Chapter 91: Chapter 10
The next morning, I woke up with my usual morning wood and an urgent need to piss. The arm wrapped around my stomach was confusing at first, but then I remembered my sister, Emily, had asked to stay the night. My memory was a bit hazy after the massage she'd given me last night and it took my mind a few minutes to fully recall what had happened. We hadn't done anything wrong, only shared a bed.
I told myself that was fine as I extracted myself from Emily's hold and snuck out of the room to take a piss. Once my bladder was emptied, I washed my hands and splashed some water over my face to wake myself up before returning to the bedroom.
Emily was still positioned how she was when I left her, snoring softly. I took a moment to admire her cute facial features as she snored softly. I couldn't let anything bad happen to her, that included myself.
I climbed back onto the bed—which caused Emily to stir—and lay down beside my sister. Her eyes opened after a minute, and she smiled sleepily at me.
"Good morning," I said, smiling back. "Did you sleep well?"
"I did," she replied after a yawn. "Best I've slept in a long time."
"You have trouble sleeping?" I asked.
"Usually," she shrugged. "I get enough."
Suddenly Emily sat upright and looked around the room. Her hair was tangled and messy from sleeping, and her large t-shirt hung off one shoulder.
"Back in a minute," she said, then hurried out of the room.
I chuckled at her obvious bathroom emergency and stretched out on my bed, not wanting to get up again. After a few minutes I heard the toilet flush, then the tap run. After another couple of minutes, I heard the bathroom door open, and I looked up to see Emily standing in the doorway to the bedroom. It looked like she'd tried brushing her hair, but the wavy mass of hair still looked like a mess. She had a cute smile on her face, and I couldn't help but eye the spot where her t-shirt ended.
"You waiting for a bus?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
Emily giggled and bounded onto the bed, landing right on top of me. I had a split second to get my hands up, but I didn't really have time to think of where they were going. One hand rested harmless on her waist, but the other had decided to go for an all-you-can-eat buffet on Emily's right breast. I could tell immediately my sister wasn't wearing a bra, and her breasts were larger than her baggy clothing showed. They were also firm and full. I pulled my hand away quickly as if I'd burnt myself.
"Sorry," I said quickly.
"That's okay," she shrugged. "I probably shouldn't have jumped on you."
She sat upright—still straddling me—and stretched her arms over her head. Her shirt rode up enough for me to see her black panties and a hint of her pale, smooth belly. I resisted the urge to run my hands under her shirt and feel her soft skin.
"What are your plans for today?" I asked, as if having your half naked sister resting her crotch against yours was completely normal.
"Heading to Uni with Mel," she replied.
"You're going back so soon?" I asked, remembered that Amanda had mentioned the twins were on holidays.
"Not officially. We just need to sort out some admin and tuition paperwork before we go back," she said.
"When do you go back officially?" I asked.
"Two weeks," she said, holding up two fingers. "Then it's back to hell."
"I'll miss having you around all day," I said.
"And I'll miss being around all day," she smiled, then kissed me on the cheek.
After a minute she finally slipped off me, but I felt far more of her smooth leg run across my crotch than I thought appropriate. Still, it wasn't wrong, we didn't do anything. I kept telling myself that.
"Maybe I can come with you two and see about that job," I said as I turned to face her.
"That'd be awesome," Emily beamed. "But don't you have your inheritance?"
"Yeah I do," I shrugged. "But I'm used to working and I don't want to live off my inheritance for too long."
"That's fair. I can show you who to talk to about getting a job. They like Mel and me, so I'll put in a good word for you," Emily smiled.
"I appreciate it," I nodded. "Well...we better get up and start getting ready."
"Not yet!" Emily groaned and clung to me. "You're so warm and this bed is comfy."
"I guess we can laze about for a few more minutes," I smiled and hugged her back.
"Damn right we can," she replied, sticking her tongue out at me.
We continued to lay in bed together, my arm around Emily while she rested her head on my chest. I tried resisting the urge to stroke her hair, but eventually broke and began running my hand soothingly across her hair. Emily sighed happily and nestled her face into my chest more.
"This isn't wrong is it?" Emily asked after a few minutes.
"If it is, I don't want to be right," I replied.
"Good. Because I feel really safe with you," Emily said softly.
I kissed the top of her head as a response, and she kissed my bare chest. I knew we were treading dangerously close to taboo territory, but I didn't care. Most people would think what we were doing right now was wrong and messed up. Fuck those people. I was happy here with Emily, and most importantly, she felt safe.
We lazed around for another ten minutes before I finally pried myself away from Emily. She reluctantly let me go with a super cute pout but bounded to her feet shortly after. Giving me a nice view of her backside before her t-shirt fell to cover her once more.
