Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One Hundred and Two: The King is the last one Standing P3. – First Volume Conclusion!

Drake Wallen]

[Race: Human] [F Rank]

[Profession: Miner P2(7%) [F Rank], Empty]

Tutorial Alias [Shot]

[Elemental Miller] [Unique] Level 18

[Vitality] 294 (15%)

[Strength] 330 (20 +10%)

[Dexterity] 250 (40 + 20%) +(40)

[Intelligence] 606 (15+15%)

[Wisdom] 286 (15%)

[Endurance] 200 (20 + 15%)

[Free Points] 80

[Skills Branches]


Primary: Elementalist P2(47%) [F Rank] 0/5

Magic Sight P2(58%) [F Rank]

Heretical Mind P2(63%) [F Rank]

Multiplicative P2(98%) [F Rank]

Elemental Endowment P2 (36%) [F Rank]

Elemental Conflux P2 (25%) [F Rank]


Secondary: Shield Miller P1(96%) [F Rank] 0/5

Warrior’s Stamina P2(47%) [F Rank]

Guardian’s Reprieve P1(94%) [F Rank]

Aura of Command P1(5%) [F Rank]

Martial Strike P2(21%) [F Rank]



Primary Sub-tree: Internal Mastery [F Rank] 0/5

Of the Apex P2(15%) [F Rank]

Weak Point P2(13%) [F Rank]

Tempered in Flames P2(35%) [F Rank]

Tyrannical Aura P2(24%) [F Rank]

Tyrant’s Indomibility P1(23%) [F Rank]


Second Primary Sub-tree: Soul Mastery [F Rank]0/5

Mana Manipulation P2(79%) [F Rank]

Atrophy of the Mind P1(45%) [F Rank]

Cower P1(30%) [F Rank]

Sound Body and Mind P2(55%) [F Rank]

Purity of Soul P2(13%) [F Rank]


Secondary Primary Sub-tree: Weapon Mastery [F Rank]0/5

Hoarder P2 (27%) [F Rank]

Fully Loaded P1(10%) [F Rank]

Weapon of Choice P2(24%) [F Rank]

Adrenaline Acuity P2(33%) [F Rank]

Magic Exposure P1(46%) [ F Rank]

Second Secondary Sub-tree: Empty


First Blood, Two versus One, One vs Many, Monkey Slayer, Living on the Edge, Close Call, Dead Man Walking, Dual Class, Punching Up, Improbability, Rounded, Dog Hater, One Man Army, Dog Killer. Battle of Attrition, First of Your Kind, Goblin Hater, Goblin Slayer, Murderer, Serial Killer

Drake raced through the packs of Goblin footmen, his earthen arm sharpened to a blade as he passed monster after monster maiming them to cripples as he went. His goal was to keep a slow pack of them around him, blocking the view of himself to the Goblin King as well as hoping they would not attack their allies.

During the time he passed through the ranks, he never stopped but took glances at his status. Happy with his growth but also irked by the fact that Proficiency 2 to Proficiency 3 was such a steep wall for many of the skills. Some of the skills even still remaining on Proficiency 1 went to show how much Drake had actually neglected some of his skills during the recent fights.

Thankfully some of his most used skills were close to reaching their peak for this rank giving him renewed hope for the fight.


[You are now Weakened]


Drake’s Adrenaline Acuity had finally run out of juice, leaving him 10% weaker for five minutes, forcing a curse from his lips.

Damn it, just right at the worst time. It feels like the old days with this, living on a knife's edge. One blow might mean certain death. Drake laughed internally, as he danced his way through the Goblin soldiers, dodging sword swings, magic spells, curses, and arrows, his regeneration slowly doing its job of replenishing his stores.

Drake began placing some of his free points into his status, knowing exactly what he needed to attempt his next spell when the time came, hoping the amount he had now would be enough.

Dodging and weaving, only nicks and scrapes clanging against his Guardian Skill’s Barrier, sparsely enough not even enough to break it. And with every passing moment, Drake became more adept at dodging.

“This is the best practice I’ve had in days! Maybe I should have done this earlier?” he joked aloud, placing his points into his Vitality and Endurance, needing both of the pools of resources to be as large as possible.

