Multiverse Heroes: Magical Destinies(AmphibiaxSVTFOExTOH)

Chapter 33: Risky Negotiations

The day had come for the heroes in this adventure. They had to meet with their enemies in hopes for a successful negotiation.

In Anne's house, she had awoken from her sleep, turning over her bed to spot Luz, the girl she had recently began dating, sleeping soundly on the floor. It did bug Anne to let Luz sleep there, even if she was fine with it.

Anne hoped to let Luz have her bed for a bit, but Luz was way too kind and insistent. Anne of course was not quite ready to share her bed with Luz, nor did she want to take the chance that her parents would spot the two in that position.

While Anne found Luz's sleeping to be adorable, and didn't want to wake her, she knew that they had a big day ahead, and that they needed to be ready for what's to come.

"Luz..." Anne knelt beside the girl. "Hey, come on, rise and shine."

Luz yawned a bit, rubbing her eyes, "Is it already morning?"

"Sure is, come on, we got a big day," Anne said.

It took Luz a few seconds to realize what Anne was saying, recalling that Sasha was currently in a bad predicament. "Oh right, we gotta get moving."

"We sure do, oh but let me wake the others up first," Anne said, going to wake up Sprig, Polly and King.

During this, Luz took a moment to stretch and get into the flow of things. She knew she would be meeting with Belos and Andrias, and she had to be ready. Of course deep down she was worried because this meant having to trade Hunter away to someone who in all honestly, doesn't even seem to care that much about him.

Luz still felt sympathy for the poor boy, and wished he could have turned, though he's had his fair chance, at least she thinks he did.

"Morning Luz!" Sprig said, hopping over to the girl. "Ready for today?"

"Yeah, I'm ready Sprig," Luz said, though a little half-heartedly, which Sprig picked up on.

"You sound worried," Sprig said. "Let me guess, you're worried about meeting with Belos and Andrias."

"That and I don't know if we're making the right call with Hunter," Luz said. "I know he's still technically our enemy, but trading him off like this doesn't feel right."

"You and him were friends once, right?" Sprig asked.

"Not entirely, but I thought we could have bonded while we were traveling in Latissa," Luz said.

"Have you tried talking to him since we captured him?" Sprig asked. "It has been a couple weeks."

"I wanted to, but I felt so weird about doing so. He did attack us on several occasions," Luz began to blush a bit. "Plus, I've had other distractions in my mind."

"Well, you still have at least one more chance to reach out to him," Sprig said. "Give it a shot."

"Yeah, maybe," Luz said.

Nearby, Anne seemed worried for the young witch girl, and turned her attention to King. "Will she be alright?"

"Luz has always been very sympathetic to others, it's a virtue and a weakness," King said. "At least that's how Eda describes it."

"I get that she probably feels bad about everything, but we're in a tight spot," Anne said. "We can't afford to show much leeway."

"Well, at least try considering this from different angles if you can," King said. "Not every plan has to be straightforward, does it?"

"...I suppose not," Anne said. "Well, we should get ready for the day."

Over at Marco's house, the boy had awoken from his slumber. The first thing he felt, aside from a bit of draft, was some weight, mixed with the sound of soft breathing. He looked down and saw Marcy cuddled next to him, the two having enjoyed each other's company greatly before drifting off to sleep.

Instinctively Marco held her closer to him, wanting to feel the softness of her skin pressed against him. Just being this close to Marcy sent Marco's heart a flutter, she was the girl of his dreams after all. Something he never expected to believe.

Thoughts began to race through Marco's head as he gently caressed the girl next to him.

"Just a year ago, I was confused about my feelings toward Star. The only other girl who came close to rivaling that was Jackie, and that just wasn't meant to be. Now Marcy's part of my life. Despite knowing her for a shorter time, the two of us just clicked. I don't know how, and honestly, it worries me. I hope this isn't my mind playing tricks or anything, but I did miss her when we broke up, so the love seems to be real. Maybe Star and I aren't meant to be, maybe it should be me and Marcy. We've already gotten quite intimate, something I'm almost ashamed of. At our age, that shouldn't be a thing but, I can't deny how much I enjoy it. It's a nice break from all the fighting, and it makes her happy. Still, despite it all, I feel like I'm missing something. I don't feel like I got to really know Marcy. The real Marcy, not the warrior, just the girl. One day, I gotta take her on a real date, that will help solidify my feelings for her."

As he thought to himself, Marcy began to shift a bit, the girl rubbing her eyes and looking up. "Marco?"

"Oh, you're awake," Marco said.

"Yeah..." Marcy felt a bit weird, and slightly embarrassed given her current position, and how drafty she felt. "Uh, last night was sure something, huh?"

"It sure was," Marco awkwardly agreed. "Uh, should we get up now?"

"Actually...I kind of want to stay like this for a little bit longer," Marcy said. "I feel close to you when we're like this, and it's very reassuring. Like a security blanket of sorts."

"If that's what you want," Marco said. "Hey, how are you feeling? About Sasha, Andrias, Belos and everything else?"

"Well, I'm worried about Sasha, but she's strong and can take care of herself," Marcy said. "I want to trash Andrias and Belos, so that's what we're gonna do."

"No worries?" Marco asked.

"Of course not, I have you by my side," Marcy said. "Me and the girls have total faith in you."

"Honestly, I'm surprised that you do," Marco admitted, to the confusion of his girlfriend.

"Why would you be?" Marcy asked. "You're a good friend to us. You're always quick to look after one of us when there's trouble. You've always been our emotional support. You also do your best to keep everyone on the same page. I say you more than trustworthy."

"Well, that's nice of you to say, and I'm glad you think so," Marco said. "But sometimes I feel like there's something missing. Maybe it's because of my confusing relationship with Star. One minute it feels like we're friends, the next I feel like there was something between us. But when I'm with you, I just forget all that, and I almost feel bad because I worry how she feels about me."

"Doesn't Star have a boyfriend?" Marcy asked. "If so, that's something she really needs to work out. Bad enough she could have feelings for you, but she could end up hurting Tom."

"Right, Tom," Marco said. "Even back when she dated Tom, I think she had feelings for me. That's why Tom used to hate me and wanted to obliterate me."

"Then he ended up cursing you two into romance with the Blood Moon," Marcy said.

"Exactly, I'm glad that curse is gone though, I haven't thought about Star like that since," Marco said. "I'm glad, I really do care about Star and I want what's best for her, but to cry just because she made sure two marshmallows weren't lonely was a bit much. Now, don't get me wrong, I do find it cute, and it just shows how wholesome Star can be. But that just felt obsessive."

"Not to me, it just shows you have a big heart," Marcy said. "It wasn't about the marshmallow, you just loved seeing that level of kindness. If anything, it showed me that I need to be better as a person."

"You're fine though," Marco said.

Marcy shook her head in disagreement, "That's nice of you to say, but it's not true. Remember, I did lie to my friends, and I got them stranded in Amphibia just because I didn't want to move away with my family."