I dressed quickly once Emily left my room. Changing my boxers, shorts and pulling on a fresh black t-shirt before heading into the small living area of my flat. Emily was scrounging through the fridge—bent at the waist—giving me another great view of her barely concealed bubble butt which had me thoroughly distracted.
"You don't have any food in here," she said after a moment. "We should do some grocery shopping for you later."
"Yeah I've been meaning to get around to that. I can't rely on Amanda to cook my breakfast every morning," I said.
"No, you can't," Emily replied, turning to face me with hands on her hips and a stern look on her face. "But today I'm going to make you breakfast, and I won't take no for an answer."
"Sounds good to me," I smiled.
I grabbed my phone—which had a dead battery—and wallet before heading to the front door. But Emily stopped me with another hug. I encircled her thin waist and pulled her into a big hug, lifting her off the ground. She giggled as her feet left the floor and planted a kiss on my cheek. Our eyes met for what seemed like an eternity when I set her down again. Then she kissed me on the lips. It was a quick kiss—barely lingering—but it still took me by surprise.
"Sorry," she said quickly. "I just had a sudden urge to kiss you."
"It's okay. It was only a kiss," I smiled, and kissed her soft lips again to show I was okay with it.
A peck on the lips was okay between siblings who cared about one-another. It wasn't like we were jamming our tongues down each-other's throats. There was nothing wrong with it.
"Good. Because I like kissing you," she grinned, then planted another kiss on my lips.
There's nothing wrong with this. This is harmless affection between siblings. I just had to keep reminding myself of that.
We left my flat to head down to the main house and locked the door. Emily walked on ahead, skipping down the driveway in a way that made her shirt flare up at the bottom every now and then. I couldn't be sure she was doing it on purpose or not. If it were Erica, I would have known she was doing it to show off, or to get a rise out of me. But Emily was a whole different story.
There was no sign of any of our other siblings as we entered the house, but it was still quite early in the morning. Chances are Erica was definitely still in bed, and the others might still be getting ready. Emily was true to her word, and she ushered me onto one of the stools as she started scrambling up some eggs. Soon enough I was wolfing down a heaped pile of salt and peppered eggs alongside some buttered toast.
"Good morning you two," Amanda greeted us as she stepped into the kitchen.
I nearly choked on my eggs when I saw she was wearing a small tank-top that didn't even try to hide her midriff, along with a pair of black boy shorts showcasing her flawlessly long legs.
"Good morning," I said with a mouth half full of egg.
"Want some eggs?" Emily said to Amanda, still holding the frying pan and spatula.
"No thanks dear. I'm just going to get some coffee, then go change," Amanda replied.
Amanda served herself up a nice hot cup of coffee, then re-filled my mug with a friendly smile. I caught her a few times glancing between Emily and myself with a curious look, but she said nothing. A few minutes later, Mel trudged into the kitchen yawning. Her platinum blonde hair was dishevelled, and she wore no make-up. Her pyjama pants were blue, with little rainbows and unicorns that matched her blue top. She was incredibly adorable in her current drowsy state.
"Good morning Mel," I said with a smile.
She responded with a yawn and a wave in my direction as she bee-lined for the coffee machine.
"She doesn't speak until she has her coffee," Emily said with a cheeky grin.
"Not all of us have your morning energy Em," the blonde twin replied.
"But we love you still," Emily replied, kissing her twin on the cheek.
As hard as she seemed to be trying, Mel couldn't stop herself from cracking a smile at her sister's affection, a smile she quickly hid behind the rim of her coffee mug.
The next twenty minutes passed by with the sisters talking about what their plans for the day were. Emily served her twin some breakfast before taking the seat beside me and digging into her own. It was nice to see she ate with the same disregard for etiquette that I did. Maybe it was a trait we shared from our father. Mel ate a bit more reservedly, and so did the other two, but that could have been from their mother.
With breakfast done, I started doing the dishes. Amanda tried to interject and do them, but since she hadn't cooked or eaten, she was easily persuaded to take a seat and relax. Emily did give me a hand drying and stacking the mornings plates, pans and cutlery, and I was glad to have her so close, even for such a menial task. I was really enjoying her company.
"Well I'm gonna go get changed and head out," Amanda said after she finished her coffee. "Do you two need a lift?"
"Yes please," Emily replied. "Nick is coming with us too."
"About the job?" Amanda asked, turning to me.
"Yeah. I decided I need to do something to keep myself occupied," I replied.
"That's great. Sitting around the house all day can get rather boring," she replied.
"Tell me about it," I chuckled. "It's only been a few days and I'm already feeling cooped up and lethargic."
