Harry Potter : Flash Forward

Chapter 85: CH 85

"Alright. What else did you do?" asked Daphne, as Hermione moved off his lap to sit on his other side.

"I bought birthday presents," he smugly replied. "And, no; I'm not telling you what they are. Besides, since some of it involved custom work, I'm not sure what's going to arrive before your birthday, or not. You'll just have to wait until next Friday to find out."

Both witches were clearly excited at this news. "Any hints?" asked Daphne, while Hermione asked "If you got multiple couldn't you at least tell us about one?"

"No and no," he said. "Besides, one of the gifts was the access to my trust vault, and another was all the accounts at the various stores both in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. Do you really think I'd make use of Madam Primpernelle's? Even though she does?

"No, ladies," he firmly explained. "You've already been informed of, and given, two of them."

"But, Harry," Daphne mock-whined. "We can't use any of those until the first Hogsmeade weekend, at least!"

"Ah!" Harry suddenly exclaimed. "I knew I was forgetting something." He reached into his robes and withdrew a stack of folded parchment. "Ta da!" he gleefully exclaimed. "Mail order brochures!"

No sooner had the words been uttered when they were snatched out of his hand by Daphne, who quickly took them back over to the other couch, lest Harry suddenly snatched them back.

Just as she was sitting down, staring at her prize, Daphne beckoned Hermione over to join her. Surprising Harry, she did. And both of his bondmates happily shared the brochures and talked about what they could order.

Using the opportunity of their distraction, Harry quickly ducked into his bedroom, pulled out the bottom drawer of his chest of drawers, and dropped the wand holsters within the now available hollow, before sliding the drawer back. He'd try to talk to Dobby later, in private, about getting them wrapped for him.

Walking back into the living room where the girls were still going through the brochures, he returned to his seat.

"Harry," complained Daphne. "You didn't pick up the latest catalogues."

"There were catalogues?" he asked. "Well, I'm sure Hedwig would love the work. Why not send her, asking for them?"

The two witches glanced at each other for a moment before Hermione suddenly said, "I'll get the stationery," and quickly made her way to her room. Hermione liked to keep her bag on her dresser cum chest of drawers; while Daphne and Harry both kept theirs on their personal bookcases in the living room.

After both witches had gone through writing letters to the various stores and ordering the mail order catalogues for each, Harry finally managed to get some answers out of them about the scan of his personal effects.

"Well," started Daphne. "There were tracking charms on Hedwig and her cage, on your trunk, on your book bag, on that small backpack you've got in the bottom of your trunk, on your second pair of shoes, on your photo album of your parents and their friends, on your photo frame of the picture of your parents holding on to each other, on your comb, and on that funny billed cap you've got. I think that was it."

"Yes, I think it was," agreed Hermione. "And, I had tracking charms on my trunk, my watch, Crookshanks's basket, carrier and collar, my necklace, a couple of my hair combs and my copy of Hogwarts: A History.

"They've now all been stripped away and stuck on various fixtures and furnishings about the apartment."

"Between us," offered Daphne. "We're going to be working on finding a charm that can be affixed to everything that'll send us an alarm and issue a glow, that only we can see, if any other charm is affixed to anything."

"That would be brilliant!" Harry exclaimed. "Now we just have to find a way to deactivate Twinkles's little trinkets that are using blood-based magic to track me."

After a moment of shock, Daphne loudly exclaimed, "He's what?!" Making both Harry and Hermione wince.

"I don't have any proof of it," he replied. "But, I'm pretty sure he's using blood-based tracking on me. I'm pretty sure some of those wheezing and whizzing little gadgets in his office are monitors of me."

"Dobby!" Daphne near-snarled.

With a quick pop, Dobby appeared in the living room almost frightened. "Yes, Miss Daffy?"

Seeing the state of the little elf, both other teens watched as Daphne visibly forced her anger down. Once she seemed to have managed to get control of herself, she looked back at the elf and said, "Dobby, I apologise. I'm not angry with you. I'm angry about something else."

"Miss Daffy apologises to Dobby?" the little elf asked almost awed and in tears. "The great Master Harry Potter sir's Miss Daffy is almost as great a witch as Master Harry is a wizard!" Then he seemed to break down and cry.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Dobby, please stop," she begged. "I need you to tell me something important."

With a last few sniffles Dobby wiped his eyes on his sleeve and asked, "Yes, Miss Daffy?"

"You can track the blood of your master, right?"

"Yes, Miss Daffy!" the little elf beamed. Harry started to suspect the little fellow had a chronic and severe case of Manic Depression.

"Excellent," she firmly stated. "The next time the Headmaster is out of his office and private quarters, can you sneak in and see if there's any of Master Harry's blood in there? And report back to us if there is, and where it is?"

"Dobby can do that," the little elf excitedly said, pleased to be able to help, as it dawned on Harry just how simple that was.

"Good, very good," Daphne sighed. "Thank you, Dobby."

"Yous welcome, Miss Daffy," Dobby replied, before popping away again.

"That's brilliant!" said Harry, a little in awe of how smart his pureblood bondmate was. "Lunch?" he suddenly asked.

"Good idea," replied Hermione, starting to rise.

The three headed back down to the Great Hall.




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