Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki

Chapter 358: Facing Millie once again

August 17, 2042*

Kaneki: are you sure about this Miku?

Miku: don't worry, I got this!

Kaneki: ... Well then... Good luck.

Miku: I'm off!

After discussing their final plans of taking down Millie in the previous day, Miku is now ready to face Millie again.

Since she knows about Yuuka's plan which Yuuka used to gain Millie's trust, Miku knows exactly what to do now.

And as for Kaneki.

Kaneki: alright. Time to go, Batta! Ku-kun! Mo-chan!

Batta: what is it?

Ku-kun: Ku?

Mo-chan: Mo?

Kaneki: watch over the house while I'm gone.

All 3: Got it!/Kuwa!/Mo!

Kaneki: I'm off!

He is attending to his own business.

But let's go back to Miku shall we?

On her way to the Mall, Miku looked at the message she got from Yuuka prior to her leaving.

"Hey Miku, let's go to the mall today! We have big plans for today!"

After she read it again she made a little smirk.

Miku's thoughts*

(Yeah, we really do have big plans today)

As she thought that, she headed straight to the Mall.

30 minutes later*

Miku arrived at the Mall and waited for Shino, Yuuka and... Millie.

(Man what's taking them so long to do this plan?! I've been standing here for 10 minutes!)

She was growing impatient since Shino and Yuuka were taking so long.

But unbeknownst to her.

Shino: shouldn't we already execute the plan?

Millie: just wait for a bit, the more she waits the more she'll probably be frustrated once she see's us together.

Yuuka: my legs are already hurting here! We've been standing here for 20 minutes already!

Shino, Yuuka and Millie were already in the mall 10 minutes prior to Miku's arrival and they have been watching her for another 10 minutes which made Shino and Miku impatient.

Millie: okay execute the plan now.

Yuuka: finally!

Yuuka then wrote a message and sent it to Miku.


(That must be Yuuka-Oneechan!)

Knowing that she probably got the message from Yuuka, Miku began reading it.

"Hey Miku, some things happened and we couldn't make it sorry, maybe we can go next time"

Miku made a saddened face and replied.


(Her sending that message means that they're here, and they're probably watching me right now making a saddened face will catch Millie off guard)

And Miku was right.

Millie: Look at that face! It's so hurt!

Millie was overjoyed to see Miku's saddened face, so much so she could hold her excitement and...

Millie: alright let's go.

Yuuka: finally.

Shino: let's go.

She executed the plan.

And they then started walking to be seen in Miku's line of sight.

And back at Miku.

(They'll probably show up soon, their probably nearby so I should try finding them)

Miku then started walking to find them while still having a saddened face.

And then she saw them.

Shino: should we buy some new clothes?

Yuuka: yeah, we should buy some food too after we're done.

Millie: yeah, and the fact Miku isn't here makes it even better.

Shino, Yuuka and Millie were walking towards Miku and when Miku saw them she immediately stopped walking.

And she was noticed.

Shino: Ummm... Millie-san.

Millie: what?

Millie pretended to look confused and looked ahead of her to see Miku.

Yuuka: well this... Is awkward.

(Alright time to begin)

Miku: Shino-Oneechan, Yuuka-Oneechan I thought you two couldn't make it? And why is Millie here?

Millie questioned them with a saddened face.

Shino: well that's...

Yuuka: we can explain.

Millie: no I'll do the explaining.

Miku: wha-

Millie: I'll make it simple, both Shino and Yuuka are tired of you.

Miku: what are you talking about?

Millie: well you three love Ryueki-Oniichan right? So I decided to help them out by eliminating you from the race.

Miku: W-What? B-But we knew each other since we were kids. were best friends.

Millie: Huh? So what? They clearly love him more and your just a hindrance.

Miku: no... Don't tell me this is true Shino-Oneechan... Yuuka-Oneechan...

Miku asked them in a trembling voice.

Shino and Yuuka then responded.

Shino: It's true Miku, we love Itadori-kun more than you.

