Chapter 15: Kalawarna
Tsubasa, Kiyome, Akeno, Aika, Rias, Asuka, Yuma - what do these names have in common? They're all my girlfriends now! I had seven girlfriends! I could have retired in bliss at that point! I actually did consider retiring in bliss at that point, but then I remembered: a bunch of my girlfriends had been the ones to hit on me! Yuma, Kiyome, Tsubasa - how could I turn down a beautiful girl who hit on me?! It would be too cruel! Maybe I could see a cute girl and hold back from asking her out, but there was absolutely no way that I could resist any girl who could muster up the courage to confess her feelings to me!
Yuma had seemed sweet and innocent, even if she'd acted like a bit of a stalker before asking me out. Only a little bit! She didn't do anything, she just followed me around some, and I spotted her doing it, but she wasn't being weird or freaky or anything, and eventually she just approached me and confessed to me. Maybe she was just trying to work up the courage, even!
My Excellent Lover ability told me that she wasn't interested in sex with me, at all, on our first date, but she'd asked for it, so I didn't try to fight her on it. Imagine asking the guy you like for sex and he tells you no! It'd probably be crushing, even if she was only asking for sex because she thought I wanted it, or to lose her virginity, or something like that. I figured that was what had happened.
The problem that produced was - I had no idea what Yuma liked in bed! If she didn't 'really' want sex, then how could my superpowers tell me what kind of sex she wanted?
So I just made her come.
She liked that, so I kept making her come, which she also liked, and it turned out that what Yuma's kink was, was apparently getting fucked really hard and coming a whole lot!
It wasn't just our first date, either... on our second date, we pretty much just met at an ice cream shop. I'd had a whole date planned out, based on what she seemed to like - but the moment she showed up, I got the impression she wanted to go home and fuck me. I did wind up getting us ice cream, since we were already there and ice cream was tasty... but she ate it so fast she actually got brain freeze! It was cute! My adorable girlfriend Yuma who wanted sex so bad she tried to eat her ice cream too fast! (We went home and fucked afterwards.)
For our third date, I tried to do the sort of things I would do with Aika. After all, Aika was also a normal girl with a really high libido who liked sex! However, going to a shop that sold adult manga just made Yuma crinkle her nose and want to go back to my place to fuck. I guess she was kind of vanilla and just an orgasm junkie... but that was okay! She was my girlfriend, and she had a cute o-face, and I did like the really long hard fucking we did together!
For our fourth date... I decided to just go straight to sex! Maybe it was rude, Yuma-chan, but it seemed to be the thing you liked! All my other date ideas were apparently boring to you! She didn't complain about me just inviting her over, and when we went up to my room, she didn't complain about us jumping right into the sex... even Aika wanted a little foreplay or talking or something, Yuma!
Ha... but it was cute! It was! My cute girlfriend who liked sex with me maybe a little too much. After all, wasn't sex a physical expression of intimacy? So Yuma wanting to fuck me immediately was a way of showing that she was really really into me!
* * *
After yet another obscenely intense sex session, Raynare once more considered Issei's handsome features, his gorgeous bare naked body. Her own breathing was shallow, her skin slick with sweat, but he looked delicious, and she ran her tongue across that sweat-slick skin of his. He was so tasty. She wanted to lick him even more - so she did, running her tongue all over his body. He woke up from the stimulation eventually, and let out little soft cute laughing noises, telling her that it tickled, and that she was cute, and it made her heart beat that little bit faster.
Because of how tasty he was. There was no other reason. He just tasted so good on her tongue, in her mouth, she wanted to lick him all over purely for the flavor. There wasn't any particular appeal to his little giggles when she licked his armpit, her own laughter in reciprocation was just part of the act of pretending to be his girlfriend, that was all.
This was their best date so far. He just invited her over to his house and fucked her senseless. No more wasting time with the silly pointless romance of a teenage boy trying to seduce a teenage girl, just the hard and wondrous sex that he could inflict upon her, the endless orgasms still leaving her brain in a pleasantly bubbly pink stew in the afterglow of the sex itself. She'd have played the giggly girlfriend for hours if it earned her this, but luckily, Issei seemed to have realized that they'd both be happier if he just skipped right to this part.
