Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 75: Tensions

Though his excitement had just about boiled over, Nobu quickly calmed down when he noticed an incongruence between the present and past times he had managed to add someone to his Friend's List.

Onihime hadn't generated a spare tablet.

Noticing the rather drastic change in her Master's behavior, Onihime's expression morphed into one of concern as she asked, "My Lord...?"

Meeting the petite girl's purple gaze, Nobu forced a wry smile as he said, "Gimme a sec. I'm trying to figure something out..."

Though she maintained a concerned expression, Onihime nodded her head in response to Nobu's words before fixing her posture and doing her best to appear calm.

Adopting a slightly more genuine smile, Nobu nodded his head before shifting his attention to the tablet. The biggest question he had at the moment was whether or not Onihime appeared among his list of Units. It was 'just' his friend, he wouldn't know what to do, as, without a tablet of her own, he couldn't even message her through the Messenger App.


Name: Aizu-Ashina Onihime/Yoshitsune Onihime

Age: 67

Gender: Female, H:137.5cm, W: 34.8kg, B: 61.1cm, W: 46.9cm, H: 62.9cm

Blood Type: ZX-

Cultivation: *Sealed*

Aura Units: 142/432,912

Status: Suppressed Physiology(+), Sealed(+), Slave Crest(+), Poisoned(+), Cursed(+), Lesser Vampiric Urge(+), Aroused(+), Sated(+)

-Suppressed Physiology: Due to ingesting Sanctified Silver and the blood of animals, her growth has been severely restricted. Removal Cost: 117,000AU

-Sealed: Has had her cultivation crippled and sealed using the Four-Beasts Seal. Weakening Cost: 60,000AU. Removal Cost: 6,000,000AU

-Slave Crest: Has had her will restricted by a high-quality Slave Crest. Cannot refuse the orders of her Master without experiencing extreme pain. Current Master: Oda Nobunaga. Removal Cost: N/A

-Poisoned: Has periodically ingested Sanctified Silver to suppress her Oni instincts. Prolonged consumption has drastically decreased her vitality. Current Toxicity: 47%. Reduction Cost: 11,000AU. Removal Cost: 1,100,000AU

-Cursed: Cursed by the Goddess Inari: Being accepted as an honorary member has provided her with a weakened version of the curse. The probability of bearing daughters has increased to 63.9%. Removal Cost: 1,300,000AU

-Lesser Vampiric Urge: Must periodically consume blood or her own will begin to foul. Current Degeneration Rate: 4%. Suppression Cost: 300AU. Removal Cost: 11,600,000AU.

-Aroused: Ingesting your blood has caused her to become aroused. Current Arousal: 77%. Reduction Cost: 600AU. Removal Cost: 46,200AU

-Sated: Ingesting your blood has suppressed her Oni instincts. Current Suppression Rate: 100%. Suppression Cost: 190AU. Removal Cost: 19,000AU

Main Hand: Left Hand

Preferred Weapon: Claws, Dagger

Strengths: Oni Physiology, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Perception, Extreme Pain Tolerance, Resistance to Most Illnesses

Weaknesses: Ony Physiology, Extremely Vulnerable to Holy Energy, Prolonged Exposure to Sunlight, Bound by a Slave Crest, Gets Lonely Very Easily, Poisoned, Aroused

Orientation: Oda Nobunaga

Preferences: She prefers to be held gently but secretly desires her partner to be rough

Favorite Food: The Blood of Oda Nobunaga, Raw Meat, Dango





Seeing the chibi purple avatar among his list of Units, Nobu found himself clicking on Onihime's profile without much consideration. The fact she had an aura capacity in the 400,000s had caught him by surprise, but, considering she must have been around 17 at the time she was taken prisoner, this wasn't too surprising. After all, she was still the 'princess' of a Noble Clan. It would make sense that her cultivation base has been fairly decent before having it sealed.

Unfortunately, even after pressing each of the (+) marks in order, including the one showing her current arousal, Nobu wasn't able to uncover the reason why she hadn't been given a stone tablet. The only thing that came to mind was her sealed cultivation base, but, without 60,000 units of Aura, he couldn't be sure.


Figuring he could always work it out when he had the Aura to spare, Nobu motioned to set aside the stone tablet only to notice that Onihime's eyes had following the movement. She could have just been staring at his hand, but, even after he had retracted it, her eyes lingered for a very brief moment.

Regaining a fair amount of his earlier excitement, Nobu picked up the stone tablet and asked, "Can you see this?"

Though she appeared slightly confused by his question, Onihime didn't hesitate to nod her head, answering, "Yes...?"

Since there was no reason not to, Nobu's smile widened as he gestured for her to come closer, saying, "Here. I want you to try pressing this icon that looks like a glass sphere..."

With a ruddy glow spreading through her cheeks, Onihime moved close enough that Nobu could smell an aroma similar to high-quality wine before gingerly tapping the screen.

In the past, Nobu had experimented with having Midori, Sachiko, and Nariko press the icon on his tablet. Unfortunately, just as he couldn't do anything using their stone tablets, they were unable to make use of his. He expected this to be the case with Onihime as well, but, considering the strange circumstances that had led to her becoming his 'friend', it never hurt to try.

