134. Turnabout [2]
The northern part of the island
Kintarō continued to trail throughout the island with haste, Deidara still in pursuit as he rained down his clay bombs. Dashing through the jungle, the fleeing shinobi encountered several mercenary cells along the way
"Hey guys!" (Kintarō)
"What the?!"
"Enjoy your parting gifts!" (Kintarō)
"Ah?! Move out of the way you idiots!" (Deidara)
"Shit!" (Deidara)
"Hehe!" (Kintarō)
The mercenary cell was annihilated, unable to react in time to avoid the bomb. It didn't take long for Deidara to figure out he had been played like a fiddle. A terrible idea sprouted as he glanced around, quickly realizing they must've circled the island several times by now
He thought his bombs were keeping Kintarō at bay, preventing him from interfering with the other mercenaries, but the latter tricked him into attacking his allies at various locations. Essentially doing Kintarō's job for him
"Crap...how many colleagues did I end up blasting?!" (Deidara)
"A natural outcome for an overzealous little shit like you!" (Kintarō)
"Kuh! Bastard...!" (Deidara)
Deidara clenched his fist and bit his lip until it bled. Taking advantage of his so-called "art", the mere thought of it angered him. Enraged and insulted, he no longer cared about mission parameters and such, taking out out the rest of the "explosive clay" he had on hand. Set on initiating another bombing run
"I'll turn you into dust!" (Deidara)
"Crap, here we go again-hm?!" {Oh...looks like they're right on time} (Kintarō)
Using his abnormal "mouth-hands", Deidara created dozens of sculptures. With the flick of a hand seal, each one transformed into an bigger version, becoming fully autonomous
But just as they were about to spread out and attack...
"U-ugh! What...I can't...!" (Deidara)
...Deidara's body suddenly stopped listening to him. He was stuck in the air with the clay bird he flew on, unable to move so much as a finger. Following this, two figures emerged from forest and stood next to Kintarō
"Took you guys long enough, was patching a hole really that difficult?" (Kintarō)
"Hey, don't blame us. Some mercenaries got past you and arrived at the gate, we had to deal with them"
"While also working on the repairs by the way. In any case, you did a good job taking out the rest of his allies"
"The brat hanging about in the sky did most of the work, I just led him by the nose. Although, I'm pretty sure there are a few remaining stragglers hanging about" (Kintarō)
It was Musai and Funsui, after finally securing the center of the island, they immediately moved to assist their comrades
"What about Master Sabu?" (Kintarō)
"He's heading towards the enemy cell who captured a batch of animals that escaped during the earlier bombing run" (Funsui)
"But that was nearly twenty minutes ago, so it might be too late. In any case, I'm holding this kid at bay with my Kanashibari no Jutsu1Paralysis Jutsu, you know what to do Funsui" (Musai)
"Mhm. I think we've all had enough of his explosions. I'll take care of the rest" (Funsui)
Funsui jumped in the air and made hand gestures, preparing to attack. His target, the remaining explosives currently flying around Deidara. Knowing what he was planning to do, despite not being able to move, Deidara sent the bombs on their way
"Even under the effects of my jutsu, he can still control them?!" (Musai)
"It's still too late! Suiton: Amearare2Water Style: Rain Hail!" (Funsui)
Clumps of water gathered around Funsui before shooting off like bullets, ripping apart Deidara's bombs. Though, one of them managed to get past him, heading directly towards Musai and Kintarō
"Crap!" (Funsui)
"I got it! Issen3Flash!" (Kintarō)
Kintarō removed the giant axe from his back and flowed his chakra into it. With a single swing, a thin wave of energy emerged, slicing the bomb in two
Though they were protected, the resulting explosion distracted Musai, loosening his grip on the paralysis jutsu. This gap was precisely the opportunity Deidara needed to break free and fly away
"Damn it, he got away. Though looking at them closely, his bombs don't pack as much force as I believed" (Kintarō)
