116. Pebble
-That’s… preposterous… - said For, although I could feel that she was also starting to believe in this sequence of events. - So wait. Didn’t you say that the crystal formed already?! Doesn’t that mean that whoever set this all up would come there soon to… I don’t know, retrieve it?
-You can’t “retrieve” it really. Besides it now being gone, you can’t just move that thing. Not easily or without consequences at least - I corrected myself, gesturing to me and Kon. - Even then, that thing had to be in place for a long while now. I might have boosted its growth a tiny bit, but that doesn’t mean it was useless earlier.
-Well then… that brings the main question… If you say that it indeed wasn’t anyone trapped or turned, what the hell happened with it then? I thought you were meant to just check it out?! - asked For.
-Yeah, about that… I think… I just used it - I replied, unsure myself.
-Used?! How do you “use” something like that?!
-Yeah, I am a bit confused, too - I agreed with her. - But I can’t really tell you much. My idea was to use a similar spell that I used on you, Kon - I briefly looked at him.
-Yeah… I thought that that spell sounded familiar.
-Oh, so you remember that?
-I think so…
-...or it’s just a shared memory from me - added Iloa in my head.
-Well, the spell was supposed to return the target to their previous form - I continued my explanation. - Since that was supposed to be a person, I thought that it would return them to a human shape, or to their right mind at least.
-But didn’t you say that you need a body for that kind of process? - asked Kon. - But wasn’t their body already gone?
-We do have their body though - I pointed out. - Or at least that’s what we thought before.
-The castle… - muttered For. - You wanted to make a revenant… from the whole castle? From the whole island?!
-Essentially - I admitted. - But, before you ask, I thought that it would be unlikely, too. That’s why I said it would be an attempt.
-But, since it was not it, you just did nothing but waste an enormous amount of mana.
-You’re not exactly wrong… - I agreed. - I did waste a lot… but fixed a bunch of things by accident too.
-Fixed? Like what?
-First off, I fixed the leaking leyline - I announced. - Or at least drained it enough for it to not be a problem anymore.
-And since when it was a problem, huh?
-It’s mostly for him, I think - muttered Kon. - Since all that glowing thing…
-Okay, don’t sell me so short - I puffed, pretending to be offended. - Sure, it’s annoying for me, but not just because of glowing. It was preventing me from seeing normally, that's for one.
-Which you were easily able to circumvent with that spell - she pointed out.
-If she thinks it’s that easy, let me see her make a spell like that from scratch and then not get any side effects in the process - Iloa was clearly not amused.
-Hey, it speaks about your skill a lot at least. If she thinks it’s easy, it's only because you do make it seem so.
-It's a bit more complicated than that, but sure - I was not going to bother trying to explain that to her.
-Whatever you say.
-Second, the glowing part… While not exactly dangerous in general, it can be under wrong circumstances.
-Right. Boosting your spells. Such an inconvenience…
-Well… he did make a rather large hole in our house… and froze himself…
-And destroyed my windpipe - I reminded them. - But sure, only positive sides.
-You clearly were able to heal it no problem.
-Okay, but if it was anyone else other than me… or maybe Kon, they would’ve been dead on the spot. If not from the spell, then definitely from the mana overcharge.
-Mana overcharge? - she laughed. - Ha. Dead? Dead drunk maybe. You know that everything in abundance can kill you right? It’s like arguing that alcohol is dangerous because when abused leads to organ failure.
-It is even without that much - I muttered. - Isn’t booze outlawed here anyway? But that’s besides the point. You really seem to want to get under my skin now - I pointed out. - What gives?
-It’s just… it seems from my point of view that you just spit those “facts” of yours without thinking much and just talk whatever you feel like just to sound smart. Robbing me out of something because of your failure and trying to cover it up with “it was dangerous” bullshit. From someone who hates politics, it is very political of you.
I went silent, just gazing in space. She did the same, but I realized it was not because she was content about finally being able to stick it to me. She was afraid.
-Sorry! I didn’t mean…
Did she only just realize what she said? But I was not listening to her apologies anyway. Not like I cared about that. And besides, she was absolutely right.