"Oh yeah, that was a big one," Marco admitted. "But, even so, it just means you care about your friends. You just needed a better way to show that type of care. It's not like you wanted to hurt them, accidents just happen."

"That was quite the accident," Marcy nervously said. "Still, I'm very grateful that they were all so forgiving, they could have easily just dumped me, but they gave me a second chance."

"They're your friends, they care about you," Marco said. "Friends forgive friends, even when they make mistakes. That's what makes a friend."

"Yeah, and that's one of the reasons Anne and I just can't turn away from Sasha," Marcy said. "I know she's cruel sometimes, but she's also reliable. Plus, Anne and I see a different side to Sasha that not many see. She's not always as confident as she acts, it's just a defense she puts up because her parents are divorced. That is why Anne and I used to do nothing when she acted out, because we just took it as her venting her emotions."

"What happened with Sasha and her parents is tough, and I credit you and Anne for being good friends," Marco said. "But Anne did learn that sometimes, she has to let Sasha know that some things aren't okay. I just hope you understand that too. Part of Friendship means making tough choices, that's something I had to learn with Star."

"Things with you and Star were quite the adventure, weren't they?" Marcy asked. "I'm starting to wonder which one of us had it much more exciting?"

"I think it's just about equal, rivaled with Luz and Amity," Marco said.

"Luz and Amity...they had some ups and downs, didn't they?" Marcy asked.

"From what I heard they did," Marco replied. "But they made it work, they do care about each other."

"Amity seemed pretty down about Luz picking Anne though," Marcy said. "You think she'll be alright?"

"Of course, but it will hurt her a bit," Marco said. "I felt hurt when things didn't work out between me and Jackie. But you and I are proof that love finds a way. Amity will find someone special to her one day, until then, we just have to be there for her."

"We certainly were in the Neverzone," Marcy said, blushing a bit. "She seemed quite grateful."

"Yeah, things certainly took a strange turn in there," Marco said, the boy blushing as well.

"I have no regrets," Marcy said. "So long as I get to keep you to myself in the end, that's all that matters."

"Yeah, same with me too," Marco said, bringing Marcy in for an affectionate kiss, one she was quick to return, very intimately too.

"So, ready to get up? Or do you want to spend a few more minutes alone?" Marcy asked.

"I think I got a few minutes, let's enjoy our time together," Marco said, resuming his kiss with Marcy.

At the Boonchuy house, Luz and Anne were enjoying some breakfast with King Sprig and Polly. The five had a long day ahead of them, something the Boonchuy parents were mildly concerned about.

"So, how long did you two say you would be gone?" Oum asked.

"Not sure, we're helping Star out with some political favors though," Anne said.

"It's nothing dangerous, is it?" Bee asked.

"It shouldn't be," Anne said.

"But, don't worry, we have plenty of powerful friends to back us up if we need it," Luz said.

"For now, our main goal is to talk out our issues," Anne said.

"That's good, talking is better than fighting," Oum said.

"Sounds boring," Polly said.

"Polly!" King scolded.

"Uh, don't mind my sister, she can be very forward," Sprig said. "If our grandpa were here, he'd just call her a little rascal."

"Hop Pop never called me that," Polly said.

"Where is your grandfather anyway?" Bee asked.

"At the castle," Polly said. "He's helping the witch lady Eda with some stuff."

"Right, witch lady," Bee said, feeling strange. "Somehow I never get used to hearing about these kinds of things."

"It definitely takes a lot of getting used to, something I know from experience," Luz said. "But after a while, it stops being so scary, and starts being fun! It's like a video game, but real!"

"I might stick to video games, less chance of getting hurt," Bee said.

"I don't blame you," Luz said, finishing up. "Anyway, Anne and I do need to get going."

"Sprig, King, Polly, you three ready too?" Anne asked.

"Right behind you, Anne," Sprig said, finishing up. "Polly, King, let's get going."

"Right behind you," King said, joined by Polly.

"We'll be back later, mom and dad," Anne said.

"Be careful," Oum said.

"Don't worry, we...huh?" Anne noticed something strange outside her window.

"Anne, what's wrong?" Luz asked, looking out the window as well. "What is...?"

Outside were some men in suits, joined by a bald man who seemed to be wearing lipstick. This of course took Anne and Luz by surprise as the men seemed to be eyeing the house while writing down notes.

"Anne, do you know them?" Luz asked.

"No, I've never seen these men in my life," Anne said.

"...Is that one even a man? He's wearing make-up," Luz said.

"That I can't explain," Anne said. "Still, this is really weird."

The bald man out front took note of the girls at the widow, both of them getting out of sight.

"This is creeping me out," Luz said. "Why are they here?"

"I have no idea," Anne said.

Luz gasped in worry, a terrible thought flashing through her head. "You think they're government spies? Maybe they caught on to the strange things that have come out of Mewni, Amphibia and The Boiling Isles!?"

"Crap, you're right," Anne said. "After Hunter and Cloak-Bot caused trouble a while back, plus that incident on Christmas Eve with the giant robot Santa, it was only a matter of time before the government caught on!"

"What do we do!?" Luz asked.

"I have no idea!" Anne said. "Boy does this have me worried though!""

"Anne, Luz, what is going on?" Oum asked, getting the attention of the girls. "I thought you left?"

"Some weird guys are outside," Anne said, gesturing to the men in the suits.

"Weird guys?" Oum looked outside, spotting the men. She immediately grew suspicious and called for her husband, "Honey, come here a second!"

"You called for me, dear?" Bee asked.

"Do you know those men?" Oum asked, gesturing to the suits.

"Uh, no, I don't think I do," Bee said. "Are they here to visit?"

"I am not sure," Oum said.

"Hm, well, I guess I should go and talk to them," Bee said, heading to the front door.

"Careful dad, you don't know who they are," Anne said.

"They might be dangerous," Luz said.

"I can handle it girls," Bee insisted and went outside.

It wasn't long before Sprig, King and Polly showed up, all three just as curious as Anne and Luz.

"So, visitors?" Polly asked.

"Seems like it, problem is that no one here knows who they are or what they want," Anne said.

"I think your dad will find out," Sprig said, gesturing to Bee speaking with the leader.

The man showed off what looked to be a badge and gestured to the house, to which Bee looked behind and seemed confused but also concerned as he continued to talk to the man.

"What do you think he's saying?" Sprig asked.

"How should we know? None of us can read lips," Polly said. "At least, I don't think we can."

"Kind of hard to do with dad's back to us anyway," Anne said.

The conversation continued on as some of the men began to surround Bee, worrying Oum and the kids.

"What are they doing to dad!?" Anne asked in a panic.

"This doesn't look good," Luz said, instinctively grabbing her glyph. "Maybe I should-"

"Hey, no magic," Oum scolded.

"But Khuṇ p̂ā! We gotta do something!" Luz said.

"I don't want you girls fighting with people like that, I get the feeling that could lead to trouble even you may not be able to handle," Oum said. "Listen, you kids sneak out the backway, I'll keep an eye out."

