Chapter 14: Raynare
Raynare casually flipped through her notebook. Outside, Japan swept past her, as she rode the train to her destination. Everything was written in Hebrew, of course - no sense risking one of the mortals looking over her shoulder.
Issei Hyoudou. Sacred Gear user. Young and human, but strong. Boosted Gear? Reports vary. Dangerous. Defeated Riser Phenex, by a mix of surprise and tenacity.
Her contacts had pieced together more, but it was all a mess of contradictions. All the devils argued about exactly how he had cheated to defeat Riser, which they all agreed he must have done.
She didn't care too much about the specifics. What mattered, so far as she and her faction were concerned, was that Issei had fought Riser because of his affections for Rias. In other words, this Sacred Gear was already under devil control, and only childish infatuation had kept him from being reincarnated as a devil already.
Was he stronger than her? She doubted it, but she wouldn't take any chances. She hadn't lived as long as she had that way.
Men became nothing but putty and clay after an orgasm, and when that exhausted afterglow sent him off into the realm of dreams... slitting his throat would be as simple as cutting onions.
The only problem was that she wouldn't get to watch him pitifully cry and wail as she killed him.
Ah well. The world wasn't perfect.
* * *
Raynare was careful and delicate with disguising herself. She knew that Issei had caught the eye of Rias Gremory, after all. She peeled together a disguise as a conventional high school student, suppressed every hint of her angelic nature, and then watched the boy from afar, fully expecting to have to play the role of the seductress.
It was quite the surprise when she discovered that he had another girlfriend, spotting him out on a date with a girl with crisp, short blue hair that Raynare recognized as a devil. Infidelity? Some type of fight between devils? She thought at first that she might have been reading too much into it, and they were just friends, but then she saw the girl gently tilt Issei's chin and draw him into a fierce kiss.
Her surprise grew larger when she saw similar scenes repeated with other girls. An ordinary Japanese girl with bottle cap glasses, eagerly following him into an adult shop that they were probably both to young to actually enter. A busty girl, a devil, who smelled of Rias's peerage, who clung to his side and casually whispered in his ear in ways that obviously excited the boy.
A playboy would be easiest to seduce... but at the same time, she did think it might be better to turn Rias against him by revealing his infidelity, so she took some pictures of him kissing his other girlfriends...
Until she saw him out with both the busty devil girl and Rias, his hand on either girl's hip, the pair chatting with each other pleasantly as they went on some sort of obscene three person date.
To put it another way, Issei was not just a playboy: he was the sort of playboy who could get women to put up with his philandering. While he was obviously physically attractive, and she could understand Rias feeling indebted to him... it was hard to imagine that alone could account for her being so blase about her boyfriend taking out other girls. It wasn't as if she was merely tolerating it, she was happily smiling and chatting with the other girl as the pair openly doted on their shared boyfriend.
She probably had some fetish for the whole thing, or else was just sick in the head.
Either way, it meant there was no point in trying to sow division between him and Rias by revealing his infidelity.
Which meant it was back to the first plan... seducing him, sleeping with him, and then killing him.
She put on a smile and looked at herself in the mirror, practicing her line. "Issei, I like you. Please go out with me!"
When he mentioned that he already had several girlfriends... she would just shrug and say "I still like you." He'd probably be fooled by that.
* * *
Her plan had succeeded with flying colors. While at first she'd worried his pointed questions were the product of suspicion on his part, her confession that she was from out of town earned her a guided tour of Kuoh Town, so it seemed more like he was just picking at her brain to try to find date ideas. He wore a bright smile and told her all about town and was gentle, thoughtful, and charming. It was easy to see how he was so romantically successful, though he had no real appeal for her beyond the physical - he was just too young to interest an old soul like herself, too innocent to appeal to a fallen angel's sensibilities.
He did talk a little bit too much about himself, but men were often that way.
They were leaving the local aquarium, and he was suggesting yet another place they could go. "There's a great arcade with lots of games, if you like games."
