Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One Hundred and One: The King is the last one Standing P2.

Marked,”  Drake muttered, his hand flicking with a snap as he produced a lance and ball of white flames, “On blessed wings! Guardians Reprieve!” Drake finished, taking a languid step, the motion shooting him forward, transversing the distance instantly.

Both the Goblins flinched as they saw Drake appear nearly instantaneously across the field in front of them, his eyes pointed as they flared from blue to yellow to green.

Drake’s left hand flared to life in a hue of brilliant blue as he thrusted it forward towards the Ranger Goblin.

The Goblin tried to move but Drake’s Aura flexed, freezing it momentarily while also destroying at least one of its beneficial magic or skills. This forced the Goblin to place its bow in front of it in an attempt to block the hand but Drake cared not as his hair, tattoos swiftly changed, cascading in a bright crimson red then vibrant orange glow.

Drake’s hand connected with the wood of the bow, a clash of magic sending sparks for a brief moment before Drake’s hand passed through the bow to the widening eyes of surprise of the Goblins. Drake’s hand surged forward and gripped the monster by the throat, slamming it to the ground in a crater of earth.

Instantly Drake’s hair shimmered back to white as he changed Endowments once again, his jet-black earthen hand raised above him a red magic circle forming.

The Robed Goblin shrieked in fear and began muttering something off to Drake’s side, but he ignored it, his sole focus on the monster in his grip like an animal locked onto prey. Nothing else mattered but killing it now.

Oh, Darkness shrouded in light…” Drake began a red burst of flames coming to life in his hand, “Frenzied blaze clad in night,” the flame shimmering to blue as it started to fully form and the mana poured into the spell, “In the name of the crimson demons, let the collapse of thine origin collapse!” 

Drake felt the impact of a spell hit his shoulder mid cast but he didn’t let it or the notifications prevent him from completing his spell.


[Inflicted with Fear of the Forest]

[Skill Tyrants Indomitability has nullified Fear of the Forest]


Drake smiled, his left hand wrenching open the Goblin Ranger’s mouth.

Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands of the kingdom of demise!” Drake roared, the flame brightening into brilliant white, as it flared to the size of a wildfire, “My name is Drake Wallen!” the flame condensed into a small marble as bright and fierce as the sun.

Drake slammed the small spell into the Goblin's mouth, then threw himself backward.

Make sure they know who sent you,” Drake said smiling behind his mask, one large enough to reach his eyes. Snapping his fingers as Morning Glory appeared in front of him, his tattoo ring slipping into his inventory as he gripped the staff pointing it at the Ranger, its eyes in horror as smoke sizzled from its charred mouth that had seared shut.


With the snap of his fingers, Drake’s spell exploded, tearing the Goblin apart limb from limb, piece by piece in a cacophony of thunderous roars and bangs instantly killing the monster.

The spell cost Drake a hefty sum of status but he reaped the rewards with a bonus kill.


[You have subjugated Royal Goblin Knight: Xibric Ru Vixrik Level 26] [Experience Earned, 500,000 TP Earned]

[You have subjugated Royal Goblin Knight: Loryr Ru Vixrik Level 26] [Experience Earned, 500,000 TP Earned]


[Congratulations! You have increased to Elemental Miller Level 18] [40 Free Stats have been awarded]


Hearing the notification but ignoring it for now, Drake landed, then launched himself forward towards the group, to Chelsea’s side where Theodore, Megan, and the others surrounded her.

Drake looked on, his eyes frowning as he saw the mess.

Her arm had been separated from her shoulder like his, and she was coughing and losing blood quickly.

This time having experience with his own injury, he quickly took the severed arm and placed it next to her shoulder, pulling a potion out of his inventory, and uncorking it with his teeth.

“What are you doing?!” Megan screamed, her eyes spilling waterfalls as she gripped and clawed at his robe.

Drake let her do as she pleased, she wasn’t strong enough to hurt or stop him either way.

He quickly poured the potion onto Chelsea’s wound hoping for the best as he kept a honed watch on the surroundings with his aura sense, making sure nothing would interrupt them.

With a quick flex of his will, the firewalls bent, connecting to each other and forming a circle around them.

Looking down he waited impatiently for the result. Chelsea struggled in pain but still fought as she yelped again, the potion mixing with her blood, slowly seeping into the wound.

Her flesh slowly but surely began to mend, allowing him to give a relieved sigh. After several seconds the mending stopped, not fully connecting the arm but enough that it let Drake sear the rest of the flesh, saving her arm and stopping the bleeding.

Even against Megan’s fervent screams, he did so. Then looked at Chelsea, her face pale but now more relaxed after the ordeal.

Drake turned to Theodore.

“Get them to the outpost. After an hour give her another potion and have Jacqueline look at her. And when she wakes up. Tell her I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect her like I promised..”

“My Lord...” Theodore whispered, “This one doth not thinketh-”

Drake held a hand, and stood up, “When mistakes are made, we must take accountability. I put myself in charge, it’s my fault. I won’t hear otherwise. And for that I’m going to make it right,” Drake said, gripping Morning Glory in his hand.

“It’s time I broke this bad boy in!” Drake shouted as he stepped to the edge of the ring of fire, with a wave of the staff in an arch the fire blew outward, killing the waiting Goblins in the closer proximity, charring them at their bisected midsections.

