Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki

Chapter 357: Girls talk

Kaneki: I'm back~

Chikao: Hello~ sorry for the intrusion.

Kaneki and Chikao got back to Kaneki's house after their little date and when they arrived they were greeted.

Sachi: welcome back!

Shino: Oh, you brought Chi-chan with you.

Chikao: well I wanted to see you all after I finished with some paperwork for the W.S.S.F.

Yuuka: We're playing some horror games wanna join in?

Miku: yeah, we have 7 nights at sea and non of us can beat the 5th night.

Natsuki: zzz

Miku: oh and Natsuki is knocked out after being jumpscared so many times.

Kaneki: oh really? Did you try waking her up?

Yuuka: we did, but she wouldn't wake up.

Kaneki: hmmm. Oh yeah, I got you girls some pancakes.

When Kaneki mentioned the pancakes, Natsuki woke up and said.

Natsuki: did you say pancakes?!

Sachi: wow, that really woke you up huh?

Natsuki: hehe~

Kaneki: well then, I'll put your pancakes on plates.

All 5: Yay!

Kaneki then went to the kitchen to prepare everyone's pancakes.

Kaneki: hmm~ hmm~ hm~

As he was preparing everyone's pancakes when suddenly.


Kaneki: hmm?

He got a notification on his phone.

When he looked at it he read a message.

"It's done"

After reading that he went back to preparing everyone's pancakes.

Kaneki: here's your pancakes.

After he finished placing everyone's pancakes on their own plates, Kaneki brought their pancakes to them using his tentacles.

All 5: Yay!

Chikao: these pancakes are the best, hope you all enjoy.

Sachi: we'll be the judge of that.

Shino: yeah, let's see if these pancakes are good.

Natsuki: nom* mmmh~ it's soo gwood!

Yuuka: looks like Natsuki started eating.

Miku: enough talking let's just eat.

Sachi, Shino & Yuuka: yeah yeah.

And they all started eating.

Sachi, Shino & Yuuka: soo gwood!

They all enjoyed the pancakes.

Kaneki: I'm glad you girls are enjoying them.

Chikao: same here.

Kaneki: oh yeah, I have to go now.

Natsuki: huh? Why?

Kaneki: I need to do something, I'll be back soon.

Miku: we'll see you Onii-chan.

Kaneki: see you guys later, bye bye. Darkness travel.

Kaneki then left via darkness travel.

Sachi: and he's gone again.

Natsuki: yeah, well since he's no longer here I guess I can start now.

Shino & Sachi: what are you talking about?

Chikao: what do you mean?

Natsuki: well since Kaneki isn't here and everyone else is, I wanna talk about Kaneki.

Yuuka: really?

Miku: why?

Natsuki: well It's already been a month since me and Kaneki became friends.

Everyone: Really?

Natsuki: yeah, and a lot hs happened since then.

Shino: you got that right, we went on a camping trip that pretty much was a disaster.

Chikao: Sachi's return which made Kaneki really happy.

Miku: our research for finding the Crown.

Yuuka: us getting attacked by the Clad of black wings when we found Akuma castle.

Millie: and now me being Bullied by my biological father.

After hearing what everyone had to say, Natsuki pouted while she said in a frustrated voice.

Natsuki: wow only Chi-chan said something positive and you 3 made it sound like me being friends with Kaneki is a mistake, How meeeean.

Shino, Yuuka and Miku knew they made a mistake and they tried to apologize.

Shino: I'm so sorry Natsuki!

Yuuka: we didn't mean it that way!

Miku: a lot has happened and we only remembered the worse things we're so sorry! Please forgive us!

Suddenly Natsuki bursted into laugher.

Natsuki: Hahahahaha! Got you!

Shino, Yuuka and Miku: Eh?

Natsuki: I'm sorry I made you girls worry, I honestly don't blame you three for only remembering the bad things that happened.

Miku: so you don't hate us?!

Natsuki: of course not, but be mindful on what you say because you could mess up badly.

Shino, Yuuka and Miku: we will.

Sachi: by the way, Natsuki how did you and Kaneki met? I understand that you two were classmates but Knowing Kaneki, he probably wouldn't interact with anyone he doesn't know.

Chikao: yeah, I'm curious too.

Natsuki: you girls wanna know?

All 5: yeah!

Natsuki: well I'll make it short, so around a month ago at July 3rd i think, it was after school and everyone besides me had already left the classroom but I noticed that someone had left their bag, and when I looked it was Kaneki's.

Sachi: so you took it and brought it back to Kaneki and after that you became friends?!

