133. Turnabout [1]
"Hahaha! Run all you want! No one escapes my art!"
"Hmph! That punk!"
Kintarō was in the midst of evading Deidara's clay bombs, still at a disadvantage from his long range attacks. Oddly enough, he was no longer attempting to fight him, choosing only to run away
While a hand-to-hand type ninja like him was a bad match for Deidara, it was out of character for the usual battle-hungry warrior Kintarō was known for to flee from battle
"HAH!" (Deidara)
"Ugh!" {Just a little more!} (Kintarō)
"?!" (Deidara)
Kintarō picked up the pace, much to the surprise of Deidara
"Where's he going? There's no way he can get away while I'm flying in the air like this..." (Deidara)
{Almost there!} (Kintarō)
Elsewhere on the island
"Rgh! Persistent bastard!"
Etoro and Rei had brought their fight to the next level. The sudden emergence of the latter's capacity for Yōton1Lava Stylehad completely changed the equation
With this new power, Rei didn't have to jump around and worry about avoiding Etoro's attacks
"Will you just die already?!" (Etoro)
"Hmph!" (Rei)
"Ooof! Agh! My nose-!" (Etoro)
Rei's combat grew more bold, forcing Etoro on the defensive. The one in question only grew more frustrated with this. Despite being the elder and more experienced, he was no match for Rei's superior Taijutsu
It wasn't long after Notitia issued a warning
[Rei, listen to me. You can't let this drag on. While you may have awakened a new power, it's precisely that...a "new" power. You have no experience when it comes to using Yōton and your chakra is depleting fast]
"Huff...huff...!" (Rei)
[Kekkei Genkai2Bloodline Limitfunction very differently from regular nature transformations, and consume far more energy to boot. The only reason you've lasted this long is due to your abnormal level of control and reserves]
{I know that...} (Rei)
While this new power was a indeed a boon, Notitia had a point. Rei couldn't handle a prolonged fight now, he couldn't even use lava style properly. The best he could do now is use it to protect himself from other lava attacks like Etoro's
He needed time to practice and study it, time he didn't have now
[Reinforcements are almost here, just hold out until then!]
"YAAH!" (Rei)
{Stop blocking them you little shit!} (Etoro)
Etoro's fighting became sloppy, no longer caring about the chakra he wasted. He started throwing waves of magma rings, keeping the Taijutsu-focused Rei away from him
But the longer they fought, the more Rei grew accustomed to his new power. No longer solely dodging, Etoro noticed Rei was actually using his own Yōton to cancel out his attacks more and more
Such an act was nothing short of an insult for a prideful ninja like Etoro. Since his childhood, he's always been showered with words like "talented" or "genius"
Now, a younger shinobi was giving him so much trouble...his ego wouldn't allow him to accept it
"Hm?" (Etoro)
Rei held his right arm out and pushed his Shunshin3Body Flickerto its limit, seeking to bring Etoro down with his best Taijutsu. Or rather...his best Nintaijutsu4Ninja Body Techniques
{Here he comes again!} "Let's see how you handle this!" (Etoro)
Etoro gathered his "melting flames" and sent them towards the rapidly approaching Rei, narrowing them into a focused blast for precision!
But Rei anticipated this, and with a raise of his left arm, focused his new power in the palm of his hand
"He blocked it?!" (Etoro)
"Got you..." (Rei)
{Shit! Not enough time! Can't-!} (Etoro)
"Lariat!" (Rei)
Half a mile away from Rei and Etoro
"Kōton: Hagane Tate5Steel Style: Steel Shield!"
"Tsk! Still can't get past that annoying defense"
Suzu and Tai were still being held at bay by Metoro. The former using her long range wind style attacks to maintain a safe distance, as his steel attacks were dangerously destructive
But no matter how hard the pair tried, they could not break through his defenses. The sheer density of Metoro's "steel" was too great for them to penetrate
Tai knew the only way to beat him was with poison, but the problem was the mask he wore
Whispering to Suzu "This isn't gonna work, I can't keep restoring your chakra like this" (Tai)
"I know...which is why I have an answer. But I need your consent first..." (Suzu)
"My-? Oh..." (Tai)
"..." (Suzu)
"Sigh. A do-or-die solution is it?" (Tai)
"What do you say?" (Suzu)
"If we don't do it, we're dead anyway. Tell me..." (Tai)
{Ugh...I feel awful. I inhaled only a little and yet...} (Metoro)
After being lightly poisoned from Tai, he continued wearing his makeshift gasmask protection. But the aftereffects from Tai's first attack were starting to get worst
Metoro was having trouble seeing, he felt like throwing up, and he even had trouble kneading chakra. It was just as he was going to attack again when...
