Chapter 84: CH 84
Quickly, the little old man reached under the counter and pulled the required jar out, placing it on the counter next to the six holsters.
Gathering the holsters and jar up, Harry dropped them into one of his large inside pockets. Then, just before he swept out of the store, he snarled, "I was never here."
After he'd gone, the old man relaxed and muttered, "Who was never here?"
Back out in the alley, Harry wended his way back to Diagon Alley, stripped the second glamour away and dropped his hood. He ducked in to Flourish & Blott's to set up an account for both of his ladies. Then did the same next door at Madam Malkin's and next door, again, at Madam Primpernelle's. At each he also sought to be placed on mailing lists. Thinking about it a bit, he also added Twillfit and Tattings, the Owl Emporium and a couple of other stores. Finally, he headed back to the Leaky Cauldron, and Floo'ed back to the Three Broomsticks.
Once in Hogsmeade he headed to Gladrags and created an account for himself and both girls to use, then ducked next door to Scrivenshaft's and did the same. In both, he also sought to be added to their mailing lists, too.
Once he was satisfied he'd accomplished what he wanted to accomplish, he headed to the Shrieking Shack, entered through the same rear window he used to exit earlier, and took the hidden passage back to the Whomping Willow.
A quick whack on the knot and he donned his invisibility cloak to walk back to the castle.
Once inside, he found an empty alcove where he removed the cloak and the glamour and made his way back to the apartment.
Stepping inside, both witches grapple-hugged him with soft cries of, "Oh Merlin, we were so worried! You're okay, aren't you?"
"I'm fine," he calmly replied. As they backed off him, and he made his way to collapse onto one of the couches, he asked, "Now, what did I miss?"
"Nothing that we know of," replied Daphne. "We were getting worried because it's almost lunchtime and you weren't back."
"So, what happened?" Hermione asked. "Where did you go? Did you get everything done you needed to?"
"I went into Gringotts where I got yelled at by the Potter Senior Account Keeper for ignoring his mail to me. I explained to him about the mail redirections and asked him, just in case, to send everything to me care of you, Hermione. And started the prep work for my emancipation that's going to occur when my name comes out of the Goblet.
"Oh, and as per one of my tasks, alerted them to the Cup horcrux in the Lestrange vault. For doing so, they awarded me ten percent of the contents as, what the goblin called, 'Finder's Fee'. As part of that, I get the Cup once they remove the horcrux from it. I should be able to pick it up on the 1st of November."
"You didn't tell him how you know that's going to happen, did you?" asked Hermione, a little worried.
"No, of course not," he replied. "I just implied I knew my name would be selected. I did not tell him why I knew.
"I then did a bit of shopping for things that'll be delivered during the week. And set a few accounts up at some stores. Then, I simply came back here, making sure I wasn't recognised or spotted for the whole time."
Both girls then looked relieved.
"What store accounts did you set up, Harry?" asked Daphne.
With a smirk, he replied, "Well, first I set up my Gringotts accounts to give both you ladies access. You'll need..."
"You what?!" both girls practically shouted.
With a wince at the shout but still smirking, he explained, "I set up my accounts with Gringotts to give both you ladies access. We're bonded and we're going to be married. This was the right thing to do."
"But, Harry," whined Hermione. "We can empty you out; spend all your money; send you broke."
"For starters, he explained, "No, you can't. At least, not right away. You only have access to the same vault I currently have access to. And that's my trust vault.
"When my emancipation is recognised by the goblins I'll have full access to the other two vaults. At that time, I'll create individual family member vaults for the pair of you. When we're married, I'll grant you access to the rest, except for the specific Head of House stuff.
"As Daphne can attest, this is normal." Looking over at the other girl, Daphne nodded. "And I'm going to set up the family member vaults with a substantial monthly stipend; so, you'll never want for anything. It's my responsibility to make sure you are both financially cared for; and I intend to be very good at doing that."
With an initial frown leading to a sigh and nod of acceptance, Hermione asked, "And what other accounts did you set up?"
"Well... since you're being so pushy to get the information... it's something I was going to tell you as part of your birthday present from me," he offered. "I wanted to tell you that I'm going to treat each of your birthdays as if it's also a birthday of the other. That is, you'll both have birthday presents for Hermione's birthday next Friday, and... actually, when is your birthday, Daphne?"
"The 12th of May," she replied.
"Then from me you'll both receive birthday presents for Daphne's birthday on the 12th of May." With a chuckle he explained, "It makes it easier for me and I'm not spoiling one of you over the other, even if it is your birthday."
"Well, I won't say no to an extra birthday," Daphne smirked.
"Or more birthday presents," Hermione added.
"Good," he firmly said. "Now, using the time I had, in Diagon Alley I set up accounts for the three of us with Flourish & Blott's, Madam Malkin's, Twillfit and Tattings and, for you two, Madam Primpernelle's. On my way back, I passed through Hogsmeade and set up accounts for the three of us at Gladrags and Scrivenshaft's."
"Wow," exclaimed Hermione, a little shocked. "Just, wow!"
Daphne came over and plonked herself on Harry's lap where she proceeded to give him a most intense but short snog. Pulling back, she said, "What such a clever and loving bondmate you are."
Not wanting to be left out, Hermione came over and tapped Daphne on the shoulder. Daphne hopped off Harry's lap and moved to sit beside him as Hermione took her own spot on his lap. She, too, also gave him an intense but short snog. "Yes, you are," she softly agreed.
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