"Um," she started. She had no particular affection for video games, but there was a more important reason for her to interrupt him. Namely that she had done well enough on this little date. She had played her role enough to make it plausible. She idly pushed her hair behind her ear. "Where do you live, Issei? I'm more interested in seeing that than anywhere around Kuoh-! Ah!" She made herself blush and squeak, and he let out an enthused laugh.
"Sure, Yuma-chan," he told her. "Don't worry, I know you didn't mean anything weird by it," he added.
She obviously was asking to go to his place to have sex. Surely he knew that?
Whatever. Girls normally didn't like it when a man made it clear he had prurient interests on the first date. He was probably just playing the role of the gallant gentleman to lure her into a false sense of security.
* * *
He was not just playing the role of the gallant gentleman to lure her into a false sense of security.
They were actually playing video games.
She was playing video games with a fifteen year old human boy in an attempt to seduce him.
Good Lord - and there was a phantom pain in her head at that thought, though luckily she hadn't said it out loud - this was so boring and trite and tiresome. She wanted to kill the boy, but it now seemed like he would kill her, with boredom.
After they finished beating the boss, she spoke up softly. "Wow. Your bed looks really comfy, Issei," she said, and he smiled guilelessly at that.
"It's a pretty nice bed, yep!"
"Can we try it out?"
"Sure!" He clambered onto the bed with her - and then did nothing.
How did this boy have multiple girlfriends?! HOW?!? Was this one of those bizarre new sexualities the youth had these days, and he didn't actually fuck any of his girlfriends so they were all fine with sharing?!
Oh, whatever. She just reached for his groin, groping his cock, and she found he did, in fact, have a respectable hard on. He let out a soft breath in response to her touch. "Y-Yuma? You don't have to do that if you don't want to..."
"Why would I be doing it if I didn't want to?" She responded, pretending to be utterly confused by his statement. Her fingers stroked up and down his length through the thin fabric of his clothes, and he just gasped again as she did so.
"I-I don't know... b-but if you really want to, we can do it," he said, finally starting to take off his clothes. She smiled warmly at that, and the emotion was genuine.
Finally, they were going to get to the fucking. Once that was done, she could kill him in his sleep, and this whole humiliating exercise would finally be over.
His cock burst free from his underwear in short order, a huge, massive, thick rod, the biggest she'd seen in her long life. Her eyes widened as she saw it, just throbbing and pulsing in front of her, looking beautiful and sensual in its own way. He took hold of her wrist, guiding her hand back to his dick, and she started to stroke it, feeling it up as her fingers slid up and down the fat thing.
Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. Or... perhaps it was too big? Maybe that was why he had been so hesitant to get started on sex? She'd never had that issue, but she could imagine that perhaps a cock this large would present difficulties wedging itself inside her.
As if he could read her mind, Issei spoke up. "Don't worry! It fits just fine," he reassured her, his cock twitching in her grasp. His hands reached for her hips, one finger hooking into the waistband of her skirt, and after a moment to confirm she had no problem with that, started to slide it down. She wiggled her hips, feeling her sex begin to grow slick in anticipation, her body preparing to handle the big fat cock that was soon to slide its way inside her.
She did worry she wouldn't be able to get him off. If it couldn't fit, for example, then it would be extremely tough to get him off that way, and he probably was acclimated enough to sex that he wouldn't be a quickshot. He pointed his cockhead at her pussy, and slipped inside her.
She let out a soft breath as it slid in. The movement was smooth and easy, her pussy readily letting him in, and she couldn't help but be surprised at just how easy it was. Issei was naked on top of her, his hands grasping her thighs as he speared her completely. In a few scant seconds, she was plugged up by the biggest cock she'd ever had inside her, and it didn't hurt one iota. She could admire the naked body of Issei, the well-formed, gorgeous chest, her eyes wandering up and down his body...
It was a pity that she wouldn't be able to enjoy looking at it for too long. He'd come and fall asleep and-
An orgasm pulsed up from her core, seemingly coming out of nowhere, and she gasped. Her back arched, her spine twisting in pleasure, and she just came like that, moaning beneath him. His hands slid along her torse, unbuttoning her top, then peeling it away - her bra was next to go, before her orgasm had even finished, and she was left panting for air as it finally ended, her nipples perky, her sex leaking all over his cock. "Ah... Issei... it feels so good," she breathed out. She could at least take advantage of how she was feeling to make her play as the ingenue that little bit more convincing.
