Chapter 90: Chapter 9
Before cleaning up I headed back out to the gym floor and grabbed my bag. It had a spare shirt and shorts I'd packed. I didn't mind waiting until after I got home from the gym to change, but now I was living with four women, and I wanted to avoid them smelling me at my worst. The cubby where Erica and Mel's belongings were earlier was empty now, and I guessed my siblings had gone to clean up themselves.
I crossed the gym floor and headed down the corridor again, picking out an empty bathroom. The room was small, with a simple toilet in one corner, wash basin and a shower cubicle in the other. The cubicle was nothing more than a slightly lowered section of the bathroom with a shower head and privacy curtain. I dumped my bag on the provided bench that was built into the wall and stripped out of my dirty clothes before turning the shower on. I waited a few seconds for the water to heat up before stepping under the spray.
I sighed as the hot pellets of water all but burnt my skin and relaxed my fatigued muscles. I'd be sore tomorrow—even from my minor workout—but the hot shower would do wonders for easing the pain and stiffness. If only I had something else to release my other stiff muscle.
My dick had been trying to burst through my shorts the whole time, and it took a small miracle for me to keep it out of view from random people around the gym. I was sure Erica had spotted it, but it was likely she was staring at my crotch, hoping to catch a glimpse.
I thought about giving myself a tug here and now, but this was a public space, and it felt wrong. I know I definitely wouldn't like to step in some other guy's cum-puddle he made while thinking of his hot sister. With a sigh I turned the hot water down and let the cold spray wash over my body.
Once I had enough cold water, I shut the shower off and stepped out, shivering slightly. I didn't love cold showers, but it had the effect I was hoping for. I glanced around the bathroom for a towel but couldn't see one. I could use my gym towel, but that seemed quite counterproductive. A soft knock at the door gave me hope that I could ask whoever it was if there were towels available. I just hoped it was one of my sisters and not some random stranger.
I covered the worst of my nakedness with the small gym towel and opened the door just a crack. But it wasn't either of my sisters. It was the gym manager, Sarah.
"Towels are up by the front desk," she said with a smile.
"Oh shit," I replied. "Do you—"
Before I could finish asking, Sarah held up a fluffy white towel for me to see. I stepped away from the door to open it a little more and reached out, but she simply pushed into the room and placed the towel on the bench like it was a normal day at work for her.
"I saw you grab your things and come down this way without a towel, so I thought I'd bring you one," she said, turning to face me.
"Thank you. That's really nice of you," I replied, unsure if I should shut the door or leave it open. I opted for closing it enough so no one could see in.
"I like to make sure my services here are top notch, Nick," she said, biting her bottom lip.
" far I have no complaints," I said.
Even though Sarah was fully clothed, just being naked in her presence had an effect on my dick that I suffered a cold shower to fix, and the small gym towel was failing to conceal me any longer. Sarah took a few steps in my direction, then pushed a hand against the door behind me, closing it. The door latched and I heard the click of the lock, sealing us both in the room.
"Let's see what we can do about this," Sarah said, brushing her fingers along my concealed erection.
My cock twitched and I let out a gasp as her fingers traced up and down my length. No amount of cold water would get rid of him this time. So, I decided to just go along with the moment and enjoy myself. I tossed the useless gym towel aside and smiled at the grin Sarah gave my now fully erect penis.
"As gorgeous as I hoped it would be," she murmured.
Sarah wasted no time, and dropped to her knees before me, taking my dick in my soft hands. I leaned against the door and let her work my tool between her seemingly well experienced hands. Gasping once more when I felt the warm, wetness of her tongue slide along the length of my shaft, and over the tip of my penis. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations running through my body as Sarah milked my tool, sucked my tip and fondled my balls. Working me to what I felt was going to be a powerful orgasm.
The absence of her touch, and a rustling sound caused me to open my eyes and look down at the sexy fitness trainer. She'd tossed her polo shirt aside, along with her bra. Her perky breasts jutted out from a trim, slender figure and her nipples begged to be tweaked, twisted and sucked on. She wasted no time though and got back to her task of working my tool like she was racing to finish on time. She was at work after all, and she could be on the clock, so I decided to give her a helping hand.
I placed a hand on her head to guide her movements, and one on her shoulder as I began rocking my hips back and forth. Sarah gave me more freedom as I began pumping my hips, simply keeping her mouth open for me and swirling her tongue around the tip of my penis each time I pulled back. I debated for a moment whether I should bend her over the bench and fuck her, but that might make a bit too much noise. The blonde fitness trainer hadn't removed her leggings, so I guessed she was content as she was for now.
