not much - I agreed with her. - But at least it lets you cast your magic again, no?

She stared at me with disbelief.

-Don’t look at me like that. Not my fault that… okay, it might be a little bit of my fault.

-And you’re telling me that people used methods like this to secure their belongings? - she said, irritated. - That’s some bullshit.

-Well, first off, they’d never use such a massive crystal in the first place - I calmly explained. - It would be a small pebble that would serve as a main point… just like the one you ate,


-Wait, you said a center point… can we make something like that again? - asked Kon. - Like, I don’t know, chip a bit of the wall or something and make it a new main piece.

-That could work, but in regular circumstances.

-What does that mean?

-That our circumstances are not regular - I grinned at him, but started explaining instantly. - It would work, sure, but only if the piece we had would be at least as powerful as any other remaining piece in the vicinity. And since the island is one big magical crystal…

-It is pointless… - finished For for us. - Eh… damn you.

-More or less.

-Can’t we make the one we use be more powerful than the other? - he was not giving up. - Didn’t you say that it’s not the size that matters?

-True, but…

-And the mana source! You said there's a broken leyline in here? Wouldn’t that be a great way to do it? Could you enhance it somehow?

-I got to say, you’re a creative one… - I replied after a second of pondering. - But there are issues with that method…

-I am sure we can somehow get past it! Right?

-Well… I am not sure. First of all, about the mana source…

I gazed towards the hole in the middle of the room, trying to focus a bit more.

Right, the room was not blindingly bright, so the overwhelming mana was no longer there, but it didn’t mean that the whole leak was done and gone.

The walls of the castle were still infused and it didn’t look like it was going to change at all. Quite the opposite, the hole and the floor surrounding the opening was a bit brighter to me now, and I could tell that the leyline was still there.

Not like it was possible to move it in the first place.

-I know what you’re thinking. I think it is already contained, you know.



I felt the familiar itch of her borrowing more of my senses, but it was cut short.

-Damn. This thing even works on me - she muttered. - I can’t use mana as much as I like… It still inhibits me.

-But that doesn’t stop you from feeling the mana around us. What did you spot?

-Well, it’s just as you thought - she started. - The leyline was not torn open as you’d expect after the whole Origin Crystal went missing.

-Yeah… When he mentioned that idea, I thought we might have been able to create yet another one… or at least use a piece of us to create a seed for one, to plug this hole… But you’re saying that it already got plugged? By what?

-And what do you think? The island.

-I know it was connected before, but didn’t this thing work as a cork? Even without it, it still is connected?

-Seems like it.


-Well, at least the idea was good… - I thought, directing my words to Kon, who, after listening to our conversation, started looking a lot more down. - Don’t blame yourself.

-Let’s get our magic back in business first. Then we can try your thing. How do I do that?

-Ah… - I shook myself off, realizing that she was also in the room and didn’t hear the whole conversation. - I don’t think his idea’s going to work, but you’re right, we need our magic back - I agreed. - And it’s simple. Just get some of your blood onto the crystal and speak the word.

-The word? - she asked, confused.

-Wait, your letter didn’t specify that?

-It did, but it was not one word, it was a whole incantation! - she said, suddenly worried. - I think I remember it…

-Incantation? Damn, speaking of overpreparing.


-To bio-bind a crystal you just need a single word… wait, what was that again…?

-It was as dumb as it gets. It was just “security” backwards.

-Right… Why the fuck do people think that’s even easy to pronounce don’t get… You’d think a man-made word would be easier for the tongue. Or brain.

-Man-made? - asked Kon surprised, joining in.

-Ah, right, you don’t know. See, some words are not just regular, existing items and concepts. There are some that were made by people and integrated into leylines, to use as a shortcut.

-Yes. So like in this case, we don’t have to weave a long sentence of a spell, instead we can just use one word.

-But… why backwards?

-Ah… Er, I am not sure.

-Some people said - started explaining Iloa - that it is the safest way. So no one will say it by accident.

-Right… I don’t imagine someone randomly trying to talk backwards all of the sudden, so there is no risk that someone would accidentally discover some, top-secret spell or something.

-Spells like that exist?! - he yelped, surprised. - What do they even do?!

-If I told you they wouldn’t be a secret any more.

-And you know about them!?

