My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 55: Royalty meets royalty

The Fateburn Residence….

Granberia: is still impressive this technology was down there….

Granberia was holding a game console while megumin, aqua ,darkness and yunyun played together with one on their hands.

Varakiel: Well that guy was from another world and by what i figured out he took the ability to create any machine he wants.

Varakiel before going back to axel decided to check out the bunker and the mysterious building in the crimson magic village…

Varakiel: There was a lot of dangerous information as well, so I took everything in there and saved it all, some things there shouldn't be used by anyone. (Mostly the mage killer.)

Salamander: (no wonder Sylvia wanted to infiltrate the village if she got its hand on it….)

Varakiel:( I would have to kill her.)


Sena: hero varakiel!

Sena was outside the residence knocking on the door.

Varakiel: come inside!

Varakiel yells to sena from the kitchen.

Sena: excuse me then.

Sena then goes inside and notices that the house is almost empty. Then she walks to the kitchen.

Sena:¿? Where is your party?

Varakiel: they went outside to take a stroll, so what is it sena?

Sena: oh yeah, you have received a letter by the royal princess herself.

Varakiel: oh? Can you read it for me? I am kinda busy in here.

Sena: uh, sure.

Varakiel: a visit? In a week? Hmmm…

Sena: i-is something wrong? Ah, do you perhaps don't know about etiquette!?

Varakiel: No that's not it, as you know calling me the hero of the future is not just a title, I can see the future to some degree and I am trying to see if there won't be an issue for the princess.

Sena: ohhhhh i see! Thank you for caring for the royal princess to this degree.

Varakiel: haha, is nothing, hmm…this child…is lonely and has no friends…alright i know how to proceed.



Sena: Then I'll take my leave, hero varakiel.

Varakiel: Please be careful, and thank you for the letter.

Sena: it was nothing if you ever need assistance i will gladly provide it!

Sena then walks back to the police post.

Varakiel: the princess uh?

Salamander: (is something wrong with her?)

Varakiel: ( hehe is just that she reminds me of alice a lot.)

Salamander then reads varakiel thoughts 

Salamander:(.....i see why…oh indeed they resemble a lot.)


Darkness: ehhhh!! T-the princess will come!?

Varakiel: mhm, here is the letter.

Darkness then grabs the letter sent by the royal princess.


Darkness: t-this is bad c-can't we just reject their request?

Varakiel: oh? Why is that so?

Darkness: w-well.

Varakiel: Are you perhaps afraid we do something wrong? 


Varakiel then hits her forehead with a finger.

Varakiel: idiot, did you forget who i am? In my world I am king and of course I know the etiquette.

Darkness: Ahhhhh!!!

Darkness crawls down in shyness, she forgot varakiel is a king and granberia a royal knight, they probably know more about etiquette than her.

Varakiel: hahaha.

Megumin: darkness how can you think of us like that we wouldn't do something dumb in front of the royal princess!

Yunyun: awawawa the royal princess is coming, w-what should i wear!?

Granberia: calm down child, you still have a week to think about it. But still coming without asking the otherside opinion? It reminds me of a certain someone….heh.


At wiz shop.

Varakiel went alone to wiz shop.

Varakiel: Hello, how is it going wiz?

Wiz: ah hello varakiel, is nice to see you, so how did it went on crimson magic village?

Varakiel: Oh well , I made some friends, fought some monsters, the usual.

Wiz: I see, so what about Miss sylvia? Did you defeat her?

Varakiel: Actually no, I did something better.

Suddenly vanir appears from the backroom.

Vanir: muhahaha making a demon king general your spy, only you my friend.

Varakiel: oh? That was fast.

Vanir: Of course we demons have the Best communication of them all, speaking of which.

Vanir then hands a letter to varakiel.

Varakiel: I see, thank you I guess…

Varakiel then gives a blueprint of some prob to vanir.

Varakiel: give half of my earnings to Sylvia.

Vanir: bahahaha such chaos can only come from a human. would do my friend now let me begin the production of this product.

Wiz: ¿? What is going on now varakiel and why are you giving your money to sylvia?