"He's still a young Bakuton4Explosion Styleuser, he's yet to fully master his Kekkai Genkai5Bloodline Limit" (Musai)
"That makes sense..." {His earlier bombing run didn't manage to disturb them after all}" (Kintarō)
{That technique he used just now...it's origins stem from the Samurai. Could Kintarō-dono be a resident from the Land of Iron? Though why would a former samurai be all the way out here? Working for Kumogakure and using an axe no less...} (Musai)
Funsui landed on the ground and apologized for letting one of Deidara's attacks get past him. Kintarō payed it no mind and opted they leave to assist the others
Deidara was now exhausted from expending most of chakra as he flew away irritated. Along the way, he caught the sight of several ships docking on the eastern coastline. Back-up from Kumogakure had finally arrived
Following Kajūra's instructions, he sent a flare in the air, signaling all of his colleagues. With his payment in hand and job accomplished, he had no more reason to stick around
{Kumogakure...you are now officially on my list. One day, you'll experience the true brilliance of my art!} (Deidara)
A western coastline
Toroi had landed on the sea, intent of finding and apprehending Kajūra. As he searched through the rubble of the destroyed golem, he found said terrorist battered and bruised
Kajūra glared at Toroi but struggled to move. Toroi responded by having his floating shuriken surround Kajūra, silently telling him not to try anything. With much reluctance, he raised his hands and surrendered
"Good boy" (Toroi)
"F**k you..." (Kajūra)
"Watch the language" (Toroi)
Toroi restrained and carried the unwilling young man back to the island, quickly meeting up with Kintarō and the rest
"Wow, you finished up quite nicely Toroi-sama" (Musai)
"Yeah, this little shit gave me a lot of trouble. If we weren't supposed to protect this island, things would've gone a lot smoother. Funsui, sitrep" (Toroi)
"Sir. The breach in the bunker has been sealed, and the ones circling the entrance have been dealt with. Kintarō-dono managed to deal with quite a few cells, but there are still several of them remaining on the island" (Funsui)
"Master Sabu radioed me earlier, saying he was going after the animals that were kidnapped. For now, let's focus on taking care of the stragglers and securing this-!" (Toroi)
As he was about to finish his sentence, he eyes were drawn to the signal flare Deidara shot in the sky. Everyone else focused on where he eyes dwelled, including Kajūra
"Is that one of ours?" (Toroi)
"...No" (Kintarō)
"Then it means it's one of yours" (Toroi)
Toroi turned to Kajūra, the latter of whom said nothing and simply smiled with a smug expression
"You can either tell me what it means...or...um...well I don't really have the stones for interrogation" (Toroi)
"No worries, I've got a friend who is. Whistle!" (Kintarō)
After nearly a minute, responding to Kintarō's call, his giant raccoon partner Pochi emerged the bushes. Kintarō had sent him out earlier to deal with enemy combatants while he diverted Deidara's attention
"Pochi, we've got a tight-lipped one. You know what to do" (Kintarō)
"Rrrrrr..." (Pochi)
"?!" (Kajūra)
Pochi slowly approached Kajūra, who was suspended in the air by a metal roped Toroi had magnetized and used to restrain him. Nearing his face, Pochi slowly opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth that looked capable of chewing through anything
"Okay! Okay! It's signal flare to let everyone know enemy reinforcements have arrived!" (Kajūra)
"Enemy...looks like our back-up is finally hear. But why would you smile at that?" (Toroi)
"..." (Kajūra)
"Pochi" (Kintarō)
"GROWL!" (Pochi)
"I-It also means it's time to use our final resort! We're...cleaning up!" (Kajūra)
"What do you mean by, cleaning up?" (Toroi)
"Several of our men were given bombs from our little, artist. In the event we see that signal, their orders are to plant them beneath the ground for later detonation" (Kajūra)
"What?!" (Kintarō)
"?!" (Kajūra)