"Ah, Issei-kun, today's date was really nice," she told him, pausing to lick at his chest again. He tasted so good! The heat in between her thighs was rapidly returning as she licked along his bare flesh, her thoughts a jumble as she moved and licked around. She could even feel his heart beat through his chest, and her own heart sped up a bit as his fingers ran through her hair.
"I liked it too, Yuma-chan," he told her, as she continued to lick around. He tasted so good, his flavor on her tongue sharp and intense and lingering, like the light flavoring of a mix of chocolate and honey syrup, except calorie free. "Um... I like our dates, Yuma-chan," he said, sounding hesitant. It was cute. Cute in the sense of any childish thing a young man did, just puppy love and affection without any real brains or maturity, of course. Not cute in any special way unique to him. "But every time we go out, I feel like you just want to come home and have sex." What? Was he- complaining about that?! "It's not that I dislike sex with you! I like it! I just want to be able to enjoy other stuff with you, too! I tried taking you to that manga place because I thought maybe sex stuff would be the sort of thing you found fun, but then you seemed to really dislike it."
He wore a puppy dog pout, like her failure to enjoy being taken to a hentai shop was some horrible thing that he hadn't expected. Obviously no girl wanted to be taken out to such a place on a date! What sort of idiot was he?! Was he only a playboy because of his fat cock and insanely good sex skills?!
She didn't let any of those feelings show on her face. She just kept up a soft smile. "Um..." She pretended to be a bashful ex-virgin, fidgeting in place. "W-well, Issei-kun... I just r-r-really like sex with you, okay?!" She half-shouted the confession, clenching her eyes shut like it was some horribly embarrassing thing. She was his bashful sweet innocent girlfriend, not a capable seductress who was only allowing him to live so that she could have more sex with him.
"I like sex with you too, Yuma-chan," he told her. "It's really fun seeing all the cute faces you make, and I know you like me just going absolutely wild on you, and using all my magic sex skills..." Oh yes. That absurd 'CYOA' story. She would have thought it was a cover for him consorting with devils like Rias, if it wasn't for the fact that he also admitted to the existence of things like that. (She had done her best to just nod along to all of it.) The CYOA had no actual supernatural powers - she'd checked - so it was probably just unconscious magic on his part. "It's just, um, I want to be your boyfriend, not just your sex friend... not that I think you're a bad person or anything for liking sex! I like sex too! A lot!"
No, she understood Issei's feelings well enough.
She had once been an actual virgin, who actually liked a man... who proceeded to play on those feelings in order to get sex with her. Even if Issei had six other girlfriends, that didn't change the fact that from his perspective, their relationship appeared to be entirely about sex. Even if, as a man, he was more willing to have sex with a girl without any foreplay or romance, he also clearly liked the idea of 'having a lot of girlfriends' more than 'having a lot of sex friends,' given the way he spoke about the sex friends he did have.
In other words, she was hurting his feelings by only having sex with him. She felt an inward cringe at that thought, a small twang of shame.
Just because she was getting all introspective about a fifteen year old's feelings. She was going to kill him anyway... eventually... well, perhaps she could use their relationship in order to try to bring him over to the side of the Fallen Angels? He was very powerful for a human, after all, thanks to his incredible magical power, which apparently grew the more sexual partners he had.
She smiled at that thought, for one simple reason: there was no jealousy in the idea that Issei had lots of sexual partners. She had been starting to worry she'd somehow gotten feelings for him, but there was no way that she, of all people, would be willing to tolerate sharing her man with other women. It was just that the sex was good, and potentially he was a useful tool, that was all that had her delaying cutting his throat as he slept.
"Sorry," Issei said, misinterpreting her silence as awkwardness. "I don't want to pressure you, I just want to do fun things with you and get to know you better, Yuma-chan! I understand that it can be hard to talk about feelings and yourself and stuff like that... we can go at whatever pace you want, I promise."
"Ah. No, Issei, I like the sex dates. Th-this part, in the aftermath, where we cuddle... I like it too," she said, willing herself to blush - and finding that the flush to her cheeks came surprisingly easy. He wore a big dorky smile in response.
"Then let's cuddle some more!" He declared, wrapping her in a big hug. She felt the flush run down from her cheeks as his big, powerful arms wrapped around her, and she felt safe in his arms, just letting out a soft breath as he held her.
* * *
It's been weeks. Why haven't you killed Issei Hyoudou yet?
That text message from Kalawarna - written in Hebrew, of course, just in case - seemed to loom large in its meaning.