"Well I'll be ready in about twenty minutes. Meet me outside when you're ready."
I succeeded in keeping my eyes off Amanda's ass as she left the kitchen. Well...mostly.
Everyone went their separate ways to get ready, but since I was mostly ready, I headed into the living room to pass the time while I waited for my sisters. I guessed Emily would be ready in no time, but Mel might be awhile.
I wasn't really watching the episode of American dad—since I'd seen most of them before—but it was good for background noise while I waited. Footsteps from the stairs drew my attention, but where I expected to see Emily, I saw Erica.
Like Emily, she wore an oversized band t-shirt that barely covered her juicy ass. Her hair looked freshly brushed and she even wore a touch of make-up, which was strange since she hadn't even come down from her bedroom until now. I expected a sultry look that would make my cock jump, or for her to flash me her ass with no one around. But she was staring daggers at me instead.
Erica crossed the living room and planted herself directly in front of me. Since I wasn't really watching T.V, I switched it off and smiled at my sister.
"Good mor—" I started, but she cut me off.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing with Emily," she snapped.
"What are you talking about?" I answered, my heart racing at the accusation.
"You know what the fuck I'm talking about," she scowled, taking a step closer. "I saw her in your bed last night."
This wasn't how I expected my morning to start.
"Hang on a minute," I got to my feet and held a hand up to silence her. "First of all. Why were you in my room last night? And secondly. Why do you care that Emily crashed in my bed last night?"
"I care because she's my little sister," Erica snapped.
"Fair enough," I replied. "But why were you in my room last night?"
Erica only glared at me instead of replying. I knew exactly why she'd come to see me last night, and she knew that I knew. Erica had been playing this game with me since the minute we met. Flirting with me, teasing me and generally just doing anything to get a reaction out of me. Could she genuinely be jealous of someone else? She didn't seem to mind when I was fucking Jen, but maybe it's because she never saw her as competition. I had a feeling Erica didn't get passed over for other girls very often.
"Are you jealous?" I arched an eyebrow at my sibling.
"Fuck you," she whispered. "I don't want you touching Emily."
"She asked to stay, and I let her. Nothing happened," I said. "Also...isn't what we've been doing the same thing?"
Erica folded her arms under her breasts and continued to glare at me for a dozen seconds before replying. "That's different."
"How is it different?!" I asked.
"Because...she's my little sister and..." she stammered.
"And what?" I pressed.
"Emily's a virgin, you piece of shit," Erica spat.
I had suspected my sister had been a virgin. Her self-esteem issues when it came to her sisters and how guys saw her was proof of that. But hearing it confirmed and suspecting it were two completely different things.
"We didn't have sex," I said. "She gave me a massage to help with my sore muscles, then asked if she could stay the night. Nothing happened."
"Keep your hands off her," Erica took a step closer and jabbed me in the chest with her finger. "She isn't your plaything."
I gritted my teeth at Erica's tone. If she wasn't my sister, I probably would have blown her out over acting this way. I was usually quite calm and easy going, but I hated it when people assumed the worst of me without even asking what was going one. It was one of my few faults I was aware of. I didn't want to get mad at Erica, but there were other ways to get to her.
"I think you're just jealous that I'm spending more time with our sister than I am with you," I grinned. "Maybe you want me all to yourself."
"Get fucked," she replied, but it lacked a lot of her hostility.
"You know what we've been getting up to is much worse than just sharing a bed. Surely you can't be that starved for male attention that you have to try to seduce your own brother," I added.
Erica didn't reply to my taunts, and as I suspected, there was something else going on with her. I wasn't seeing the self-assured super-model babe that got whatever she wanted out of guys. I was seeing someone who was afraid of rejection. Could her infatuation with me be more than pure sexual attraction? Could she actually have feelings for me? It would explain why she was acting this way.
"Just stay aw—"
I interrupted Erica's sentence by grabbing her hips and pulling her towards me. Our lips met and I felt a tiny of bit resistance before her mouth welcomed mine. Her tongue darted into my mouth and we fought for dominance as I slid my hands over her hips to grope at her impressive orbs. Erica moaned and pressed her whole body into mine as her hands ran under my shirt and she raked her nails across the flesh of my back.
She melted into my body as we continued to make out in the living room without a care in the world. I lifted the back of her shirt to get a better feel of her ass, and my hands ran over bare hips to cup her exposed cheeks. This girl had come down here to confront me without wearing any panties. Had she been hoping I'd notice and take advantage of the situation? Erica was a smart girl, so she must have had that in mind.
