Chapter 8: Storage Ring
'This is still going to be a problem as it isn't easy for a commoner to wipe the floor with those of higher social standing. This is because they have access to invaluable knowledge on cultivation practices, martial arts, etc. The chances of me being punished are low, I know that, but as for them looking into me, trying to ascertain my origin, that, I say, is a sure event' Peter thought.
'I still have a lot to learn. What my father just did was a purely physical attack with no magic involved. Even though I can't sense or use magic, I have tools that can do that, and no magic energy was drawn or spent in that attack, or even if it was used, it was very little. I would be an idiot if I didn't dig into this gold mine, ' Orson thought.
After the slightly intense meeting, Orson and Peter continued on with their business, repairing broken magic artifacts. Although many other stalls were doing the same, theirs still received more influx of customers because of the wonderful show of tickle love they had put on earlier. The sight of the father and son having a good time was still fresh in their minds, although that experience wasn't pleasant for Orson who had automatically developed a phobia for tickles.
Later on, another letter arrived, and Orson thought it was the Regalo family coming to look for trouble again, but this one turned out to be from the Pearl Magic Academy. They were been invited to a meeting with the principal of the school.
'I guess the favor I called in went through, but 'sigh,' when I left my old life behind, I said I wasn't going back in any way, but this is me basically going back. Oh well, I was owed a favor through my own abilities, so all is well,' Peter thought.
"What do you think it is all about? Do you feel it's something similar to what happened with the Regalo that's about to happen also? " Orson asked.
"Well whatever it is, it must be something beneficial because we didn't cause any trouble, or did you? "
"I've basically been with you since we entered this city, so who would I have crossed that you are not aware of" Orson rolled his eyes.
"Well, who knows, because over the years, you have proven yourself to be one sneaky bastard, " Peter said.
"Please, give me a break. So, shall we start going? " Orson asked.
"Even if you're savvy in magic technology, you're social interaction level is still low, you still have a lot to learn in human interaction and psychology. 'sigh,' and this is the person who was talking about getting power, about getting to the top. For shame, for shame. Just like with the Regalos, we're not rushing this either; in fact, we can be lax about this one, but not to worry, anything from tomorrow, we'll be good to go, " Peter replied.
"You know you're a drama queen, right? " Orson asked rhetorically.
'It might sound far-fetched, but I have a feeling that my father is involved in this somehow, both the compensation from the Regalos and the meeting with the principal of the Pearl Magic academy.
I'm grateful that he is creating windows for me, but the question is, why is he suddenly becoming nice, when not too long ago he couldn't stand the sight of me? Does time truly change people? ' Orson thought.
"Hey, why are you standing there looking like lost sheep, go and attend to the client quickly, " Peter chided.
"Sigh! Yes, boss, I'm on it, " Orson responded.
When it was 6pm in the evening, Oraon walked up to Peter and spoke.
"Hey, Father, I no longer accept that 12-midnight shit again. You have to find another form of distraction now, and even if you insist on distracting yourself from your sorrows by working till midnight every day, you are on your own.
I absolve myself from your madness, "
'I still can't believe the way I've been treating this kid. What the hell was wrong with me. Just a little heartbreak and I had to go and turn into a monster, and maltreat a child who wasn't involved in any way... '
Snap! Snap! Snap!!
Peter's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Orson snapping his fingers.
"Hey, where has your mind traveled to suddenly? Well, whether you agree or not, I'm off for the night, see you later Father, "
Orson didn't waste time and before Peter could respond, Orson had left the stand and headed to the inn they were staying.
Peter smiled and started gathering his things. After he was done arranging everything, he removed a ring from his pocket and put everything away into it. This was not an ordinary ring but a storage ring, something only those who were all to do could afford.
'Well, I can't start carrying all this shit on my own, can I? And that shameless kid slipped his way out of helping me with all this stuff. Hmmm! What punishment would be best? Yes! Flaunting a storage ring to his face and making him green with jealousy, hehe! Best comeback ever' Peter thought.
And so did Peter do. When he got to their room, the first thing he did was ask Orson if he knew what he was holding.
"Well, it's a ring. That's making my mana detector go off. And has runes carved into it. And my magic energy-sensing glasses can see Mana swirling around it, "
*Magic type analysis complete; temporal and spatial magic type detected...
"What the... Don't tell me that's a storage ring you're holding, " Orson said.
"Ok, " Peter responded.
"Ok, what? " Orson asked.
"Ok, I won't tell you that it's a storage ring I am holding, " Peter said.
After saying this, Peter noticed the excitement in Orson's eyes fading, and Orson was looking more pensive now.
"Father, from what I could gather from all the time we have spent together...