My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 56: Casual Kidnapping

White suit: to believe such hero is fighting for the future, Pardon me for being terribly rude, but could I see your Adventurer's Card, Mr. Varakiel? I think I might learn something from how you've distributed

your skill points…

Varakiel: of course.

Varakiel then hands over his adventurer card to iris guardian.

White suit then looks at his information…

White suit: s-such stats! And the level…62!? Incredible, class…. adventurer!!!?

Iris: ehhh!!?

Varakiel: mhm, me and granberia class are adventurer, for its our dream to learn all the skills in the world.

White suit: skills….more than 500!!!!!???

The whole room went silent.

Varakiel: mhm but still there's a long way to go, I assume there's many more, hahaha I can't wait to find out the next one.

Iris: more than 500 skills….how can you afford the skills points?

Varakiel: hehe, we have our methods~.

White suit: i-incredible, n-no wonder you could defeat the demon king generals, all those skills must been their weaknesses…

Granberia: mhm.

After several hours…

Iris: i am sorry for my rudeness from the start will you let me hear about your adventures


Iris was clearly embarrassed but still looked at varakiel in the eyes.

Varakiel: of course little one.

Varakiel then pats iris head.

White suit: dont touch her highness so casually.

White suit unsheathes her sword and slashes at varakiel arm.

Darkness: w-wait!

Varakiel easily blocks the attack with a shield.

Varakiel: well, until we meet again little one~.

Iris: o-of course! 

Darkness: Your Highness, let's speak again next time we're around the castle. I promise I'll have lots of good adventure stories for you.

Iris smiles wider than before.

Then the mage who didn't speak the whole ordeal begins to chant teleport.

White suit: Now, then. You have all achieved a great deal, and your exploits will no doubt go down in the history of our kingdom, to be related to future generations. In recognition of your deeds, we offer you these.

White suit then hands a certificate and a pouch to darkness.

Darkness, megumin yunyun and aqua waves their hands as goodbye to iris.

Varakiel: then little one next time we meet ill tell you the other adventure i have.

The mage had nearly finished her Teleport incantation when the princess took varakiel's arm.

Iris: what are you saying?

Varakiel: (*sigh* such a spoiled child, ill have to correct her.)

Mage: teleport!


Varakiel: child, first rule don't drag others on a whim.

White suit and the mage: your highness!?

Iris: hehehe.

Iris smiles innocently to varakiel.

Varakiel: (salamander tell the others i am okay.)

Salamander: (just like alice hehehe)


The royal castle, the next day…

Varakiel: oh right, she took me with her….this child, heheheh.

Varakiel then goes out of his room and goes directly to the training grounds.

Varakiel: (oh? Is empty well more freedom for me…salamander ready to try a new skill?)

Salamander: (oh!? Bring it on!)

Varakiel: salamander, purify my soul!

Varakiel with the power of fire taking on his body prepares.

Varakiel: let's see, i already have many single target skills let's try an area attack, so…

Varakiel then with the power of fire on its blade inserts it on the ground!

Varakiel: [Hellfire]!

Suddenly flames come out from the ground engulfing the training grounds.

Varakiel: mhm, i will need to regulate the power and the area of effect but it is a success nonetheless.

Suddenly several guards get inside the training grounds and charge to varakiel…

Varakiel: oh? Lets try them out.


White suit: y-you really had to?

Varakiel: Did you expect me to get attacked?

Varakiel says as he looks back at the pile of bodies in the training grounds…

Varakiel: I think by the 50 guards defeated they should have thought of another approach…

Varakiel then walks back inside the royal castle.

White suit: such power….


As varakiel walks around the royal castle he's approached by the mage from yesterday.

Mage: hello sir varakiel.

Varakiel: Good morning, miss rain, what is it?

Rain: princess iris wishes if you could tell more stories to her.

Varakiel: no, she is still punished, until she ends up writing 1000 times I must not kidnap people. I would tell her stories, and not cheat with magic because i will know.

Rain: b-but she is…

Varakiel:.....fine I leave it at 500 mention this again and i will retract myself, got it?

Rain: ….okay i will tell her highness.

Varakiel: mhm, but tell her that when she is done i will play as long as she wants.



Varakiel after exploring around the castle goes back to his bedroom, and iris and rain we're there….

Iris then whispered to rain..

Rain: the princess says that she is sorry, and that she would never do this again and that she as done writing down what you said…

Varakiel then takes a look at a page with the words i will never kidnap someone again 500 times.

Varakiel: good~.

Varakiel then pats her head.

Varakiel: you must understand that your actions have consequences princess, is okay to be selfish but be wary of what are you doing okay?

Iris shyly responds.

Iris: i-i get it…. you're not mad at me right?

Varakiel: mad? Why would i be mad? I am glad you have choiced me to be your playmate, so what do you want to do? Want to play around or want to hear about my adventures.

Iris with a wide smile jumps up

Iris: ohhh! Please tell me more adventures.

Varakiel: good, miss rain could you please help me prepare some rooms for my companions in case they come.

Rain: of course sir.

Rain then leaves the room….

Varakiel: just to be sure, there's no problem for you to be alone with a men right?

Iris: My father is with my older brother and the generals, heading for the town where they're going to make their stand against the Demon King. And nobody will get upset about a little thing like this… When it's just the two of us, you can talk to me just like you do to Lalatina—or Darkness, I guess you call her.

Please, tell me everything about life outside the castle.

Varakiel: of course lets see let's begin by the time i arrived to this world alright?

Iris: yeah!


Claire aka white suit was making her way to varakiel bedroom.

Claire: Pardon me. Your Highness, I've made the arrangements. Sir varakiel, you're our official guest now, so please, be at liberty here in the castle.

Varakiel: and then while being charged by my wife's magic power I performed the ultimate magic spell by myself to stop the destroyer!

Iris: then what!?

Claire: wait so you really we're the one who stopped the destroyer!?

Varakiel: ah welcome back claire, yeah i remember in the report i stated that i did so.

Claire: s-such magic can be performed by an adventurer…

Varakiel: hehe.

Iris: then what happened after you stopped the destroyer.

Varakiel: well with my party we took it down and we went inside and took care of the coronatite after that, you should know what happened after you were involved isn't?

Iris: me?.....Ah! The cursed collar!

Claire: Ah! I forgot you did something like that.

Claire suddenly bows to varakiel.

Claire: sir varakiel i thank you for protecting the princess life.

Iris: thank you hero.

Iris thanks while she looks directly to varakiel.

Varakiel: heheh don't worry about it what matters is that you're safe iris.

Varakiel pats iris head.

Iris: mhm!

Iris shows a big smile.

Varakiel: but now is time for lunch. Lets go. 

Iris: okay!

Iris then grabs varakiel hand and pulls him to the dinner room.

Claire: hey i told you can't touch princess iris!

Claire then leave the bedroom while pursuing iris and varakiel.

Varakiel: run faster iris the big bad monster is going to get you!

Iris: hahahaha! Okay!.

Iris then with her high stats begins to run away from claire with varakiel.


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