-Well, we were part of an organization that kind of was dealing with that…

-You told me that, but still!

-Still what?

-Don’t overhype MIRE so much - said Iloa. - It’s not like we were doing anything that interesting.

-Working on AI and trying to harness life magic is pretty interesting - I pointed out.

-Is it though? Apparently those people were doing that as well…

-Only thanks to us, let me remind you.

-Right… - I could feel spite in her words. - I almost forgot about him…

-Er… Mor? Did you remember?

-Hm…? Wha?

For was staring at me with anticipation.

-You were about to say something, but?

-Ah right, sorry… I sort of got caught up in my thoughts.

-You two are weirding me out… - she muttered. - You just… staring at each other like that. It’s eerie.

We exchanged looks with Kon.

-Heh. Get used to that… I feel like that might keep happening.

-You’re weird. So, did you remember?

-Right. Yes, the word is avosydit.

-Avo… wha?

-Don’t look at me like that - I shrugged. - I was not the one who came up with that.

-Right… sure…

-I am serious. I think this one was made by some frenchman.

-Like that explains much.

-True, true… Well, you just need to know how to do this, not why it is the way that it is.

-I mean, yeah. So, I just what, speak the word and drink the blood, right?

-Why are you so adamant on drinking that shit? - I squinted at her. - No! Just get a knife, or anything sharp, draw some blood and spray it on the crystal while speaking the word. That should bind you to it.

She didn’t look convinced, but nevertheless she nodded and produced a knife from… somewhere?

-Where do you people keep those knives? - I asked, staring at the small blade in her hand.

-What do you mean?

-Nothing - I shrugged. - It’s just, every time there is a need for a tool like that, everyone seems to have it on hand, even though there wasn’t really anywhere you would be able to hide something like this.

-Ha - she smiled. - That’s a secret.

I rolled my eyes.

-Right, right. Well, use your secret weapon then and let’s get on with it.

She nodded and took a breath, hesitating for a moment, but then quickly grabbed the blade, cutting open her palm, drawing blood.

-Any piece should do, right?


She stepped towards the furthest wall and touched it with her whole palm.


The reaction was immediate.

The mana inside the crystal reacted at once, flashing with a dark red light. At first, it was just a singular spot, right where she placed her hand. She quickly removed it, but the light remained, in the shape of her hand, just like a bloody handprint on the wall, although a glowing one.

-Is that it? - she asked, but before I was able to reply, the crystal did it for me.

The handprint started… melting, for lack of a better description. It sort of looked like the blood from her hand that was left on the wall was dripping down, staining the crystal, but that was not it. The blood itself was already gone and absorbed by the rock - it was just mana in the same color that was making it look that way.

As she took a step back, to see the stain from another angle, curious, it suddenly started changing shape. From a handprint to a large pool of red, twice the size. Then, in a flash, the color spread through the whole chamber, covering the walls with a bloody red color.

It would be probably a lot more eerie, if not for the walls being red in the first place. Antought this time, the color was a bit darker.

While that was only one visible change, the three of us were able to tell that it was not the only thing that changed.

The aura, or the mana of the place suddenly shifted to a much denser one. For a second I expected to get blinded again. And I did, for a brief moment.

Just like a flashbang, the light assaulted me similarly to before. I was not able to tell if it was just as strong as then, or maybe it was even more potent, because it only was visible to me for a split second.

Even Kon noticed that, because he flinched, staggering a step back.

-What the hell was that?! - he yelped.

-What happened?! - For was surprised, but as the only one who didn’t react to the sudden flash, was just confused more than anything.

-I think it’s done - I replied, blinking a few times, trying to clear my vision. - It’s just a bit of a sensation, that’s it - I explained for Kon. - Come on, try a spell or something.

-Okay… I don’t feel much different though… Geksu, gmyo - she said, pointing her finger up.

It worked.

From her finger a small streak of fire started burning out, like a flame of a candle, although a lot bigger.

It even surprised her.



-It works! But… It’s stronger…

I shrugged.

-I guess. Well, good for you. Your turn, Kon.

-Are you sure that… it’s safe?


-I don’t know… it’s weird using blood for something like this… It reminds me of the contracts too much… - he admitted after a while.

-Ah. No, don’t worry - I assured him. - Your blood is immediately destroyed and can’t be used to do anything else. But if you are worried, you can just use your hair.