Natsuki: no not exactly. I was a bit a afraid to take it but I thought someone might try to steal it so I took it and I hid in the closet with it.

The other girls looked at Natsuki with puzzled faces.

Shino: you took his bag... And his with it in our classrooms closet?

Natsuki: yup!

Yuuka: why did you thought of that?

Natsuki: well I was already interested on being friends with him for a long time but I was really shy so I couldn't get near him, so I thought "he'll probably want to be my friend once he see's me protecting his bag".

Yuuka: that is so dumb.

Miku: even dumber than Sachi-Oneechan.

Chikao: agreed.

Natsuki: well anyways, after hiding for a whole the closet's door was opened by Kaneki, and I immediately charged at him.

All 5: What?!

Natsuki: after I charged at him I touched his chest for a bit and I figured out he was special, but I accidentally said it out loud which spooked. And after that he took his bag back and ran.

Sachi: that was not a good first impression at all. He might've thought you were crazy.

Natsuki: hehe~

Natsuki was slightly embarrassed.

Shino: if you think that's crazy, you should know Natsuki actually started stalking Kaneki.

Natsuki: Wait you saw!

Yuuka: I'm pretty sure we already told you that.

Natsuki: I don't recall you three telling me that!

Sachi: I guess Natsuki is a Yandare.

Natsuki: no I'm not!

Miku: you know what's more crazier than her stalking Onii-chan? She actually thought me and Onii-chan were dating when Onii-chan said I was his step sister.

Natsuki: Mikuuuu!

All 4: Hahahaha!

Natsuki's face became as red as a tomato after being embarrassed by Miku.

Chikao: what kind of assumption is that?!

Shino: Yeah! It may be legal for step-siblings to date each other but that doesn't mean being step-siblings automatically makes them a couple! Hahahahah!

Yuuka: that's so dumb! I can't stop laughing! Hahahahaha!

Sachi: why would you even think that!?

Natsuki: Ahhhh! This is so embarrassing!

Kaneki: what's so embarrassing?

All 6: Kaneki!/Onii-chan!

Kaneki suddenly came back.

Kaneki: what were you guys talking about?

Natsuki: N-Nothi-

Miku: we were talking about how you and Natsuki met and I told everyone about My and Natsuki's first meeting.

Natsuki: Miku!

Kaneki: pfft!

Hearing that Kaneki bursted into laughter

Kaneki: RYAHAHAHAHAHA! I remember that so clearly! Natsuki began panicking after she realized that we were only just family! RYAHAHAHAHAA!

Seeing that Kaneki was now laughing as well, Natsuki finished her remaining pancakes and she took back her stuff and.

Natsuki: well it's been fun! I'm going home now!

Kaneki: you sure?

Natsuki: Yup! Bye bye!

Kaneki: stay safe!

Natsuki then left.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(That was so embarrassing! Why did it end up like this! I wanted it to have a girls talk about Kaneki! But it backfired! Ahhhh! I want to die!)

Natsuki began walking while back to her house while being really flustered.

Back in the Higanbana residence*

Shino: I think we should head back home too.

Yuuka: yeah, see you guys later.

Shino: Bye bye.

Shino and Yuuka then left to go home as well

Chikao: Boo~ I just got here and everyone just started leaving.

Sachi: don't worry, we're still here.

Chikao: I guess you're right, let's go play.

Sachi: yay!

Sachi and Chikao then started a new game that they decided to play.

Miku: Today was really fun Onii-chan.

Kaneki: Yeah... Miku good luck tomorrow.

Miku: don't worry I'll deal with it myself. After I'm not the same weak girl like I was back then.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Yeah, and I'm really proud of you)

Miku: By the way where did you go earlier?

Kaneki: I just had a chat with Querxes Sensei.

Miku: really? About what?

Kaneki: nothing important.

Miku: ... I see. Anyways let's go play with Sachi-Oneechan and Chi-chan.

Kaneki: sure.

And so they day where Kaneki and his all his friends were together had ended, but what did he really talked about with Querxes?


Kaneki: so you found that person huh? So where is he?

Querxes: he's living in Tokyo although he is unemployed. But he is living in a small apartment.

Kaneki: I see, I suggest you guys help him get a job not only that bring Ichi-san with you to visit him tomorrow.1

Querxes: got it.

Kaneki: know what? Nevermind, I'll accompany Ichi-san to visit him tomorrow.

Querxes: Okay then... Good luck Demon.

Kaneki: this will definitely help Millie out once I bring her down.

Who is this person Kaneki's demon is searching for? And what does this person have to do with Helping Millie?

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