Obviously, she hadn't killed Issei for all sorts of entirely valid and logical reasons. Most importantly, it was possible she could convert him to their side, and he would be better than anyone else they could find to use a Sacred Gear, if his growth-from-sex continued. It wouldn't be too hard to arrange some sort of sex cult or the like, where he would fuck women in rapid succession to increase his power, and then they could use him against the Devils when they restarted the war.
There were other advantages to not killing him immediately. She could lure him away from Kuoh if she gained his trust, which would make it much easier for her to kill him and escape before his girlfriends (three of whom were devils from two different peerages, including the heiress to the Gremory clan herself). She could have hot and heavy sex with him, over and over again, and come her brains out. She could feel his strong, powerful arms wrapped around her, holding her close, in the afterglow of the wonderful sex.
Which was only nice because cuddling in the afterglow of sex was good. It wasn't anything particular to Issei, other than that he was very attractive and muscular, so he felt particularly nice to cuddle with.
Those excuses might or might not work on Kalawarna. Well, the one about the cuddling wouldn't.
She didn't want to risk it, though. Primarily because Issei could become an extremely valuable asset, and secondarily because sex with him was extremely good, and not at all because she had any feelings of affection for the boy in particular. If anyone else could fuck as good as him, she would just have sex with them instead. Well, as long as they were also as physically attractive, and as thoughtful, and as willing to have sex whenever she asked. But once all those criterion were met, she would be as happy to fuck them as she was happy to fuck Issei.
No, she was wasting her time in mental arguments with herself. She needed to persuade Kalawarna to see things her way - really, she needed to convince the Fallen Angels as a whole, but Kalawarna would make a good start. And how better to show her the advantages of leaving Issei alive, than to let Issei convince her the same way he had (unknowingly) convinced Raynare of the wisdom of the act?
She smirked, and wrote a text back to Kalawarna.
The bitch should never have questioned her.
* * *
It turned out Yuma had a big sister, and a fetish for threesomes?! (Or maybe it was just the 'Recruiter' thing I picked up, I didn't ask!)
Her big sister was apparently in college, and she definitely had intense onee-sama energy, and not just from her big boobs. She had crazy long blue hair, which reached all the way down to her calves, and wore a quite skimpy outfit without any apparent shame. Kaori just stared at me, her eyes slightly narrowed. Don't look at me like that, Kaori! I promise, it was your little sister who suggested us having a threesome! I only suggest threesomes with girls I'm already having sex with!
"So this is Issei Hyoudou..." Kaori said.
"Yes!" Yuma said, wrapping herself around my arm, super affectionate as she rubbed her cheek against my shoulder. She could sometimes be super-duper affectionate like that, though she seemed to have a harder time expressing her feelings in words. But that was okay! Every girl was different in how they expressed their affection, and it was all wonderful! The feelings were what was important, not any particular action!
"You really want me to sleep with this guy?" Hey! I'm right here!
"I do," Yuma said. "It'll be really fun, and then afterwards, we can cuddle and spoon together," she added, getting up on her tip-toes to give me a kiss on the cheek (I had to lean down). She really liked cuddling and spooning, which was fine by me!
Now, Kaori being so rude and dismissive of me would probably have made me not have sex with her... but Yuma was my girlfriend, and she wanted a threesome! Heck, hadn't I just recently been asking what she wanted to do with me on dates besides have sex with her? This was a real example of such a thing! The fact that Kaori was hot didn't hurt either!
Kaori sighed. "Fine," she said, a cold note to her voice. "But only because you asked, Yuma." Really, I'm right here! It's not a huge thing to have sex with me, is it? I'm hot and I have a big dick and I make girls come lots, you know?! I guess she probably didn't know those last two things!
No, maybe I should look at this a different way: Yuma was asking her big sister to go along with her kinky fetish, despite not knowing the guy she was supposed to have sex with at all! She was being nice to her little sister, rather than mean to me! Yeah! We just didn't know each other, so she felt weird about having sex with me. "It's nice to meet you, Kaori," I said. "If you want, we could go on a normal date first."
Kaori just rolled her eyes. "I have no interest in that."