I walked her across the living room—our mouths never separating—and pressed her up against the wall. She was trapped between my body and the wall at her back. I felt every curve of her chest against mine as she pulled me against her like a starving woman getting her first meal in days. And I planned to give her more than just a taste.
I released my hold on her ass with one hand and slipped it between her spread legs. Her vagina was so smooth, and incredibly wet. I teased her clit gently and stroked her labia to spread her lubricant around her pubis before slipping two fingers inside her. She moaned loudly as our lips parted and clung to me tightly as I worked my fingers in and out of her. Her moans were loud, but before I could tell her to keep it down, she bit into my shoulder and growled in pleasure. I didn't mind a little pain, so I let her go as I continued to fuck her with my fingers.
Footsteps overhead signalled that we wouldn't be alone for much longer, so I worked a little faster to get her to orgasm. I had quite a bit of experience getting women off with just my hands and mouth, and in no time at all I felt the walls of her vagina constrict around my fingers as her body started shaking with her climax. She bit down harder into my shoulder and all but screamed in pleasure.
A few dozen seconds later, Erica calmed down enough to release her hold on my shoulder, and she slumped against the wall. I pulled my fingers from her and brought them to my lips to have a taste. There was a musky, strong tone to her that when mixed with sexual arousal made it even more appealing to me. When I was done, I held my fingers to her slightly parted lips, and she eagerly took them in her mouth to clean them off. She even moaned as she tasted herself.
"Come to my room tonight," I said softly. "I want to have all of you."
She only nodded in response. Her eyes were filled with lust and desire, along with what I thought could have been love. Erica was a complex woman that had many walls up to keep people from truly knowing her. I had a feeling her 'boss-bitch' attitude was mostly a front, and now I was certain.
"And don't say a word to the others," I added. "This is our secret."
"I won't," she replied, the fire of her earlier attitude all but gone. "But what about Emily?"
"What about her?" I asked.
"You know what I mean. She is too young and innocent," she replied.
"Nothing happened between us. That part is true," I said.
"But you want it to," Erica frowned. "You want it with Amanda to. Possibly Mel."
"What I want is considered taboo and wrong by society standards," I explained. "I know that, you know that, and our sisters know that. I can't deny what I want, but it doesn't mean I'm going to act on it."
Erica nodded instead of replying, choosing to drop the subject. I gave her one last kiss before she slunk away to her bedroom upstairs before anyone found us in such a compromised position.
"What a fucking morning," I said to myself, flopping back onto the couch.
I didn't know how I'd turned that situation around like that. One minute, Erica was all fire and brimstone about Emily and myself—even though nothing had happened—and the next, we were swapping saliva while I fingerbanged her in the living room. My assumption that she was lashing out in jealousy was correct, although it had been a massive gamble. If I had been wrong, I'd be out on my ass for treating one of my sisters that way.
"It's okay," I said to myself. "We're doing nothing wrong."
I was still telling myself that when I piled into Amanda's car with my other sisters. It wasn't wrong, and we weren't hurting anybody. We are both consenting adults that only met a few days ago. We had no childhood memories to draw on and nothing that made us feel like anything other than a man and a woman.
I was so distracted by my own thoughts that I didn't pay attention to any of the conversation going on in the car. If the girls had asked me any questions, I'd failed to answer, and they didn't push it.
I was finally snapped out of my thoughts when Mel tapped me on the shoulder from the seat behind me. "Let's go big guy."
I climbed out of Amanda's car and she wished me good luck before heading off.
"You were kind of in your own little world there," Mel said as I turned to her and Emily.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Had some shit on my mind," I replied.
"It's cool. Come on, this way."
Mel started off down the concrete path into the University, and Emily fell in step beside me. She wore a look of concern on her face and she gave my hand a squeeze.
"Did I do something?" she asked softly.
"What?" I replied. "No, you didn't do anything."
"Are you sure? You were really quiet, and I'm worried I did something wrong," she added. "Was it too much for me to stay in your bed last night?"
"No. Of course not," I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Sorry. It really has nothing to do with you. I just got caught up in my own thoughts."
Emily gave me a half smile but released my hand when we passed a few people. It wouldn't be a good look to be seen holding hands with your brother who might be starting a job here.
"I hope we can do it again soon," she added, her normal smile returned. "I love being around you."
I smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the lips once I was certain no one was watching. I didn't like keeping things from her, but it wasn't the right time to tell her about Erica. It might not ever be the right time. Emily and I could just stay as we are and go no further, and if we did, then I wouldn't need to tell her.
"Here we are," Mel stopped and spun around to face us. "Over there is the maintenance office. Go see John, he's expecting you. We'll be over in the main office when you're done. We shouldn't be too long."
