Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 49: A rich man in the dirt

Too stunned to speak, Phoebe looked at the Saxon spirit which owed her an explanation if it had one. It had told her clearly that only she plus the ghosts can see the pendant, so what the hell was going on.

"I guess he's experiencing some changes as well, since David gives the pendant energy just like the ghosts it only makes sense that he can see it." Came the spirit's explanation that made perfect sense.

Phoebe stared at David with quizzical eyes. "Are you telling me that you can see this pendant?" She asked just to confirm.

He shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, how does it glow like that sometimes do you charge it or something?" Came his nonchalant question which caused Phoebe to laugh maniacally

"This is truly Unbelievable!"

Was this another coincidence? He knew her before she met him, he had moved into the apartment opposite hers, physical contact with him gave her energy and he could see the pendant which was invisible to other humans.

Was he truly human? Maybe he was a ghost too. That didn't make sense since humans could see him. She looked at his chest and wondered if she could feel his heart for a heartbeat without making it weird.

"What is Pheebs?" He asked, concerned.

"Nothing, just...nothing." There was no need for him to know.

[I don't know who is more weird between me and you. Heck, the entire city is really weird lately. Whatever, i can't think about it right now.]

He didn't know what it was but he could see that she was disturbed. Phoebe smiled briefly and walked ahead of him, following Sylvester who was silent the entire time.

David placed his hands in his pockets and followed her footsteps because there were mud paddles everywhere since it had rained the previous night. Finally they arrived at the place that Sylvester confirmed was the spot where he had buried the money.

It was the backyard of one of the old houses. Since it was abandoned a long time ago, overgrown weeds were flourishing everywhere. The smell of sewage was also strong, coming from a broken pipe that run through the property. It was off putting but she had a job to do.

Phoebe pulled out a key from her pant back pocket, crouched down and opened the tool box.

"Wooo." David moved closer to study the items that were now on display. 'No wonder it was heavy' he squatted down and began to inspect them.

The red box was full of all tools one can think of, axe, rake, spade, k2 meter, arrow and bow, hammer, smoke gun, maglite flashlight and many more.

His hands moved to the k2 meter and without pause he switched it on because part of him wanted to confirm that Phoebe wasn't crazy but could actually see ghosts.

The little lights on the K2 meter moved from green to red in a split second confirming that there were indeed ghosts present in the area. David was startled but not scared because he had come to understand after being reborn that the world was not just black and white. There were grey areas too.

"Ghosts." he said.

Phoebe chuckled and took the little devil from his hands, she placed it back in the box and handed him a spade.

"Let's start digging, you said you wanted to help."

Polly who wasn't far away rushed to his boss' side and tried to take the spade from him but David refused because he was eager to impress Phoebe. He went as far as to ask her to let him do the work all by himself. For a person who had never lifted a finger in his life, he was quite confident so Phoebe let him be.

He walked to the spot, folded his sleeves, lifted the spade and dug. The ground was muddy but he didn't care about mud messing up his expensive clothes and shoes as long as Phoebe saw how macho he was.

After about fifteen minutes, David was already regretting his decision. He wanted to reverse it but didn't want to get embarrassed.

"How much further did that ghost hide whatever we are searching for." He paused and wiped his face with the back of his dirty hand leaving dirt on his forehead.

"Keep going." Phoebe told him.

Polly and Martin couldn't believe their eyes, their boss who was usually cold and intolerant was being ordered around by a small red headed woman.

Grandma Saxon had ordered Polly to spy on her grandson and report back to her whatever he was upto especially when it came to Phoebe.

He had obliged and had secretly reported everything from David being her neighbor to Phoebe dragging him into her apartment.

Pulling out his phone, Polly took pictures of David digging while Phoebe sat in a portable folding chair with a Coca-Cola can in her hand. It looked like she was sun bathing and enjoying herself while his boss did all the dirty work. He sent the pictures to the old matriarch.

The digging went on for twenty more minutes and David started sweating profusely.

"Keep going." Phoebe lifted the black shades from her eyes and studied him.

"If you don't help him, he's going to pass out in the next few minutes I can assure you." The Saxon gave Phoebe a tight lipped smile.

"He offered to help so, let him." Phoebe opened her phone and began to scroll through her phone lazily. This was a little payback for all the weeks and months she spent wide awake doing his research while he slept in bed and ate good meals.

Suddenly blurred lines in green and red appeared on the phone before it blacked out.

"Hey!" Phoebe stared at the Saxon spirit, she was certain that it was it's doing because she had fully charged her phone that morning.

"Am a lot stronger now with all that energy in the pendant. If you don't get up from your sit am going to make it rain hard on you and only on you." To add to its threat, the spirit caused only the clouds above where Phoebe was sited to darken and rumble, the rest remained clear.

Phoebe stood up reluctantly and went to join him, surprisingly David refused.

"Am almost there, you don't need to mess up your pretty hands." Came his words that made her laugh because he had no idea what kind of tougher things her hands had done.

"I want to get this over with, we need more hands on deck." Phoebe gestured at Polly and Martin to take over.

The two men gladly pulled their boss out of the hole and began to dig.

"You didn't have to call them, I was perfectly fine on my own" David swallowed hard, he was sort of embarrassed.

[Yeah right.]

Phoebe smacked her lips and offered him some tissues and towels to clean himself.

After a short while of Polly and Martin digging, they found something.

"Found something!" Came Polly's yell which had both David and Phoebe rush to them.

There was a foldable ladder in the toolbox which Phoebe grabbed and sent down. The two men climbed out of the hole with the bag and David took it. He placed it on the ground and opened it without waiting for Phoebe.

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