Remnants anomaly

A friendly chat

Leon almost gave one of the pilots of the transports a heart attack when he landed on the top of the transport and waved at them from the windshield. ironwood got a report on this and sighed before sending the order to have leon sent over to the transport he was on. this lead to a funny scene were someone in the transport leon was on was drawing out the fleet of transports and circling one of them to show him where to go. leon purposefully made the mistake of going to the wrong transport five different times before ironwood got irritated and literally shot him in the face from the side of the transport.

Leon had a huge grin when he landed in the open door of the transport while ironwood simply had a headache. "was that charade entirely necessary leon we've all had a rather bad day as it is?" the man asked with a tired expression. "quick question first , how many casualties were there?" leon asked calmly. ironwood was taken back by how calm leon was but answered anyway "besides those outside the shield when the siege started only a handful , why?" he asked curiously.

"Then why the hell are you acting so dour? the only thing you lost was replaceable. people are the only irreplaceable thing in this world so even if you lost that kingdom all you have to do is make a new , better one." leon lectured ironwood sternly. the man and all the other people in the transport that was rather cramped looked like they wanted to argue but even the slowest of them knew that he was right. "besides i already have an idea about where you guys can settle down anyways." leon said with a grin.

"And where is that exactly?" ironwood asked seriously since this was a rather important topic at the moment. "mount glen of course , now before i start hearing some nonsense about how it's infested with grim or cursed keep in mind that i can fix any actual problems with the location with no problem at all." leon said calmly. ironwood verbally started to list the pros and cons of that idea but as much as he would have liked to personally disagree with the idea the pros actually out weighed the cons. with leon's help in leveling and clearing the area before adding in construction and defenses mount glen was strategically a viable location to rebuild.

"I can't make this decision on my own." ironwood eventually said seriously. leon nodded "that's your business to figure out , meanwhile I'd like to talk about that parting gift of yours that would have blown me to pieces if i hadn't fled immediately." he said with a not very pleased inflection. ironwood stiffened at the change but quickly composed himself "it was a last resort to take down as many of the enemy as possible , not much more to say." he said simply. leon nodded "i can understand that much what i don't understand however is what it has to do with whatever you have in that crate over there."

"Even more oddly is why winter over there , pleasure to see you again by the way , has a similar power to that person i was stopped by earlier." leon said with his mangekyou active. ironwood and winter both paled at his words which made leon sigh. "why does everyone always seem to forget that i can literally SEE energy?" he asked with a bit of irritation. "it would be best if we took this conversation elsewhere." ironwood said seriously.

Leon shrugged before tapping his foot against the floor of the transport sending infernal script snaking across it until the entire room was covered in the stuff and pulsed his aura into the seals. immediately and to the astonishment of everyone in the room the wall started to visibly shift outwards until the room tripled in size. "space expansion seal , tricky bit of magic to figure out but oh so very useful. if any of you value your lives don't try and damage your surrounding since the invisible seals might kill everyone here if you damage even a single letter." leon announced like it wasn't just going to make them even more nervous.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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