-Yeah, I was wondering about that - said For. - Why blood? How would that make this spell more powerful or not? It’s kind of strange…


-Yeah - she nodded. - How does this work exactly? How the “power” you mentioned is determined.

-It’s simple, really. The more powerful it is, the higher level spells you can use.

-You mentioned that multiple times already… but what exactly are those levels? - asked Kon, clearly interested.

-Right… I keep forgetting that you lack the immediate knowledge that we have… - I muttered.

-To be honest… - chimed in For - I don’t know either. I mean, sure, I’ve heard about the “levels” and all that, but never knew how to differentiate the spells.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A person who claims to be a leader of a guild and she’s also this uneducated?

-Damn - I shook my head in disbelief. - You two are really sheltered…

Both of them exchanged looks with a mix of shame and confusion.

-You know, that might not exactly be true - interrupted me Iloa.

-You mean…?

-Yeah… the knowledge about… well, many things, seems to be lost in this place. That includes spell levels.

-Right… I knew that even knowledge about the magical script was not common, but I thought at least her…

-Really? Wasn’t she even more sheltered than Kon? Dumped in some house for, I don’t know, hundred of years, without any contact with the outside world?

-It was really that long? - Kon, listening in, was pretty surprised. - She doesn’t look that old…

-That’s the elves for you…

-And even if she wasn’t - I added - Your old man also changed her body to this, so it’s possible that aging is strange for her. Just like with you…

-Yeah… I still can’t wrap my head around it… I knew that he had somewhat similar power, but to do the exact same thing as me…

-It’s hard to get your hands on a power that is unique in this kind of setting - I pointed out. - And even if you do, it usually is either too complicated to be useful or has some kind of drawbacks that are hard to iron out.

-Right. Sorry, I forgot that the knowledge about magical algorithms is mostly lost here… - I said out loud.


-Don’t worry about that. For now, you just need to know that making spells is essentially converting words using a certain algorithm. Depending on the one used, you get the spell that is higher or lower level - I quickly explained. - And like I said, depending on what kind of material you are using to do your bio-binding, the higher level spells you are able to use.

-So if I were to use, I don’t know, hair - asked Kon - I wouldn’t be able to use stronger spells?


-Well that’s inconvenient.

-Sure - I laughed. - But in your case, it won’t make a difference.

-How? I’m…

-It’s just you don’t need to use more powerful spells - I quickly said. - Nor you know any.

-Yeah, but you can tell me…

-Of course, of course. But there is no point. Listen, even with the first level incantations you can make any spell.

-So what’s even the point of those - asked For, now confused. - It seems like it’s pointless…

-It sort of is - I admitted. - At least it is for people with a lot of mana. Or a way to recover it quickly.

-What does mana capacity have to do with that? - asked Kon.

-Simply, the higher level words make your spells more efficient - I explained. - That’s why they are usually used in more complicated incantations.


-Yeah. Since more complicated spells are usually more mana-hungry, to compensate, we use higher level words, to try and make up the difference. But in your case - I said to Kon - that’s pointless. What, you’re going to be using a fireball? I feel like you have enough mana for that.

-You’re right…

-And in any case, it’s now better for you to be able to vent your mana quicker - I reminded him. - We don’t need for you to get overwhelmed like me.

-You got overwhelmed? - For got curious.

-I mentioned that already. I broke my neck, remember?

-Right, but I thought it was because of a wrong incantation, not mana…

-And where did you get that idea?

-Well… it’s just you never said the incantation… so I thought you failed…

-That’s the weirdest thing I’ve heard so far. No - I simply said, a bit perplexed. - The incantation was stellar, it was just thanks to me not being able to control myself yet…

-Don’t blame me for that.


-In any case, Kon, go ahead and unlock your own magic - I reminded him.

For nodded and handed him a knife she used to cut her hand open.

-You want me to use what then…? - he asked, still unsure.

-Do whatever you feel like - I simply said. - Being able to use anything will be enough for you.


He grabbed the knife and cut off a handful of hair.

-That’ll be plenty. Now do the same thing she did.

He nodded and walked towards the other wall, where For was still standing.

-Avosydit - he said, placing his hand along with hair on the wall.