Yuuka: yeah, us being friends since we were kids doesn't matter to us.


Miku: no way...

Miku dropped to her knees with a pained expression on her face.

???: hey what's going on over there?

???: are those girls bullying her?

???: how cruel.

The onlookers that were watching couldn't help but feel bad for Miku.

Millie then gotten closer to Miku and said.

Millie: and her eyou thought your "Onee-chan's" loved you back so laughable.

She taunted Miku.

Millie's thoughts*

(Look at her! She's in pain! She definitely wants to die now! Daddy will love this! He'll definitely praise me for this!)

Millie was very overjoyed. The thoughts of her step father praising her made her excited.

But what happened next extinguished that excitement.

Miku suddenly stood up and.

Miku: Hahahaha!

She suddenly started laughing.

Millie: what the?!

(Has she gne crazy after being betrayed by her friends?!)

Millie: I understand you got hurt but I didn't expect you to go cra-

Miku: Shino-Oneechan, Yuuka-Oneechan you two did a great job gaining her trust!

Hearing Miku say that suddenly shocked Millie.

Millie: W-What are you.

Shino: did you really think we would betray Miku?

Yuuka: Yeah, we knew you were the one bullying Miku so we went undercover to gain your trust.

Millie: What?! I thought you three are love rivals!

Shino: so what? That doesn't makes us enemies.

Millie: !!!

Millie didn't understand what's happening, she thought that live rivals hates each other to the core, and she thought she could manipulate Shino and Yuuka to hurt Miku.

But she was wrong.

Millie: but I thought you lo-

Yuuka: that doesn't mean we hate each other.

Shino: yeah, seriously what made you think we were willing to hurt Miku? She's like a sister to us.

Millie: !!!

Miku: you really thought you could tear us apart? Don't mess with us.

Millie: You-

Shino: I suggest you don't make a scene Millie.

Millie: !!!

Millie didn't noticed that they were being watched.

???: what's going on?

???: apparently that girl over there was trying to hurt that other girl by using her friends.

???: how cruel.

???: who would do such a thing?

Seeing that people were watching.

Millie: Dammit.

Ran away.

After Millie ran away, Miku let out a sigh of relief.

Miku: sigh~ man that was a pain.

Shino: yeah, but was it the smart move to expose us being spies?

Yuuka: it's alright, we don't need anymore evidence after all.

Miku: yeah, well should we go shopping? We are here after all.

Shino and Yuuka then came closer to Miku's ears and whispered.

Shino & Yuuka: let's do that another time, we caused a scene after all.

After saying that Miku said.

Miku: okay, but let's go somewhere else then.

Shino & Yuuka: okay!

They then left the mall to go to other places.


Millie: dammit! Why does this keeps happening! Why is nothing going the way I want to!


Millie was kicking dumpsters out of frustration after what she had experienced.


Shino: she's like a sister to us

Flashback end*

Millie: Dammit!

After remembering what Shino said Millie gotten more angry.


Kousuke: remember you only have until Monday to hurt her to the point she wants to kill herself, or else you'll be disowned.

Flashback end*

Millie: that means tomorrow is my final day! That's it! I'm using my Trumph card! She doesn't want her past to be revealed right?! Yes! I'll do that!

She made her decision

Millie: I'll reveal her past and if I do that I'll make her love of her life hate her hahahaha!

Millie only has one day left until she is completely disowned.


Kaneki: so let me ask you, are you still willing to see her?

"Kaneki" was talking so someone.

???: of course! I haven't seen her in years!

After hearing this persons answer, "Kaneki" smiled

Kaneki: I see, alright then let's get you fixed up, tomorrow is a big day for you.

The person then started crying and he even thanked Kaneki.

???: thank you! Thank you! I can finally see her after all these years!

Kaneki: you're welcome.

Ichinose: thank you Kaneki-san.

The maid Ichinose Karin aka Ruri thanked "Kaneki".

Kaneki: it's alright, I like helping people after all.

Who is this person that Kaneki is "helping" ?

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