He ended with 300 Vitality, reaching another sizable number with his Endurance at 274. His stats and skills weren’t ideal for what he wanted to attempt but it would have to do. If he didn’t at least try, he wasn’t sure he could kill the healer and tank off with enough to spare for the Goblin King.

Still using the Goblin army as a way to recover, Drake continued to bide his time, allowing his status to recover steadily, his new Vitality and Endurance doing wonders for his body.

Then another horn sounded, and Drake’s head snapped to attention in the direction of it. Through the trees that lined the forest, Drake saw between them.

More Goblins.


[Tuz’ Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank]

[Ekruv’ Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank]

[Tsud’ Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank]

[Mohrah Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank]


Drake looked through the small gaps in the tree line and was able to identify four Knights, with more peering through the spaces by the second. Endless armies were behind them as they marched through the forest.

But Drake didn’t panic. In fact, this was exactly what he wanted and needed.

“Good. More Experience decided to show up!” he yelled, almost laughing.

Drake you certainly are becoming a battle maniac…” Natto sighed, a tinge of worry in her voice.

It will be alright Natto. I’m doing what I must to get out of here alive. I need to have you meet my mother, remember? You need a lesson in manners! Drake chuckled, his hand deflecting a downward strike from a footsoldier.

I take it all back. I hope the King does kill you! Maybe I will find a better Owner in my next life!” she humphed.

Drake gave a gleeful smile as he enjoyed the momentary back and forth with her. Letting him breathe in a bit of the comfort of normalcy he hoped to survive to enjoy once more. His family, his friends, his now comrades. To see them again, to speak to them, to eat meals and joke with them.

That is what he was fighting for at this moment, that is what he was going to risk it all for.

His status was still barely at half but that was all he needed for now to take on the Goblins outside of the Royal Knights and the King.

Drake began turning up the destruction. No more simply injuring the monsters. It was time to farm some experience.

He started grabbing and skewering Goblins left and right. Tossing some into others, extending his earthen arm to pierce and cut through several monsters at a time.Bit by bit stacking up his experience gain.

But the easy part was soon over, as the horn sounded from the same direction once again, massive blobs of the Goblins flooding the battlefield all vying to kill Drake first.

Drake laughed as he saw the bloodthirsty red-shot eyes of the Goblins.

“Now that more have arrived it’s time to turn up the pace!” Drake laughed, pulling his tattoo ring back into his inventory, Morning Glory replacing it.

Drake canceled his Endowment temporarily using just his basic spells in quick succession dodging and shelling out spell after spell to stack his buffs from Morning Glory, laughing with each kill.

Once his Water Buff stacked on his 20th kill he moved his staff back into his inventory, summoning his Tattoo Ring in front of him once again, quickly reforming his earthen arm and snapping his fingers for his Water Endowment to come back into effect.

The added buffs along with his recovery from his endowment allowed him to slowly eke out a sliver more of regeneration to speed up his recovery. The others helped with his defense and attack and most of all, slowly stacking to his 100th kill to allow him to use the spell he had been preparing for.

Every second ticked by, each one containing a longer and longer extended fight for Drake as he was forced to dodge, turn, block, and deflect incoming swords, spears, spells, curses, claws, and arrows.

But in his turmoil he also found solace. He was fighting to survive to make it to the end, but the process. Oh the process, his body was reveling in it.

Drake’s new skill “Tyrant’s Indomitability’ had helped him find clarity, helped him wipe the slate of his mental anguish clean. But now, something else was taking its place, slowly eroding it as he bathed in the experience of one fight to the next.

His smile grew, and his daringness and confidence bloomed to heights he didn’t think possible with every passing kill, every inch of ground he gained.

Drake continued to weave his spells for their buffs, then switched out for a deft melee, inching his status and experience forward.


[You have subjugated Goblin Knight: Ekruv’ Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank] [Experience Gained, 400,000 TP Earned]

[You have subjugated Goblin Knight: Tsud’ Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank] [Experience Gained, 400,000 TP Earned]

[You have subjugated Goblin Knight: Mohrah Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank] [Experience Gained, 400,000 TP Earned]


Then what he had hoped for happened, his eyes met with the Goblin King’s as the notification sounded in his head.


