For The Goddess Imperatoress!

Chapter 58: C58 Ghosts Of The Fallen

"Make It double"

Lilith barked as she slapped her card on the counter.

"You heard the tomboy, two bottles"

I lazily called out to the barmen who quickly snatched the two bottles from the shelf and placed them on the counter.

While the night clubs patrons quickly called the security, who upon seeing the situation Immediately dialed the police.

Before the police could even say a thing I threw them my military ID card causing the police team to Immediately contact the nearest MPs who so happened to be from my panzergranadier division.

By the time the two MPs In urban camoflague field uniforms, armored vests and red berets with sidearms strapped to their right hips arrived.

I and Lilith were so drunk that we could barely stay awake.

"Sir please come with us"

The higher ranking NCO said as he did I and Lilith stood up and followed the two out of the nightclub towards the parked military jeep.

"Don't worry sir we will make sure no one knows about you're little misadventure"

The NCO said while smiling as he opened the back door for Lilith and me.


I thanked the man as I got Into the car.

"Back to barracks sir or...?"

The man asked as he got Into his driver's seat.

"The barracks"

I muttered out as I closed my heavy as lead eyes.

"Understood sir"

The man said as he Ignited the engine of the car.

As we walked Into our company's barracks corridor the on-duty soldier with a sidearm strapped to his hip and field cap on his head, stood up and saluted us.

"Sir staff sergeant, 3rd company's watchman first class private Drake, during my watch nothing happened!"

The soldier reported In one breath.

"At ease"

I said making the soldier sit back down on his chair while I and Lilith continued to make our way towards our rooms only for Lilith to sandwich my arm between her breasts.

"Hey, let's drink some more"

Lilith suggested while looking at me with those puppy eyes of hers.


I muttered as I opened my rooms door and walked inside while turning on the electric lamps.

That revealed my spartan and utilitarian room with my country's, military, and divisions flags pinned to the wall behind my desk.

I walked to my locker and took out a whiskey bottle with two glasses while Lilith locked my rooms door.

"You better be In you're uniform at 08.00 o'clock sharp"

I threatened Lilith who was my company's first platoon's first squads commander.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Lilith mumbled as she grabbed the glass that I just filled up and downed It in one go.

It didn't take long before the bottle got emptied.

I downed my last shot and placed the empty glass on my table while leaning Into my leather comfy chair.

"Hey you're already 30, when are you going to find yourself a woman?"

Lilith sitting opposite me asked as she placed her crossed hands on the table while leaning towards me, allowing me to catch a glimpse of her cleavage.

"You do know that you have been asking the same question for the past 8 years right?"

I asked while leaning my head to the side.

"And you never answer"

Lilith said as she jumped over the table and sat down on my legs, causing me to furrow my brows.

"What are you doing?"

I asked while looking at her golden eyes.

"Drac are you dumb or what?"

Lilith finally asked the question that she's been trying to ask for all these years but didn't have the courage to.

"Lil, you're my little sister..."

I said after sighing heavily.

"Adopted sister and for f*ck sake, I come from Ottoman ancestry and you from the balts there's no f*cking way that were blood related by even one percent."

Lilith immediately corrected me, hearing this I fell Into silence because truthfully If I said I didn't feel any lust for Lilith I would be lying.

Seeing this Lilith grabbed my face with her hands and Invaded my mouth with her tongue.

At first I resisted but It didn't take long before I answered In kind, by wrapping my hand around her back and ass.

As I did I stood up and pressed Lilith onto my table.

"Lil are you sure about this?"

I asked as we parted our lips after finally running out of breath.

"Just f*ck me already"

Lilith barked causing me to lose all of my rationality.


"Drac, Drac!"

Hope's voice snapped me out of my trance, and I looked at her with confusion.

For a brief moment, her image overlapped with Lilith's, but it quickly vanished, leaving me sobered up.

Damn it, now I understand why I'm so drawn to her - she reminds me too much of Lilith. I cursed silently in my mind.

"Yeah, I hear you,"

I replied, my tone slightly angry, which didn't go unnoticed by Hope.

"Hey, are you alright? I've been calling out to you for a minute,"

She asked, concern evident in her voice.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it,"

I trailed off, my eyes focused on the holographic pins.

Hope furrowed her brows, sensing that something was off with me.

Though she didn't know exactly what was wrong, her intuition as a woman was ringing alarm bells in her mind.

She made a mental note to get to the bottom of it once they returned to her world.

"Take us to this one first,"

I said, pointing at the nearest distress beacon.


Yin replied, yanking her stick and increasing the thruster's output, propelling the gunship towards our first destination.

It didn't take long before we spotted a 240-centimeter-tall humanoid floating silently in space, covered in battle-damaged power armor together with his primary weapon which was the same as mine.

"Depressurize, and take him In"

I ordered as I did Yin did just that, first all the air got sucked out from the gunship then the ramp lowered down.

As It did Yin skillfully maneuvered the gunship around and reversed causing my battlebrothers to float inside once safely inside the gunship, Yin closed the ramp.

As she did I walked to my battle brother whose number 1 was barely visible on his chest, stuffed him Into a crash seat, and buckled the safety belt.

It would take some time before his AI repaired his body to deem him fit for regaining his consciousness.

We continued to gather the other ,4 members of my death chain In a similar fashion.

As we collected the last member who had a laser gattling gun as a primary weapon, Yin voiced her concern.

"I don't like to be a party pooper but I'm running low on fuel, so unless you want to get stuck In space for the rest of eternity or try performing a crash landing we need to go back now."

Yin said while looking back at me as I secured my battle brother who was my chains heavy support specialist.

"Got It give me a sec"

I said as I called out to SAI 0 inside my mind.

"SAI 0 download yourself Into my TAI 0 chip"

I ordered only for SAI 0 to voice out her protests.

"I'm sorry sir but youre order directly violates a dozen of UNOE armed forces safety regulations"

SAI 0 declared as she materialized In my view.

"F*ck the UNOE and Its safety regulations, Im the highest living NCO my words are the law, or is there anyone else still alive who has a higher rank?"

I asked causing SAI 0 to fall silent as her bio server in the heart of Ares made up of countless machinery with Lilith's partially decomposed brain acting as the core worked overtime to confirm my words.

"You a correct sir, you are the highest ranking soldier alive to my knowledge, according to the UNOE constitution which makes you the president effective immediately because everyone else Is presumed to be dead and because it is a time of war as a president you have the legal power to overwrite all and any safety regulations"

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