-I know, I know, I am a failure - I said out loud, interrupting and surprising her. - Not the first time, nor was it the last time.
She stared at me, not sure what to say.
-But sorry that I made it look like I was hiding that… The main point is that even with this failure, we can still salvage it. You said this thing used bio-binding, right? Or something adjacent to that?
-Bio-binding…? - happy with the change of tone, she shook herself off from the initial confusion - Ah. Right… you said something like that… You mean that I used blood to mark people?
-Mark? That’s…
-Doesn’t matter. So what’s with that then?
-Nothing - I shrugged. - But if that’s at least partially similar with what I thought, it most likely has been… “reset”.
-Reset? As no one can cast magic here? - she asked, worried.
-No one without access to the crystal - pointed out. - And the method. Since the island is just one big crystal, it’s half as useful though.
-Wait, does that mean that you can’t use magic either?! - she gasped. - Or me?!
I stopped, pondering for a moment. Before I was able to avoid her security thanks to my crystal being powerful… but how would that work now? I mean, the crystal was pretty weak now, and considering that I absorbed a lot of mana… I should be fine, right?
-Usc fi geksu.
To my stunned surprise, absolutely nothing happened.
-Usc fi geksu!
Still nothing.
-Kon, you try.
-Er… usc fi geksu!
Also nothing.
-How about you, For.
-Geksu tehu.
-That’s… concerning.
-Okay, that’s not how this is supposed to work - I said, a bit concerned.
-Oh look, another failure.
-Don’t need to point that out again - I muttered.
She tossed me a worried look.
-So what now? Are we stuck like this now?!
-Well… not really… or at least I hope so… Before you asked, I was about to say that you just need to remake the spell and give the “permission” to others again… But I never expected for it to work on me too.
-At least that’s somewhat of a good news… if it works for you, then maybe it’ll work on the king too…
-That’s a good point… - I agreed.
-And what do you mean about the “permission”? - she asked. - How do I do that?
-Err… and what do you think? - I asked, slightly confused. - The same way you did it the first time?
-Okay, I feel like that’s not going to work…
-Er… the method… was a bit strange.
-And you think I have not seen plenty of strange things already?
-No… but that’s…
She was conflicted for a good while, but finally decided to speak.
-I had to drink their blood.
I blinked, not sure if I heard that right.
-You serious?
-I am afraid yes.
-Okay… and why do you think that it’s not going to work any more?
-The method was passed to me by py predecessor… But now I am not even sure if that’s true.
-Wait, didn’t you say you never met them?
-If you want to be exact, it was Jacob who passed it to me.
I stared at her, stunned.
-Wait, you’re telling me that he’s one of the previous guild leaders? That you…
I shuddered on the lone thought of Goldie being actually from some powerful family. Or rather I felt bad for them. Talk about disappointment.
-Hell no! - she immediately protested, seeing as I started looking at her with pity. - It’s not like that! It’s just that he has been tasked to find me by the previous master of this island.
-Ha. Well, that’s something. And I assume you won’t tell us his name?
-Of course I can… - she shrugged. - But it’s pretty mundane, you know?
-His name was Michael - said For. - It’s not a secret. What’s more of an issue that no one has ever seen his face.
-Mor… do you think that…
-Let’s not jump to conclusions.
-Ah. So a personality like that - I nodded. - I see. Well, let’s put that on hold. What about the ritual… spell, or whatever?
-Right. When he was sent out to search, he was given a small bundle, wrapped in cloth. Told to never open it and only give it to me. That is if I accept the position.
-And he did. So, what was in it? - I asked straight away.
-I don’t know if…
-Come on, I think we’re well past the point of trying to hide information about the crystal. Out with it.
She sighed, annoyed.
-I hate it that you’re right. Anyway, it was not that much of a secret anyway. The bundle he gave me contained a letter and a small pebble, not even larger than a coin.
-Don’t tell me. The pebble was shiny and see through, like a small prism?
-How did you know?! - she asked, stunned.
I couldn’t help but groan, heavily.
-Tell me the contents of the letter first.
She gazed at me, curious.
