Chapter 10: Chat and revelation.
Autor note 1
Hi guys its been a while, sorry i was busy with my life.
This chapter is bigger and with this we are entering the ranks so i will really really appreciate is you give this fanfic some powerstones.
And please let a review to the story!!
but go easy on me okay? its my first fanfic after all.
Please read autor note 2 down there.
-Samuel's POV-
I wake up with a jolt, like I'm used to now. The first thing I do in the morning is check the assimilation process.
--Escanor - 100%--
As expected... Let's see Doom Slayer.
--Doom Slayer - 72%--
I see, my body keeps getting stronger and stronger. At some point, I will instantly assimilate exceptional normal humans. Momo was already fast, and she has a quirk, so she is a bit more complex.
Later, I will investigate a bit and become self-sufficient, having infinite gold bars and no restraints due to her limitations. Because of my superior body... I just keep winning.
The strongest in this world, huh... I will be... eventually. Now, I'm sure I'm in the famous top 10 of DxD, hehe.
Funny thing is, nobody knows. Yeah, Sona and the others can gauge something, but they don't see the big picture. They haven't witnessed my full strength, but they can feel it—superficially.
At the top... First place is the Great Red, no doubt. Good thing he's not crazy... Well, scratch that, he kinda is.
Acting like a delinquent and playing tricks in the Dimensional Gap, haha. But he doesn't care about the world, and he's not evil—that's a plus. Cool... we don't need more crazy here.
So basically, a big red dragon with a horn in the middle of his head... Wait... WAIT.
The Great Red is damn similar to Drago from Bakugan!
Both red dragons... both have a horn in the middle of their head... Wait, wait, wait... I'm having a fucking big revelation here.
Drago's rival is a white dragon at the end of the series...
His human "partner," Dan, wears red and has brown hair—very similar to Issei.
Dan has a human rival too... Masquerade, a white-themed-looking dude...
Bakugan is older than High School DxD, so...
Ishibumi, you bastard!!
Well, I guess he's a fan of Bakugan, hehe. We have that in common. I was the proud owner of a Drago too in my childhood.
Back to the Great Red... He is THE Dragon God of Dreams... and his domain as a god is the concept of dreams, huh.
Number 1 in this universe indeed.
Second place is Ophis... The Ouroboros Dragon or the Infinite Dragon God—whatever people prefer to call her.
She has dominion over the concept of "infinity," but that doesn't mean she has infinite power.
I read a bit about it in my past life... She has infinite energy inside her. Basically, if she wants, she can spam magic forever, for example... etc.
But she still needs to gather people and try to kill the Great Red, so her "infinity" wasn't enough, huh.
So having infinite energy doesn't mean infinite power.
As expected, I personally think infinite power or an all-powerful, all-knowing being doesn't exist.
Worst case scenario, Ophis can be beaten.
Wait, she kinda was in canon... Her power was stolen by Samael, and she got nerfed HARD.
That's why I don't agree with her being in second place. She's naive, stupid, and very careless. And that cost her a lot.
But right now, she is second place.
First place and second place—two dragon gods, huh... Basically, these two are the strongest here. People are always careful around them. Well... Great Red more, because Ophis is Ophis.
One with the concept of dreams and the other with a concept of infinity.
That would be cool. If I become a god later thanks to the gacha, will I gain some sort of dominion over a concept? Depends on the god I obtain, for sure.
I have zero knowledge of humans in this universe becoming gods. I don't remember nor have any knowledge of people here gaining divinity or dominion over a concept. People will probably think I achieved natural apotheosis. Pfft.
I have no idea what dominion I would want, but—
There it is again. That sensation... This is the third time already...
I feel like I'm in the middle of a vast darkness, and warm bodies of light are close to me.
It's warm.
Less than a second later, the sensation is gone.
Is this about my dominion, then? My future? My path?
The world, maybe? Or is the gacha trying to tell me something?
I feel like I'm gaining insight into something... It's weird.
But it's not enough... I don't have the answer inside my head...
But my soul knows otherwise.
I will know eventually.
After that, I prepare myself for school.
"Time to have a chat."
-Kuoh Academy - Samuel's POV-
Classes are always boring now. I have no problem, though, because I'm cheating with my high intelligence, work smart, not hard.
But this is crazy. As an American in my past life, I'd rather kill myself than go through a Japanese education.
Jokes aside, I'm glad I can "cheat." Students in Japan have it tough.
To be honest, if I had the choice, I wouldn't have picked the DxD universe to reincarnate into, but this is how things turned out.