"Give your mouth up to me," I growled through a moan of pleasure.
Sarah looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and nodded. The scene was incredibly erotic with my cock between her lips and her tits on display for my viewing pleasure. I had to struggle to not shoot my load down her throat right then and there.
After a dozen seconds I started pumping her throat once more. She had zero gag reflex and took my entire length like an absolute champion. I felt her nose press into my pelvis each time I ended my long thrust, and she moaned around my dick constantly. After only a minute or two, I was enjoying her mouth and throat completely.
"Oh shit," I groaned. "I'm cumming."
Sarah moaned in delight at my words, and I felt her fingers dig into my ass cheeks, pulling me hard against her and forcing my cock down her throat just as cum exploded from my tip. I gripped a fistful of her hair so tight I was sure it must be painful, but Sarah only moaned louder. A torrent of cum left my balls and shot through my pulsing dick to fill Sarah's greedy stomach, and I collapsed against the door behind me as I sucked air in heavy breathes.
After about half a minute, my cock finally stopped pulsing and pumping cum into Sarah's mouth. The blonde gym manager finally slipped my dick from her throat and began kissing, licking and sucking my tool.
"Goddamn you're good at that," I muttered.
"It's nice to work with good tools," she winked, then French kissed the tip of my dick.
"Oh, fuck that's good," I groaned.
Sarah cleaned my cock thoroughly for the next few minutes before climbing to her feet. She checked herself in the mirror, tidying her hair and washing her face before pulling her bra and top back on.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Nick. I hope we can have some more sessions together," Sarah winked.
"You can count on it," I smiled, stepping away from the door.
"I'll let you get cleaned up. Your sisters are waiting in the reception area for you," Sarah said, then gave my half-hard cock one last look before slipping out of the bathroom.
I grabbed the towel she brought in and locked the door again while I dried and dressed. Maybe now I could think around my sisters a little easier and keep myself in check. But did I want to? I wasn't sure what the hell I wanted anymore.
I met my sisters by the front door to the gym where they were chatting to Sarah. The blonde fitness instructor gave me a sly smile before patting me on the butt as we all left, which Erica noticed and gave me a wink. Were all the women in this country like this? I hadn't even been in the country for a week and I'd already fucked a girl the same night I met her, received a highly erotic blowjob in the gym bathroom, and had one of my sexy sisters pining after me while two others showed an intimate interest. If they were, I was going to have a great time.
We arrived home a short while later to an already prepared dinner. The scent of butter chicken wafted through the air and assaulted my nose as soon as I opened the front door, and I drifted into the kitchen, my mouth salivating. I was extremely hungry after the workout and intense orgasm I'd received from the very dutiful Sarah.
"That smells delicious," I all but moaned.
My initial salivating was from the amazing aromas drifting through the house. But when I saw Amanda standing in the kitchen in nothing but a pair of modest panties and a form fitting band t-shirt, I nearly started drooling like an idiot. Her legs looked incredibly smooth and went on for days.
"Take a seat and I'll serve you up a plate," Amanda smiled as she spun around to face me.
Rather than argue that I could serve my own meals, I took a seat at the dining table beside a beaming Emily. She sat with her elbow resting on the table, and her chin resting on her hand. She looked to be only wearing a long black band t-shirt, but I guessed she was wearing underwear, and her hair was its usual messy mop, only she'd pulled it back into a ponytail. The effect made her look even cuter than normal.
"Have a good workout?" she smiled at me.
"Yeah it was great. It's been awhile, so I'm probably gonna be sore tomorrow," I replied.
"If you need a massage, let me know," she replied.
"I'll definitely take you up on that offer," I grinned.
Amelia and Erica joined us a moment later, choosing to change before dinner. Erica was wearing a plain pair of grey sweatpants that rode low on her hips, and a black tank-top that barely concealed her heavy breasts. Her hair was freshly brushed but lacked the styled perfection I'd grown used to seeing. She still looked incredibly sexy as she was.
Mel looked to be wearing nothing but a long white t-shirt that hung down to her thighs, but I noticed a tiny pair of boy shorts when her cute little butt peaked out from under her shirt as she reached up to grab a glass off a high shelf. She'd pulled her pigtails out and tied her platinum blonde hair back into a ponytail that reached her cute behind. All four of my sisters looked ready for bed, and for once Erica was the most modestly dressed of the lot.