[You have increased Multiplicative to Proficiency 3]


[You have reached maximum Proficiency with skill: Multiplicative]


[Gained Title: Well on Your Way]


[100th Air Spell Kill Stacked. Next Spell cost reduced by 80%]


Drake’s eyes turned to his status as he saw his Weakened debuff begin to blink indicating it was falling off as well. What forced him to click his tongue however was that his status was not full, more specifically his Mana was still sitting only at 60%.

Pulling a blue vial from his inventory he heard Natto.

Drake no! You have done enough you can just leave! There is no point in poisoning yourself!” Natto shouted.

“Run? There’s no running Natto. Not anymore. There’s only forward and upward, from now on there are only going to be worse and worse monsters and stronger enemies! You said so yourself!” Drake said, dancing around the few remaining Knights in the field, the blue vial in his left hand, “And I made a promise to make this fucker suffer! And you know me, I’m a man of my word! At least when it suits me!”

Before Drake popped the top of the vial and downed it as he chanted his last defensive spells in anticipation, “I am the wall on which my enemies bellow! Unbreakable! I am the shield, I am the rampart! Bulwark!” their familiar green glow cascading over him.

Instantly Drake felt stiff, the mana forcing him to seize up, but he forced the Mana within him to circulate it, using every fiber of his being to control and move it as best he could offsiding it slightly, but that didn’t keep it from tearing at his insides all the same. It only kept the process going at a snail's pace.

But it was enough.

Drake flexed his aura to the limit, letting go of the restraints he put on it, forcing the monsters in his surroundings to freeze momentarily. Enough for him to cast his spell.

Throwing his hand in an arc in front of him, all 7 of the elements that he could cast manifested thanks to his increase in spell capacity.

Heretical Endowment of the Elementalist! Septenarius!” he casted, each spell winking out of existence as Drake shuddered from the infusion of the spell.

His hair and tattoo, shimmered in the colors of each element as if each one was fighting for control and dominance. But Drake fought back, fighting for control.

And he won.

His body glowed in a golden hue, as his hair and tattoo cascaded in each of the element’s colors in tandem. But Drake was not unscathed, blood dripping from every one of his orifices, the spell slowly depleting his stores of health, mana, and stamina.

But Drake only needed the spell to last long enough to kill the King. And he had no plans of wasting any time.

He shot forward like a tsunami, blowing and pushing away anything and everything in his wake as he roared forward to the King.

The Shield Goblin barely had enough time to jump in front of Drake to stop him from beheading the King, Drake’s Earthen arm turned to a sharp obsidian jet-black blade. The two clashed for only a moment before Drake threw a punch with his left arm, it glowing a deep red.

Drake’s fist impacted the shield shattering it and throwing the Goblin backward as it slammed into the King. Leaving the Healer exposed and confused as to what just happened. Its eyes unable to follow what had just ensued.

Drake stepped and moved behind the Healer, his right arm disintegrating and reforming in ice instantaneously. He quickly plunged the hand through the Goblin's Chest, the ice turning a tinge of green.

“The most annoying one down,” Drake said coldly, the ice spreading from the wound as it encased the creature.


[You have subjugated Royal Goblin Knight: Indu Ru Vixrik Level 26] [Experience Earned, 500,000 TP Earned]


Drake turned to see the Goblin King and his last Knight stumble to get up, both shaking their heads trying to remove the disorientation from being sent flying backward. In disbelief they laid eyes on Drake, seeing that he had killed their Healer, their faces contorting into unadulterated fear.

“H-huumane vermiiinnn” Goblin King Moth hissed, his finger wagging in anger as he pointed.

Drake stepped again, closing the distance in an instant, appearing before the King, and gripping his finger.

“The only vermin here is you,” Drake spat, breaking the finger with a loud snap and howl from the King.

“I’m disappointed. Your Knights are stronger than you, your army doing all of the heavy lifting and you put on this invasion, causing all this suffering. And for what?!” Drake roared his mana and aura flexing, almost contorting the air around him.

The Goblin King Moth, looked defiantly at Drake, “F-forsssed by syssstem. No choissse, but iss o-our way!”

