God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 41 Escsping with a sleeping elf

"Go on." Tommy said.

"The position of princess Elurel's mansion." Kir-kin said before explaining. "It's right next to the castle since she is of royal blood, therefore almost as far from the walls that split the noble section of the central district with the rest as you can get. There is no way you could fire an arrow or crossbow bolt that far with such accuracy while still having it retain enough power and velocity."

Tommy clapped again before saying. "Once again correct, however what if I didn't use a crossbow or a bow but a different weapon?" 

"What weapon?" Kir-kin asked. "There are no other weapons powerful enough." 

Tommy just smiled in response before saying. "Well enough with our pleasant conversation and let's get down to business. Where is the elf?"

"What elf?" Kir-kin replied instantly.

"I see you're a decent liar." Tommy said before pulling a dagger out of his pocket (item box). "Unfortunately I already know there is an elf here that your keeping sedated until a magic slave collar arrives

Kir-kin's eyes flickered slightly before saying. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Alright pain it is." Tommy said before stabbing Kir-kin in the leg."

Kir-kin yelled in pain which only increased in volume as Tommy twisted the knife.

"You see." Tommy said as he removed the knife. "You're going to die, that's for certain, the question is how much pain you want to feel before I kill you."

"You wouldn't…" Kir-kin started but his voice turned to another scream of pain as Tommy stabbed his other leg.

"The only thing I want to hear coming out of your mouth is the location of the elf, if anything else comes out I stab you." Tommy said with a smile after removing the knife.

"But….. AAAHHHH." Kir-kin started again before he was once again stabbed in the leg.

Tommy pulled the knife out before saying, "now you're probably thinking I won't keep stabbing you since the more I stab you the more blood you lose and the quicker you die right?" Tommy asked without waiting for an answer. "Well normally you would be right, however look at your leg wound."

Lie-kin looked down at his leg and noticed that his wound had somehow been sealed, however it wasn't sealed by his own flesh, it was some sort of sticky substance that appeared wherever there was blood. "How…AAAAHHHHH." 

"Tut tut, that's not the answer I'm looking for." Tommy said after stabbing again. "In answer to your question however, this dagger is coated with a special liquid that when mixed with blood forms a sticky substance that seals wounds." 

"Of course there is a slight downside to this, since it forms when it contacts with any blood that naturally means it is forming with the blood that's still inside your body. Normally this liquid is used for emergency medical treatment and so is only applied to the external wound, however when it's used like I have… well you get the idea."

"Are you saying…. AAAAHHHHH." kir-kin began to ask before being stabbed again.

"Come now I thought you would be smarter than this, I mean you are the leader of an entire criminal organization." Tommy replied.

Tommy was about to continue when he suddenly heard through an open window that looked down on the street outside the sound of many guards all dressed in armor walking up the street towards the emporium.

((Well shit, and here we gave that spoiled brat a lecture hoping that she would mature.))

(She apparently was either too dumb or too pig headed to get the hint.)

((Doesn't matter now, she just put herself on our shit list and became our hydra blood test subject.))

Tommy slashed Kir-kin Suthuld's throat and watched as the blood and life drained from him before his head dropped to his chest just as he died.

((Three down, two to go.))

Tommy turned and looked at the second man who accompanied Kir-kin Suthuld into the room before ignoring him and walking out the door.

He started to move along the upper corridor quickly checking different rooms until he came to one that was locked.

Not having any time for subtlety, Tommy kicked the door open before entering and looking around.

On a basic cot lay the most beautiful woman Tommy had ever seen.

The elf had long golden hair with the perfect hourglass figure and perfect skin that did not contain a single blemish, scar, spot or anything that would detract from her beauty.

Tommy stood frozen for a moment.

((Whistle, now that's true beauty right there, those authors didn't lie about the unreal beauty of elves.))

(She is way more beautiful than any celebrity from back on earth.)

As Tommy was thinking this he realized that the guards had arrived outside the emporium.

(Shit, I can't sneak out in the uniform since that spoiled brat has probably informed them about me wearing it.)

((Also how would we explain the naked elf we were carrying.))

((We could shoot our way out."))

(While that's true I'm trying to conserve ammo until I know if my production method works, remember.)

((Didn't stop you at the adventurer's guild kekeke.))

(That was the quickest and safest way out at the time, also if we start killing city guards it won't be long before they station guards to protect the other three once they figure out I'm after them.)

((We could always use the caped crusader approach.))

(We are only on the second floor and I don't want to waste equipment.)

((How about the item box.))

(She's an elf not a…. Wait, would that work?)

Tommy touched the female elves shoulder and tried to store her in his item box.

Unfortunately nothing happened.


((Worth a try. Distraction it is then.))

(Fuck, I really wanted to save them as well, I will never a chance to buy more after all.)

Tommy sighed before crouching down with his back facing the female elf.

He then carefully rolled her over so that her head and arms draped over his shoulders.

Carefully he started to stand up while grabbing her things to hold her in place.

((Come on you know you want to grab her butt instead.))


He left the room and looked out of one of the hallways windows to find that the city guards had just entered the courtyard below.

Tommy headed towards one of the rooms that looked out over the street before sneaking a glance out the window to the street below.


There were city guards stationed in front of both the main and staff entrance he had used.

Tommy headed out of the room before making his way towards a set of stairs on the opposite side of the courtyard to the ones he had used previously.

All the guards were focused on using the other set of stairs, apparently the spoiled brat had told them right where to find him.

As Tommy reached the top of the stairs he pulled a lighter and Chinese firecrackers out of his item box.

He had purchased the Chinese firecrackers the last time he did a job in china.

He ripped the firecrackers in half and threw one lot back into the item box before he lit the fuse on the other half, he then threw them as far from the entrance to the staff canteen as possible.

As Tommy reached the bottom of the stairs he scanned the area the firecrackers went off. The bangs and pops of the firecrackers quickly attracted the attention of all the city guards present in the emporium as they rushed over to investigate.

Taking the opportunity while no one was looking in his direction he moved quickly and quietly towards the staff canteen before entering it.

The canteen was empty and Tommy made his way towards the staff entrance before he stopped at the table next to it and layed the elf down upon it.

Afterwards he approached the staff entrance and slowly opened the door so that it wouldn't make any noise.

Just outside he saw the back of the city guard he saw earlier from the floor above looking up and down the street.

Tommy peeked around the corner to see the other city guard in front of the main entrance, when he saw him look away from the staff entrance he quickly grabbed the city guard in front of him while covering his mouth and pulled him back into the canteen.

Once out of sight of the other guard Tommy gave his guard a quick chop to the back of the neck.

As the chop interrupted the blood flow to the brain the guard fell unconscious to the ground.

Tommy quickly stripped the guard of his clothing before throwing it on and stepping outside while closing the door behind him just as the guard from the main entrance arrived.

"Everything ok?" The main entrance guard asked.

"Fine, the captain just wanted a quick word." Tommy replied.

"Oh poor you, has he given you some shit job? Rather you than me." The main entrance guard asked.

"I know right can't believe my luck, they found an unconscious female inside that they can't wake up for some reason and the captain wants me to take her to the nearest guard house, so you need to watch this entrance as well until I return.." Tommy explained.

Really? Well shit, just make it quick alright, I was supposed to finish an hour ago but got dragged into this mess." The main entrance guard groaned before asking. "Have you heard if they found the culprit?"

Tommy shook his head before answering. "No idea, though apparently they found a dead body."

The main entrance guard whistled before walking back to his post while saying. "Remember to be quick."

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