Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 74: Accessions: Service

In the days that followed his meeting with Kaia, Nobu made good on his promise by meeting with Hitomi and Suzune to discuss the viability of converting a part of his estate into a holding facility. This earned him a fair amount of teasing from the pinkette since he was basically asking to build a dungeon, but, when everything was said and done, they agreed to have the holding facility placed beneath the room adjacent to his own.

Along with said dungeon, several other renovations were being made to Nobu's personal estate as he split his time between training, clicking, and interviewing potential personnel and staff members. This included Rynka, who, after hearing about the situation from Chikako, presented herself as one of the first people to be interviewed.

Though there had been a brief misunderstanding where Rynka mistakenly believed she was being asked to become Nobu's personal 'service kunoichi', it was resolved relatively quickly when he said he had no interest in brats. This left Rynka feeling vexed, but, as she was more than a little afraid of him after seeing how he dealt with Shizune, she never vocalized her thoughts.

Regarding Shizune, Nobu actually interviewed her as well. In reality, this was basically just a private admonishment where he laid down the ground rules he had discussed with Suzune while the latter silently observed. She would basically be serving under Kumiko with the penultimate responsibility of caring for and maintaining the estate.

In simpler terms, Shizune had effectively become the Head Maid responsible for rearing trainees to be caretakers, attendants, servants, and informants. This was actually a rather coveted position, but, after discussing the matter at length with Kumiko and Yui, they managed to convince Nobu it was the most suitable position for someone with Shizune's status and abilities.

Despite the gaff she had made, Shizune was inarguably one of the most talented kunoichi when it came to gathering and supplying information. She wasn't being groomed as the next Information Elder just because she was Suzune's daughter. The Matriarch and Elders would have never allowed such favoritism at it might contribute to misconceptions and resentment spreading among current and future kunoichi. In other words, the favoritism Shizune received had little to do with her status as Suzune's daughter. Instead, it was her talent and her potential as an Onmyoji that had afforded her the leeway to behave like a spoiled princess.

Onmyoji were highly respected throughout Nian due to their ability to command Shikigami, and, most importantly, deal with curses. They were effectively exorcists that traveled around the country sealing Youkai, cleansing evil spirits, and erecting barriers. Many were even personally hosted by the nobility of the provinces they visited so Shizune essentially had a perfect cover for traveling around and gathering information.

When it came down to it, Nobu didn't really care about Shizune's qualifications. He only tolerated her because Yui and Kumiko vouched for her. In his mind, it was far more important to be able to trust the people around him than to surround himself with capable individuals. After all, even in his previous world, those considered the most capable were, more often than not, the most ambitious and opportunistic.

Fortunately, while he had effectively been forced to compromise on the matter regarding Shizune, Nobu had free rein concerning his other staff and personnel picks. This included employing Rukia, and, though she had yet to return, Takao. As for his other picks, he primarily relied on suggestions from Kumiko, Yui, and the other girls. The only real exception to this was the girl named Onihime, who, on the third day, arrived at Nobu's doorstep wearing an inordinately short kimono with pink accents...




"Even if you ultimately change your mind, thank you for considering someone as lowly as myself for the position of your personal attendant..."

Seeing the inordinately petite girl bowing low enough that her horns were poking against the floor of his room, Nobu had to restrain a sigh as he said, "Raise your head."

Though her actions were a little slow, Onihime obeyed Nobu's command without any perceivable hesitation. This allowed him to stare into her dark-purple eyes, which, unlike a human, possessed thin black slits in place of circular pupils.

"Are you really 68-years-old...?"

Adopting a smile with melancholic undertones that even Nobu could perceive, Onihime remained silent for a few moments before shaking her head and answering, "I will be sixty-eight near the end of Satsuki(May)..."

Never one for subtlety, Nobu's expression morphed into a furrow as he asked, "Are you okay?" in an ostensibly concerned but largely uncomfortable tone.

Confused by her future Lord's question, Onihime tentatively explained, "Oni do not suffer from the same illnesses as normal humans..."


Realizing his intentions weren't getting across properly, Nobu fell silent for several seconds before asking, "What has the Matriarch told you? Also, do you even want to serve me? Like I've told all the others, I don't need slaves or servants who worship the ground I walk on. If you don't want to be here, I'm not going to force you."

Returning a marginally less melancholic smile, Onihime explained, "Hitomi-sama said you were a kind and caring person with different values than traditional Nianese men. She said you were the type of person who evaluated people based on their actions rather than their race, gender, status, or physical appearance. She also told me I could trust you...and that I would be able to experience greater freedom in your service than anywhere else..."


Resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose, Nobu briefly stared off into space before shaking his head and saying, "That's just her personal views. I personally view myself as a bit of an asshole. If you choose to follow me, there is a good chance you'll get wrapped up in the politics and personal affairs of the Oda Clan. I'll do my best, but I can't promise to be able to protect you. I'm pretty new to all this Lordship stuff..."