I personally would have chosen Ōkami wa Nemuranai (The Wolf Doesn't Sleep). Very good novel—it's basically Danmachi but better. Better magic, multiple and better dungeons, way better drops, and most importantly, WAY better protagonist.
Bell is just another potential man, of course. Worse in every way than Megumi's bum ass, I'd say. He has some god-given talent, but his bitch ass gets kicked every new season. I mentally sigh at this.
One thing Danmachi wins at, though, is... the waifus. One of the reasons it's more popular. I'd say Danmachi is THE dungeon anime. Not deserved, in my opinion, but meh—that's life.
Damn, classes are really boring, huh.
Kiba said he'd guide Issei and me after class to the old building to have a chat with his "King." Let's endure these boring classes.
Finally, classes are over.
I see Kiba talking to his fan club of girls. After a while, he comes over to me.
"Go get the dumbass. I'll wait outside the class, and then we can go," I tell him without wasting time.
"Sure." Kiba nods and heads to Issei's class.
Huh. Some girls are fangirling over our short interaction. Well, it was only a matter of time.
A short while later, Kiba comes back with Issei, and the girls are having a very different reaction toward him than they had with me. Damn, girls are ruthless.
Well, Issei is the academy's famous pervert, so things go as expected.
"Y-you..." Issei says eloquently.
"Me. Hi, Issei." I greet him normally. Time to have my fun on the way to the old building—muahaha.
"E-em, you know me?" Oh yeah, we never properly introduced ourselves.
"You're the infamous pervert around here. Of course, I know you," I add with mirth.
"Handsome bastard!" He points an accusing finger at me—classic good old Issei, haha.
"Samuel Lancaster," I introduce myself, cutting his antics short.
"He's coming too. You both have business to discuss at the Occult Research Club building," Kiba says good-naturedly, trying to cut any awkwardness.
Sorry, Kiba, but I will cause some chaos along the way.
As we start walking, some girls follow us for a bit, but then Kiba does his Ikemen act—waving and smiling them away.
"Look at you, Mr. Prince. Having a harem and living the dream of Issei right here," I tease with a grin, pointing at Issei.
Haha, Kiba's face—PFFF… that wry smile.
"Kiba, you damn bastard! You're the same!" Issei says with tears in his eyes.
"Not interested in any of the girls, Kiba?" Let's probe him a little. Imagine if he said 'I like Tsubaki'—that would be crazy.
Of course, he looks at me while Issei watches him, waiting for his response.
"No, I'm busy with other things in my life. No time to date anyone." He gives me that practiced line with a false smile… worthy of an actor. He must be used to saying that exact line to his fangirls.
"I see."
Of course, Issei starts ranting at Kiba now, haha—he—
"What about you, Lancaster?" Kiba throws the same question back at me. Look at him go—he can pull some jabs too.
"Well, that's an interesting question..." I start.
To be honest, I haven't thought much—almost nothing—about the girls here since this journey began.
I'm a bit older than them mentally, so I'm not really interested in high school girls… especially the ones full of problems at this school.
I can admit the cast of girls is hot...but meh.
Maybe I should aim for the Babe of this universe? Haha, now that's a funny thought.
I once read that every anime has a "World Babe"—basically, the hottest female character. Of course, it depends on fan popularity and other factors.
World Babe from DxD? Yasaka.World Babe from MHA? Mirko.From Bleach? Yoruichi.From Naruto? Tsunade.Akame ga Kill? Esdeath.
Kinda funny that the last one is Esdeath when the anime is literally named after Akame, lol.
I have an unpopular opinion in DxD…Kalawarner—for being such an early secondary character—was hotter than most girls in this world. Shame she was trash. And dead. Let's not forget that.
So, my answer to Kiba…
"Similar to you. I know for certain I have no compatible girl here in this school. Plus, because of our line of work, that's something to take into account... and I have other things to do in my life before settling down with a girl." I decide to give him an honest response.
Both Kiba and Issei stare at me for a while.
"How do you kno—" Kiba starts, but Issei interrupts.
"LANCASTER! You should aim for a harem like me!!" The dumbass says with passion, raising his fist in the air.
I roll my eyes and ignore him for the rest of the walk.
Of course... classic Issei.
Sorry, bro. I'm a proud member of the No Harem Sect.
Harems are too troublesome.
- Occult Research Club - Samuel's POV -
We enter the building, and I hear the shower running in the background.
My gaze shifts to the loli-sized girl sitting on the couch, eating some candy.
Koneko Toujou.
More surprising, though, is that she's not alone.
Sitting near her are Sona and Tsubaki.
