Remnants anomaly

Big boom

If that doesn't sound that bad then you probably either don't have a very good imagination or aren't aware of how high yield such a massive bomb could possibly have. the answer by the way was VERY high as salem and her forces soon found out. when ironwood's little going away present went off that entire side of the planet was bathed in a brilliant white light. salem didn't even try to block the blast with her own magic but rather forcefully warped herself and her subordinates away instead. a hundred square miles in every direction was directly wiped off the face of the planet from the blast.

Even that was only because the gods secretly stepped in to limit the damage it did to the world or it would have been much greater. honestly speaking every single one of the gods was stunned speechless by the sheer viciousness that ironwood showed in this action. he was such a composed individual most of the time that none had ever imagined he would take such an action. meanwhile the transports rapidly fleeing the area towards the kingdom of vale were caught up in the shockwaves of the blast and almost crashed had the pilots not managed to keep them under control.

Meanwhile back at the desolate lands that salem made her home all of salem's people that she took with her were hyperventilating and in full blown panic attacks. salem didn't berate them for weakness since even she herself was unsteady on her feet. it was strange either since that was a massive blast created by a literal divine artifact for the sole purpose of making her suffer. normal means may be unable to kill her but she wasn't willing to test if a divine blast also couldn't.

If she died then ozpin basically wins their dispute and can eventually signal the gods return even if her death would spit in their face. sure they could just bring her back to life but from the way they threw a fit at her getting ozma brought back she doubted it. speaking of the gods in question they were in an awkward position at the moment. four of alex's wives were seething mad at how salem had avoided true death and looking anywhere they could to vent their frustration. the twin gods had the good sense to not stick their heads out at the moment especially with alex's sign language warning.

Leon meanwhile was frankly speechless that ironwood had such a stupidly powerful weapon on hand all this time. he obviously wasn't aware of the artifact of creation that was used to make this possible and had simply assumed that it was a weapon like a super nuke made through their advanced science. 'normally i would just hack into the servers to dig up whatever the hell that was but those sort of don't exist anymore.' he thought unhappily. 'whatever i'll just ask ironwood personally since he's moving in next door anyways.' leon thought with a chuckle.

Sure atlas had been destroyed which is definitely going to cause a massive unbalance in the world , but no one in the city had actually died from the attack save maybe the maiden who leon didn't even know existed. a new maiden had already risen from amongst the survivors so it didn't matter much to leon anyways. who that maiden was however was bound to cause him a headache as it just so happened to be winter schnee who leon had sealed previously. rather than give her over to her father ironwood made winter the previous maidens caretaker instead after she got sealed by leon and she had become friends with the girl.

As the previous maidens last act before she died she targeted winter as the recipient for her power. this worked to also forcefully remove the seal on her since it was only meant to keep her aura sealed within her and the maidens power smashed in from outside dissolving the seal. leon would only come to learn this later when he had a chat with ironwood to figure out how to settle the massive influx of refugees.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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