The effect was as quick as with For, but not as spectacular, so to speak. Instead of the whole castle flashing with red, it was just the immediate area next to his hand that brightened up. But, just a blink of an eye later, a small wave passed through the island. Not as bright and not as red, I am not sure if it was even visible for anyone but us two, but it definitely had some sort of effect.

-Geksu, gmyo.

He casted a spell without either of us telling him to, and, just as expected, it worked.

Funnily enough, the flame he summoned was as strong as the one For conjured, if not a bit stronger. Considering the fact that she was supposed to be some kind of powerful elf, and the fact that he barely put any mana into it, it was… strange.

I guess he was getting used to the Origin Crystal.

-Nice. So now you just will need to repeat the process with your employees… or at least Jacob, and you’ll be good to go.

-What about you? - asked Kon. - Don’t you need to do this, too?

That was a good question.

Up till now I was not really thinking about myself, but would I be even able to? I didn’t have any blood left, right? Nor any kind of biological matter, strictly speaking…

-That might be problematic… - I muttered, half to myself, half to them.

-Right - picked up For instantly. - What are you supposed to use? Do you have blood…?

-Not really - I shrugged. - I never really checked though…

-Better now than never - she said, gesturing towards the knife Kon had.

-I guess…

I carefully grabbed the handle of the knife, trying not to drain him in the process and took a good look at the blade.

It looked pretty plain, and was definitely not enchanted.

-Here goes nothing.

I grabbed it with my palm, trying to cut open my hand, but I was met with just a sound of metal scraping against the rock. Both the weapon and my skin were undamaged.

-Should’ve expected that - said For, looking closer.

-Er… maybe you can… try harder? - said Kon, not sure himself.

-Well… For, is that knife important or something?

-Noo…? Why?

-So you won’t mind me breaking it?

-And why would you want to do that?

I didn’t answer, just grabbed the blade and with all my strength squeezed the metal in my palm.

Still nothing. I was not strong enough to actually do any damage to the knife, but I was pretty sure if I had a bit better grip strength, I would’ve bent it in half. And, after looking a bit closer, I actually did bend it a little bit.

-No dice, eh…? - she muttered. - How about…

I was a step ahead of her.

Although I hesitated a tiny bit, I was pretty sure that nothing was going to happen to me, so I grabbed the knife by the handle, and with all my strength tried stabbing my own palm.

All I managed to accomplish though was to startle Kon, who jumped, and snap the knife in half, sending sparks everywhere, accompanied with the unpleasant grinding noise.

-Agh! Damn it, warn us beforehand!

She did get startled as well, even though I was pretty sure that she was about to ask for me to do exactly this.

-My bad. Well, I guess that plan is out of the picture.

-Well, I guess you have to use your… - started Kon, but his voice faded away, unsure what to say.

-Yeah. My what? - I asked. - I don’t really have hair any more. Nor anything that would work…

-Er… and what would? - asked For, a bit intrigued.

-Anything with DNA. Blood, hair, fingernails, spit…

-Yeah, I get it - she interrupted. - But what, does that mean you won’t be able to use magic here?

-Usc fi geksu.

The spell fizzled.

-It’s not that simple, but yeah, the regular spells seem to be inhibited.

-Regular? And there are others? - she now seemed a bit concerned.

-Not exactly… I mean…

I focused again. This time, I didn’t attempt to create any kind of spell, instead just focused on the mana in the air.

I was able to manipulate it without issue, gathering the orb of magic right in front of me.

Kon noticed the attempt instantly, wide-eyed, but she was clueless.

-I can still manipulate mana no issue, so I will be fine - I announced.

-And how would that help you? - she asked, a bit confused.

-First off, it means that I can still drain mana from people - I informed her. - I mean, that was pretty obvious. It means that I am still able to defend myself.

-Well, even without that, doesn’t mana just get absorbed by you anyway if you get touched by any spell?

-Yeah. That’s what I mean.

-You thought that this thing might block even that kind of ability? - she was surprised. - Is this thing that powerful?

-Hey, everything is possible. Better to be safe than sorry. But I must admit, I thought it would be impossible as well… It’s hard to completely block the Origin Crystal from functioning.


-And second, I also can boost you.


-Yea. And use mana as a fuel to do a couple of tricks.

-That does not explain even a tiny bit, what?

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