Wow. No! Remember, Issei, even if you're hot, not every girl has to like you! You have a harem of seven girlfriends, and you have sex with the tennis club members who still refuse to become your girlfriends, and you've gone on some dates with those girls you picked up- look, the point is! It's okay if Kaori doesn't like you, what's important is making your girlfriend, Yuma, happy! "Okay," I said. "Let's go back to my place, then."
"Tch. Too young for a love hotel, I guess," Kaori muttered darkly as she followed after the pair of us.
Yuma leaned up into me, halfway tugging me down to whisper in my ear. "Fuck her brains out like you did my first time, okay, Issei-kun?" Her voice was so cinnamon sweet, like she was just asking for a favor from her boyfriend, which made sense since that was what she was doing. I did think I got a small impression of sadism, but it was probably just my imagination!
"Alright," I agreed.
Once we were actually at the bedroom, Kaori casually disrobed, and I got naked quickly too. Yuma just casually sat down at my desk, spinning the chair around a couple times in boredom as Kaori and I got naked - though, once I was naked, her eyes immediately fell on my body.
Kaori herself looked surprised as my cock came into view. "You didn't tell me he was this big. It hurts when it's too big."
"Ah, don't worry!" I reassured Kaori. "It won't hurt, I promise!" I wasn't going to just tell her about the CYOA, though. She wasn't my girlfriend!
Kaori just laid on the bed, resting there and spreading her legs. "Let's get this over with," she muttered.
Really, Kaori! You don't have to be so rude! I can tell you're not interested in sex thanks to my superpowers... "Do you not want to have sex with me?" I asked. "It's okay if you don't."
"Just fuck me already," Kaori grunted out, sounding annoyed. "I'm on the pill so you can come inside. Make sure to come a lot."
Ehm... I don't want to be rude, Kaori, but-! I don't come inside girls because I don't want to risk that they made a mistake on their birth control, okay?! I have seven girlfriends and six sex friends, so even if there's only a 1% chance of one of them making a mistake, that's a 12.24% chance of me accidentally knocking a girl up!
I didn't tell her that, though. I just pointed my cock right at her pussy, and started to slowly slide in. I wasn't rough or harsh with that first thrust, just slowly, languidly pushing in, but she tensed up anyway, obviously expecting it to hurt. It didn't, though, even though my cock was huge, even though it made a little bulge in her tummy from just how big it was inside her. The sight of her naked body like that, faintly trembling, nipples perky as I speared her entirely on my cock, was quite arousing - and a glance up to see the expectant gaze of Yuma was even more sexy!
So, I made Kaori come, hard, on my cock. She moaned, her eyes widening sharply in surprise, her body twitching on the bed underneath me. It was obvious she hadn't expected that - and it was equally obvious she quite liked it. Yuma licked her lips, admiring the scene playing out in front of her, her cheeks warm as her arousal obviously climbed... "Make her come more, Issei. Make her come lots and lots." Her voice had a new undertone to it, something vaguely sadistic... did she have a complex about her big sister?
I made Kaori come again, enjoying the way her pussy pulsed around my cock. Her moan got louder as she came extra hard, and I started to work my cock inside her like that. She had an interesting o-face of her own, more subdued than Yuma's, but also plenty sexy in its own way. Especially since she was the oldest girl I'd had sex with in my entire life! She was a college-aged twenty-two, compared to all the high school girls I'd been doing things with, she was a fine wine, and I confess: I kind of have a thing for older women!
The bed started to creak and squeak from the power of my thrusts inside of Kaori, and my hands reached up for her large, full, soft breasts, my fingers just digging in as I relished the feeling of her around me and under me. "More, Issei," Yuma whispered in my ear, one hand running across my bare chest, her voice mixing arousal and sadism in a strange and intoxicating mix. "More. More orgasms. Make her come, and come, and come, until she can't think about anything but how good your cock felt in her."
W-well, if my girlfriend wanted me to do it, then I'd do it, okay?! Kaori would be fine! I'd made plenty of girls come lots and lots, and it didn't make their brains bust or anything, it just made them happy!
I started to make Kaori come every time that my cock went all the way inside her, and I started to slowly increase my pace. She felt amazing, her pussy constantly leaking and spasming around my cock, and her heavy breathing and increasingly ragged moans were also very sexy to listen to. My hands continued to grope and squeeze her breasts, and I leaned down over her, pushing her tits together and sucking on those sharp nipples of her. Her response was to clasp my head against her bosom, fingers raking through my hair, as she moaned and twisted on the bed beneath me.