"You want us to leave you and dad alone here?" Anne asked.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," Oum said. "You said you have that important diplomatic thing, didn't you?"

"That can wait, I'm more worried about you!" Anne said.

"Yeah Khuṇ p̂ā, I don't feel right leaving you behind," Luz said.

"I am not asking you girls to leave, I am telling you to leave," Oum said. "Make sure you take Sprig, Polly and King too, I will go out and reason with these men."

"...Alright, but call me the moment things are safe," Anne said. "You promise?"

"I promise Anne," Oum reassured, managing a smile for her daughter. "I will be fine, your know your mother never will go down without a fight."

"You are so cool, Khuṇ p̂ā!" Luz said.

"I know, now hurry," Oum ordered as Anne took Luz and the kids out the back, all the while Oum turned her attention to the door. "Here go nothing."

Outside Bee was still talking to the leader, trying to reason with him while avoiding the gaze of the suits. "Whatever you may have heard about my daughter must be a misunderstanding. She's just a normal teenager."

"That is not what the eyewitnesses said," the leader replied. "Your daughter has been seen around several strange sightings alongside other kids, including a boy named Marco Diaz, who has had several run ins with what seems like the supernatural."

"Are you sure people are not just watching too many movies?" Bee asked.

"Honey!" Oum called, getting the attention of her husband. "What is happening here?"

"Greetings ma'am, I am Mr. X," the leader introduced. "I'm here to ask a few questions regarding your daughter. I don't suppose she's around, is she?"

"She is not, she is at a friend's house," Oum said, hoping Mr. X would believe her. Of course what she said was not a total lie but she was a bit nervous at the moment.

"A friend huh? I don't suppose that friend's name is Marco Diaz?" Mr. X asked. "I hear a lot of talk about that boy from Echo Creek."

"Marco Diaz?" Oum asked. "What does he have to do with this?"

"Plenty," Mr. X said. "Now, are you going to tell me what I want to know? Or are things going to be made difficult?"

Nearby, Ally and Jess were seen riding up on their bicycles, the two noticing the trouble with the suits.

"That doesn't look good," Ally said, then turned to her partner. "What should we do Jess?"

"Hm...looks like we have some work to do," Jess said, focused on the situation. "Come on."

"Right behind you," Ally said as she followed her friend into whatever she was planning.

In the backyard, Anne used her scissors to open the necessary portal to Mewni, "I hope Marco and Marcy are ready too."

"They should be," Luz said. "Come on, let's hurry before those suits start to invade."

"I hope my mom and dad will be alright for the time being," Anne said.

"Me too, but once we talk to Star, we can send help over," Luz said. "Let's get moving."

Anne opened the portal to Mewni, everyone quick to step through as they entered the throne room.

Already present were Maddie, Gus, Willow, Grime, Kelly, Tom and Higgs. Of course, Star was also nearby, the girl seemingly waiting for more to come.

" long are we waiting exactly?" Grime asked.

"Until everyone arrives," Tom said. "Can't leave without them."

"They better not take too long, I'm worried about Sasha," Higgs said.

"We all are, give them a few minutes," Tom said, then saw a portal opening. "Ah, here come some now!"

"Hey Star, we're here," Luz said, getting Star's attention as she stepped through the portal with Anne.

"Oh good, that's two more," Star said. "We just need to wait on Amity, Marco and Marcy."

"Amity will be here soon," Maddie said. "No word on Marco or Marcy."

"I hope they didn't sleep in," Luz said.

"I doubt it, Marcy wouldn't want to keep Sasha waiting, and Marco is very protective of everyone," Anne said. "Still, we need to get this done and fast, I'm really worried about my parents."

"What's wrong?" Star asked.

"Some weird men showed up at my house," Anne said. "My parents had to distract them, but I get the feeling something strange is about to happen."

"They definitely looked suspicious," Polly said.

"How suspicious?" Tom asked.

"Like they know something, but won't tell you," Anne said.

"Ooh, I hate those types," Grime said in a huff.

"Yeah, it makes you want to interrogate them for information," Kelly said.

"Hm, I see," Star said, grabbing her mirror and using it to check Earth. "Your mom has your hairstyle, right?"

"Yeah, why do you have visual on my parents?" Anne asked.

"It looks like they're still talking to some bald lady..." Star squinted her eyes. "Wait, I think that's a, that's just really weird."

"What's happening?" Anne asked.

"Right now, two girls are making their way over," Star showed the mirror. "Do you know them?"

"Ally and Jess?" Anne asked. "Yeah, they're fixing Frobo. Didn't you see them on Christmas Eve too? They helped with my float."

"Oh right, sorry, I barely talked to them," Star said, focusing back on the mirror. "I think they're calming the situation down. But I can ask Lilith to go supervise things." The Acting Queen then got rid of the mirror, focusing on Anne. "Don't worry though, I won't let anything happen to your parents."

"Thanks Star, you're the best," Anne said, then heard a portal opening.

"Hey, I'm here!" Amity said, coming through a portal. "Sorry I'm late. My mom was home, and I didn't want to be spotted by her."

"How have you been avoiding your mom if you've been home?" Luz asked.

"She actually sleeps over at my place at times," Willow said.

"And even if I am home, Edric and Emira have ways to keeping me hidden," Amity said. "I just really don't want to deal with my mom right now."

"Smart," Anne said.

"Things must be really bad between you and your mom," Kelly said.

"Major understatement," Amity said.

"Now we still need to wait for..." Star took note of some unwanted guests. "Oh, it's you."

Entering the throne room were the Magic High Commision. This group weren't fools, they knew Star wasn't going to be happy to see them, but they knew about Sasha, and wanted to do their part to protect her.

" decided to show up," Star said, glaring right through them. "How nice."

"Hey Star, we know you don't trust us, and you have every reason not to," Hekapoo said. "But, I'm not ignoring this. Sasha needs help, and I want to be there for her. She's my friend after all."

"I know she's your friend, after all, you betrayed everyone together," Star reminded.

"What we did was wrong, and we know it was wrong," Hekapoo said. "I'll be the first to admit that me and my brothers are still adjusting to certain changes in Mewni."

"You gotta remember, creatures like us were designed to protect Mewmans from monsters," Rhombulus said. "So when we heard that you were letting monsters into Mewni, it caused some worries for us."

"It went against our nature to be friendly to monsters, so we had no choice but to deem you a potential threat to Mewmans," Omnitrax said.

"So we worked with Sasha to overthrow Newtopia out of hopes of using its resources to potentially overthrow you so we can keep Mewni safe," Hekapoo said. "But, we realize that was terrible, and we really are sorry."

"You know, admitting that you wanted to overthrow me just because you have a prejudice against monsters is not exactly something you fix by saying 'sorry'," Star said. "What you did is punishable by law. Regardless of why you were created, your main priority is to the Butterfly Royal Family. For what you did, I could have you exiled, or even executed!"