Seeing a tiny 0.005 pop up the moment Onihime's finger pressed his screen, a massive grin spread across Nobu's face.

Sensing her Master's excitement, Onihime's arousal increased to around 83% as she instinctually squeezed her inordinately plump thighs together. She might be remarkably petite for her age, but, were she to be compared to a human girl with a similar stature, even a fool could tell the difference between them. Her breasts might be small, but her body possessed curves that young human girls simply didn't. This included strong, plump, and remarkably soft thighs that were about 30% larger than a human of similar height and build.

"My Lord...?"

Responding to Onihime's voice, Nobu looked down at the petite woman to find her looking up at him with what could best be described as an intoxicated expression on her face. The hairs on the back of his neck immediately stood on end, and, though his face was covered with a cloth soaked in mint oil, the wine-like aroma was becoming increasingly more fragrant with each passing moment.

Feeling a familiar tightness in his throat, Nobu was about to tell Onihime to give him some space so he could explain his findings. Before the words could leave his mouth, however, she gently grasped the hem of his yukata, her voice tinged with an undertone of longing as she said, "It's okay...even if I look like this...I can take it..."

Though his nature nearly compelled him to ask what the hell she was talking about, Nobu found himself unable to speak as he internally inquired, ("What the fuck is wrong with me? Am I seriously considering this...?")

Noticing the reluctance in her Master's gaze, Onihime deflated like a balloon as she withdrew her hand and muttered, "Forgive me...I did not mean to cause any offense..."

Furrowing his brows, a conflicted look developed across Nobu's face as he fixed his posture and said, "I'm not offended. It's just...even if you're like three-and-a-half times my age, you don't exactly look it. It feels like I would be committing a crime if I laid my hands on you..."

While there was still a hint of melancholy in her expression, Onihime appeared more confused than anything else when she heard Nobu's explanation. There were women with appearances even more youthful than her own working in public brothels so she really wasn't quite sure what to make of his statement.

Fortunately, in an effort to ease the awkward tensions that had built between them, Nobu did his best to explain a bit about himself and the stone tablet. His training and education had become a pretty major distraction as of late so it was quite a significant boon to discover the Onihime could do it for him. She was going to be his personal attendant and slave in the future, so, while it might not be the smartest idea to let a girl he hardly knew mess around with his cheat, knowing she had no choice but to obey his orders alleviated the majority of Nobu's concerns...




Ever since Nobu had forced her to lay her head in his lap, Kazue had been feeling markedly more absentminded than usual. She would normally pass her time by reflecting on her uselessness and the many mistakes she had made in the past, but, ever since Nobu gently ran his fingers through her hair, it was one of the only things she could think about.

"What the hell is wrong with me? Did I seriously fall in love with my own Lord...?"

With her forearm resting on her forehead in a manner similar to Nobu, Kazue stared listlessly at the ceiling without a single strand of clothing anywhere on her body. She may have flunked out of the kunoichi program, but, much like every other member of the Yoshitsune Clan, she would rather be naked than fully clothed.

The difference between her present and past states was that Kazue wasn't simply naked. Instead, her body glistened with a fresh layer of sweat after she had spent the better part of thirty minutes pleasuring herself to the memory of Nobu caressing her head. It was the feeling of release she felt after the fact that led to her current anguish, not because she had never masturbated, but because she felt like she had somehow defiled her Lord's intentions...


Raising her tired body, Kazue was about to grab a bucket of water to clean herself with when the pupils of her hazel eyes contracted to the size of pinholes.

"If you scream, I will have no choice but to silence you...permanently..."

Crouching less than three meters from where Kazue had been lying was a youthful-looking girl with obsidian-blue hair and hazy pink eyes. These weren't particularly uncommon traits, but, seeing the ears atop her head six tails shifting about like flames behind her, Kazue didn't have to ask. She knew exactly who the woman was.

Under normal circumstances, Kazue would have bowed as low and reverentially as possible. In this particular set of circumstances, however, she felt like a field mouse that had just be discovered by a hungry fox. Her instincts told her that any movement whatsoever might lead to her end, yet, in spite of this, she inhaled a breath with the intention of shouting as loud as possible.

"Foolish girl...!"

Pouncing on Kazue in an instant, Inami slammed the former into the ground with her hand covering her mouth. She really didn't want to hurt one of her own descendants, but, for the sake of the entire clan, she would do whatever it took to ensure their continued survival.

"Though you might be a failure, your loyalty towards your Lord is commendable. Not all kunoichi can remain steadfast when presented with circumstances such as this. For that, you have earned my respect. Now, sleep..."

With her eyes releasing a hazy pink flow, Inami forced Kazue into a state of suggestiveness that made the one experienced by Nobu seem like a joke. She hadn't lived for more than six thousand years without mastering the abilities associated with her race. This included a kitsune's characteristic charm, and, most importantly, their ability to transform and create illusions.

"I assure you. I harbor no ill will towards your Lord. If you really wish to protect him and your fellow clanswomen, you will tell me everything you know about your Lord, his Heavenly Treasure, and your relationship with him. Tell me everything..."




(A/N: I kind of feel bad for Onihime, but the situation with Kazue is just unfair. Inami has gone too far this time...!)

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