Kintarō grabbed Kajūra's collar and yelled at his face, easily intimidating him with his sudden aggressive behavior. Everyone else present also became startled with his actions
"Plant them how?! Surely not with Doton6Earth Style?!" (Kintarō)
{Kintarō-dono?} (Toroi)
"What else? Though, I reckon most of them have been taken out by you" (Kajūra)
"...Tsk!" (Kintarō)
"Leaving no trace huh...I don't see the point since Kumogakure already knows this island was under attack" (Musai)
"We just do as we're ordered" (Kajūra)
"And who exactly is ordering you?" (Funsui)
"The hell should I know? For hiring people like us to do a job like this, do you really think anyone would be stupid enough to reveal their identity? Dumbass" (Kajūra)
Kajūra's smug attitude only irritated them even further. The only one who didn't seem to care was Toroi, ignoring any snarky comments as he continued the interrogation
"Well, the majority of the island is secure. Our areas were swiftly taken care of" (Toroi)
"True, there were no traces left of enemies in our area, most of the island has already been secured" (Musai)
"What about your precious little Genin near the east? Team...Tango was it?" (Kajūra)
Everyone turned to Kajūra with surprise, wondering how exactly he knew not only where the Genin were, but their identities as well, despite having spent all his time on the island fighting Toroi
During this entire ordeal, the enemy had a dangerously suspicious amount of intel on them. A fact that disturbed all of them, especially Toroi
"What have you done?" (Toroi)
Kajūra smiled and coyly explained
"Hehe! I sent two of my very best to keep them preoccupied. Even if by some miracle they were defeated, I placed far more cells in that area than others. How's that for inexperienced? Toroi-san" (Kajūra)
"You little...!" (Funsui)
"As if a few bombs could take this island out! Stop bluffing!" (Musai)
"..." (Kintarō)
"We were well briefed on the details of this place, including its history. Particularly, what lies beneath. Isn't that so, Kintarō? Hahaha-" (Kajūra)
"-Ooof?!" (Kajūra)
Pochi knocked Kajūra out with a swipe of his giant paws. Kintarō turned and faced the rest in panic
"Shit!" (Kintarō)
"Kintarō-dono?" (Funsui)
"We need to find the others now! Musai-dono, please meet with our support and inform them of the situation, tell them to find Team Tango!" (Kintarō)
"U-Um...right!" (Musai)
"Toroi-dono, the three of us will stick together and find Team Tango. As a sensor-nin, we'll be relying on you Funsui-dono. We also can't afford to let this kid out of your sight" (Kintarō)
"Damn straight. Though, what are you going to do? And why are you so nervous right now?" (Funsui)
"Bombs above the surface don't worry me as much as ones below. They could end up disturbing one of the many sand pits on the island" (Kintarō)
"You mentioned those before...but what's so dangerous about them?" (Toroi)
"..." (Kintarō)
"Kintarō-dono?" (Toroi)
"It's not the pits I'm worried about...it's what lies beneath them that scares me" (Kintarō)
"The truth is...there are certain creatures we couldn't bring into the bunker. They're in deep slumber now, but could awaken if met with significant force" (Kintarō)
"Underground force...that's why you told never us never to use Doton near the sand pits" (Funsui)
"What happens if these things get loose?" (Toroi)
"They'll destroy the island. We avoided putting them in the bunker for the safety of the other animals" (Kintarō)
"Their safety?! Isn't the whole reason we have this place is because they're too feral to be welcomed on Genbu? And you're saying there's something here than can threaten even them?" (Funsui)
"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" (Toroi)
Kintarō expression turned awkward as he hesitated to answer their queries. Funsui grew a little frustrated with his refusal to be more forthcoming. But Toroi appeared to have a look of understanding
"Now I get. It's not that you wouldn't...rather you couldn't. Right?" (Toroi)
"!" (Funsui)
"Yes...I didn't tell you because I'm not authorized to do so, it's a big secret for Kumogakure...and a disgrace" (Kintarō)
"What is it exactly?" (Toroi)
"It's..." (Kintarō)