"Whoa, easy Star," Luz pleaded, earning her attention as well as the Magic High Commision's. "I know Hekapoo and the boys really screwed up, and I will also agree that saying 'sorry' isn't going to fix everything. But apologizing is at least a good start. It means they want to make amends, and I think we owe it to them to let them have that chance."

"That so?" Star asked. "So, you think they're worthy of forgiveness?"

"They still need to prove themselves, but I do believe that they are," Luz said. "Sasha earned our forgiveness for her betrayal, Hekapoo and the boys deserve that same treatment."

"Yeah, you even made Sasha a knight, so you're clearly cool with her," Anne said.

"Like I mentioned before, I only knighted Sasha to keep her under my control," Star said. "So far, I can't keep Hekapoo under control, or Rhombulus or Omnitrax."

"Just give us a chance, Star," Hekapoo said. "Let us prove to you why we were always trusted advisors of the Butterfly Family."

"Hey, friendly reminder," Star began. "You betrayed Eclipsa and traded her daughter for a Pie Folk girl, whom you raised to hate monsters."

"Honestly, Festivia was too much of a sweetheart to really hate monsters," Hekapoo said. "She just went along with it because I told her to."

"Yeah, she was a really nice lady who did care a lot about Mewni," Rhombulus said. "You aren't too different from her, Star."

"Perhaps you can show us the error of our ways, and prove to us why Mewmans and Monsters should co-exist," Omnitrax said.

"If anyone can do it, Star can," Maddie praised. "She's stubborn, and I love that about her."

"Oh yeah, that's a very admirable trait," Hekapoo said. "It's one of my favorite things about you, Star."

"Are you trying to butter me up?" Star asked.

"That depends? Is it working?" Hekapoo asked.

Maddie cleared her throat, getting the magic girl's attention, "Probably not the best thing to say right now."

"Yeah, it makes you sound kind of suspicious," Kelly bluntly stated.

"Yeah, sorry I was trying to lighten the mood with some humor," Hekapoo said.

"How about we wait until we get to that stage of trust," Star said.

"Right...wait, so does this mean that you are going to give us a chance?" Hekapoo asked.

"Yes, just don't screw this up," Star warned.

"We won't, we promise," Hekapoo reassured.

Seconds later, another portal had opened, this time it was Marco and Marcy coming in from the Diaz Family home.

"Hey, are we late?" Marco asked.

"A little, but I can forgive that," Star said.

"Sorry, time got away from us," Marcy said, the girl blushing a bit. "But we're here now, and ready to do what we gotta do."

"We just need Hunter," Star said. "Then it's off to The Boiling Isles."

At Hunter's cell, Eda was sitting nearby the cage along with Hop Pop, the two still trying to reach out to the stubborn guard.

"Kid, you're about to be traded off to your uncle," Eda said. "Is this really what you want?"

"Of course, I can finally reunite with him, and be away from all of you," Hunter said.

"I just don't think he's good to have as a guardian," Hop Pop said. "I just get the feeling that he don't care about you."

"Don't act like you know my uncle!" Hunter shouted. "I'm going to reunite with him, and destroy everything you two hold dear!"

"Poor boy, I hate seeing such a young man acting like this," Hop Pop said.

"I don't want your sympathy, just your defeat!" Hunter said. "I'm going to make all of you regret doing this to me!"

"The only thing you should regret, is ever thinking Belos cared," Eda said. "I once thought it would have been cool to join The Emperor's Coven, it didn't take long to realize that doing so could have ruined my life. It nearly ruined my sister's life."

"Pretty sure you not joining did more damage considering you got cursed," Hunter said. "Your sister had potential that she threw away. In the end, what did either of you gain out of that?"

"A better understanding of each other," Eda said.

"...Pfft, what a joke," Hunter said, turning away from the woman.

Not too long later, Star made her appearance along with her friends. "We're here for Hunter."

The Cell door unlocked, with Rhombulus quick to crystalize Hunter's hands while Maddie, Gus and Willow surrounded him.

Luz looked ashamed to see Hunter like this, she knew he could have turned out better. Despite what he and Cloak-Bot have tried to do, Luz still refused to give up just yet, she had to reach out to the boy. " know you'd have a better life here, don't you?"

"Tch, you're just trying to trick me," Hunter said.

"Would I though?" Luz asked. "Didn't you feel any connection in Latissa? Anything at all? Like you and I could have been friends?"

Hunter thought about it a second. He couldn't deny that he did feel some type of bond, but just thinking about what would happen if he did willingly betray Belos in the end began to cloud his mind as sadly turned away, "No...I couldn't."

Despite what he said, Luz could feel some hesitation, worrying that Hunter was still making a mistake.

"To the Emperor's Coven in the Boiling Isles," Star said, opening a portal leading to that part of the island.

Hunter was gestured through by the Commision as everyone began to make their venture.

On the other side, Belos waited in his castle courtyard for his negotiators to arrive. Joining him in this trade included Raine, Terra, Ludo and Andrias with a tied-up Sasha nearby. Also present for their King were a reluctant looking Olivia and Yunan

"So, finally trade-off time," Sasha said. "But you're not exactly letting me leave without a fight, are you?"

"It's less of a fight, and more impending destruction," Belos said.

"You know they're probably expecting it, right?" Sasha asked.

"I should hope so, otherwise it will be an all too easy win for me," Belos said.

"...We did set a time, right?" Andrias asked. "It would be a pain to wait here all day."

"I'm almost certain we did," Belos said. "The real question is how punctual our guests are."

"Well Anne is usually good at getting people places on time," Sasha said. "When, she, I and Marcy would hang out, Anne would always remind us of the time, so we don't stay out past curfew."

"Sounds like a responsible young lady," Belos said.

"She is, but she can get into trouble," Sasha said. "Some days, she, Marcy and I would ditch school to go to the beach or arcades. It was all fun until our parents found out."

"Oh yeah, Marcy told me about some of your little adventures," Andrias said. "Is it true you snuck up to the roof of your school?"

"Oh yeah, that was fun, Anne was even nice enough to talk the fall," Sasha said.

"You let your friend take the fall?" Raine asked.

"Kind of rude," Ludo said.

"Hey, she offered to," Sasha said.

"Did she? Marcy made it seem like it was an accident," Andrias said.

"She probably remembered it wrong," Sasha said. "This is the same Marcy that couldn't focus for more than two seconds and ended up nearly walked into a zoo full of escaped snakes."

"She did what now?" Raine asked.

"Oh yes, she told me of that too, Anne had to rush to her aid," Andrias said. "To Marcy's credit, she's improved a lot while living in my castle. She isn't as ditzy as she was on the first day."

"Oh yes, I do recall her falling down a flight of stairs," Olivia said. "Poor girl broke her leg."

"Was that all she broke?" Raine asked.

"Yes, that's all," Olivia said.

"My word, such a durable child," Terra said.

"I always told Anne, one day Marcy is going to get herself killed," Sasha said. "How she survived this long, I'll never know."

