Chapter 321: Rumble in the Capital!
Chapter 321 Rumble in the Capital!
East: Ori Capital
Going off as explosions keep on lighting the capitals buildings up, finally arriving at the destructive destination as Ver and tow eye the scene.
Firing off torpedoes as a man with a large bodybuilder build eyes the new arrived gunman, wielding the torpedo launcher with just his right hand, resting it on his shoulder, grinning with a maniacal smile, the large brute states, I knew me having fun blowing things up would bring some wanted attention! But who'd of thought the man with a big ass bounty on his head would show! Once I take you out Ver, that money is mine!
Putting his hand over his left pistol with his expression eager, Ver says, seems I've got a fan. But hey buddy, why the boom boom all over the capital bud.
Launching with so much evil glee, the buffed-out torpedo wielder states with fun, it's because why not! Big explosions are fun! Now shut up and come at me Mr. Millions!
Confident with his gun out as Ver is stationed to the left side of the war torn field, responding as he zooms at the man, Ver says, people like you don't deserve to wield any type of weapon. So, I'm going to end your life quick, so I can relax.
End of Chapter 321