Delayed Transfer

Chapter 39

Mark continued without stopping except for eating something when he was hungry or answering the call of nature if needed.  The combination of group of monsters were varied.  They were a mixture of spiders, orcs, kobolds and hobgoblins, and of course their elite counter part. 

Even though Mark was trying his best to complete the Sixth Floor as fast as he could, he made sure to strategize properly and never rushed to places or things that looked like an ambush.  He made sure to always summon his golems and made especially sure that his MP was always topped up by casting Floating Sunflower, Bed of Daisies and Dryad’s Circle.  He did receive some damage but it was trivialized by his healing spells. 

Fortunately, his Inventory was currently big enough to store all the green and blue items that he received so he could  Identify them once he was done with the current dungeon dive.  He was hoping that one or more of the items had some skill attached to it that could be used by individuals who wore them.  He needed one so he could Identify and inspect how it would work since non- system holders did not have any MP. 

Mark destroyed all of the enemies that he found on the floor and was able to complete it without any problem.  It took a grueling nine hours to complete the floor.  When he checked the time, it was already six in the evening.  He went to the first floor to put all of the unidentified dungeon items there first and then went to his bedroom to rest.

The next day, Mark did his workout and checked his current weight.  It was one hundred and sixty pounds.  Just ten more pounds and he would have reached his ideal weight.  It only took him more or less a week to shed over one hundred pounds.  Looking at his naked body on the bathroom mirror, he admired his abs and sleek lean muscles.  He also did not have any saggy skin like he saw on YouTube on those people who lost a lot of weight.  Again, more than likely, it was because of his new stats and magic of the System.  He was a handsome man with his dark hair from his mother and blue eyes from his father.  His skin was slightly tan courtesy of his mother’s, and well his father’s heritage as well since his father was half Mexican.  Unfortunately he was still a little short, around five foot seven inches. He was hoping that the added stats would increase his height as well, but still, it was already a blessing that he was able to see his penis now without his stomach blocking it, and to be honest it was mighty fine.  From what he knew, Asian should be on the smaller side but maybe again because of his father, it was not small. 

Mark took a shower and planned to go outside to purchase some clothes that would fit him.  He planned to call Melissa for assistance since the girl loved to shop.  A good thing that he had the foresight to purchase some small size clothes back then due to how fast he was losing the weight.  He would call Melissa though after doing some buy, replicate and sell run so he can add to his fifty grand liquid funds. 

Mark thought that about one hundred to two hundred thousand dollars should be enough for now.  He also thought that he would need to find some other legitimate ways to earn a lot of money for his spending before transmigration, again, so the government would not pursue him.  He thought of capitalizing his healing spell but he would need to plan it carefully and sell it to those truly rich people who were dying.  He thought that he was probably strong enough now for defensive purposes but a little more would not hurt.  Besides, he was able to get this strong within a week, so probably next month, his strength would be through the roof. 

One thing though, Mark did not know how to gauge his strength when applying it on the real world.  He knew the healing spells were effective since he already tested it several times but regarding damage and defense, he was not sure.  He did have an inkling though.  The System Interface indicated that a regular person stats when it comes to Vitality was four or five.  He was not sure about it when it comes to different gender though.  Mark knew that using Identify on regular people would actually solve all of his questions.  It was just  that he was avoiding using his spells on regular people.  He knew that it was inevitable as seen on his use of it on sick people but he wanted to hold off on using the other spells on other people as long as possible.  Mark shrugged and decided to just use Identify to as many people as he can so he can collect the average data.  But from what he saw on the damage his skills dealt, there was a good chance that one spell could kill a person in one hit and he really did not want to use his spells to kill regular people for now. 

Mark knew that being on a moral high ground could be very dangerous for him especially given the fact that his skills, especially the healing ones, would be highly coveted if known.  Mark just shrugged and just thought to himself that he would deal with it once something happen.

Something did happen since when he walked out of the door, he saw a couple of people, a handsome woman and a burly man walked out from a black car coming to his house.  They had this aura of authority that was usually exuded by people from one of those government agencies with abbreviated names.

“Good Morning.  We’re from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  We’re looking to talk to you, Mr. Baker.”  The woman said, while showing her identification card.

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