Leaving Nobu at a loss for words, Onihime used her sleeve to cover her mouth as she giggled in a manner reminiscent of a gentle bell chiming in the distance. When she was done, a far more radiant smile had appeared on her face as she mused, "Hitomi-sama was telling the truth. My Lord is unlike any other Noble. If it's for someone as honest and straightforward as you, I believe I could dedicate my everything without regret..."

Punctuating her words, Onihime pulled at the green cord keeping her yellow obi fastened around her waist. This caused the hairs on the back of Nobu's neck to stand on end, but, before he could even think to admonish her, the words got stuck in his throat as he noticed the blood-red tattoo near the center of her chest. It looked like a scarlet eye surrounded by angular lines that radiated outward like the traces on a circuit board.

Noticing the shock and confusion on her Lord's face, Onihime asked, "Is this the first time my Lord has seen a Slave Crest?"

Frowning the moment he heard the words slave and crest, Nobu's tone became firm as he said, "I already told you. I don't need slaves. Fix your clothes."

Adopting a slightly apologetic expression on her face, Onihime explained, "Though I want nothing more than to respect my Lord's decision, the people of Nian are significantly less...accepting. If it is discovered that I have not been bound by a contract, I fear my Lord's enemies will never accept my presence at your side. Oni, even halves such as myself, are considered to the common enemy of the Nianese people...we cannot be allowed to wander freely..."

Maintaining his frown, Nobu softly muttered, "That's some racist ass shit..." before shaking his head and asked, "So? What do I need to do?"

Exhaling a soft yet profoundly relieved sigh, the smile returned to Onihime's face as she explained, "There are two parts. The first part requires my Lord to drip his blood onto the eye at the center of the Slave Crest. The second is unique to Oni..."

Though it was faint, a blush spread across Onihime's face as she took a breath to calm herself. Then, with what could best be described as a resolute expression on her face, she explained, "The second part requires me to periodically ingest my Lord's blood. When an Oni accepts blood given of one's own accord, they become bound to the person until death. We will not die if we don't consume the blood of our Masters, but it helps suppress our more...animalistic desires."

Blushing to the tips of her elf-like ears, Onihime averted her eyes out of shame and embarrassment. As for Nobu, he just stared at her with a mixture of incredulity and disbelief on his face. Part of him wanted to ask her to explain what she meant, but, fearing she might answer in accordance with his expectations, he ultimately remained mum. She was cute, sure, but the last thing Nobu needed was a 'legal loli' pouncing on him like a bitch in heat.

"How often do you need to consume blood...?"

Keeping her eyes averted, Onihime answered, "Once a week is generally more than enough at my current level of cultivation. As I grow in strength, the frequency will depend on the difference in our respective bases..."

After nodding his head in understanding, Nobu only hesitated for a moment before pulling out the dagger Yui had given him for protection. He wasn't particularly fond of the idea of cutting the tip of his finger like some edgy anime character, but, considering the circumstances, he didn't have much of a choice.

While lamenting what would invariably follow, Nobu placed a shallow cut on the tips of his index and middle fingers. This caused the pupils of Onihime's eyes to contract, and, though it was only a subtle change, her deep purple eyes became noticeably redder as he traced the tips of his fingers over the eerie-looking seal on her chest.

Though she had a slightly dazed look in her eyes, Onihime managed a somewhat scary smile as she whispered, "Master's blood is very potent..." in an audibly impassioned tone. Then, just as Nobu had anticipated, she guided his fingers to her lips, her darker-than-average tongue lapping at the excess blood before suckling the digits with a fair amount of vigor...




Despite his best efforts, Nobu was unable to prevent a tent from mounting in his trousers due to Onihime's actions. Fortunately, she was either oblivious to this or had enough sense not to draw attention to it as she dutifully fixed her kimono. What he didn't know was that the only reason she had kept silent was that it was impossible for Slaves to make selfish requests or demands without the express permission of their Master...

With her kimono fixed, Onihime sat across from Nobu with a smile on her face as she asked, "Are my Lord's fingers okay?"


Rather than immediately replying to Onihime's question, Nobu remained silent for several seconds, his eyes focused on the stone tablet in his hands. This caught Onihime's attention, but, rather than interrupt him, she sat with her hands neatly folded across her lap.

"Holy shit..."

Ignoring the legal loli seated across from him, Nobu's excitement continued to increase with each passing second. As for the reason, well, it was because Onihime had been added to his friend's list without him needing to pay a premium. She wouldn't have cost much, but, if things worked the way Nobu expected, it meant he could 'befriend' people for free so long as they were his Slaves...

"Holy fucking shit..."




(A/N: That isn't how you make friends, Nobu...)

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