Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 48: The phone and her charger.

She mulled over David's words silently until they reached their destination, an old town which was about to be redeveloped. She pointed the rest of the way without saying a single word until when they came to an old abandoned empty building.

David came around and opened the car door for Phoebe. She undid the seatbelt quickly before he could pull one of his quick cheek kissing stunts. She was absent minded however and he noticed it easily.

"Is that murder still on your mind?"

She looked up to him with unsure eyes and replied, "She said she loved him, i was there when she said it."

She sounded so innocent and hopeful, so neglectful of the ugliness of the world and he felt the need to remind her of reality.

"I hate to break it to you Pheebs but people lie, humans or ghosts. From the little i have heard about the woman it sounds to me like she liked controlling people.

When he decided to leave her the first time, she must have been angered because she was essentially being dumped. To avoid that from happening, she declared her love for him and changed in the way she treated him but as you can tell, made plans for her life that didn't include him.

It was always her plan to leave him behind, love or no love. The only person Susie Isles loved was Susie Isles."

Phoebe remained silent because to a larger extent David was right but still she maintained her stance on the fact that Susie had loved Blake Don. There had been a sadness in her eyes, hidden behind the wall of pride she had put up.

A person or ghost could lie with their mouth but their body couldn't. It was just like her and how she kept denying having any feelings for David but her body gave her away each time he was close.

She stepped out of the car and threw a quick glance at the black range rover that had been following them. It was David's private security, no less than two bodyguards at a time.

She feigned ignorance and said, "I think we are being followed, that car has been tailing us since we set off. I think i should call the cops before we end up being murdered and buried somewhere in one of these unoccupied buildings."

"Don't bother calling the cops. It's my personal security, one of the privileges of being a Saxon." David lifted his chin as if to brag.

A loud scoff came out of Phoebe's lips when she noticed the smug on his face.

[Like that's something to be proud of. No wonder you lot are targeted by women of bad character like Ruth and Susie.]

She further wrinkled her nose as if being one was one of the most unpleasable things on the planet.

David was taken aback by her thought, he was now aware that maybe Phoebe disliked the Saxons. It would have been understandable in the past life but she didn't know them in this one, or did she? Had she met another Saxon besides him?

He watched her walk to the back of the car and quickly rushed to assist her. He was determined to score a lot of points today.

"I need my tools, they are in your trunk." She told him.

David quickly opened the trunk of the car and watched her pull out a big tool box that he hadn't seen Phoebe transfer from her car to his earlier.

"How...." he muttered, confused.

He offered to carry it for her and she accepted. One lift and he realized that it wasn't light at all. He wondered how Phoebe who was smaller and shorter than him managed to lift it on her own.

Phoebe who was watching him almost choked on her laughter because she knew how heavy the tool box was. The Saxon spirit always helped her lift it so to outsiders it looked light.

After throwing it to the ground, David stared at her quizzically but Phoebe only shrugged because she wasn't about to explain anything.

With her soft thin and slender hands, Phoebe reached for the box only for David to assure her that he can carry it. His hand which was on top of hers remained there for a few seconds and Phoebe could feel energy get funneled into her just by a single touch.

David moved his hand away from her only for Phoebe to grab it.

[Ha-ha-ha this feels so good.]

She closed her eyes and tightened her grip as she shuddered like electricity was coursing through her veins.

In a mixture of delight and confusion, David stared at her. To him, it was obvious that Phoebe was beginning to like him which made him happy. He just didn't know what to make of her body expressions because she was shuddering like a leaf being blown by the wind but she had a smile of enjoyment.

"Ah...Pheebs? Are you alright?" His words interrupted her blissful moment and quickly pulled her out of her reverie.

Phoebe opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was his broad smile. Then she noticed that she was holding his hand tightly, immediately she let go of it at once like she had been burnt by it.

[He must think that am into him or something, darn it, my greed will get me into trouble. I should just think of him like a phone charger and i am the phone. I am just charging, nothing more.]

'Charger? What is going on here? David frowned slightly because he couldn't understand her thoughts at all.

He signaled Polly and Martin the other security guard to come lift the tool box because as much as he wanted to impress Phoebe, he wasn't going to break his back in the process and humiliate himself while at it.

Connie came out of the pendant and the amused Saxon spirit narrated what had just occurred between Phoebe and David.

"He must think you are creepy or something of the sort." Connie chortled continuously.

Phoebe who wasn't finding their conversation funny paused her movements and stared at them. "I talk to ghosts, i am the creepiest creep."

Her voice was so loud the body guards halted their steps and stared back at the woman who was talking to space. Shaking their heads they continued moving to the back of the abandoned building.

On the other hand, David was now used to this new Phoebe and found her to be very interesting. She was busy quarreling with invisible people without a care about what he thought about it.

Phoebe glared at the amused Saxon spirit which was laughing.

"Couldn't you have brought me back to my senses?" Phoebe tucked her red hair behind her ears.

"Hell no! I loved whatever was going on besides you enjoyed it too. Check how bright the pendant is glowing." The spirit used it's index finger to point at the pendant.

Phoebe's fingers made their way to the pendant which was brightly shining, just like last night when she and David's bodies came into contact.

"Nice necklace you've got there." David mentioned abruptly. His words startled her but what surprised her further was the fact that he was staring at the pendant too.

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