Yuma was also apparently getting quite horny from the scene, judging by her own heavy breathing, and got down on her knees next to the bed to get a better view. She leaned towards Kaori, and spoke in a soft whisper. "Isn't his cock amazing? Isn't it just the best? Isn't it just so, utterly, completely great?" The way she said it wasn't a soothing cooing thing, though - it was more like she thought that she was winning some argument the pair were having!
It was super sexy in a whole new way! I didn't mind playing the S or M role, but I was a little worried about Kaori, so I paused the constant orgasms. She gasped for air for thirty seconds as I also stopped rutting inside her, Yuma pouting as she turned to look up at me. "Do you want to keep going, Kaori?" I asked, wanting to be absolutely sure.
"Of course she does, Issei," Yuma said, casually patting her big sister's head. "Kaori, you want him to keep fucking you, don't you? You want to feel that big fat cock plunging into your tight cunt, over and over again, rubbing all over your insides, don't you?" Kaori panted softly, her gaze going down to where our bodies met. "You need him to come lots and lots, until he's so exhausted he just passes out, don't you?"
"Y-yes," Kaori agreed, gulping loudly. "Please fuck me more, Issei-sama- err, Issei-san," she corrected after a moment, her cheeks flush, the glow stretching from her face down towards her tits. My cock twitched at her calling me Issei-sama - mostly because it was such a sharp contrast to her sharp, arrogant style when we first met!
"Oho. He liked that," Yuma said. This side of Yuma was super cute too! Rather than the cute and sweet (and sex-addicted) Yuma, I was getting to see a more sadistic side of her, her lips curled up as she enjoyed dominating her big sister like this... nng! Two sisters enacting their sibling rivalry through the medium of sex with me! "Please, fuck her hard, Issei-kun." I started to pump inside Kaori again, able to tell that she was enjoying it and looking forward to it. "And Kaori, I think you should call him Issei-sama," she added.
"Yes, Yu~uma," she got out, before I made her come again. "Ohhh," she moaned out, "Issei-samaaaa," she gasped as her pussy went wild around my cock. I could tell that both girls enjoyed it when Kaori came lots and lots... so I kept going! I just pounded away hard at her pussy, and made her come over and over again, each thrust sending her into orgasmic bliss as I fucked her hard into the bed.
"Fuck her hard, Issei-kun," Yuma said, leaning up to nibble on my earlobe. "Make her brains dribble out all over your cock. This smug bitch deserves it." Ooo, Yuma-chan, you're so mean to your big sister! But I'll deal with that later because right now it's too sexy to try to stop it!
My fingers sank into Kaori's breasts, while Kaori herselfjust jerked and moaned and gasped on the bed underneath me, her body twitching, her eyes rolling up, her skin growing slick with sweat as her very long hair started to tangle with the wetness. Yuma knelt at the bedside, watching the scene play out, a mixture of sadism, arousal, and smugness on her face, and it was such a cute contrast to her normal super girly-girl sweetheart style... Nn!
After maybe half an hour and probably north of a hundred orgasms, I finally pulled out of Kaori, who looked like a mess, her head lolling to one side, her tongue falling out of her mouth, a bit of drool slipping out as well. Yuma looked up at me, seeming disappointed I was stopping fucking her sister? Ah, but I can tell you're really horny, Yuma! I want you to come too! "Could you take off your clothes, Yuma-chan?" I asked.
"Oh... okay, if you want, Issei," she said, nervously blushing and smiling. Too cute! My girlfriend was too cute! Her breasts weren't quite as big as her big sister's, but that was okay, because she was sexy and cute and also my girlfriend! Her breasts bounced free into the open air, and I drank in a sharp breath through my nose as I considered her increasingly-naked body.
I took a few seconds to decide on a new position, one where I could make both Yuma and Kaori feel good... no, one where I could make them both come their brains out! That was Yuma's fetish, and apparently it was Kaori's too, so... I grabbed Yuma in my arms, making her blush cutely as I just lifted her up onto the bed and laid her down right next to her big sister. My bed wasn't that big, so they got kinda squished against each other. Could I use magic to wish for a bigger bed...?