He wasn't even fucking her - his cock was just lodged inside her, entirely enveloped in her sex. Her thoughts were a mess as she laid there, wondering how she had come so hard and so fast, from so little. He wasn't even properly fucking her, just soaking in her insides, and Issei leaned down over her to kiss her on the lips.
They'd kissed here and there during their date, of course. But this was something deeper, more full-throated, more full of raw sexuality. His tongue was invading her mouth forcefully, and his hips began to pull backwards, his cock sliding out of her, inch by inch, until just the very tip of that massive rod of his was inside her.
Then he thrust inside her again, and she came, immediately, and hard. Her head swam with pleasure, an uninhibited moan escaping her throat, her body twisting and writhing beneath him. Her legs automatically reached up to run along his hips - not to clasp him dearly, but some carnal act of pseudo-affection. Her hands reached up to rake along that wonderfully muscular body of his, sliding along his shoulder blades and spine and feeling him up from behind.
He began to thrust inside her at that point, and on each thrust, she came again, his cock apparently getting to new depths of her cunt that in her long life, she'd never had stimulated like that before. Her breathing was shallow as she sucked in air around his tongue and lips, and he just devoured spit from her mouth as he fucked into her. The mattress squeaked beneath the two of them, and some small part of her thought: If he just fucked me harder and faster, then I'd come even more.
As if he could read her mind, Issei started to pump his hips into her even faster. On each thrust, she came anew, one orgasm bleeding into the next. This was a pleasure she'd never experienced before, and she was drowning in it, a woman lost at sea in a great ocean of pleasure. Issei broke off the kiss, which let her suck in desperate breaths as she trembled beneath him, her eyes growing hazy and unfocused the more orgasms hit her. They seemed almost to pulverize her brain, slurping out every thought and replacing it with just pure, raw, simple-minded bliss.
"Issei," she panted out, and there was no affectation there. It was just the first and only thing she could think to say, the need that got tangled up in the word genuine. The need for more of this, for more pleasure, for her pleasure to be deepened and made worse, for her to crumple up inside from the bliss. Her mind was getting folded up like a paper crane from the sheer pleasure, her thoughts simplifying as there was less and less space in her brain available for anything as abstract as thinking. She just panted and gasped beneath him as he fucked into her, his hands leaving her thighs to wander up her body, playing with her breasts, thumbs teasing at her nipples.
Even that touch was electric, intensified by just how much she was already coming. She was a trembling mess, a bit of drool slipping out of her mouth as the bed shook from the force of his repeated fucking. Time hardly had any meaning, and the number of orgasms she'd had became an incoherent blur. How could she count, when each came so quickly after the other? She would never finish one orgasm before the next one started, so they all smeared together, an endless stream of pleasure, with dips and valleys but never actually having the chance to properly end, all of them just flowing natural into each other.
Then, Issei pulled out of her, and she trembled on the bed, her body twitching as her brain slowly, slowly began to restart itself. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, but the incoherent, wordless thought underlying all of them was Why did he stop fucking me? I want him to keep fucking me. I want his cock in me some more. He didn't seem to recognize that at all, though, instead shifting on the bed, bringing his fat cock up towards her face.
"Could you just put the tip in your mouth, Yuma-chan? I don't want to come inside, but you feel really good." She wrapped her lips around the very tip. She was enough of a mess that her role as the smitten ingenue was completely forgotten, and she immediately started to lick the tip of his cock. She tried to shift her body to take him into her throat, to just devour his cock like a hungry animal, but she didn't manage to before he started to come, spraying out the tastiest load she'd ever gotten splashed all over the inside of her mouth. She greedily gulped it all down, her throat bobbing rapidly as she savored the flavor.
When he was finished coming, he popped out of her mouth, his hard length bobbing in front of her. Some quiet part of her, part of her that still remembered the whole point of this entire seduction, noted that his cock seemed to still be exactly as hard as it had been before. He hadn't even worked up a sweat.