Huh. Guess both Kings want to jump me in this "conversation" we're about to have. Hehe.
First butterfly effect, huh? Looks like Rias knows a thing or two because of my chat with Sona.
Sona and Tsubaki approach the three of us.
"Lancaster." Sona greets me coldly—her usual demeanor.
"Sitri. Tsubaki." I nod slightly, deciding to use her real surname for this particular meeting. This earns a confused look from Issei.
After that, they exchange greetings with Kiba and Issei.
"This is Koneko Toujou. She's a member too," Kiba introduces her.
Koneko simply nods at us.
I return the nod.
And then...
Issei immediately starts his perverted antics about the shower.
"Disgusting pervert," Koneko mutters, shutting him up instantly.
"Damn, 30 seconds in and she's already figured you out perfectly." I decide to combo Issei.
Funny enough, Tsubaki turns around slightly—trying to hide her face. Is she holding in a laugh? Haha.
Kiba's eye twitches, his practiced smile slightly cracking. Wait... him too?
Sona, as expected, remains unfathomable.
"LANCASTER!" The brown-haired idiot starts but is abruptly cut off.
"Ara ara~~ ufufu~" a feminine voice coos.
Oh no. Here she comes. Daddy Issues Girl.
"I'm Himejima Akeno, Club Vice President. Nice to meet you two." She bows at a perfect 45-degree angle.
"Samuel Lancaster." I reply, leaving it at that.
"I-Issei Hyoudou. L-Likewise!" Issei stammers, face red as he stares at Akeno jiggling physics.
"You must be the new member," Akeno says to Issei with a smile.
He only nods like a good little puppy… man… the power of women, huh?
Then her gaze shifts to me.
"And Lancaster? You've been quite the talk these past few days. Ufufu~"
"I bet." I glance at Sona with a mischievous smirk. In response, I get a deep frown from her.
"Ara~ I didn't know you two were friends," Akeno teases.
Did I just get 'ara ara'ed'?
"We're not." I dismiss with a wave of my hand.
Let's be a little shameless and test a few things.
"So, where can we sit? And I'm pretty sure Issei wants some tea." I throw him under the bus again.
Time to taste the legendary tea of Akeno. Let's see if it's really that good.
"I never said that!" Issei tries to defend himself.
"He's just too ashamed to admit it," I add.
Before Issei can argue back, Rias finally enters the room.
Took you long enough, potential woman.
"Sorry for the wait," she says with a smile, drying her hair with a towel.
"Let's sit and have a talk." She gestures toward the couches.
I take the empty one right in the middle. Kiba sits to my right while I see Akeno preparing some tea. Yay, it's happening.
Issei sits next to Koneko.
Meanwhile, Sona and Tsubaki stand beside Rias.
After a moment, Akeno brings over the kettle and some cups. She serves me the first cup, then Issei.
Let's see~, let's see~
"Thanks," I say, and without missing a beat, I take a sip.
Damn good, as expected.
I am British in this life, so I know a thing or two about tea… and this is the best I've ever had. In both lives.
"This tea is absurdly good. How did you make it?" I ask Akeno.
"Ufufu~~ that's a secret," she says, winking and waving a finger at me.
Bah! Relentless woman.
I place my cup down. Time to take the reins of this conversation.
"Samuel Lancaster, nice to meet you." Rias start saying.
"I'm Rias Gremory," she continues.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Before we start… talk to Issei about his new situation first. After that, we can talk. That way, everyone's on the same page."
She frowns a little. Haha, sorry, girl, but this is for the best.
"Relax, I'll shed some light on Issei's situation as a token of goodwill. I did the same for Sona, right?" I glance at Sona with a playful smile.
I see a very faint vein pop on her forehead. Okay, okay, I'll give her a break. Hehe.
"I see," Rias sighs.
That was too easy. Maybe she's not as much of a dumbass as I thought.
She starts explaining to Issei—about his death at the hands of a fallen angel, that they're devils, a bit of backstory on the supernatural.
Of course, Issei doesn't believe a word of it.
I watch him closely while I enjoy my peak-tier tea.
Then Yuuma's name gets thrown out there from Rias mouth.
Uh oh.
"So that was the chick that killed you? The one you showed me that day, huh?" I ask.
Issei looks shaken. Time to see if I can help him push past this trauma.
"Still remember the advice I gave you that day?"
His eyes widen. Kiba's too.
The rest of the room falls silent, watching us.
"I-I-I remember, Lancaster," he stammers, clearly remembering that day.
"I know you're going through a rough time, Issei… I have an unorthodox solution, but it might help you." I place my empty cup on the table. Damn, that was good tea.
