Chapter 320: Instant Destruction!
Chapter 320 Instant Destruction!
Walking the sidewalks of an overly stimulating capital of Ori, with its buildings tall and oddly shaped like ovals.
Following behind the mystery woman known as Ika, as Ver and his crew walk with leisure footing, tapping the shoulder of his captain's right, Pap states in a whisper to his ear, you positive about willingly putting our faith in this Ika lady in following her Mr. Ver?
Gazing in front of him, answering back with his expression smiled, Ver states in a whisper as well, no I'm not. But hey she volunteered to show us around, so I'm not tripping about it. Besides if she does any funny business, I'll just put a piece of lead in her skull.
Ringing out before Pap can even converse back with Ver as explosions are heard, halted in their advance as they see a wave of scared people running away from the west side of the capital.
Seeing the billow of smoke polluting the blue sky, Wink says, already some shit stirring. I wonder what caused those two explosions.
Smirking slightly as his eyes glint with wanting some action, Ver says as he stares at the dark clouds, or who caused it. Let's go see and find out, because I'm feeling the need for some exercise.
After stating his comment, Ver then darts toward where the instant destruction is.
End of Chapter 320