We ate dinner with comfortable conversation—mostly about what the girls were up to over the next week—and I ended up going back for seconds when I cleared my plate. I tried my best to keep my eyes off my sister's bodies as they spoke, but I had horrible discipline.
"Earth to Nick."
I looked up from my plate to see all four of my siblings looking at me with varying degrees of amusement on their beautiful faces. I faintly recall someone asking me a question and dug through my memory to see what it was.
"I haven't really thought about what I could do for work," I answered, hoping I heard the question right.
"What did you do back in England?" Mel asked.
"Mostly labourer work, maintenance and janitorial," I said.
"I thought you'd be pretty handy," Erica smirked.
If anyone else noticed the meaning behind her words, they said nothing.
"I could see if there are any maintenance jobs going around the university," Mel said.
"That would be great. Then we could see Nick when we have class," Emily grinned.
"What are you two studying?" I asked.
I didn't know either of them had enrolled in university. I actually hadn't learnt what any of my sisters did for work, and I felt a little shitty at myself for not asking about such basic information.
"Music," Emily said.
"Photography and visual arts," Mel added.
Both weren't career subjects to study, but if they were happy that's all that mattered. I hadn't even finished high school, so I wasn't going to judge my sisters on their choice for extra education. At least they would have one.
"Did you go to university?" I asked Erica.
She snorted as she tried to suppress a laugh, and my other sisters barely suppressed their own. I looked from one to the other, wondering what the hell was so funny. Erica seemed like a smart girl.
"I didn't even finish high school, dear brother," Erica explained.
"She makes enough money without it," Mel added.
Erica shot her sister a glare, and she closed her mouth. Whatever it was Erica was doing, she hadn't wanted me to find out. This just piqued my curiosity, but I knew when to push and when to pull back. I'd wait for a better time to broach the subject of Erica's income and what she did.
"Amanda?" I asked, already knowing the answer to this one.
"Dropped out to help look after these three," she said with a smile.
"And we love you for being the best big sister ever," Emily gushed.
Mel offered her love and appreciation for her older sister, and even Erica cracked a huge smile and heaped praise on Amanda. By the time the three were done, Amanda was blushing beet red and smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't help but smile too as I saw how much my sisters loved one another. They'd been through a lot together, but they always had each other. Now they were my family. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world.
"Well I think it's time I hit the hay," I said, getting to my feet and stretching my tired muscles.
At Amanda's insistence that she didn't need help with the dishes, I bid my siblings goodnight and stifled a yawn as I grabbed my gym bag and headed up to my small flat. Once inside I dumped my bag on the couch before slumping onto the cushion beside it. I was tired but didn't feel much like sleeping yet. I grabbed the T.V remote and started browsing Netflix for something to watch. I ended up re-watching Archer from season one. I was about half-way through episode two when I heard a soft knock at my front door. Erica wouldn't have knocked, so it must have been one of my other sisters.
I paused the episode and answered the door to see Emily standing there with a cute little smile. She was still wearing her oversized t-shirt, and I took a quick moment to admire how stunning she was.
"Good morning," I smiled.
"Technically yes," she grinned.
"I hope my T.V wasn't too loud," I said.
"Not at all. You can't hear anything that happens up here," she assured me. "Mind if I come in?"
"Not at all," I stepped aside to let Emily in before closing the door.
It wasn't a cold night—since it was summer in the down under after all—but Emily shivered a little. She wasn't wearing a great deal of clothing after all.
"Wanna watch some Netflix?" I asked, gesturing to the couch.
"Sure...I can chill," she grinned adorably.
I dumped my gym bag off the couch and took my seat. Emily wrapped her legs under her as she sat beside me. We watched in comfortable silence for about twenty minutes before I felt Emily's head rest against my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and she responded by wrapping her arms around my waist.
'You're so warm," she said. "Like a living heater."
"So I've been told," I chuckled.
"By girlfriends?" Emily asked quizzically
"And female friends," I replied.
Emily tilted her head up to study me, and I met her gorgeous green eyes. She cocked her head to one side as our eyes lingered on one-another's for a whole minute without saying a word. Then she looked back to the T.V screen. "I'm sure you had all the girls chasing after you back in London."
I chuckled and shook my head. "Not really. I was always too busy working."
"All work and no play?" she asked.