Drake’s face cringed as he heard the hissing sound from the monster's mouth.

He turned to look at the last Knight, struggling to raise itself to the defense of its King, its bones mostly broken from Drake’s earlier strike.

“Yeah well,” Drake scoffed, his right arm melting and turning to Magma that then dripped over the Knight as it began to scream in pain and anguish, “Your way sucks pretty hard donkey dick.”


[You have subjugated Royal Goblin Knight: Evyr Ru Vixrik Level 26] [Experience Earned, 500,000 TP Earned]


[Subjugation Quest Complete, Subjugate 5 of 5 Royal Goblin Kights]

[Accept Rewards?]



Drake swiped the notification away mentally for the moment, having other pressing matters.

Over his shoulder, he could hear the stomping of footsteps from the last remaining forces of the Goblin Army. Once he turned back to see the Goblin King’s face he was disgusted.

The monster still had hope in its eyes as it saw his forces rally.

Drake summoned two large magic circles, one of red and one of light green, Wind and Fire.

He placed both next to each other as he poured mana into them, his palms facing outward to the incoming force.


With Drake’s spell, a tremendous boom exploded, cracking the ground around him and rushing forward with white flames propelled by the wind behind and twisted with it, spinning and snapping in a torrential blast of fire.

The Goblin army was singed to a crisp. Only charred remains now stood in the place of the previous army.

The King’s face quickly turned to one of horror once more, as his last hope was wiped off the face of the tutorial.

It looked up at Drake in fear.

“Noghhhtt Hummanee! M-monsssster!!!” it screeched, skittering backward on his hands and feet.

Drake sighed, the blood from his mouth, eyes, and ears dripping past his mask as small droplets began pooling on his chin.

“Only when I need to be, and it seems to be more often than naught now....”

Looking at the pitiful Goblin King Moth trying to scamper away as fast as he could, lit a fire in Drake's heart. He had expected more, he had expected the Monster that caused all of this to be strong, to put up a fight, to not be this.

He screamed at the back of the Monster.

“Don’t run! Don’t run after everything you’ve done! Take responsibility for thousands of your own kin dying, of all the people you enslaved killed and...” in Drake’s head Claire’s face flashed, then Amir, then Hudson, Sherry, Jacqueline, Tom, Harley, and finally Chelsea, “And worse! You fucking cowar-” Drake tried to roar but coughed, his body beginning to give under the stress of the Endowment spell, and the use of another large area of effect spell.

Drake refused to stop now, gritting his teeth he rushed forward, adamant to do what he promised.

With his lunge toward the King, he reached him quickly, gripping his skull and slamming it into the ground, crushing his face. Then Drake switched his Magma arm out, it hardening to deep black earth.

With four quick swipes of his arm, Drake removed all of the King’s limbs, then used a small fire spell to cauterize them. And with that, he silently pulled the Monster by his hair to their final destination.

“Open the Gate! This one bringeth new refugees in need of thy treatment!” Theodore shouted over the outpost Gates.

Within seconds the Gates shot open, revealing Harley and Jacquelin as they rushed forward. Harley threw her arms around Theodore welcoming him back, but he reluctantly put her at an arm's distance and turned his focus to Jacqueline.

“Miss Jacqueline. Miss Chelsea has suffered a severe injury. I implore you to aid her,” Theodore asked.

Without hesitation she rushed to her side, giving a brief nod to the still-crying Megan. Giving Chelsea a once over, then getting to work, her hands glowing in a warm white light, as she chanted her spell.

Theodore waved in the rest of the group.

“Inside the rest of thine fair! We would not wanteth to be ambushed here in the open, twould make more trouble for my Lord!” Theodore directed, “Once Miss Chelsea hast received an ample amount of healing to keep her from death's doors, please look at Miss Julia as well, but inside,” he added, asking more of Jacqueline.

Jacqueline gave a nod but kept her focus on healing.

“What in the bloody hell did this to her?” she asked, her brow beginning to sweat.

Theodore grimaced, “Twas the King’s Guard.”

Both Harley and Jacqueline jerked slightly.