Varakiel: hm? He didn't tell you? I managed to make Sylvia my ally and now they work for me as a spy for the demon king.

Wiz: oh my! That's really impressive varakiel! With that only you have to deal with seresdina and wolbach!

Varakiel:hm? Who told you I will hunt for the remaining generals?

Wiz: ehh? W-what do you mean?

Varakiel: I mean that I am storming the demon king castle soon~.

Wiz: e-ehhhhh!? W-why are you suddenly rushing to do so!?

Varakiel: hehe i think it is time for me to make an effort and besides i have everything ready now.

Salamander: ( this weapon really holds such power…. don't use it recklessly.)

Varakiel: ( i promise)

Wiz: What do you mean by that?

Varakiel: I mean that we already have a way to take down that barrier, and defeat the demon king.

Wiz: …..

Wiz suddenly turns serious.

Wiz: Are you sure that you're ready for this battle?

Varakiel: ….haha, 

Varakiel then pats wiz head.

Varakiel: have more trust on me would you, aren't we friends after all?

Wiz:.....*inhales* (such warm touch…) y-yeah!

Varakiel: hehe, anyways tell me what do you got today?

Wiz: of course!


Varakiel: then ill see you later wiz.

Wiz: take care varakiel.

And so a week went on….

At darkness Mansion….

Ignis: You must be the hero Varakiel Fateburn, is a pleasure to finally meet you.

Varakiel: is an honor to meet the father of such a capable and chivalrous crusader, Dustiness Ford Ignis.

Both shake their hands.

Ignis: Please make yourself at home.

Varakiel: if you don't mind then.

Ignis: and you must be Granberia, thank you very much for looking after my daughter.

Darkness's father bows in gratitude.

Granberia: m-mhm.

Ignis: and you two must be megumin and yunyun….i am grateful, thanks for being a friend to lalatina.

Yunyun: n-nothing like that darkness is a great friend too!

Megumin: Indeed the greatest friend the darkest arts could ask.

Ignis: and this must be lady aqua.

Aqua: umu, i am the great arch priest of the party!

Then darkness cames from inside the house to welcome her friends.

Darkness: Honored varakiel fateburn and all our honored guests. I offer you my profound gratitude for taking the time to come to our humble abode today. I, Lalatina Ford Dustiness, shall be your hostess. Please make yourselves at home—all that we have is yours, and we expend every effort to ensure your comfort.

Varakiel: I am honored to be invited here lady lalatina.

Darkness: *twitch* m-mhm.

Varakiel: Alright we should go, a princess is waiting for us after all.

Darkness: F-follow me then.


Varakiel: I have to admit, you don't look bad in that dress granberia.

Granberia:....but it is so uncomfortable.

Varakiel:mhm i am not accustomed to wearing a suit either.

Megumin: but you two look great like that.

Yunyun: y-yeah!

Varakiel: hehe, if you say so .

Granberia: fine i will bear with it.

Darkness: all right but just in case, aqua please refrain from doing any dangerous party tricks and yunyun please stop megumin if she tries to do something dangerous.

Aqua: leave it to me! I'll just make her a sand picture for her to take as a memento.

Megumin: w-w-wait darkness why only i get a warning!?

Darkness:....okay here we go i'll do most of the talking with princess iris.

Varakiel: darkness my child relax, nothing bad will happen.

Darkness: *exhales* I know I am just nervous.

After that darkness took the lead and opened the door.


Darkness: forgive us for making you wait, your highness. These are my friends, adventurers all, varakiel fateburn and his party. Now, the regal individual before you is none other than the first princess of our nation. Princess Iris.

The girl was the true definition of a fantasy world princess, she had golden hair and a pair of clear blue eyes.

Aqua: My name is Aqua, Your Highness, a humble Arch-priest. It is a pleasure

to make your acquaintance. Now then, in lieu of a lengthy introduction, I have a trick to show you…

Darkness suddenly grabs aqua's hand

Darkness: I-I'm very sorry, Your Highness, but I must speak with my friend. If

you'll excuse us…

While darkness was distracted, megumin was trying to get something off her dress but as darkness did yunyun tried to stop her.

