For The Goddess Imperatoress!

Chapter 43: C43 Awakening Of The Demigoddess

"Come over'

The doc said after he was ready as we did we stepped Inside the surgical room with the doc already with a medical mask and medical glow on his hand as he disinfected his robotic fingers and medical instruments.

"Strip to youre panties and lay down on the table"

The doc ordered to Hope as he pointed at the disinfected simple metal table that had no high-tech wear in It at all.

"Why down to my panties can't I keep my bra on?"

Hope not pleased at the prospect of the doc ogling at her boobs asked.

"We will have to open your chest that's why"

I explained for the dock who started disinfecting the implants.


Hope said after sighing as she started taking off her gear and clothes until she was left only In her panties.

"Lay down"

The doc said causing Hope who was holding her breasts with her arm because she still didn't feel comfortable to lie down on the table as she did she felt a needle prick her neck but before she could voice out her complaints she blacked out.

As she did, we started by making a surgical incision to remove the skin with her hair Intact and sawing out a piece of her skull.

I was the one telling what to do and the good doctor was actually doing the procedures with his robotic hands surgical tools.

"Now Insert this microchip between her brain's two halves and once youre done connecting the nerves close up her skull"

I said as I oversaw Doc's actions.

"Easier said than done"

The dock muttered as he did his magic, once done the doc put back the piece of skull in and put back the skin with hair back on.

Next, we moved on to Implanting the cybernetic eye lenses into Hope's eyes, after that was done we opened up Hope's chest and proceeded to surgically Implant the cybernetic Implants into her organs.

After that, we proceeded to Implant additional organs such as a second heart which had to be surgically connected to her original one, a third lung which also had to be surgically connected to her respiratory system, and a bunch of other organs.

And that was pretty much It, the only augmentations she didn't receive were the brain surgery to disable her pain receptors, parts of the brain responsible for emotions and feelings, the ability to rest parts of her brain, and a bunch of other surgical augmentations to her body such as making her Infertile and so on.

Which not only required special materials such as nanocomposite alloy to cover her bones but also state of the art medical Instruments that the doc didn't have and besides I didn't feel like taking away Hope's humanity from her.

By the time were were done a whole 24 hours had passed and the Doc was on the verge of collapse.

Once he Implanted the last biomechanical organ Hopes AI came online, Immediattly my AI conveyed that Its old host was dead and Its current host was lawfully authorized by me highest-ranking NCO of the first cosmic marine Legion.

Once TAI 125 confirmed my authorization codes It scanned Hope's body with the help of her nervous system.

Once done It started Integrating the cybernetic Implants and the biomechanical organs with her original organs perfectly while at the same time prompting her biomechanical organ responsible for producing the biomechanical cells to slowly heal any Internal damage she received.

Over the course of coming years, her biomechanical organs would slowly fuse her ribcage Into one solid plate, enlarge her skeletal structure and make her bones denser, make her muscles denser, and in the end reform her body Into that of a demigodess that was fit to receive the final augmentations.

At least that's what should have happened yet to my astonishment right In front of my eyes her height started rapidly Increasing until It reached two meters, her chest grew to become E cup, her hips widened and so did her ass muscles Increase.

While her body became further refined putting on a layer of lean ripped muscles but at the same time keeping her feminine charm to the extreme.

The Doc almost had a heart attack after seeing this, he turned and looked at me with as If asking what the f*ck Is going on?

Only to see me look at him with an equally clueless expression, I too had no Idea what the f*ck was going on.

"I'm not dreaming right?"

The man couldn't help but ask as he rubbed his eyes only to see a two meters tall goddess of war with fresh and neat surgical scars all over her body lying on his operating table.

"Nope youre definitely not..."

I muttered as I looked at Hope with narrowed eyes, no matter how I thought about It there was only one explanation and that was Hope's g*ddamn system, It seemed like It wasnt content on waiting for Hope to finish her transformation normally.

It didn't take long before Hope opened her purple eyes with Ice-blue glowing pupils same as mine a wealth of information flooded her blue HUD view.

She could see her AI display everything about Dracula, from what he was wearing to how many bullets he had Inside his sidearm.

For her It was a completely new experience, the AI kept analyzing every object and displaying Its Information for Hope just like It was designed to do.

"Urghhh my head Is killing me"

Hope groaned as she sat up on the operating table causing her panties to dig Into her flesh uncomfortably.

F*ck not again!

Hope cursed Inside her mind because of the uncomfortableness she was feeling as she opened her system provided status while hearing Dracula explain her headaches reason.

"Its normal the AI Is stuffing youre brain with cosmic marines standard Info package for recruits which ranges from how to operate every firearm ever created perfectly to how to pilot a dropship and any other essential thing a cosmic marine needs"

I explained as I grabbed Hope's clothes and threw them to her only to hear the shocked Hope curse at the top of her lungs.

"Holy s*it 6000 kilograms of bench press strength, 100 kilometers per hour, and what's with this ridiculous lifespan of one thousand years?!"

Hope who was utterly shocked at her new stats couldn't help but blurt out with shock written all over her face.

"Stop cursing and put on some clothes already or do you want the good doc to keep staring at those humongous t*ts of yours"

I barked causing the doctor to turn around and exit the operating room because he just had enough of the today's madness.

"As for youre bench strength I don't recommend ever trying to press more than two tones otherwise youre bones gonna snap"

"Why? My system status clearly states that I can bench press 6 tons so what gives?''

Hope asked looking at me with a suspicious look, hearing this I couldn't help but sigh.

"It's because youre bones aren't covered In nanocomposite alloy, for f*cks sake, It should have taken a couple of years for youre body to finish Its transformation but that system of yours compressed It into minutes!"

I explained while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Umm got It thanks for the heads up''

Hope said as she started putting on her clothes only to comment that her bra could no longer fit her breasts.

"F*ck, they got bigger again!"

Hope cursed as she threw away her bra after failing to put It on and opted to just put on her black combat shirt which barely fit.

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