"Clearly she's grown from her journey," Yunan said. "From a klutz to a full-fledged warrior."

"She had to learn to be in my guard, I didn't want any accidents," Andrias said. "Plus none of the other guards would trust her if she didn't improve, and that would make working conditions so uncomfortable."

"Well it's wonderful that you made so many memories with your friends, Sasha," Belos said. "The fact that they still care about you, even after your betrayal really says something."

"Oh right, how did they forgive you?" Andrias asked.

"Well for starters, you betrayed us, so we had to put our differences aside," Sasha said. "Plus, they're my friends, and friends forgive friends. Don't you have any friends to understand that feeling?"

Andrias looked awkwardly to the side, awkwardly rubbing his head as memories of his old friends passed through his mind, "Well..."

"He has us now, dear," Ludo said. "And I know all of us are close enough that the thought of betrayal and ending friendships would never, ever cross our minds. Isn't that right, Belos?"

"Emperor, Belos," the witch corrected.

"Right, Emperor Belos," Ludo said, glaring slightly at the man standing nearby.

"Our bond is not your typical Friendship, we are more Kindred Spirits in a way," Belos said. "That is unique in its own right, because it means we have a common goal, and will do anything we can to achieve it."

"Yeah, exactly, we're Kindred Spirits," Andrias said.

"Whatever you say," Sasha replied.

"Still, did it take long for your friends to forgive you?" Raine asked.

"Anne and Marcy, not too long," Sasha said. "Even Luz was surprisingly forgiving. And I hated Luz. Amity Blight, that took a while."

"I'm not surprised about the Blight Girl, that whole family is stubborn in its own way," Terra said.

"I am surprised to hear you mention Luz in such regard," Belos said. "And that you hated her."

"Well yeah, I thought she was trying to steal my friends away," Sasha said, catching Andrias's attention. "But in time, we realized we can all be friends."

"Why did you believe she was stealing your friends away?" Yunan asked.

"I don't know, she did have this goody-two shoes attitude at first that really pissed me off," Sasha said. "But in time, we put our differences aside. Ironically it was after my betrayal, it let me talk with her one on one and we just bonded later. I'd still like to get to know her more, maybe I'll take her out for a slice of pizza or something."

"Sounds tasty," Raine said.

"A very delightful idea," Yunan said.

"Thanks, once this trade is done with, maybe I'll do just that," Sasha said.

"If that's possible," Belos said. "Remember, anything can happen."

"Yeah, I know," Sasha said. "I'm counting on it."

Not too long later, some Coven Guards were seen escorting Star and her team into the courtyard to meet with Belos and his team.

"Ah, welcome, good to see you all," Belos said.

"That makes one of us," Star said, stomping toward the Emperor. "So, Emperor Belos, is this the first time we've met face to face?"

"I do believe so," Belos said. "Quite remarkable. The Queen of Mewni, and the Emperor of The Boiling Isles, meeting face to face."

"I'm Acting Queen," Star said.

"Hey! Star Butterfly!" Ludo called. "Do you remember me!?"

"Ludo?" Star asked. "Oh right, I forgot you were with The Emperor's Coven. Bit surprising, after Toffee I didn't think you'd want to work under a higher power again."

"Belos is a good negotiator," Ludo said.

"That I am," Belos focused on the rest of the group. "It seems like you've brought plenty of friends."

"Got that right," Anne said, stomping toward the Emperor. "You have some nerve, trying to intimidate me from across realms."

"Still on about that?" Belos asked. "What a shame."

"What a shame?" Anne asked in disbelief. "Dude, you really freaked me out!"

"I merely wished to speak, that's all," Belos said. "Truth be told, I was fascinated with some potential you show. You really came into your own with that Blue Transformation of yours."

"Blue transformation? You mean that powerful blue version of me?" Anne asked. "Which, I can control at will now, just in case you try something funny."

"I am aware of your cababilities," Belos said, turning his attention to Hunter. "It is after all, how you managed to avoid my nephew after all."

"Yes, and with Cloak-Bot's assistance too," Andrias said. "Where is he anyway? Did he detonate?"

"No, his bomb was removed at the last second," Hunter confirmed. "He's back at Mewni Castle, but he's been shut down."

"I see...well I suppose that works just as fine," Andrias said.

"Sir, he actually helped out big time, and he's come close to eliminating Luz, along with her buddy Anne Boonchuy," Hunter explained.

"Close doesn't cut it," Andrias said.

"I'm afraid he's correct, Hunter," Belos said. "We in The Emperor's Coven do not tolerate failure."

"Is that why you never came to get Hunter before today?" Eda asked.

"Eda Clawthorne, I almost didn't notice you," Belos said, then turned his attention to a familiar girl. "And you too Luz, it's been too long."

"Not long enough for me," Luz said.

"Or me," King added, leaping onto Anne's shoulder.

"Oh right, your little pet demon," Belos said.

"I'm no pet pal, I'm a family member!" King said.

"Aren't pets usually considered family members?" Andrias asked.

"You be quiet!" Luz warned.

"Wow, rude much?" Andrias said.

"So, Belos, is there a reason you waited so long to get Hunter back?" Eda asked.

"He didn't even come to get Hunter, we had to offer a trade," Luz said.

"You expected me to go into Mewni castle where I would be putting myself in danger?" Belos asked. "I could only imagine what you would have done to Hunter out of revenge too, should I be too late to save my dear boy."

"So that's it? You were only worried about your own wellbeing," Anne said.

"My people need their emperor," Belos said. "It's a tough choice, but I had to do what was right for my people. Hunter understands, don't you Hunter?"

"Y-yeah, of course!" Hunter said. "Belos had to think of his subjects, he wouldn't be selfish enough to only consider his wants or needs."

"Such a load of crap," Marco said.

"Hey, watch yourself!" Hunter warned.

"Dude, you're being manipulated, even now," Marco said, gesturing to the Emperor. "This jackass doesn't give a damn about you, he's just saying whatever he thinks will get you to believe him!"

"Just like you spread those false rumors about Mewni!" Star shouted. "I was at the Coven Day Parade, I saw you run your mouth, trying to cause drama between this world and mine! You even had the nerve to take Meteora for yourself after what you did to her mother!"

"What did I do to her mother?" Belos asked.

"Don't bullshit me Belos, you killed Eclipsa!" Star shouted. "You killed a member of my family!"

"I must ask you to watch your tone," Terra said. "This is no way to address-"

Star immediately blasted Terra, sending her crashing through a wall, startling everyone present, even Belos himself.

"My word, your magic is incredible," Belos said, then found the wand aimed at him.

"I'm not in a good mood, and just so you know, after Sasha, we'll be taking Meteora too," Star said. "She already grew up poorly once, I'm not letting that happen again!"

"Whoa now, let's not fight," Andrias said. "We need to remain calm here."

"Don't you star, Andrias," Anne warned. "I still haven't forgotten your betrayal."

"Or what you did at the Christmas Parade," Marcy said.