Yunyun: I am sorry your highness, give us a minute…

As varakiel and granberia watched the princess whisper to the woman in the white suit….

???: Peon, it is not for you to look so openly upon a member of the royal family. You are so far beneath the royal family in stature that you would normally not even be allowed to see its members in person, let alone eat with one of them. Bow your hea-

The princess iris in shock tried to stop the woman in the white suit but it was too late…

She was interrupted by 2 heavy pressures coming both from varakiel and granberia.

Varakiel: peón you say? Do I have to remind you who I am? 

Granberia: looks like the arrogance in the royalty is great…

The woman in the white suit and the mage besides iris shudders in fear.

Varakiel: Not only do you look down on the heroes who defeated several demon king generals, you ask them to bow your heads to you, but even you refuse to speak with them directly.

Granberia: if we were the rulers of a kingdom we would be greatly offended.

Pd: they are.

Darkness: v-varakiel, Granberia!

Iris: I-i am sorry for the rude behavior of my bodyguard sir varakiel and granberia.

Iris bows in apology.

Iris then looks to her guard.

Iris: i-i already told you to not do that with the hero! Hmphhhh.

???: i-i am sorry princess.

Varakiel and granberia then stop intimidating the white suit.

White suit: F-forgive my rudeness.

Varakiel: very well, but I don't want this to repeat.

Granberia: hmph.

Iris then whispers to white suit.

White suit: her highness says, are you varakiel the chivalrous hero who fought the demon king generals face to face, spoke of? Tell us your story.

Varakiel: mhm, very well then let me tell you how we defeated beldia and vanir.


White suit: wonderful! So many adventurers have told me their stories, but I've never met people who fight like you do, and I've never heard stories that make my heart race! Everyone else tells me about how they easily wiped out a whole pack of monsters or bested a dragon in the wilderness with nothing but a sword… They're certainly amazing stories, but they're all about some heroic adventurer who single-handedly defeated a monster…but you fight with your party working together!' So Her Highness says.

Varakiel: mhm, being an adventurer has its perks, while skill points are an issue, nothing can beat an infinite loop of skills process…

Iris' eyes shine brightly like a little girl.

White suit: Would you describe the daily life you lead in your constant pursuit of

self-improvement? …So ask Her Highness. I'm rather curious myself…

The princess and her guard were genuinely impressed.

Varakiel: Of course, first me and my wife granberia wake up early in the morning and we have a healthy breakfast that give us energy for the training that comes next…

Granberia: after that we are very careful to cover every field of combat from tactics, trickery, skill usage, everything you can think of we train for it.

Varakiel: mhm, we do that every day at dawn, and we end after the sun as reach its peak, after that we go to the adventurers guild to take on any mission doesn't matter what it is, of course a mission that is on our capabilities to make, we are not fools who seek death with a opponent we can't defeat….after we are done by night i usually take a stroll at night to look for any lost children and take them home.

Iris listens to varakiel and granberia with bright eyes like a little girl hearing a legendary tale.

White suit: You're a most unusual adventurer, aren't you? You're different, somehow, from the others I've met. What did you do before you entered adventuring?' …Her Highness wants to know.

Varakiel: mhm, well we come from the kingdom of eos.

White suit: where is this Kingdom? asks her Highness.

Granberia: in another world.

Granberia says as she takes a sip of her cup.

The princess iris her guards and the servants surrounding the room eyes went white…

Varakiel: hehe, let me present myself properly, my name is varakiel fateburn, king of eos.

Granberia: granberia, heavenly knight of fire, royal guard.

Iris: Ehhhh!!!?

White suit: a-a king from another world!?

Varakiel: mhm, but please don't look into that too much, right now i am varakiel fateburn the hero.

White suit: h-her highness ask what did you do in your world before coming to ours.

Varakiel: oh well, we were fighting a war and sadly me and granberia died in it, that's why you shouldn't look too much into it, my kingdom has fallen now.

Iris: s-such thing….thats what would happen if the demon king wins?

Iris asks directly this time.

Varakiel:Hmmm ...most certainly, but please don't get in that mood, I won't allow the demon king to do such a thing.

Iris with admiring eyes looks at varakiel.


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