"Kind of," I shrugged. "Mum needed help with bills and rent, so I made that my top priority. I always found time to hang out with my friends and I even dated a few girls over the years. But there was nothing serious."
"You're a really sweet guy."
Emily planted a kiss on my cheek, and I felt my pulse quicken at the touch of her lips. It was true that I'd been with my fair share of girls back home, but none of them made me feel the way these women did. It was just a shame they were my relatives.
"What about you?" I asked, taking the spotlight off me.
"What do you mean?" Emily asked.
"You must be batting guys off with a stick," I chuckled.
"Hardly," Emily pouted. "There are a few guys I went to high school with, but they're not really my type."
"What is your type?" I questioned.
"I like older guys," she replied. Not elaborating further.
"There were a bunch of older guys here last night at the party. Surely some of them were your type," I pressed on.
"I'm the little sister of Amanda and Erica, not even the pretty one," Emily sighed. "They tend to treat me like a kid. Even Mel gets more attention than I do."
I shifted to face Emily and placed a hand on her cheek, gently turning her to face me. "You're just as beautiful as any of our sisters."
"You're just saying that," she blushed.
"I'm not," I replied. "Each of you have qualities that make you unique to one-another. Amanda is beautiful, kind and thoughtful. She never stops caring about her family and making sure we're all looked after. It's actually quite irritating when I can't do anything on my own."
Emily giggled at my description of Amanda and nodded her head in agreeance.
"Erica is every guy's wet-dream when they think of big-titty goth girlfriends. She has the style, the body and the confidence to make herself stand out in any crowd. But I also get the feeling there is a deeper side to her that she keeps hidden from everyone."
"Almost everyone," Emily nodded.
That confirmed my suspicions about my lusty sibling. She was most likely using her body and confidence as a mask to cover something. What it was exactly, I didn't know. But I made a mental note to learn more about it.
"You and Mel are also just as gorgeous in your own ways," I continued. "I won't lie, but Mel seemed like a bit of a bitch when we first met. She was so cold and distant, but I see that's just her personality.
"She's like that at first," Emily added. "But she likes you, I know she does."
"I get the feeling she does too," I said. "She is thoughtful, smart, gorgeous and perceptive. I don't think much happens that she doesn't know about. I'm glad she isn't a gossip."
"She is great isn't she," Emily beamed a huge smile. "Keep going."
I could tell my brunette sister was enjoying all the lovely things I was saying about our sisters, and it wasn't a coincidence I left her for last. She was practically bouncing with anticipation at what I had to say about her. But I could also see a slightly worried look in her eyes. Almost as if what I said about her wouldn't be as good as the others. This girl had some serious self-esteem issues caused by having three smoking hot sisters. Issues that weren't their fault, but still issues. I was determined to prove to Emily how amazing she is.
"Last but not least we have you dear sister," I smiled and took her hand in mine. "You are so full of energy and never fail to make me smile. I can tell you have the same effect on the others too, because even Erica's bitchy attitude seems to be defused when you walk into a room."
Emily grinned and squeezed my hand. "What else?"
"Well..." I said, drawing the word out. "You're also incredibly gorgeous."
Emily's smile couldn't have gotten any wider as she squeezed my hand with both of hers. She'd moved to sit crossed legged on the couch facing me, and I had to fight hard to keep my eyes from drifting down to the special place between her legs that was only hidden by her long t-shirt as it draped over her thighs.
"Thank you," Emily grinned, then leaned forward and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I really needed to hear that."
"That's okay. Happy to help," I chuckled. "I'm gonna get something to drink. You want anything?"
"Sure. I'll take some water," she replied.
I regretfully untangled my hand from hers and went to grab us something to drink. I had some beer in the fridge but settled for water. It was a bit late to start drinking now. One of my sisters—probably Amanda—had left some chilled water in the fridge. I opened a bottle and poured two glasses before heading back to Emily.
"Here you go," I said, handing her a glass. "The finest water in all the land."
"Thanks," Emily grinned, taking the glass with both hands.
I placed my glass on the coffee table and took my seat beside her once more. Since I hadn't had a workout in such a long time—and I'd overdone it a little at the gym—my muscles protested, causing me to groan softly as I sat down.
"Are you okay?" Emily asked.
"Yeah. I just overdid it at the gym today. It's my own fault," I said.
"Move forward," Emily said.