"Hey, I did what I needed to do," Andrias said. "You're the ones who got in my way."

"You tricked us into powering that music box so you can use it to take over the multiverse!" Anne said. "You really think we would trust you!?"

"Hey, you forgave Sasha pretty easily. But I suppose it worked because..." Andrias put on a mock caring voice, "You're friends, the bestest of friends too. Nothing but love, sunshine and rainbows." Andrias dropped the mocking tone. "Is that right?"

"Yes...only without sounding like a loser, you loser," Anne insulted.

"Geez, you really do have a mean streak," Andrias said.

"No more games," Marco said. "Are we doing a trade or not?"

"We want Sasha back," Marcy said.

"Hand her over, Belos," Amity warned.

"Amity, does your mother know you're here?" Belos asked.

"It's none of her damn concern, just give me back my friend," Amity warned.

"Such a shame to see you with such ruffians," Belos said. "You could have had such a good future here too."

"Belos, give us back our friend, otherwise we'll going to pound the tar out of you," Marco warned.

"...Free Hunter first, and then I'll free Sasha," Belos demanded.

Marco looked unsure at first, but noticed Sasha nodding her her and giving a thumbs up, signaling that the deal was good. "Okay...Rhombulus, you're up."

"Got ya, buddy." Rhombulus said, freeing Hunter.

"Rhombulus?" Sasha noticed that he, Omnitrax and Hekapoo were also present. "No way!"

"The Magical High Commision, it's been a while," Belos said.

"Yet more traitors you've forgiven," Andrias said.

"To be fair, they're working toward the forgiveness part," Star said. "So they're already miles ahead of you, Andrias."

Hekapoo grabbed Hunter the moment he was free and dragged him over to Belos, "By the way. Your plan to revive Toffee and his army would have never worked. You were a fool for even trying, all you got out of this was a war you can't hope to win."

"Someone's confident," Belos said. "There's more than one way to achieve my goal."

"Keep dreaming," Hekapoo said. "Now, return my friend."

Belos snapped his finger, "Ludo, escort Sasha over."

"Sure thing, boss," Ludo said, grabbing Sasha by the wrist. "Let's go dear."

"Hey, easy runt," Sasha warned as she was brought to her friends.

"So...who makes the first move?" Anne asked.

Despite the glare on Belos's face, the man flashed a seemingly genuine smile, "Allow me, just to show you that this is all in good faith."

"Huh?" Sasha couldn't believe this. "So, you are going through with this."

"Of course, I wouldn't really break a deal," Belos said. "I promise I'd let you go with your friends, and I will."

"Hey, what are you up to?" Star asked. "Is this a trick?"

"No tricks, I shall willingly allow Sasha to go," Andrias said. "It's not like I have any use for her."

Hesitantly, Sasha stepped over toward her friends, the girl immediately pulled in by Hekapoo, who embraced her in a hug.

"Damn I've missed you!" Hekapoo said, holding Sasha tightly.

"Whoa, easy there," Sasha said. "I missed you too."

Hunter grumbled in annoyance, "Can I go now?"

"Alright, deal's a deal," Star turned to Hunter. "Get your useless butt back to your uncle."

"Oh, that's quite alright," Belos said, snapping his fingers again, this time a cage had formed all around them.

"Hey what gives!?" Anne shouted.

"Of course," Marco lamented.

"Belos!" Luz shouted in anger.

"You did not think this would go that easily, did you?" Belos asked as guards began to surround them. "This is where your journey ends, I am going to execute all of you."

"I knew you were gonna pull this shit!" Sasha shouted, kicking the bars. "Just wait until I get my hands on you!"

"That will not happen," Belos said.

"Uncle, wait! What about me!?" Hunter asked. "I'm still here!"

"Yes, I suppose you are," Belos said. "You'll have to forgive me Hunter, I cannot afford any loose ends holding me back."

"What? But uncle!" Hunter pleaded. "Please! I've been nothing but loyal!"

"It is appreciated, but I need more than loyalty," Belos said. "I'm sorry, but I have no more use for you. Especially not when I have Meteora. She will make a far more suitable replacement for you."

Hunter's eyes widened in disbelief as tears formed in his eyes, "But...uncle...I thought we were family!"

Everyone around could not believe this, but sadly they knew this was bound to happen. They hoped warning Hunter would soften the blow. Instead, it may have only made the truth hit harder.

"Damn you Belos! How could you do this to the poor kid!?" Eda shouted.

"You're a big scumbag!" Polly shouted.

"The lowest of the low!" Sprig insulted.

"Say what you wish, my decision is final," Belos said, readying his own magic. "The end has come, and finally, no one will stand in my way for my conquest of glory."

"Don't think we'll lose that easily!" Star pulled out her wand to attack. Just before she could blast, a vine snuck in and stole the wand. "Hey!"

The thief was a now recovered Terra, the woman having dusted off her injury. "What you did, was not very polite my dear."

"Why you..." Star threatened.

"Andrias, are you ready to deal the finishing blow?" Belos asked.

"Uh...well..." Andrias glanced at a defeated looking Hunter, almost pitying the boy. "Is this necessary? Hunter I mean. I feel like he can still have his uses. It just seems like a waste to eliminate someone who is genuinely loyal."

"Now Andrias, even you yourself knows that Hunter has tried and failed," Belos said. "Do not let yourself be held back by your emotions."

"...Right, of course," Andrias said, readying his sword. "Before we execute them, remember my part of the deal?"

"Ah yes, one of them must be kept alive," Belos said. "Do not worry, she'll be in your clutches soon enough."

"Don't expect to be that easy!" Star used her magic to blasted through the bars, startling everyone present. "Did anyone forget? I don't need my want to use my magic, I had it in me this whole time."

"Wow, good twist," Ludo said.

"Figures it wouldn't be that easy," Belos said. "Attack!"

The guards tried to ambush the heroes, but they were easily knocked away with their abilities. Anne had used her sword and racket to fight the guards away. Luz had used her glpyhs to attack with fire, ice and plants. Marco used his karate skills to knock out the guards. Star blasted several of them with her magic attacks. Marcy used her own martial arts skills. Sasha was given a pair of swords by Grime as he helped her fight away the enemy with Hekapoo by her side.

Eda, Maddie, Gus and Willow each used their magic to keep their foes at bay with Tom striking them with his demon magic. Kelly struck hard with her sword, the girl feeling right at home.

"Kind of wish I had Jorbie, but it's cool," Kelly said, striking hard.

"Hey Star, are we going to escape?" Gus asked.

"This is a good chance to destroy Belos and Andrias, let's take it!" Star said.

"I don't think so!" Terra went to attack Star, but the girl avoided her Earth based magic and blasted the woman back, allowing Grime a free hit on her with his hammer.

"One general down!" Grime said, then narrowly dodged some of Raine's attacks.

"That's enough out of all of you!" Raine warned, attacking again with violin magic.

"Raine!" Eda stood in her old friend's path. "That's enough!"

