For The Goddess Imperatoress!

Chapter 42: C42 The Doctor's Bargain

She finally did and she almost had a heart attack the HHDs number one buggymen the Infamous prince of death who was already feared by many even before becoming a cosmic marine.

Had come back from the dead, the fact that he didn't snap her neck then and there when she provoked him.

Was a f*cking miracle considering his psychic profile that her government managed to obtain after painstaking efforts.

The man suffered from Schizophrenia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Dissociative Identity Disorder, PTSD, and many other things.

The man was a walking time bomb that could explode any second, though somehow he seemed to be In perfect control.

Maybe the UNOE fixed him?

The pimp thought as she saw Dracula and Hope walk out from her establishment.


"So youre a commander of a death chain huh and a sergeant major to boot, why didn't you tell me about It?"

Hope asked as we crossed the street.

"Because you never asked"

I shrugged my shoulders as I entered the butcher only to see the doc looking the same as last time lazily reading a yellowed p*rn magazine.

Hearing our footsteps the man lazily lowered down the magazine and after seeing us smiled In the best smile he could.

"So what do you want this time?"

The man asked as he stood up and stretched his body after throwing the magazine on the counter.

"I want you to hook her up with these"

I said as I placed down my backpack on the counter and opened It up revealing my battle brother's dried blood-covered cybernetic Implants and biomechanical organs In glass tanks.

The man behind the counter squinted at the array of cybernetic implants and biomechanical organs laid out before him.

His mechanical eye whirred as he examined the intricate machinery and strange looking organs with intense focus, his brows furrowed as he gingerly picked up one of the implants, turning it over in his hands.

"I had never seen such advanced ones they're clearly pre or war where did you get them?"

The man's voice quivered slightly, betraying a mix of shock and curiosity.

"I have my ways"

I muttered not disclosing the source just yet.

He continued inspecting the implants, his gaze shifting to the biomechanical organs, his fingers trembled slightly as he reached for them, his expression contorting in awe and trepidation.

"These... These are death knight's organs,"

He stammered, his voice barely audible as his mechanical eye determined that the containers contained the legendary cosmic marine's biomechanical organs.

"You... you extracted them from a death knight didn't you?"

The man asked with a red as-tomato face as he trembled like a leaf looking at me as if I was a defenseless girl he was going to jump onto and ravage on the spot.

"Yeah and by the way I don't swing that way,"

I said while furrowing my brows.

"Cough* Cough* sorry I got too excited but anyways are you really planning to use these for her?"

The man asked as he gestured at Hope.

"Yeah is there a problem?"

I asked while squinting my eyes.

"I'll be honest these Implants are too advanced I'm not confident enough plus as far as I know the UNOE cosmic marine core was entirely made up of males so even If I could detoxify these organs I am not sure how a female body would react to them"

The man sighed as he rubbed his face.

"Don't worry I'll help you as for the organs It's no problem"

I said as I opened one of the containers and after taking out vials containing my black blood poured them Into each hight tech container only for nothing to happen.

"Cough*Cough* should something be happening?''

The doc asked after coughing embarrassingly, just as I was about to answer Hope grabbed my muscular tattooed and scarred forearm and gave It a squeeze.

"Hey Drac, I'm not gonna become a gorilla like you right, or even worse become a mutated abomination?''

Hope asked with an almost pleading voice not the least bit Interested In becoming a mass of muscles.

"Don't worry you won't, the reason why there weren't any female cosmic marines was not that It couldn't have been done but because cosmic marine males just overperformed female cosmic marines In almost every aspect so it was deemed not cost effective to Include females Into the CMC''

I explained causing the Doc who was listening on the side Intently to crazily start rustling his electrified hair.

''I see, so that's how It is!...''

The Doc continued to mumble to himself while Hope crossed her hands and started pouting which was cute as f*ck.

"So what you are saying Is that women are s*it compared to you men?''

Hope said not hiding her annoyance one bit, hearing this I couldn't help but pinch the bridge of my nose.

"So do you want to look like me then, if you do then sure you can be equal to me?''

I asked as I did Hope opened her mouth only to close It because she did not have the words to answer my question after all no average woman wanted to look like gorrila on steroids.


In the end, Hope stomped her foot In anger.


I thought in my mind silently only for the crazed Doc to yell out In excitement.

"Eureka! It worked! it worked!''

The good doc yelled as he did I and Hope looked at the glass containers containing my battle brother's organs which no longer had that rotten black look to them but a healthy dark red glow to them as they should have.

It seemed like my gamble on my bloods detoxifying capabilities paid off In the end, following this, my AI connected Itself to the reactivated cybernetic Implants and biomechanical organs In order to override their protocols with my authorization credentials and prepared them to bind them to their new host aka Hope.

"Youre a f*cking cosmic marine arent you?"

The Doc finally asked after looking between me and the contents on his counter with specks of dried blood.

"I told you that I'm older than you didn't I?"

I said while grinning.

"Okay I will do It"

The Doc declared with his arms practically shaking from the excitement of cutting open Hope's body and putting those baddies Inside her.

"Good, so how much are we talking?"

I asked as I did the doc started calculating the price with the help of his mechanical hands instruments and his biological hands fingers..

"Ten high energy crystals"

The man declared after he was finally done.

"How about I pay with this?"

I asked as I took out a canned meat from my pants right thigh pocket and opened It up allowing the smell of canned meat to assault the man's nose.


The doc blinked his eyes as he felt his mouth salivate as he looked at the tender can of meat which showed no signs of having toxins or radiation poisoning.

"Try it"

I offered as I did the man pulled out a pair of chopsticks from under his counter and dug In.

"So... so good..."

The man whispered with a full mouth with tears practically trailing down his cheeks as he rapidly wolfed down the contents of the can.

"Ten cans!"

The man declared once he swallowed the last bite.

So he thinks that one can Is worth one high-energy crystal huh?

I thought as my lips curved Into a grin.


I said as I did the doc grabbed the Implants and organs that he was going to use and transported them Into the back of his shop.

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