I Want my mate

Chapter 3: a ludicrous conclusion

Aria's pov

"Oh my God, how the might has fallen. She has the mark now that means she has to partake in the mating games. Can you imagine that? A warrior competing against other females just to be chosen to bear a child for the king?"

"She is useless to the soldiers now."

"The poor girl was so happy from winning. Serves her right though, maybe she will learn her place now that she has no choice."

"She is going to be furious but who cares, it's her fault for trying to be something she can't be."

"She can't be squad leader now, she is going to be a breeding tool for the kingdom."

I froze, shock coursing through my veins as I processed his words. I looked around me but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

I looked up just as the crowd burst into laughter, they were no longer shy about whispering and I could hear some of them.

I was frozen and unable to move, I was still trembling with anger at the whispers and also the words mating tool.

They want me to abandon my place within the warriors to go pop out babies, that is not happening.

My eyes roamed around the laughing crowd to meet Chad's, and I knew without a doubt that he was the happiest amongst all of them. He was ecstatic about the interruption.

He stalked up to me and ripped the badge off my clothing, he smirked at me while I frowned in confusion about what he was about to do.

He turned to the crowd and raised the badge high up in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the most lovely thing has happened in the history of the intra-team contest. The squad leader badge will not be awarded to a future breeding machine," he yelled.

The crowd erupted with yells of agreement. I couldn't believe my ears, I knew they have never wanted me here but it hurt to see them treat me like this.

Unable to withstand the mockery any longer, I glared at Chad and stormed off. I could feel the jeers and sneers being thrown in my direction but I let them roll off my back.

I almost broke the door to my room when I stumbled inside, anger made me disoriented for a second but I recovered when I saw my bag in the corner of the room.

I took all my clothes from my wardrobe and shoved it into my bag, there was no time to fold. I needed to leave, I couldn't stay here and let them turn me into a laughing stock.

I have read that there are other lands where I might find refuge. Where they will appreciate my strength instead of turning me into a chicken meant for laying eggs.

I preferred adventures anyway. Satisfied with my half- assed packing, I looked around the room.Feeling nostalgic for a minute over the time I have spent here, I have been in this room ever since I indicated interest in being a warrior. I shook my head, it was of no use now.

I was stuck between two choices and I rather become a rogue than become a breeding machine for any man.

I stepped outside just to find Chad standing in front of my room with five other warriors that liked to make fun of me.

He looked from me to the bag in my hand with a frown and shook his head.

"Where are you going?" He asked,

I scoffed, "where do you think? Away from here,"

"I am afraid I cannot let you leave," he said like he would dare stop me.

I could take him, I would use the opportunity to teach him how to choke someone out.

My body has been itching for a fight with him and I just got it.

"So who is going to stop me? You?" I mocked.

He made a show of looking back at the men standing behind him, I shook my head and smiled.

I won't be able to hold them off but it might be my one and only opportunity to hurt them for bullying me all those times.

I removed the thought from my mind and faced a smirking Chad.

"Besides, I get to have the honor of taking you to the palace myself. I have always wondered what it looked like,"

"I am sure that's not why," I said dryly.

He had the audacity to flush and scratch his hair, "yeah, I was hoping you would put in a good word for me."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Why the hell would I do that?"

He puffed his chest, attempting to look sexy and more manly, "You would do it as a favor after I have been," he leaned in to whisper to me, "I have been helpful to you sexually,"

I stared at him in disbelief before I burst into laughter. I could feel his confidence drop a few when he stepped back.

I stopped laughing and scoffed, first the mating nonsense and now this fool? I was not catching a break.

I twisted my face in disgust as I regarded him from head to toe, I couldn't help myself anymore and he needs to be told the truth.

I opened my mouth, "You are shit in bed, Chad. You are selfish and only think about yourself. I have to get myself off after you leave my room because you have no performance. Stop thinking highly of yourself." I said loudly for his friends to hear.

He flushed and glared at me, "Shut up, you bitch," he snapped.

I cocked my head to the side with a smirk, "Why? Is the truth too much for you to take?"

"I don't care, you are going to the palace."

I set my foot in a fighting stance clearing my face of all expressions.

"Go to hell," I spat at him.

He gestured to the warriors and grinned at me. They grinned too and advanced on me. I felt the adrenaline flow through me and I stiffened.

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