Chapter 57: C57 Echoes Of The Past
But when did I ever give a f*CK about what other people think of me?
Plus we weren't blood related, she was an Immigrant orphan from the Middle East whose parents got killed by stray bullets from one of the gangs that decided to duke It out In the middle of the street.
Once she got adopted by my family she developed a brocon complex which was partially influenced by my abusive stepfather for me and well, one thing led to another.
And In the end one day after getting totally wasted together with Lilith I woke up In my barracks bed only to see that Lilith was sleeping next to me In my bed.
I thought only for my past memories to resurface In my mind.
"Two glasses of whiskey."
Lilith dressed In a black short cut mini dress with a romb cut exposing her ample cleavage and fish net lines exposing her shoulders.
The dress clung tightly to her toned through numerous PTs hourglass shaped figure.
Coupled with black fish net stockings that clung tightly to her darker tone athletic legs.
Two golden round earrings adorned her ears.
Shouted at top of her voice as we sat down on the nearest to our military bases nightclubs counters chair while the clubs techno music rang in our ears.
Hearing this the bartender gave Lilith a thumbs up as he danced in place to the DJ's rhythm only for Liliths mood to change upon noticing the lecherous gazes fixed on her.
"Tch! A bunch of horny f*cks"
Lilith cursed under her breath.
"If you're bothered by It so much then just put on an oversized hoodie and sport pants next time we're on leave"
I suggested as I grabbed the glass of whiskey with pieces of ice that the barman just placed on the counter and downed it in one go.
"And loose the chance to seduce my big bad bro? Not happening "
Lilith joked as she grabbed her whiskey and downed It in one go.
"Again with that brocon nonsense, jeez lil you're already 26 find yourself a man already"
I said while rolling my eyes at Lilith's antics.
"Don't wanna"
Lilith said while sticking out her tongue while extending her two fingers to signal the barmen that we wanted a refill.
"Say bro, you never told me how you got you're nickname"
Lilith asked as she grabbed her glass and once again downed It In one go.
"You do know that It's my birthday"
I said while looking at her golden eyes.
"Yeah and what of It?"
Lilith asked Innocently with that teary eyes expression of hers that always worked on me.
I started saying in my usual emotionless and cold tone as the unpleasant memories of what I experienced during my 10 years of service surfaced in my mind.
"...I'll tell you about It"
I finished my words as I downed the filled-up glass that the barman just placed in one go and asked for a refill again.
"We got into a f*cking ambush and it was an utter cluster f*ck of epic proportions..."
I started recounting my first battle as I relived it in my mind.
"Air support! We need f*cking air support you sons of b*tches!"
My companys commander screamed into his wrecked IFVs radio only for a howitzers 150 mm HE shell to explode too close to his full of dents IFV.
That I was taking cover behind while pouring out lead from my modified assault rifle at the advancing towards us infantry.
As I lay on the muddy ground with my bloodred view spinning from the blood leaking out from my forehead and the concussion from the explosion.
While the only thing I could hear in my head was the sound of my own heartbeat.
I saw my screaming and squirming wounded platoon battle brothers get dragged to cover by their comrades as the damaged IFVs gunners kept rotating and firing their 30 mm APHE rounds.
From their already red hot auto canons barrels left and right while the HE shells from the howitzers kept exploding all around us sending hot shrapnel everywhere.
"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"
A soldier trying to stuff back his guts screamed at the top of his lungs as a paramedic gave him a shot of morphine.
Another soldier covered in flames ran out from just destroyed IFV by a lucky HE shell that Impacted the IFVs front and started rolling on the muddy ground until he got burned into coal.
"...and I still have f*cking nightmares about it, no matter how I try I can't forget even one detail."
I finished my words as I exhaled a cloud of smoke from my mouth after taking out my vape and Inhaling It.
I looked at my platoon's horrifically burned commander whose urban camo field uniform, his armored vest, skin, and muscles had melted into one vomiting-inducing mess as he begged with his burned vocal cords.
"Kill me..."
"He's not going to live the morphine that Mike gave him is only going to prolong his suffering you should just put a bullet in his head and let him rest in piece."
"My platoon's second in command said as he placed his left hand onto my right shoulder."
"Why not do it yourself, sir?"
I asked in a calm cold-blooded voice devoid of any emotions or feelings.
"Look at my hand."
The man said as he showed me his trembling right hand.
"I can't do it I'm barely holding on I feel like I'll break down at any moment but you are the only one who seems fine for god's sake seargent Dracula look around you you're a natural-born killer."
My superior said as he pointed at my still-alive battle brothers who were either crying quietly while curled up in a fetus position.
Or just silently stared blankly into the sky with their eyes which gave the impression that their souls had left their bodies.
I wordlessly pulled out my pistol and pulled the bolt back causing a fresh round to enter the firing chamber while walking closer to my commander.
As I pointed my pistol at my commander's forehead I saw him smile as he said the words that shaped me Into the man I am today.
"Promise... me to... live on... no matter... what... so... that... I can... live... in your... memory."
"I promise."
I answered as I pulled the trigger causing everyone to grab their weapons like scarred rabbits and look at the source of the gunshot.
Only to see me rip off a burned flesh and fabric-covered dog tag from the commander's chain with my left hand while I inserted my pistol back into the holster tied around my same filthy uniform-covered right thigh.
Only for a random drunk troublemaker to pull me out from my memory train.
"Hey, there sweet cheeks"
The tall and burly man dressed In bikers clothes said as he slapped Lilith's firm ass causing It to riple.
"Do you want me to take care of him or...?"
I asked while looking at Lilith who had a murderous look on her face.
"No need"
Lilith said as she grabbed her glass and smashed It straight at the troublemakers face.
Followed by a right hook straight to the man's jaw that caused him to black out Instantly.
"You're f*cking lucky I'm In a good mood you f*ck!"
Lilith cursed as she spewed a gulp of saliva onto the bleeding man's face who had glass shards embedded In it.
While giving the man's ribs a few sickening kicks for good measure.
"Well we might as well get dead drunk before the MPs come"
I said as I ordered a whole whiskey bottle from the dumbfounded barmen.