He looks up at me, eyes teary. Damn, Raynare really did a number on him.
"Kill her." I say coldly.
I genuinely believe this will help him move past his trauma faster—and even mature from it.
"W-what?" He stares at me, wide-eyed.
The room falls dead silent. No one dares to interrupt.
"You heard me. She did something horrible to you, and who knows how many others she's done the same to? Ending her wicked life would be an act of justice… and it'll help you overcome whatever trauma she left behind." I explain calmly, not sugarcoating anything. Even openly calling out his trauma—so he knows and acknowledges it.
The first step is to know that you have a problem.
For a while, Issei stares at the floor, a dark frown on his face.
And then…
"I-I don't know," he finally mutters, still looking down.
I see. So this is his response. As expected.
I turn to Rias.
"Please explain the rest to him. After that, as a token of goodwill to all of you, I'll reveal his Sacred Gear." I say it casually, with a smile.
"WHAT!?" ×5
Now that was a good reaction. 9/10.
"Lancaster, are you serious?" Sona asks.
"Dead serious."
"You can tell exactly what Sacred Gear he has? How?"
Ah, now we're getting to the real reason she came here.
"Magician." I say, pointing at myself with amusement.
She scoffs—loudly. Kinda tired of that response, huh? Hehe.
Girl, calm down with the popping veins, you'll get an aneurysm.
Rias starts explaining Sacred Gears to Issei. I patiently wait until she finishes.
"Issei, raise your hand, focus on the strongest image in your mind, and try to manifest your Sacred Gear," I instruct.
"Like this?" Issei raises his hand, closing his eyes.
"Focus…focus…" he says in a low voice.
But of course, he keeps peeking at Rias's black panties.
These two dumbasses—one's a down-bad pervert, and the other's an exhibitionist.
"Gremory, I think it'd be better if you closed your legs and stopped flashing Issei—and everyone else in the room."
A deep silence fills the room.
"N-No! I-It's not like that! I didn't realize—!" Rias's face matches her hair.
"Pervert." Koneko cooks her own King.
"Indeed." Combo attack.
"Ara ara~~ ufufu~" Akeno giggles.
Sona just facepalm at Rias.
Look at Rias's face—HAHA!
"Alright, enough of that. Issei, now try for real. No more distractions, no more panties to see. Stop wasting time."
"R-Right!" He nods and tries again.
Two minutes later—his Sacred Gear manifests.
"A Twice Critical?" Tsubaki questions.
"Not quite," I say, leaning closer. Time to sell the lie.
"Oh~ Gremory, did he take your eight pawn pieces?" I feign curiosity.
Everyone leans in. Especially Sona. She's not letting this go, huh?
"Well, congratulations—he has the Boosted Gear. The only reason it looks like a Twice Critical is because he's still inexperienced." I say it lightly.
And three… two… one…
"WHAT!?" ×5
Pfft—I will NEVER get tired of those faces.
"Lancaster, are you for real?" Sona asks, regaining composure and adjusting her glasses.
"Very sure." I can feel the faint draconic aura of Ddraig.
"He did take eight pawn pieces, after all," I add.
"Then… is this a good thing?" Issei finally speaks up.
"Indeed. It's one of the strongest Sacred Gears. You got lucky, Issei." Gotta throw him a bone after everything he went through.
I notice Rias's smile brighten, while Sona watches her rival with a frown.
I stand up. "Now, I need to go."
"Gremory, I assume you'll talk to him about training, the Boosted Gear, and—most importantly—the White Dragon Emperor?" I give her a friendly remainder.
Everyone's eyebrows rise. Oh, right. That.
"We don't want Issei getting caught with his pants down, don't we?" I grin at him.
Issei just looks confused. Rias better explain that later.
"Well, guys, it was nice meeting you all. Good talk. Thanks for the tea." I nod and head to the door.
"W-Wait, Lancaster! Are you interested in joining my peerage?" Greedy much? Well she is a devil after all.
"Not one bit." I emphasize the not, smiling as I walk away before she can push further.
Walking through the streets, I glance at the notification.
—Doom Slayer Assimilation: 100%—
I smirk. Everything is going according to plan.
Author notes 2.
Well guys i have fun writing this chapter.
I really recommend The wolf don't sleep, watch the manga and if you like it read the novel.
As a new author im still learning but as a reader i see a lot here in webnovel along the years so i know a thing or two of what NOT TO DO in my fanfic.
The horrible cliches that piss of everyone and other bad tropes. You can relax on that i will say is my strong point.