The rest of her just stared at that godly cock and wanted it stuffed back in her needy cunt. She shivered in anticipation as she saw him move on the bed to do exactly that, his cock once more lining up with her pussy, rubbing at her slit. "Fuck me, Issei," she managed to get out, her voice warbling from the pleasure. It was the only thought in her head at that moment - and then it was slammed right out of it, as his cock rammed itself balls deep inside her, pleasure lacing up to her brain once again.
"You're so cute, Yuma-chan," Issei said, though she barely even processed his words as words. "You like coming, huh?" Her brain - currently getting folded into origami again - just barely managed to tell her to nod, though it would have been easy to confuse the movement of her head for just a consequence of the furious fucking she was receiving. Issei didn't, though. He was a considerate and thoughtful lover like that. "I like seeing you come too, Yuma-chan. I was worried that you didn't want to do it with me, because, um, you didn't have that vibe," he explained, as his cock just rammed inside her. He talked casually, as if making her come this much was no big deal, her pussy constantly pulsing and gripping at his cock an immaterial little thing, the squeaking of the bed unimportant.
In all her long life, she had never felt this good, and once more, she was drowned in pleasure by this young boy and his truly massive, obscene, absurd cock. His words, for all their innocence and soft charm and obliviousness to her true nature, just became a soothing background noise, like cooing to a dog you were petting - and she was the dog. The bitch getting fucked on this fat cock. Her thoughts jumped around, as if she were in a liminal state closer to sleep than anything else, except for the white-hot pleasure that was sliding its way into every crevice of her brain and then expanding out, wiping away all serious thoughts to replace them with cotton candy puffery.
He kissed her again at some point, and she gladly yielded to it, relishing the taste of his spit on her tongue. She slurped and sucked and licked on his tongue, giving it the same worshipful treatment she would have given his cock if he told her to blow him. His spit just dribbled down into her mouth, filling it up, and it tasted almost as good as his cum, which she hoped he'd soon be feeding her again.
At that, he broke off the kiss and pulled out of her cunt, leaving her whimpering at the absence, wanting him back inside her again. He just moved his cock up for her mouth, and on instinct born of long centuries of sexual experience, she lunged for it, slurping it up into her throat, moaning and gasping and writhing in pleasure as she worshiped and bobbed on his cock. Her tongue was manic, her hair a mess, her eyes half-lidded as she stared up at him, and he groaned softly in response to her actions.
"Ah, Yuma-chan, I- nng, oh," he breathed out, deciding to just let her do what she wanted, his hand reaching down to gently run through her hair as she bobbed like a maniac on his cock. She wanted to come, she wanted to suck his cock, she wanted to be the beast of pleasure that she had devolved into in the moment. She slurped noisily on his length, her tongue dancing around inside her mouth, tasting him. Her head swiveled from side to side, hair flowing around her features, as she just fucked her face on his cock like crazy.
Then, impossibly, unimaginably, she came, her body spasming as she moaned around his dick. The electric sensation of pleasure forced a choked moan out of her throat, but her head could only gurgle and slurp all the more wetly, her eyelashes fluttering like crazy as she bounced up and down. She was coming from sucking cock, now, that was the level she'd been reduced to, but in the moment she couldn't form such thoughts. She couldn't even realize it was unusual. She was too much of an empty-headed mess, arousal having sent her every coherent thought and every bit of reason dribbling out of her cunt along with all her juices.
She didn't mind, of course. Why would she? How could she? Minding was something for creatures with minds, capable of reason. In the moment, she was a carnal animal, completely focused on sex and pleasure, with no thoughts of loyalty or Heaven or Hell, no care given to any of that compared to the delight of sucking that fat cock down her throat. She slammed herself down to the base of his cock, gripping his hips on pure instinct, swallowing wetly around his cock.
As if in reward for being such a good little cocksucker for Issei, she immediately came, spasming, hips bucking, her whole body writhing randomly on the bed as she took it like that. Issei just gave her soft, cooing compliments, continuing to slowly and accidentally ensure that she accepted a new place as an eager sex doll. Each sloppy wet smack of her tongue against the underside of his cock earned new noises of pleasure from Issei, and she was quickly coming to associate Issei's pleasure with her own, given the way his hand would suddenly tighten up on the back of her head and a fresh orgasm would hit her like a brick to the brain.