-Well… there was not much there. He explained how he had to vacate the seat of the leader because “his time was running out”. For some reason he knew about my past, all up to me being left in the capital by Jack. He wrote that the position here is going to help me get a fresh start, without anyone being able to encroach on my freedom.
-That’s rich.
-But he was right - agreed with the letter Jacob. - This place is… or was as far from the king’s influence as it was getting.
-And not like anyone would suspect me of being anything else than the family of the earlier leader.
-So that’s not public knowledge either…
-Why would it be?
-Right, right - I nodded. - Anything more?
-Yes, yes, I know, the part that you’re most interested about - she sighed. - He did include the way for me to be able to manipulate mana here. I was supposed to swallow that small pebble. On top of that, he also said that not only would it make me able to access all the locks and everything on the whole island, I would also be able to share the ability to use magic in the Red Edge with anyone I felt worthy or useful. I only had to drink a little bit of their blood.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
-Well, that’s a story and a half - I finally said after a brief pause.
-So how did you know about that pebble? - she asked. - I have never told that to anyone. Even Jacob.
-Wait, so how was he able to use magic here then, hm?
-Well, he knew about having to share the blood part - she admitted. - he never knew what was done with it though… Now when you mention it… I don’t remember doing that for him - pointed out For. - How was he…
-I assume he did the same thing with the previous leader.
-Maybe. Wait… are you going to tell me that you did the same? - she asked, suddenly wide-eyed. - You met our previous leader!?
-What, no! - I puffed. - Or well, maybe, that’s debatable. But no, that’s not possible, I never shared my blood with him.
-Not like you have any blood left…
-That too.
-Well, it’s not all gloom and doom - I said. - I am pretty sure that we can give you your castle back.
-You still have not told us how you were able to know what was in the package though! - said For, still being adamant about that.
-I was getting to that. And I thought you might have figured it out by now…
-Eh… Listen. Look at me. Then look at Kon, or rather his chest.
Kon flinched, hearing his name so suddenly.
-Does that look familiar to you?
She was not replying, her face turning pale.
-I see you are grasping it. What you had there was a small piece of Origin Crystal. The same one that we thought had inside that founder of yours.
-It’ can’t be…
-You’re closer to us than you thought you are - I said, thinking about the consequences that could have had on her body.
-You don’t have to put it like that - said Iloa.
-Oh, come on, you know what I mean - I replied, annoyed. - Besides, that’s actually more interesting than anything else.
-Sure… I wonder how much she was able to absorb…
-Considering the fact that the process usually needs an absolute humongous amount of mana, I doubt that she managed to change…
-Yes, but she was able to use magic in here thanks to that little piece… It had to do something. And, since you mentioned it, she did have a good source of mana in the leyline and the overall place here, no?
-I guess. Something had to change, but how much?
She stopped for a moment, thinking.
I briefly felt an itch in my head.
-Hm. I took a better look at her, but I can’t feel any connection… or the “other thing”.
-Right… Maybe it’s just not the case with everyone then? Maybe it’s just us?
-Who knows. But that’s the best opportunity we’re going to get. If she is indeed in the process of turning into a remnant…
-Now we’re going to have two subjects to monitor.
-And here I thought the experiments of ours had ended already.
During our exchange, For was just gazing into space, apparently trying to digest the information she just had received.
-So… how do you feel about that? - I finally asked, breaking the silence.
-Er… I don’t know. It’s just… are you sure about that… am I really turning into something like…
She gestured towards me.
-I am not sure - I replied truthfully. - If what you said is indeed correct, you already have been under the influence of that crystal for a long time and haven’t changed a bit, have you?
-I suppose so…
-Right. There are many possibilities. It might be that elven biology is a bit different from human’s?
I gazed towards Kon.
-How about you, Kon? Do you feel any different since… the accident?
-Not really… besides what you told me about being more capable with magic… and… you know.
-Yes. But I am talking about your body. Any other changes? I mean, it hasn't even been a long time since then so I assume…
-Nothing - he replied after patting himself for a while. - Or at least I can’t tell…
-See? It’s not that scary - I said to For. - If we assume that the changes are going to be similar in all of us, you’ll have a good indication before something changes, be it in my own person or Kon.
-That is not reassuring - muttered For. - But we have other things to worry about.