Rejected by the shadow god

Chapter 31: plan unfolds

Chapter 27: "A Sinister Plan Unfolds"

Theresa V, aka Madison, had been waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Her eyes had been fixed on Juilian Giayian, Caleb's colleague and friend, and she had been patiently biding her time.

As Juilian stepped off the curb, crossing the street to reach the grocery store, Theresa V saw her chance. With a calculated calmness, she accelerated the car, aiming directly for Juilian.

The sound of screeching tires and crushing metal filled the air as Theresa V struck Juilian with the car. The impact sent Juilian flying onto the hood, her body crumpling against the windshield before bouncing off onto the pavement.

Theresa V brought the car to a stop, her eyes locked onto Juilian's motionless form. A mixture of emotions swirled within her – satisfaction, guilt, and a hint of sadness.

As bystanders rushed to Juilian's aid, Theresa V calmly reversed the car and drove away, disappearing into the crowded streets. She knew that Caleb would be devastated by the news, and that was exactly what she had been counting on.

With Juilian out of the way, Theresa V saw an opportunity to get closer to Caleb, to manipulate him and play on his emotions. Her ultimate goal was to claim Caleb's heart, no matter the cost.

As the news of Juilian's accident spread, Caleb's world began to unravel. He rushed to the hospital, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

Theresa V watched from the shadows, a calculated smile spreading across her face. She knew that Caleb's grief and guilt would make him vulnerable, and she was ready to take full advantage of the situation.

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