The attention of everyone present was taken by an explosion of heat forming to the west of their area. While the Genin were contemplating what it was, Metoro immediately knew his older brother was in trouble
{Nii-san...I can't wait any longer!} "Kōton..!" (Metoro)
"Crap! Here comes another one!" (Tai)
"Tai! You remember what to do?!" (Suzu)
"Yeah, let's go!" (Tai)
Tai placed his hand on Suzu's back as they opted to dodge the incoming attack
{Have to wait for the perfect moment!} (Tai)
"Hagane Hassha-tai6Steel Style: Steel Projectile!" (Metoro)
Metoro fashioned steel spheres in his hands before launching them. The objects moved at blinding speed, exploding the terrain they struck. Suzu moved, Tai right behind her
{While his Kōton is powerful, there's always a gap he's forced to make in between attacks} (Suzu)
"Hmph!" (Metoro)
{Most likely the result of his steel, it takes much longer to form. Probably due to its nature} (Tai)
{Meaning the time to strike-} (Suzu)
"HAAAAH!" (Metoro)
{Is right after his next attack!} (Suzu & Tai)
"Doton: Chidōkaku7Earth Style: Mobile Core!" (Suzu)
"?!" (Metoro)
The ground beneath Metoro suddenly elevated, raising him into the air
{Hmph! Like that's gonna stop-?!} (Metoro)
Tai sent every ounce of chakra he had left into Suzu, allowing her to use her next technique
"Fūton: Daitoppa8Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" (Suzu)
After forming the appropriate hand seals, Suzu unleashed a large, massive wave of wind chakra, blasting Metoro further into the air
{So that's it! The medic was supplying the girl with chakra, no wonder she could use these kind of techniques in rapid succession!} "Urgh...but this...won't...stop me!" (Metoro)
"Heh!" (Tai)
"Obviously...now Tai!" (Suzu)
"Phew! Right! Ninpō: Dokugiri9Ninja Art: Poison Fog!" (Tai)
Tai exhaled a dark-purple cloud of poison, the wind easily absorbing it, turning into a mini tornado of poison...with Metoro trapped in its center
"Trying to poison me again...not likely! My mask can-!" (Metoro)
"Your ability to make even a gas mask is impressive...but you've underestimated just how skilled Suzu is with her wind!" (Tai)
"What?!" (Metoro)
Suzu was an exceptional talent, largely in part to her heritage and iron will. Skilled with Fūton, she mastered several advanced wind techniques by the time she was eight
And now, the young lady of twelve years was capable of creating small vacuums, depriving fixed areas of oxygen. But the chakra necessary to perform it was steep, something she couldn't do alone in her current condition
Fortunately, Tai was present to assist her with his. As a medical ninja, he was naturally used to sharing chakra with others. Their combined teamwork was more than enough to circumvent this issue
"Uhack! Can't...!" (Metoro)
Metoro grasped his throat as he struggled to breathe. The Genin knew they couldn't remove his mask by force, the only way it would come off is if Metoro willingly took it off
The pair gambled he'd risk the poison rather than dying from suffocation outright. Now, he was too panicked and tired to use ninjutsu as a means of escaping this situation
As he became more desperate, he'd have no other choice but to breathe...or die
{Come on...give up already!} (Tai)
{We can't keep this up!} (Suzu)
But the Genin were at risk as well. If Metoro decided to wait it out, he'd be the victor. Even with Tai's help, Suzu couldn't maintain this modified wind technique forever
Tension grew for everyone, as they questioned whose resolution was greater!
{Ugh! Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!!!} (Metoro)
{That's...! That's it! Can't...hold it!} (Suzu)
The tornado burst and dissipated, the poison along with it! Tai and Suzu fell to their knees, but never taking their eyes off the fog
After a few more rigid seconds of waiting, a figure's silhouette could be seen in the smoke
"Huff...looks like our resolve-" (Tai)
"Ugh! Cough! Cough! GAH!"
"-was stronger" (Suzu)
It was Metoro...without his mask. Their gamble had paid off! The terrorist from Ishigakure10Hidden Rock Villagehad fallen to the ground, unable to continue!
