God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 42 Teasing her step-son

Tommy returned back inside the canteen and retrieved a blanket from his item box before throwing it over the elf.

((I notice we only retrieved the blanket after getting a good feel off her thighs and her breasts on our back kekeke.))


Tommy carefully picked the elf up in a princess carry before leaving the emporium and heading down the street away from the guard at the main entrance.

Once he was out of sight of the guard he took a turn at the next intersection and headed for the central district.

(Wasn't planning on heading back to the Forest Rest so soon.)

((Well we were not expecting to have to rescue an elf.))


Tommy kept to the shadows as much as possible, while he was dressed like a guard he was bound to draw suspicion from other guards that saw him carrying a woman down the street.

Thankfully he reached the Forest Rest without any trouble and approached the entrance that now had a sign attached saying 'Temporarily closed for cleaning'.

Tommy started to knock on the door while praying that his knocking would only attract the attention of those inside the Forest Rest and no one else.

After a few minutes of knocking Tommy heard footsteps approaching before the door opened a crack and a pair of eyes looked out.

"Evening sir guard, how can I help you?" Merno asked respectfully.

"It's me." Tommy said, tilting his head up slightly so that Merno could recognize him behind the guards helmet.

"Tommy!" Merno said in surprise before she opened it fully.

Tommy entered quickly before Merno shut and locked the door.

"Why are you here? You said you were going to stay away until things calmed down?" Merno asked.

"Change of plans." Tommy said as he entered the bar area and lay the female elf on the table before removing the blanket from her face.

"An elf." Merno said in surprise before asking. "Why are you carrying an unconscious elf?"


"Could you repeat that?" King Glador said.

"Kir-kin Suthuld is dead, he seems to have been executed in his own personal iron chair sire." A servant reported.

"How was he executed? And do we know who did it?" Glador asked.

"He had his throat slit, it appears that the murderer planed to torture him initially seeing as Kir-kin was strapped into the iron chair, however because of the tip off the guards received, they must have interrupted him and so he slit his throat before fleeing." The assistant explained. "Unfortunately at this time we have no idea who the culprit is."

"Where did the tip come from?" Glador asked.

"Earl Glurnav, it seems he was there with his daughter to purchase her a personal servant for her sixteenth birthday, when some slaves escaped she hid out of fear and happened to hear a fight break out in Kir-kin's office." 

"What do you mean some slaves escaped?" Glador questioned.

"Our current hypothesis is that the murderer released the slaves that were being held at Suthuld's personal servant emporium as a distraction to allow him access to Kir-kin's office"

"And what happened to these slaves?" Glador asked with a frown.

"A few were caught, "the servant said before adding hesitantly. "However, most escapes."

"Only a few? Are you telling me that slaves are loose in my city?" Glador asked angrily.

"I'm afraid so sire, it seems the culprit somehow managed to remove their slave collars before releasing them." The assistant answered. "The dungeon they were kept in had slave collars on the floor that had had their lock cut."

"Is such a thing possible? Those locks are incredibly small and metal cutters are too big to cut them when attached to the slave collars." Glador asked.

The assistant shook his head before saying, "we are unsure what the culprit used ether sire."

"Have you already informed the other bastards?" Glador asked.

"Regarding that sire." The assistant said before hesitating.

"Out with it." Glador commanded.

"It's about the other special individuals sire, it would seem that both Yua Huang and Tai Paom have also been killed."


"What are you shouting about shrivel dick?" Tinen asked as she sashayed into the room.

Glador cursed internally as he was sure this woman purposely made herself more sexy to wind him up since she wouldn't let him touch her anymore.

The assistant bowed towards Queen Tinen without commenting on the name she used to address the king, it was as if it was a common occurrence.

"Why are you here Tinin?" Glador asked.

"It's not like I want to be, but your shouting is disturbing the entire castle so someone had to come and tell you to keep it down. Tinen answered. "Honestly if you ejaculated as much cum as spit that comes out your mouth when you yell I may have become pregnant quicker and wouldn't have needed to put up with your shrivel dick as long as I did."

"BITCH." Glador cursed in anger.

"Yeah yeah, now are you going to tell me what happened or do I need to waste my time finding out myself." Tinen replied completely unbothered by his insults.

Glador was well aware that Tinen had spies inside his inner circle, however every time he tried to remove them he always ended up losing more than he gained.

Glador sighed before motioning for the assistant to repeat what he just reported.

Tinen revealed a shocked look on her face as she heard the assistant's report which made Glador feel slightly smug that he wasn't the only one who reacted that way.

What he didn't realize however was that Tinen's display was all a show and she was actually smiling happily inside, though she had to admit that she was shocked and impressed at the fact that Tommy Smith had already killed three of the leaders in one night.

Not only that, while killing both Tai Paom and Kir-kin Suthuld he had damaged their primary businesses and therefore their criminal organization.

"So that idiot son of yours from one of your concubines was present when Tai Paom was murdered?" Tinen asked before adding. "It's a shame he didn't kill him also."

"Bitch watch your mouth when speaking about my son." Glador responded, however Tinen just ignored him.

"Apparently Prince Mirvef was threatened by the culprit who murdered Tai Paom." The assistant informed them.

"Oh!" Tinen said with interest before turning to a guard. "Guard summon that bastard son of this shrivel dick at once."

The guard started to sweat slightly upon hearing the order and looked at Glador for confirmation.

Glador sighed before nodding since he too wished to ask his son about this.

The guard saluted before leaving to complete his task.

"As for Yua Huang, you're saying she seems to have died in a similar way to that spendthrift Elurel?" Tinen asked.

"Yes we will have to wait on the autopsy to be certain, however herself and the naked man with her both with exception for the position have a similar hole in their head to Princess Elurel, almost as if whatever killed them passed through the naked man's head before penetrating Princess Elurel's." The assistant answered.

There was silence for a few minutes as they considered this, however while Glador was seething in anger and trying to think of possible solutions, Tinen was laughing on the inside at her 'husbands' troubles, she was honestly getting more and more interested and impressed with this Tommy Smith.

As they were in deep thought someone entered the room while saying, "you summoned me father?"

Mirvef bowed politely to his father while shooting a lustful glance at his step mother.

Tinen smirked when noticing this as it happened every time Mirvef saw her, however just like his father the boy had no chance of ever touching her. Still that didn't mean she wouldn't tease him and build up his hopes and dreams before letting him crash down with reality, she slightly adjusted her stance so that more of her skin was visible to the horny teenager.

"Mirvef why did you leave the palace earlier tonight after I explicitly forbid anyone from doing so?" Glador asked angrily as he noticed that his son was lusting after his wife while she encouraged it.

Mirvef licked his lips slightly as he examined Tinen more as the lust in his eyes grew before he registered what his father had said and turned to answer him.

"Apologies father, I was informed by one of my friends that Tirma Narkun had arrived in the city earlier that day and used the opportunity to invite her out with the intention of building a relationship with her like you suggested."

"Tirma Narkun?" Tinen said in actual surprise this time. "The daughter of Duke Narkun from the imperial capital?"

"The very same beloved step-mother." Mirvef replied flatteringly hoping to get a response from Tinen.

Tinen didn't disappoint and gave him a wink along with a sexy smile making his body heat up in excitement.

"And what happened?" Glador asked as his anger grew.

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