No, focus, Issei! Your girlfriend needs you right now! What sort of thing would Yuma want to hear me say? She was a little bit sadistic with her big sister, so... "Yuma-chan," I breathed out, as I pushed inside her. "Ahh, your pussy's so nice, I missed it," I groaned. Kaori was so out of it she didn't even respond to the implicit insult to her pussy... but Yuma-chan sure did! Her inner walls tightened up and squeezed around my cock.
"Make her come," Yuma panted out. "Don't let her even think." The words were breathless, aroused, needy, and my cock twitched inside Yuma - and I reached over for Kaori's pussy, sliding two fingers inside her. As I started to stroke them back and forth, I made Kaori come again, moaning and jerking on the bed, and Yuma just smiled at that, gleeful as I made her big sister come her brains out.
Of course, I made Yuma come plenty too! I was fucking her, after all! Both of the Amano girls were left to twitch and quiver on my cock and fingers as I fucked them absolutely senseless into the bed. It was clear that Yuma wanted me to make Kaori come and come, so I went all out on them both!
* * *
Raynare lay there, panting heavily, her sex growing slick as she watched Issei casually place his cock between Kalawarna's tits. The snide little bitch had no response, even though it was a reverse titfuck, his ass right above her face - she was an inert piece of meat by this point, fucked too hard and too long to do things like thinking or complaining or talking.
Raynare enjoyed it, of course. You thought you could dare ask why I hadn't killed Issei yet? Look at you, he's fucking your tits backwards and you're just laying there like some warm onahole. That's what you deserve for daring to question me. I'm your superior, and you're just a bitch, a fucktoy. Killing Issei is off the table. I'm going to keep him, and enjoy him fucking me with his big fat cock, and then get cuddles and pampering once he's done fucking my brains out.
"Yuma-chan, you can join in, you know? Kaori's breasts are too small to really contain my cock." Raynare swallowed, eyes flicking up towards Issei as he spoke. What was he talking about? "I mean, look, like half of it is outside her breasts... you could lick and suck it if you want to get more involved."
"Oh. Thank you, Issei," she said, smiling warmly. He was just misinterpreting her expression or something... but his cock, like the rest of him, was tasty, so she got atop Kalawarna, leaning and shifting downward, letting her mouth stretch open and letting his big, fat cock plunge past her wide-open lips as he fucked Kalawarna's tits like that.
Of course, this counted as 'sex' as far as his power was concerned, so he could make both of them come whenever he pleased. He used it much more on Kalawarna than on her, perhaps understanding that Raynare wanted him to brutally brainmelt Kalawarna with orgasms, to turn her into submissive putty who would thank him for fucking her and thank Raynare for turning her into his sex toy. It felt great to orgasm around his cock, though, almost more like a soothing, teasing thing when it hit her every minute or two, each orgasm sending sweet pleasure and bliss into her head.
Before she met Issei, such a rapid pace of orgasms would have been some of the best sex of her life, a truly capable lover doing everything he could to her... after Issei, this was more like teasing, a gentle sort of sex where the orgasms come and go rather than taking her brain and tossing it into a boiling hot soup of pleasure. She slurped wetly on his cockhead as her tongue danced around, loving the flavor of his manhood, his thick rod pulsing as he pumped back and forth.
It was so good. So, so good.
She hummed and slurped all the harder on his cockhead, a way of showing her appreciation for what a wonderful sex partner he was. He groaned at that, as her lips sucked all the harder, all the tighter, on his cock - and then he came, groaning as he spurted into her mouth, letting her greedily gulp down his delicious cum, tasting more like chocolate than any other man's spunk.
The thought came to mind that the taste of chocolate had associations with love, but she dismissed it. It was just that he was magic that made his cum so tasty, obviously. She greedily gulped down every last droplet, and when she was finished, she popped off with a wet sigh, rolling onto her back as he peeled out of Kalawarna's tits.
"I'll go get you two some water," he told her, grabbing his underwear to pull it on before dashing out of the bedroom.
Raynare waited for the door to close before leaning over to Kalawarna. "You understand now, right? We need to seduce Issei to our side, not kill him while he sleeps."
Kalawarna was still unable to respond verbally, having been fucked too stupid to manage speech for the time being... but she nodded, and Raynare smiled.
"Good girl. Now be a good fucktoy for Issei, alright?"
Once again, Kalawarna just nodded dumbly.
Soon enough, Issei was back, offering Kalawarna a water bottle which she greedily sucked on; and then, they all went right back to fucking like rabbits.