"Damn...cloud...scum!!!" (Metoro)
"Yeah? Well, you just got your ass handed to you by so called, cloud scum. I wonder what that makes you, dummy" (Tai)
"Kuh! I swear I'm gonna...kill...ugh...errg" (Metoro)
"The poison's already kicking in...he's finished" (Tai)
"Yeah. I'm gonna make a call" (Suzu)
Despite their victory, Suzu was still worried about Rei. Opting to contact him via her radio
"Rei! It's Suzu! We've taken care of Metoro!" (Suzu)
"Rei! Come in! Can you here me?!" (Suzu)
"REI!" (Suzu)
"[Agh! My delicate ears! Yes! Yes! I'm here, no need to shout. Nice job taking care of Metoro]" (Rei)
"What about you?" (Tai)
"Is Etoro still?" (Suzu)
"[Etoro's down for count, as one would expect when they take a full power Lariat to the neck]" (Rei)
"You took him down?! On your own?!" (Tai)
"As expected I guess..." (Suzu)
"[His eye's are rolled back, and he's foaming in the mouth. Hehe, it kind of funny to watch]" (Rei)
"Good grief. Still the same damn closet sadist, I was worried for nothing" (Tai)
"Alright, can you bring Etoro here? We'd come to you but...it's a tad difficult to move Metoro now" (Suzu)
"[Poison?]" (Rei)
"Poison" (Suzu)
"[Alright. Soon as I'm done restraining him, I'll be on my way]" (Rei)
"Anything else happen to you while we were seperated?" (Tai)
"[Yeah, you could say that. I'll fill you in once this is done. I'm beat. Over and out]" (Rei)
Rei cut the feed on his end and Suzu glanced at Metoro. Tai, wondering what she was thinking, inquired what exactly were her intentions
"Now what?" (Suzu)
"This. Doton: Sazareishi11Earth Style: Gravel" (Suzu)
After cutting the feed, Suzu used her earth style to upturn the earth around Metoro, condensing it around him, leaving the terrorist immobile and trapped
"After we rendezvous with Rei, we'll decide our next course of action. Back-up should also arrive soon" (Suzu)
"You mean, the next person we should help?" (Tai)
"Yeah. It'll probably be..." (Suzu)
Another battleground on the island
The present area was completely ravished, not a single trace of the former greenery was left standing. In the middle of the dust was the Kumo-nin Toroi. Many of his signature "magnetized" shuriken floating around him were now either damaged or broken
Across from him was his opponent, leader of the Ishi terrorists, Kajūra. He could now be visibly seen, his massive magnetic golem extensively damaged, though still operable
Both shinobi were nearing their limits
"Impressive. For a young man of your age to push me like this is unheard of" (Toroi)
"Don't...talk to me...like I'm some child! I can do this all day, old man!" (Kajūra)
Kajūra raised his massive golem, missing its head, left arm, and parts of its torso. Despite being filled with holes and ruptures, Kajūra was determined to fight to the end, but grew only more irritated when he noticed a wide grin on Toroi's face
Eager for recognition, he absolutely hated Toroi, who maintained a calm and somewhat smug demeanor throughout their entire fight
"You're right Kajūra-kun" (Toroi)
"?" (Kajūra)
"Compared to you, I am old. The time when the next generation replacing the previous one is coming soon" (Toroi)
"Hmph! That's what I said earlier, looks like you finally get it!" (Kajūra)
"But...with age, comes experience. And you are certainly lacking in that department" (Toroi)
"Is that so? Because from the looks of it, I'm one blow away from turning you into a small, ugly stain on this f**king island" (Kajūra)
Toroi stood up and clasped his hands
"Hmph! Read between the lines, brat. Doton: Retsudo Tenshō12Earth Style: Rupturing Earth Palm!" (Toroi)
"What the hell?!" (Kajūra)
After slamming his hands on the ground, Toroi caused the footing beneath Kajūra to collapse, knocking him and his golem downwards
{How am I falling down?! We were on stable-?!} "This place is...!" (Kajūra)
"Gotcha" (Toroi)
"How do you still have enough strength to-?!" (Kajūra)
"You think I didn't? Please, I could've killed you a long time ago, but then I would've damaged the island in the process. Besides, who goes all out against a kid like you?" (Toroi)
His eyes filled with rage, this was the ultimate form of disrespect to him. But before he could say anything else, the golems falling speed increased
Kajūra looked around and discovered they were far from their original proving grounds. Realizing Toroi hadn't been fighting with the purpose of taking his golem down, but rather, to move him towards the edge of a hilltop
Their current location was the perfect spot on the island to send the golem down, a clear slippery slope leading straight into the coastline
"How?!" (Kajūra)
"When you bragged about your Jiton13Magnet Stylegolem's reliance on Raiton14Lightning Styleto fight infinitely, I already knew what to do" (Toroi)
"Some advice for the future...never explain how your Ninjutsu works to the enemy. Ya cocky little shit" (Toroi)
{No...! The ocean! Can't stop...falling!} "Kuh! DAMN YOU!" (Kajūra)
The golem and Kajūra tumbled down the hilltop until finally...
"GAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" (Kajūra)
...it fell into the ocean. The electricity it gathered from the earth suddenly backfired, tearing apart the automaton into rumble. Electrifying Kajūra in the process
Toroi stood atop the edge of the hill and simply observed the event
"Like I said...inexperienced"