“Then does that mean.. Does that mean that’s where Shot is?!” Claire suddenly said, coming out from the gate, “Is he still fighting them? Is he fighting the King?!”

Theodore’s face darkened slightly.

“Yes, this one suspects so..”

“Then we have to go! Even he can't fight something like that on hi-” she began pleading but soon stopped as she saw someone on the horizon, backlit by the sun.

Without waiting she ran forward, popping a health potion into her hand.

She began to slow as she saw the state of Drake.

In his hands were an abomination, a Goblin with severed limbs and a crushed face.

Drake, a bloody mess, his robes disheveled, his pants torn, his hair caked in blood and sweat. And worse, from every opening on his body blood slowly oozed.

Drake stopped in front of her, throwing the monster at her feet, using his other hand to snap his mask to the side.

“Kill it. It’s the King, the one responsible for everything that happened to you,” he said weakly.

Claire recoiled in disbelief for a moment, her hands shaking and her mouth shivering open and closed.


Drake was silent.

“Shot? Shot!?” Claire said concerned, seeing that he had not responded, her hand going to grip him but was stopped once again when Natto popped out from his head onto his shoulder.

“Do not touch him for now,” Natto said calmly, “He has passed out on his feet. Kill the pitiful beast, then find a healer,” she said not taking her eyes off Drake, his eyes glazed over.

“I-...” Claire stammered once more.

“Kill the monster! Is that not what you have wished for since coming here? Revenge?! Kill it and be done with it!” Natto shouted.

Claire still hesitated but pensively took out her staff, placing the health potion back into her inventory.

Pointing the staff at the monster she chanted her only attack spell left in her tool kit.


A small yellow magic circle formed at the tip of her staff and then shot a small ball of electricity jolting the half-dead corpse of the King.


[You have subjugated The Goblin King: Moth Ru Var’ Level 28] [Experience Earned, 2,500,000 TP Earned]


[Congratulations! You have increased to Storm Caller Level 14] [24 Free Stats have been awarded]

[Congratulations! You have increased to Storm Caller Level 15] [24 Free Stats have been awarded]

[Congratulations! You have increased to Storm Caller Level 16] [24 Free Stats have been awarded]


[Gained Title: Accomplice of the Vanquisher of Kings]

[Gained Title: Aide in the First of Many]


[Tutorial Wide Quest Update]

[The Goblin King Moth Ru Var’ has been slain ending the invasion. Contributions will be calculated and rewards will be bestowed to the participants]


[Calculating Rewards…..]


[Rewards based on Contribution: Experience Earned, 250,000 TP Earned.]


[Receiving Titles based on Performance: Supporter of the Vanquisher, Survivor of Torment, Follower of the Tyrant]


[Calculating Leaderboards….]


[Leaderboards for Contribution]

# 1: Shot: 32,741 Goblins Killed

# 2: Bear: 11,475 Goblins Killed

# 3: Shigure Kenzo: 7,362 Goblins Killed




# 2,136: Claire Osberg: 57 Goblins Killed


Thank you for reading as always, if you wish to help me out please leave a rating or review, as well as follow and fav! Welcome to the end of Volume 1!



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I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to my T1 Patrons :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A., Pratish S., Sam4005, JOHNNYBOY 117

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Sphinxes, Shaunna H., Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Tyler, Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, Regan B., Jonathan G. Jr., George M., Brother Grey, Jakub T., Nim, Talen D., Daniel S., Rd Zg

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S., Richard B., Sye, Coco-Jin, Zu'ul, eroth, Adrian D., Chris M., Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Nathan V. M., Jame I., Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Daniel R., xerxes, Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Tanner, CHoobler, Swampfox, SupremeTempest, Bryan R-B, Josh, Mason G., Christian T, Navarre C H., Connor B., Pratish S., Jacob F. Adam G., TheGreenKraken, SirDeP, deadmo, Happy Pixie, jaycehunter, Jake T., James N., Jhon A., Curtis M., John A., Shadowpulse, Melanie S., Jessy P., Patrick W., skeri123, John A., Arterion, Jordan J., TheAverageNerd, Albert


And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

Mark M., and Mr. Redd.


P.S. If I ever miss you in the shoutouts please just send me a message on patreon.

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