She was a mess, and she didn't know it. She was utterly focused on the simple task of sucking that fat cock, working it over, pleasuring it, that she didn't care about how long she'd been coming for, how long she'd been choking on Issei's dick for. He grabbed a tangle of her hair, peeling her off, and she fought against it, whimpering and slurping and licking and sucking, only sucking in breaths when he'd finally managed to peel her off his cock. "Wow, you're pretty strong, Yuma-chan, but, um, you do need to breathe, you know?"
She didn't know. She didn't know anything. She was whimpering as he gripped her by the hair, her mouth wide open, her tongue dancing at the air. The only thing she knew was that the beautiful cock that had brought her pleasure wasn't in her mouth any more, and she didn't like that one bit. She wanted it back. She needed it back.
He rammed his cock back into her throat at that point, using his grip on her hair to rapidly fuck her face. Each time his balls hit her chin, another orgasm hit her, and her brain just fried and fizzled, twitched and jerked, a thing that had been utterly laid to waste by the endless pleasure it was experiencing. Issei was using her mouth to jerk himself off, and she didn't care. She wasn't even aware enough to worry that he was about to come, or that he would stop, or anything like that. She just drowned in the moment, and when he came in her mouth all over again, hot cum spraying across her palate and tongue, she gulped it all down and tried to fuck her face back on his cock.
He let her, and as a consequence, some of his cum went down the wrong hole, spurting up through her nose, leaving a pleasant burning and a thick scent of his wonderful cum all over the inside of her nostrils, while her brain just continued to dribble out of her pussy.
When he was finished coming, he peeled his cock out of her mouth again, despite her desperate, remora-like sucking, every part of her trying to keep him inside her mouth. "Yuma-chan, I want to fuck your pussy again, okay?"
She stopped resisting at that point, some tiny voice inside her telling her that what he'd just said was good - really good, in fact. That she should let him fuck her pussy some more. And he promptly got down in between her legs and shoved his cock inside her, and she was reminded why that was so good, and that tiny voice got quiet - or perhaps loud, her moan of pleasure joining in with the rest of her to the point it couldn't be distinguished.
She got fucked absolutely senseless like that for what felt like eternity, but surely couldn't have been more than a few hours. Occasionally, Issei would leave, coming back with cold water, which she greedily drank down. Her thoughts at those points would have the opportunity to bubble back to coherence, but her thoughts were, well...
Well, the sex was really good. I want to keep having the sex. I can kill him later, after he's done fucking me. Whenever that is. The sex is so good. I want more of the sex. Ah, I finally finished drinking that water, now he can fuck me some more! Yes! He's doing it!
When Issei finally finished fucking her, curling up with his arms wrapped around her naked, sweat-soaked body, his breath soft and tickling at her neck and ear as he drifted off to sleep behind her... she could have tried to kill him. She even considered it, gingerly twisting around to face him, looking at his gorgeous sleeping face, which made her heart beat that little bit faster - purely because she was remembering how hard she got fucked. Her fingers traced across his hard jawline, her eyes wandering southward on his naked body, and her lips slightly parted - purely because she was still recovering from the sex, and needed to breathe.
She definitely could have killed him.
But there was no reason to be in such a rush about it, was there? No, of course not. She should make sure that Rias hadn't cast some sort of spell to protect him, or to warn her when he was attacked. Yes, if she foolishly attacked Issei without investigating things more thoroughly, she would definitely doom herself. There was no sense in being stupid about things.
Issei may have been handsome, and sexy, and delightful, but- what was the but? Oh, that was the wrong thought to be having right now. She was just exhausted, that was why her thoughts were such a mess. What she meant to think was that Issei may have been vulnerable, but there was no sense in being hasty. He'd be vulnerable again, after he fucked her again.
She rubbed her thighs together to that thought, but she knew there was no point in trying to get herself off.
If I kill him, I'll never get fucked like that again.
She drifted off to sleep to that thought.