I gave Emily a hug, and she wished me good luck before she turned to walk side-by-side with her sister. I couldn't help but stare at their asses for a moment as they walked. That was until Mel looked over her shoulder and gave me a knowing smile.
"Busted," I muttered to myself.
I really didn't know what to do about Mel. She knew the most out of all of my sisters, but she was happy to keep it to herself. Maybe I could talk to her about what happened with Erica and Emily? I had to trust someone after all.
The meeting with John was probably the most informal meeting I've ever had. John was a lean middle-aged balding man with glasses and an impressive moustache. He seemed friendly enough and always had a smile on his face. The recommendation from my sisters had pretty much guaranteed me the job even before the meeting. He held them in high regard.
I signed some papers and he gave me a key to my own locker and gave me the rundown on what I'd be doing around the school.
The university was fairly new, so there wasn't a great deal to do around the ground except for the standard trash collection, grass cutting and changing of light bulbs. Occasionally something would break down and need repairs, but most of the time John just carted it off and replaced it with a new one when it was delivered. The pay wasn't great, but most of my day would be spent hanging around the maintenance office, waiting for something to do.
Once John finished my induction, he offered me a firm handshake, and bid me farewell after giving me directions to the administration office, where I'd find my sisters. I followed John's instructions, but still got lost twice before I finally found the admin offices. Mel was sitting out the front smoking a cigarette, so I took a seat beside her and lit one up.
"I saw a lot of no smoking signs around," I said.
"Security doesn't give a shit," Mel shrugged.
"Cool by me," I shrugged.
"You get the job?" she asked.
"Yeah. He was pretty excited to hire me. I'm guessing he likes you girls a bit too much," I chuckled.
"He's a nice guy," Mel shrugged. "He has two daughters around our age but doesn't get to see them because his ex-wife is a bitch. He looks out for us a lot, mostly Emily."
"Ah, that makes more sense," I added.
"Worried someone might try and steal my sister away from you?" Mel smirked.
"How much do you know?" I sighed.
"Only that Emily didn't sleep in her room last night, and Erica was in a foul mood this morning," Mel replied.
"Maybe we could talk about it later? If you're still cool with that?" I asked.
"Of course. We're family and I want to help," she replied. "But, Nick."
"Yes?" I asked.
"If you hurt Emily, I will castrate you with a rusty spoon," Mel said with a cheery tone that made the threat even more alarming.
"Noted," I nodded. "I wouldn't dream of hurting her."
"Good," she nodded back. "She loves you. You know that?"
"I guessed as much," I said. "What are your thoughts on that?"
Mel never got to reply, because Emily jogged over and plonked herself in between us with a big smile.
"You get the job?" she asked excitedly.
"Of course I did. I'm me after all," I said with a cocky grin.
Emily gave me a big hug, then turned to Mel. "We should go celebrate!"
"It's just a job Em," Mel sighed, but immediately gave in. "Kingpin?"
"You know me so well," Emily hugged her sister and planted a kiss on her cheek. "You know I love you, right?"
"Of course you do. I'm awesome."
The rest of the afternoon was spent with the twins teaching me about the public transport system around Melbourne and I even got my own travel card for when I needed to start coming to work. Mel didn't drive and didn't like riding, so her and Emily caught the train to Uni each day. It would be easy enough to tag along with them the first few times so I could memorize the route, then I'd be set.
We spent some time at Kingpin, which was a bowling alley and arcade. The twins were terrible at bowling, but they were at least better than me. I'd never bowled in my life and I'm pretty sure I made the record for most gutter balls in one game. The arcade machines were more fun. There was a lot of old-school retro games, skill testers and shooting games that kept Emily and myself entertained for a couple of hours. I even saw a grinning Mel as she played a dancing game with her sister.
By the time the three of us got home it was late afternoon, and we were exhausted, and needed a shower. We went our separate ways as soon as we got inside, but I was able to steal a quick kiss from Emily before she went upstairs to use Amanda's bathroom to clean up before dinner.
The house was empty, but I'd seen the others' cars in the driveway when we got home. I checked the living room and kitchen but couldn't find any trace of Erica or Amanda. The oven was on and the timer read another twenty minutes, so I guessed Amanda was just off doing something else while she waited for dinner to cook.
I headed up to my flat, prepared to shower and changed, silently hoping Erica was waiting here for me. Twenty minutes wasn't long, but we could still have some fun. The lights were on, but it was Amanda sitting at my small kitchen table.
"Hey," I greeted her. "You okay?"
Amanda didn't greet me with her usual smile and cheery attitude I'd grown to love so much. She even looked like she'd been crying.
"Nick...we have to talk about the other night."