“Make it there safely Theo, I’m counting on you once again,” Drake ordered, taking another step over the black line left in the ground from his fire spell.

The group quickly rallied behind Theodore and the exit made again by Drake, running forward as fast as they could manage.

Drake then twirled his staff in his left hand, slamming it to the ground, his earthen arm disintegrating as he needed full use of all his spells for the best use of his staff.

His hair receded to black as he canceled his endowment, then five magic circles formed around him. Red, blue, brown, green, and finally yellow as their corresponding magic bloomed to life.

Symphony of Elements!” Drake shouted, the spells shooting out to the encircling remains of the army the King had brought.

Drake’s spells began wreaking havoc upon the Goblins' Ranks as he looked directly at the King. Its face went from a sneering confidence to a worried scowl.

Drake’s Fire Magic threw bullets of piercing white flames through Goblins, ramping up his magic damage with every kill, quickly reaching its max of 20%.

To his Water spell lashing out like a whip bisecting the soldiers with ease giving him his flat mana regeneration with each 20th kill.

Next, his earth pillars shot out like barbed lances through the Goblins launching them back into the crowd and piercing through more as they went, giving him his defensive boosts. And then the small air bullets that fired off rapidly in all directions, finding their mark in the foreheads of any Goblin that dared to approach. Drake used it to bide his time, waiting for the 100th kill notification.

In the wings his lightning spell crackled, each time his water spells gave him regeneration he quickly dumped it into the spell, the rumbling slowly becoming more fierce and pronounced as the lightning began to tinge in a sinister violet color.


[100th Air Spell Kill Stacked. Next Spell cost reduced by 80%]


As soon as the notification came in, Drake dropped down to the ground like a sprinter, his staff entering his inventory as his ring appeared in front of him for him to slip on. Drake canceled all of his spells besides the lightning and his water, a small ball of water falling in front of his face, as he bit through it launching himself forward, his hair and tattoo shimmering to blue.

Drake screeched through the air, traversing the distance to the King quickly, his Lightning spell traveling in cadence with him.

He looked the King in its eyes as he closed in, throwing his arm forward to will the spell into action.

The King’s face turned again into a snide smile instead of the fear Drake thought it would.

Moments before he was able to connect his spell the Goblin with the Kite shield appeared before the King, its large metal slab of a shield raised in defense.

But Drake didn’t care, as he summoned a blue bottle of liquid in front of him.

Drake roared as he shouted the spell.

Elmekia Lance!”

He poured all of his mana and status that he could, then crunched the Mana Potion in his mouth, glass and all, pouring even more mana into the spear of lightning.

The spear a vibrant white with shimmers of violet cascading from the crackling lashes of electricity surged forward as Drake willed it straight into the center of the Goblin’s shield.

The clashing of spell against shield roared and thundered with a boom that could be heard for miles as the collision kicked up dust, the battle went back and forth between the throngs of lightning and the shield that was painted in the red color of a skill.

Drake howled and roared as he pushed his will and control of the spell to the limit, pressing his desperate want for the spell to pierce the shield. The Goblin shrieked and screamed in turn against the pressure of the spell.

Going back and forth Drake shouted, his Aura flexing to erase the shield's defensive skill.


The spell began to heat the shield in a red hot vibrant orange and yellow as it melted through the center of it, despite the Goblin screaming in disagreement, its helmet shaking back and forth, fervently trying to deny the situation.

After a long drawn-out second the spell struck gold as it burrowed its way through the Goblin’s armor pushing deep into its chest but somehow not killing it instantly as the notification did not come through.

Drake cursed as he was forced to jump backward, kicking the Shield Goblin into Goblin King Moth, but both Goblins did not survive without injury. The Shield Goblin may not have died but was left mortally wounded. The spell pierced through its shield, armor, and body to strike the side of Goblin King Moth as it singed some of its armor.

Forced back and low on status Drake rapidly cycled through his options. He hoped he had bought enough time for the rest of the group to get away from the Goblin army as he released a ragged breath through his mask.

Looking at the nearly dead Shield Goblin and Goblin King Moth who was nursing his side, made Drake smirk. Drake was so close, just a little more and he could easily finish them he thought.

Unfortunately, fate was not so kind, as the beige-robed Goblin stepped out from behind the King, its hand and staff bathed in a white glow.

You’ve got to be fucking shitting me. Drake thought, his teeth clenching.

The Goblin that had stayed behind and by the King’s side this whole time was a healer.

Drake cursed, admonishing himself for being so naive to think he did not have a pocket healer being a boss.

He had made a grave error, one that might cost him. Looking around desperately for a way to recover he spotted the dredges of the Goblin army and smiled.

He could do it, but only if the King acted exactly how he would hope now that Drake had shown he could hurt if not kill him.

Drake exploded from his position, running as fast as he could.

With one swift motion, he slipped his two Strength rings into his inventory, switching them back to Dexterity for his plan.

Looking over his shoulder seeing the Shield Goblin rise from the ground green flesh showing through the spot in its armor where Drake’s spell had pierced it, the Goblin King recovering just as quickly, left a bad taste in Drake’s mouth.

But he knew now which one would have to die before the others.

Reaching the still disoriented army of Goblin Footmen, Drake’s disgruntled emotions turned to one of anticipation.

Just you wait for what I have in store!


Sorry for the late update, somehow it was scheduled for the 8th...? Not sure how that happened. But here is the chapter and hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading as always.



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