I did as she instructed and moved to the edge of the couch cushion. Emily shuffled across the couch until she was behind me and began immediately working the muscles of my shoulders with her hands. I let out a moan of pleasure as she started kneading the knots in my shoulders, slowly working down my back.
"Wow," I moaned. "You're really good at that."
"I've had a lot of practice with Erica. She will often work herself too hard and have sore muscles for days," she replied.
I fought to keep the image of Emily rubbing her hands over her sister from my mind, but I failed. Luckily, I was seated in a way that she couldn't see the bulge growing in my shorts. Although I wasn't sure if the thought of my attractive sisters touching one another was what was getting me horny, or just Emily's amazing hands.
"This will be easier if you're lying down," Emily said after a few minutes.
"Makes sense," I agreed.
I stood up and waited for Emily to move off the couch so I could lay down, but she grabbed my hand as she got to her feet, pulling me towards the bedroom. I hesitated for a moment, not sure if I could trust myself on a bed with my half-naked sister. Emily noticed my hesitation.
"Your bed will be more comfortable, and I won't have to wake you up if you fall asleep," she smiled. "Come on, it'll be fine."
It didn't take long for my hesitation to vanish. She was right after all. The bed would be far more comfortable, and I could just pass out there once we were done. I'd just have lay on my stomach so my erection could stay hidden.
I let Emily lead me to the bedroom as I watched the swish of her long t-shirt as her hips moved. Her pale legs looked soft and warm, and I wanted to see the flawless, smooth skin of her back once more. Maybe I could convince her to let me give her a massage later. She had been to the gym today and might need it. Although I really didn't trust myself to put my hands on any part of her exposed body.
Emily clicked the bedside lamp on and motioned for me to lay down on the bed. "Take your shirt off."
"My shirt?" I asked.
"It's easier to work knots out without it," she smiled. "It isn't like I haven't seen you without a shirt on before."
She was right once again. I'd been shirtless around the pool plenty and it didn't feel awkward or sexual. But at those times, I wasn't about to climb into bed with her as I was now.
I slipped my shirt over my head and tossed it to one side of the room. Next, I kicked my shoes and socks off before climbing onto the soft mattress and lying on my stomach. I took a moment to make myself comfortable, pulling a pillow under my arms and resting my chin on my hands. The mattress shifted under Emily's weight as she climbed on the bed, and I was surprised when she straddled my legs. The exposed flesh of her inner thighs felt incredibly soft and warm against my legs.
"Just relax," Emily said softly.
It took me a few minutes to completely relax under her hands, but the next twenty minutes passed by quickly as Emily massaged my shoulders and back with a mixture of gentle and firm actions that had me gasping and moaning. At some point she'd applied a small trace of massage oil to my back, and now her hands were working the slick substance across my muscles. It was so relaxing I nearly fell asleep, even with an overpowering erection.
"Do you feel better?" Emily asked.
Her mouth was beside my ear as she leaned over my body. Her shirt brushed against my naked back and sometime during the massage she'd moved from straddling my legs to straddling my waist. It felt like her thighs were burning into my oiled skin with their warmth, and I couldn't help but imagine how her entire body would feel.
"Much better. Thank you," I replied sleepily.
"You're welcome," she replied, although her words came in a breathy tone.
Her weight shifted, and then I felt her slip off my back and slid beside me. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel the warmth emanating from her figure as she lay touching me.
"Do you mind if I sleep here tonight?" she asked tentatively. "It's okay if you don't want me to."
I smiled lazily and considered her request. It would be great to wake up next to this beauty in the morning, but would it be safe? Like many a guy in his early twenties, I got frequent erections during the night and in the morning. I also slept naked a lot of the time and had been known to slip out of my shorts during the night when I tried to sleep with clothes on. It wasn't appropriate for us to share a bed, especially after that mind-blowing massage, but I wanted to and for once I was going to do what I wanted instead of what I should.
"I'd love that," I smiled.
Emily grinned, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you."
It took us a few moments to get comfortable under the covers. Emily leaned over my mostly unconscious body to flick the bedside lamp off before pulling the thin blanket I'd been using over her and myself. I wanted to spoon my youngest sister, but I also wanted to be respectful to her. There would be no way I could hide my erection from her if we spooned, and I really didn't want to make the situation uncomfortable. I was well aware of her feelings towards me—since I shared those feelings—but that didn't mean I had to tempt fate. There was nothing wrong with two siblings sharing a bed. Nothing at all.
I told myself that again and again as I drifted off to sleep.