"You again, Eda?" Raine asked. "I told you before that I am with The Emperor!"

"I know you're in there Raine, and I will get you back to normal, even if I have to smack you around a bit!" Eda said, preparing for a fight.

"Me too!" Hop Pop said, standing beside Eda.

Raine grumbled in annoyance, "This is ridiculous!"

Eda and Hop Pop fended off Raine as Ludo attempted to sneak away. However Tom stood in his path.

"Hey, remember me?" Tom asked.

"Uh...not really," Ludo said.

Tom stared in disbelief, "I'm Tom Lucitor! You know! Rich family! I'm also Star's boyfriend."

"I thought that was Marco Diaz?" Ludo said, then narrowly dodged some blasts. "Hey it's just a question!"

"I'm sooooo gonna destroy you! Little imp!" Tom blasted at Ludo again.

"I'm not an imp!" Ludo scurried away from the attacks.

Meanwhile Kikimora could see all this from outside of her window, the woman looking very concerned, "Oh, what to do? Emperor Belos needs me, but he trusted me to keep his child safe." Kikimora turned to Meteora's direction, the girl currently sitting in her crib, very confused. "She is our future after all. Still, would we have a present without our Emperor?"

Yunan had squared off against Rhombulus, the woman looking hesitant to fight. "Are you truly a friend to Anne Boonchuy?"

"Uh...which one's Anne again?" Rhombulus asked. "Is it the one with brown hair or black hair?"

"The one with poofy brown hair," Yunan said.

"You mean the scrawny girl?" Rhombulus asked.

"I'm not scrawny!" Anne called from nearby.

"Yes, that one," Yunan said. "Are you a friend?"

"Uh, I think?" Rhombulus said. "If she's with Sasha, then yeah, she's a friend."

"Then, I do not wish to fight you," Yunan said, lowering her guard. "I cannot condone the actions of my King."

"Uh, wow, really?" Rhombulus asked. "Well then, I guess I should let you on our side. But you'd need to ask Queen Star."

"Acting Queen!" Star called.

"Right, Acting Queen," Rhombulus said.

"If she wants to join, let her!" Star called. "Just make sure she doesn't betray us!"

"...Guess you're on our side, help us fight some Coven Guards," Rhombulus said.

"That I shall!" Yunan readied her blades. "Let the battle commence!"

As she leapt into battle, Rhombulus looked to be very impressed, "She's got guts, I like her already."

Nearby Marco, Anne, Sasha and Marcy were quadruple teaming Andrias, each of them trying for a strike agains the sinister King.

"Oh four on one, yeah this is totally fair!" Belos said, blocking Anne's strike.

"You brought this on yourself!" Anne said as she leapt back and allowed Marco run in with a strike of his own, which Andrias was quick to block.

However, Sasha appeared behind the villain and sliced the back of his legs, causing him to stumble over in pain.

"Damn brat!" Andrias back handed Sasha, but left himself open for a crossbow attack to his shoulder from Marcy, though was quick to pull the arrow out. "You'll have to do better than that, Marcy!"

"I got one!" Anne said, powering up and transforming into her Blue Form. "Let's see how you fair against a power beyond that of a regular teen!"

Anne flew in and landed a few blows to Belos, knocking the King around for a loop and even hitting an uppercut that knocked him over.

Belos noticed and wished to assist but he was blocked by Amity's Abomination magic.

"Going somewhere?" Luz asked, standing beside Maddie, Amity and Star.

"You're going down!" Star blasted Belos a few times with her magic, allowing Luz the opening to unleash a fire attack that knocked Belos further back.

Willow used her plant magic to grab Belos and aggressively flung him into Raine, knocking the other witch out.

Belos stood and found himself face to face with Eda.

"Hey Belos, do you remember that curse I had?" Eda then transformed into a Harpy, taking Belos by surprise. "I had a few upgrades."

"I'm almost impressed," Belos said, then began to attack with some magic. "You will need more than that to defeat me however!"

Eda struck hard with her claws, allowing Luz and Star to double team the Emperor and send him flying back.

Andrias stood up, seeing that Belos was in trouble, but also noticing his own struggles, "These punks really brough their game. But I won't lose so easily."

Andrias pulled out the Music Box and summoned an army from it, "Attack my soldiers!"

Quickly the robots just became easy wins for the heroes, much to the irritation of Andrias. Suddenly he felt someone jumping into his back.

"This is for hurting Sasha!" Higgs shouted, jamming her sword into the back of his shoulder.

"Ow! Little pest!" Andrias pulled Higgs off and aggressively threw her into Eda, knocking the woman out of the air.

"Eda!" Luz called, then focused on Andrias. "You want some of this too!?"

Luz rushed at Andrias, blasting him with some ice magic, then followed up with fire to throw him off his game. Andrias slammed his sword down, but Luz rolled out the way and continued attacking without reprieve.

"You should not leave yourself open, Luz," Belos was about to attack but Anne flew in and punched him away.

"Yeah, I don't think so!" Anne flew in and struck Belos a few more times, knocking the emperor for a loop. "Not so tough now, are you!?"

From the window, Kikimora began to panic. "I can't just stay here! I have to do something!"

Andrias continued fending off against Luz, but found himself being pelted by rocks, courtesy of Sprig and his slingshot.

"This is for dropping me out of a window!" Sprig called, pelting Andrias with more rocks.

"You brats are like a bunch of annoying gnats!" Andrias slammed his sword down, with Sprig barely dodging. "I try to be a nice guy but apparently no one wants nice Andrias! They want mean Andrias! Well I'll give you mean!"

As Andrias went to attack, Belos had tried fending off Anne, her attacks doing more damage than he expected.

"Guess you're all talk," Anne said. She was about to attack again when she was bound by Kikimora's magic.

"You stay away from Belos!" Kikimora warned, almost regretting it as Anne broke free and turned to face her.

"Sorry, you're gonna need way more than that to do any-" As Anne was taunting Kikimora, Belos unleashed his claws and struck Anne from behind, leaving a large scratch on her back, the girl powering out of her Blue form.

"Your luck has run out," Belos taunted.

"Belos!" Marco ran at the Emperor, trying to attack with a sword strike that he barely blocked. "It's finally over with you!"

"That's what you think!" Belos kicked Marco away, sending him flying.

"Marco!" Luz called.

"You're open!" Andrias swung his sword, Luz barely dodging but took a strike to the left side of her body, leaving a large scratch.

Luz was quick to cover her injury, trying to prevent too much blood from seeping out.

"You should have kept your eyes on the prize," Andrias taunted, then took a blast from Star.

"How dare you!" Star went to attack but Andrias blocked with his sword and slashed Star across her stomach, the girl bleeding from the attack, but still willing to fight. However Andrias grabbed one of his robots and threw it at Star, hurting the girl more.

"You bastard!" Eda flew in and clawed Andrias's face with her talons. "You think it's funny to attack young girls!?"

"Get away you irritating witch!" Andrias shouted, trying to whack her away, though the woman was quick to leave several scratches on his face, with Amity assisting by firing abomination fist attacks to his face, leaving his face a bit swollen.

Hekapoo leapt up and used her scissors to attack, leaving a large scar across his left eye and a few across his body, blood coming out of his wounds.

"Dammit!" Andrias shouted, the King keeling over in pain.

"Allow me to be of assistance!" Belos was about to help, but took a stab wound from behind his right shoulder, courtesy of Marco.

"Next one is going through your heart!" Marco shouted, then got whack back with Belos's slime.

"That, my friend, is my line," Belos said, removing the sword, ready to throw it at Marco. However, Marcy was quick to fire an arrow at his left shoulder, allowing Marco a chance to grab a mace and whack Belos across the jaw, knocking the witch down.

Belos angrily clawed Marco across his chest, knocking the boy back, to which Marcy grabbed Marco's sword and used it to slash across Belos's face, further injuring the man as she grabbed the mace and whacked him in the back, knocking him forward.

"Yeah! Take that, Emperor Loser!" Marcy held an 'L' over her head, then remembered that her boyfriend took an injury. "Marco!"

She ran to assist as Belos angrily began to stand up, glaring at the two. "You dare to defy me?"

Marcy checked up on Marco, making sure he wasn't too hurt, "Hey, Marco, are you doing alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Marco insisted, holding his hand over his chest, trying not to bleed but failing. "Don't worry, I've had worse."

"I know, but a girl still worries, right?" Marcy said. "Come on, let's finish off this poor excuse of an emperor so we can-"

Suddenly Belos's claw pierce through Marcy's chest from behind, taking the girl and her boyfriend by surprise.

Marco's whole world stopped as he beheld the frightening sight of Marcy's injury. All sound was blocked out as his eyes were locked on the horror before him, to see the girl he loved in such a perilous predicament made his heartrate accelerate beyond reason.

Marcy looked down at the claws, slowly spitting up blood as she began to keel over. Marco could only watch as she fell to the floor, no movement whatsoever from her limp body.

Anne, who had just recovered from Belos's sneak attack, turned to see her friend life lifeless on the ground, "MARCY! NO!"

This caught everyone else's attention, from a distraught Sasha, to a worried Luz, a very concerned Amity, the fear on the Plantars' face, and especially the anger of Andrias.

Days of the romance between Marco and Marcy flashed before the boy's eyes, from his time in the Neverzone, to all the other realms across the dimensions. Mewni, The Boiling Isles, Amphibia, and most of all, Earth, the place he and his lover originated, the place they vowed to defend.

"Now, you have no one to save you, Marco Diaz," Belos taunted.

Marco glared at Belos with soulless eyes, "No...Belos. You don't have anyone, that will save you."

In an instant, Marco grabbed his sword and dashed at Belos, impaling him through his chest, the witch coughing up blood, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"You, Belos...have breathed your last breath!" Marco pulled out the sword as Belos fell to his knees, barely able to keep it together as Marco raised his sword up high. "You're dead you son of a bitch!"

Just as Marco went to land the killing blow, Kikimora was quick to stop him with her magic.

"I won't let you hurt the Emperor!" Kikimora shouted.

"Get off of me, NOW!" Marco shouted, cutting through the vines as Andrias angrily ran over to Belos.

"You moron! I told you I needed Marcy alive!" Andrias shouted, then noticed that Belos was very much injured. "You know what, find your own medical assistance, I need to fix your screw up!"

Andrias used his Magic Box to open a portal to Newtopia. However Amity tried attacking with her Abomination.

"You give her back right now!" Amity shouted, unleashing on Andrias.

"I don't have time for you!" Andrias used his sword to cut the girl's left arm rather deeply and then kicked Amity into Marco. Afterward, used his box to send the two to another dimension. "That should keep you busy."

"Marco! Amity!" Anne stumbled over to Andrias. "Don't you dare..."

"I'm leaving, I suggest you worry more about your friends!" Andrias jumped through his portal with Marcy in tow.

"Marcy!" Sasha ran over to stop Andrias, but it was too late, the girl was unable to save her friend. "NO!"

"You...fools," Belos spat up some blood as he glared at his foes. "You shall all perish!"

Slowly but surely, Belos began to mutate into a monstrous creature, and the first one he attacked was the nearby Rhombulus. "I will make you regret coming here!"

"Just try it!" Rhombulus tried to crystalize Below, but the villain had knocked him through his castle walls and focused on everyone else.

Eda could tell things were getting worse, and that several of the kids were injured. "Star! Get Luz and the other kids out of here!"

"What about you!?" Star asked, fending off a robot while still managing her injury.

"The rest of us will keep Belos busy, but things are getting bad and we need to-" Eda was then attacked by Belos.

"I will finish you off for good, Owl Lady!" Belos threatened.

"Star! Just run!" Eda called.

Grime whacked Belos away with his hammer, "We'll hold Belos off!"

"Uh, right!" Star grabbed her scissors. "Everyone, this way!"

"Come on!" Sasha said, leading Higgs, Gus, Willow Sprig, King and Polly through.

Luz assisted Anne onto her feet, "Come on hermosa, I got you."

Star kept the portal open, but not without still feeling pain from what happened to her moments prior, "Damn..."

Star keeled over with Maddie approaching her out of worry, "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just hurry through the portal," Star said, Maddie obliging.

"Let's go pal," Kelly said, assisting Hunter through the portal, the boy still in disbelief.

" could he?" Hunter muttered.

"You'll be fine, you're with friends now," Kelly reassured. "Ugh...I'm not good with words. Willow seems more compassionate, maybe she can help."

Star looked around, spotting one more friend in the fight, rather her boyfriend. "Tom! Hurry up!"

"I don't know Star, I'm thinking I should stay and," Tom took a powerful strike from Belos, knocking him toward Star, with a large gash on his now blood covered stomach.

"Tom!" Star quickly pulled him through and closed the portal behind her.

"So, she got away, no matter," Belos focused on everyone else. "The same can't be said for all of you."

"Just try it!" Eda readied her talons.

"We will not go down without a fight!" Grime readied his hammer.

"We're sending you to hell!" Hekapoo readied her scissors.

"I welcome you to try it!" Belos said, striking again.

Ludo watched on in secret, the former villain leader making his own plans, "Soon Belos, neither you nor Andrias will have your crown. Soon, a new era will dawn."

On the other side, Star was seen panting in disbelief. The plan did not turn out so well. While most of her friends were safe, a few of them were unaccounted for, including Marco. Oddly enough, a picture fell out of her person, one that Star held close as a sign of hope.

She picked up the picture of the beach day she was supposed to have in the future, except it began to change. No longer was it the happy duo of Star and Marco on the beach, rather it slowly turned into a dark and desolate wasteland, with no sign of life, only despair.

"Is future?" Star wondered, the girl looking up in disbelief. "What's going to happen?"

Things were looking grim for the heroes, and things could only get better, or much worse for all of them.

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